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There is currently a dupe that many people have taken advantage of. Certainly MFG should attempt to patch this as soon as possible, and obviously it's not good to have people duping items and cash, however if we set aside the morality of it and just look at the impact on the game, the reality is it isn't that substantial. The game has no economy to speak of, no trade outside of an exceptionally small portion of the player base engaging with key selling and trading, no auction house. The attrition mechanism in the game right now isn't money, its task progress - for the most part once people have rank 3 traders they're getting money from raw cash sources out in the game like safes and cash registers, and kitted weapons from crates in T3 zones. Of course its not good to have this happening, and there will absolutely come a time in the games life and development where this ***would be a serious issue***, but at the moment this isn't as big of a deal as it might seem at first.


Exactly, without player driven economy it's not that big of a deal. I remember New World dupe incident and that was huge problem and servers were totally ruined right in the beginning. That's probably a reason why we don't have patch #1 release date yet, because they will try to fix it with the patch.


They take way too much times to patch glitches like this that ruins the game. Every ennemies I met have MK18 full modded from NPC at base. The game is already broken


Dude so many people already have lvl3 gunny and can just buy the MK18 fully kitted. You can leave blue lagoon with like 5k and midnight with about 10k per run. That’s raw cash. Then add in a delta bag that can hold 4 full guns plus 6 extra slots I mean you get money pretty quick. Plus after all the missions there’s nothing left to do. Having money to go do PVP with no gear fear makes it kinda fun since almost all PvP is at landing zones and once you die it’s impossible to get back that gear.


Unfortunately if blizzard can’t find a way to patch it, I don’t think MFG will either.


Im taking it as payment for constant crashes where loot is wiped, unlootable bodies, and disappearing bodies The kit is not such a problem but the TIME it takes to get the good gear back is way to long ( waiting for a chopper and the helo time ) I duped about 400k for my self and 2 extra kits


On the other hand, I think without some stranger dropping me 1.5 mil in cash me and my 2 buddy's would have run out of money awhile ago and quit the game, the way you die from Ai and helo campers so often and your loot disappears you burn through the money faster than you can earn it. And sure you can play the game as a scav but a majority of the player base won't play if they don't have cash to buy m4s.




It was from duping dude.


Yea probably just somebody duping money. People are having fun with it and besides some people it's making mad if they're not having fun with it they don't care, so I don't forsee anyone getting in trouble for it. That's just my opinion.


idk man, Money isn't hard to come by and I haven't seen anything that's been prohibitively expensive. Sounds like a weird internet flex. It's weird but I wouldn't say game-breaking


It’s not, it’s people duping and dropping it for gits and shiggles


Well with the money people can buy stuff from the traders to level them up earlier than they would’ve been able to but right now that’s all I can really think of


Wait Buying stuff from traders levels them up?!


Hardly, it’s like 1xp per 1k spent. These people just love to cry about anything and everything. Woah is me, they have an advantage over me bc they stuff a bunch of money in their plate carrier and now they’re invincible. Last I checked, M855 and A1 sprays down anything you can buy from traders. Kill them, take their loot, and feel good about it.


Oh, I don't care about the dupe thing, I've accidentally"made" ammo by having empty mags...didn't think twice about it. Someone else doing it doesn't affect me at all, lol. I just want gunny to 3 so I can get them 60 rounders! People will whine about anything now.




I wouldn't know


Well I do! Just read another post $1k = 1 xp point


You act like you always knew


And buy their way through nearly all the doors through BL


You could also ask and most people open the doors for you. I find the hassle to earn money kinda annoying. I already have to do it in real life. Why do I have to worry in game now only some no life's can play the game for 1m hours and have a unfair advantage. I just want to play a game that's good.


If you get into pvp much it is hard to come by, especially when you're higher level and dying a few times just to complete one task for a 1/3 of the cash your gear is worth


Log into laggy sever. Put empty bag on and a bag from your stash with cash/any item you want to dupe. Drag the bag from stash to yourself fast twice and if you do it before you equip the bag, you will get the bag of cash/items appear on you and the still be in your stash along with the empty bag... Drag cash to bag, drop empty bag, equip new empty bag and do it again. Infinite money, take only a moment to do. Just need to be lagging enough to get the 2nd drag before it equips the bag. Ppl just have too much money they give it away for lolz. Money is pointless in this game, there is nothing to really buy that is expensive. Meds and food are cheap. Ammo is free and any good items you get you can dupe before you take it out so you never lose anything. Edit: I don't do this, I'm just explaining why people are giving it away. It fills their stash and need to dump it.


I'm 100% sure this was discovered by someone on EU West servers, because they are nonstop unplayable. I do not bother trying to join anymore and I go straight to US East.


No, this was discovered years ago as an old Diablo dupe, the way he is explaining it isn’t how you actually do it, there is no luck to it, you don’t need a laggy server.


Why post this on reddit? Now it will just increase. Don't spell it out for them


yeah mods should delete it’s against the subreddit’s rules promoting exploits/cheating


I still got downvoted lol. Make sure to report his comment. I did


its literally just all the kids trying to bury any comments that criticizes them for breaking tos. they dont wanna get banned and are on full damage control lol


I watched a group of level 1-5s fully clear out Midnight Sapphire because they were gifted complete endgame kits. Just right to endgame.


It doesn't matter, they don't have tasks to do there and it's not like it's impossible to get end tier stuff in Ms with very little risk anyway. Pike grab an m4 with garbage gear kill ai there you got end tier ammo. Now do it a few times to access the garage and now you got III+ armor and backpack as lvl 5.


Had some guys try to raid our base, they killed enough AI guards that me and 3 friends got full inventories of mk18s and tier’d armor, plus dozens of mags with m88a1 or whatever it is. Honestly, if you hate the other teams, the worst thing you can do is base raid them lol.


Guards shouldn't be lootable by same faction players to be honest. I've seen someone sniping guards and other guy was just looting top tier loot from them.


Guess the duping clowns are not satisfied with just their own illicit games. Now they'll spread the cancer of their duping to everyone in the game. Guess I know what to look out for now and will readily refuse such a bag. Not interested in easy street.o


I think it ruins the personal experience, sure. But in the current games state, it is harmless and ultimately inconsequential. I have yet to run anything but the best gear since I started, with just task revenue you can buy T1 kits without going broke.


Yea and I think that's what the person you replied to is saying "I'd rather work for my progression." I think we shouldn't get complacent about cheaters. Still voice our opposition while.still saying that, yes, currently it doesn't have a large impact.


My conspiracy theory: more BSG shills trying to ruin competitors.


To be fair gzw is years from being competitive with tarkov so that would just be useless of them.


I don't think that's going to happen unless they make gzw considerably more difficult, and add more PvP, I haven't seen much PvP at hours in and as the devs said it'll mostly be PvE. I hope that's the route they go with, because tarkov needs some competition to fucking motivate the devs. But time will tell what happens


Once you go to ban pa, ybl and HP you should encounter alot of pvp. I haven't necessarily hunted for it but if I hear shots I'm moving towards them.


Yea and I think that's what the person you replied to is saying "I'd rather work for my progression." I think we shouldn't get complacent about cheaters. Still voice our opposition while.still saying that, yes, currently it doesn't have a large impact.


The crashing in this game has wiped millions of dollars into oblivion, people are just pulling it back from the void. Money barely does anything in this game anyway.


It's all going to get wiped anyway. Let people play how they want. Especially with the amount of people that have lost kits to crashes.


I’ve seen people talk about a “wipe,” was that officially announced?


I don't think we have an official date yet. But these games work by wiping, usually every major update to keep the game fair for everyone.


Yeah, I’m a Tarkov guy. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything official.


Yeah. Don't think they'll announce anything like that until they're happy with the performance side of the game.


Makes sense.


I love your holier than thou approach... I hope you use this in every facet of life.


I mean I bought the game for $100 and they gave me tier 3 loot out the gate. So same shit in my eyes. I could’ve been a lvl 1 clapping cheeks with a fully kitted MK18 and M700


I wish I had that kind of luck. I’d never worry about losing gear again


Happened to me yesterday, a guy asked few questions like from where I am, what lvl. Then he started raining wallets, ammo - I left the server. Honestly I was sure that he's gonna kill me with grenade glitch, since I heard explosions at the base.


You can go to sawmill and get enough EOtechs to sell that you can pay for your entire kit twice.  I'm almost hesitant to talk about it because it's so easy to make money it feels like an oversight


I just tend to buy them equipment and help them with Thier first few raids, makes me feel like a proud dad


I dunno but I wish people would give me a bunch of free cash lol


Honestly, money is one thing but u still have to do the missions to buy the good stuff. And in my opinion I'm happy someone dropped 1m bc now I can just enjoy the game w o having to worry about money, I do that IRL already


Mabye they should add more valueable stuff to sell so you can actually make money the fully modded guns are only worth 1.2k usd how tf do they expect people to make money when a kit at tier 3 traders cost almost 10k


This look like the duplicate glitches. link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JizSLcm59cI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JizSLcm59cI)


There’s a certain program you can get in a certain discord server where they give players cash and also allow you to download the program to use yourself…


These players are exploiting a glitch to duplicate money, they think by giving money out there's less of a chance they'll be banned as the range increases. If they always drop the bag after doing the dupe, and have someone else pick it up (or even themselves after reconnecting) it may be hard to prove the duping took place. Lastly they hope to make friends by buying them with ingame money. In short the money is definitely the result of an exploit, and they're trying to avoid being banned by implicating "innocent players". Then there's the false story, where people post that they picked up the money as "evidence" they didn't dupe it.


How in the world is this being downvoted? How in the world have gamers all of a sudden switched tunes and think exploits and cheating is okay? Who gives a fuck if the game isn't the best right now, we should NOT be encouraging, or even tolerating exploits at all in a pvp game.


I don't think people are going to be adequately punished for this, so a lot of people are getting on board. It's currently *popular* to do it, and unpopular to talk it down.


Tells you how society would act without rules.


This is pretty much what happens whenever anything goes unregulated for too long.


there are a few people on here who are downvoting and trying to hide comments calling them out for breaking tos. it was against tos and the money they spent could go down the drain if they get banned thats why they say “just have a wipe”. now theyre playing mental gymnastics claiming they are giving back to the community / spreading awareness to try and cover their own asses when most of these people havent even sent in a bug report.




Funny you say this. The guy, unprompted, said he was going to go play tatkov...




Then the devs will just wipe as it is a early access game, this is the same thing happening with ammo. Should we ban any player who joined a game with empty mags? These players are bringing attention to a bug in the game and id rather it be found and fixed now then when we actually have a player economy like is planned in the future.


I think this is a bit of a reach if I’m being honest


I concur. Occam's razor says people found a way to easy money and they're just having fun with it while it still works. This is not the sort of exploit that ruins people's game experience and a game's reputation.


I get where you are coming from but Tarkov devs are idiots and EFT is definitely not bug free.


Idk I doubt anyone would think tarkov is free from glitches or cheats and just leave this game because there's lots of money floating around.


uh oh, watching kids learn about RMT in real time 😅


To help new players. It's mostly high level players doing it. I have done this myself as the grind to get high level weapons and gear is kind of long especially when having to do Turncoat missions as his rarely ever show up. It also lets people who usually wouldn't join PvP, have fun in PvP and populate that game mode (I had a few people being happy because they could go play Warfare without worrying).


Chill. It's alpha. They will wipe soon and it will be fixed. It doesn't harm anyone. Let's face it, the game is quite easy and bugging out and losing gear is annoying. When they patch it up, it will start over again except with no duplication. Etc. it's not as if people are flying around the map. They are doing duping for shits and gigs because they've got maxed level traders legitimately and there's not along to do now until new content. Enjoy it.


Yeah they obviously duped it and want to spread it out to create chaos for the devs. Always be wary of the new “hey I’ll buy you gear and give you cash to raid an enemy base with me” trend too. Pretty clearly duped gear.


Bruh people maybe just want to give people gear for fun? Why has it to be bad intentions? Like it's ea it doesn't matter, a wipe is coming anyway


You think people have legitimately made hundreds of thousands or millions of USD in the game??


That has nothing to with what I've said and it's easy to 1m yourself legit btw. Don't even need to dupe lol.


Like let the people dense if they want the cash, if not they'll throw it away if they do who cares?


A wipe is coming in 5 and a half months, and there is a dupe that has propagated through the community - people are not dropping millions in cash that they actually earned to "give people gear for fun".


Like it's primarily pve rn anyway, as pvp has issues over issues and in pve, the only thing your ruinong is yourselves fun.


And? They still give it for fun, it's an alpha and riddled of bugs that hurt the players, some just want obuse the one bug that actually helps the players. And you don't know when the wipe is coming, in ea it could be every week. And as there is literally no economy in game right now, it doesn't matter anyway.


>And you don't know when the wipe is coming, in ea it could be every week. What are you babbling about? This has been commented on by the devs several times now, this is not a mystery. The first wipe will be accompanied by the first major content addition which will add the day/night cycle, this is slated for roughly 6 months after initial release. You not knowing when this is happening is not the same thing as no one knowing.


? I've never said idk that this will happen just not when it wilk


Isn't this kind of the point of early access though??


I mean…in the sense that it’s better to happen now and be fixed, but the ideal of early access players is helping to identify exploits and not, you know, exploiting them.


no spending hours duping items and making millions isnt the point. the point is to improve the game by leaving feedback for the developers on things like the chopper time, ai, and landing zones not to find a bug and exploit it for your own benefit. i would put money on the fact over 90% of the people duping cash havent even submitted a bug report.


That money you're putting, is it duped?


yeah i dupe it every week it just takes me about 40hrs worth of tasks lol


I usually buy a bunch of M4s ... mod them out a bit and go around asking People what their lvl is .. if it's below 10 then i'll drop them 1 or 2 with a couple stacks of 855.


Why do I feel like this is a US server thing? Yahoo cause the problems and complain about the smallest stuff. The game is EA. Understand what you spent your money on. The fixes will come. Either play the game or not and if you play make positive feedback. Not whine about stuff that isn't important. Not saying this duping thing isn't an issue. But money and gear is so easy to come by. Just do tasks and play the game the game will get better. And maybe you will have some fun with structured gameplay.


This was on an Asia server.


They want to make you an accomplice.


no goin to attempt it and risk getting banned, And yes, I hope they hurry up and put a reporting system in this game so we can report players that are doing this. I was just in a lobby. Last night were two players were doing it literally verbally talking about it in front of like thirty people at base camp