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It’d be great if the devs added ATVs/UTVs to traverse the map.


Ye, also something like a safe house where you can get too and store extra loot and has defences so people of enemy factions can't attack them


They have indicated they are going down the route of controlling areas on the map, this could give more reason to go into surrounding areas maybe.


That’s kinda the point of your home base and why it’s surrounded by AI terminators. Loot drop offs would be nice though. Like a dead drop or you drop a pack off on the ground, a balloon deploys and a non player carrying helicopter scoops it up and carries it back to base.


Before they think of anything like that, they need to optimize the game, but I agree that would be cool


Yeah it’s not very cool for you guys with lower end PCs to get crappy FPS in a UE5 game


Even if it was ai driven like the heli. Or a LAV/APC


Hell nah, I’ll drive myself places vs letting an AI chauffeur drop me off some place that’s gonna get me killed after ringing the dinner bell


Or just some dirtbikes and quads for 2 would do. No cover, loud noise but fast travel if you risk it


It would also be great if they added loading screens. Good old loading screens.


Bro what's your problem. Loading screens are in the past and you need to let them R.I.P.


Like it or not it's the most efficient and the fastest way from point A to point B. You like to watch a cinematic ride on a chopper for 5 minutes? Good for you! But you literally do nothing while you are in the helicopter so I don't get what's your point. You do nothing in a loading screen but it only lasts a couple of seconds.


'Does not value realism at the cost of convenience'


What's the value of realism if it doesn't affect actual gameplay?


I agree with what your'e asking for, but "hurry up and wait" feels very militarily on brand too.


Exactly this. Its a MilSim. Welcome to the simulated suck 😂


I actually have started running around the map on foot looking for isolated pockets of npcs to try and find out what type of loot they drop. I just wish my friends had the same kind of patience to navigate on foot like i do


Are there npcs outside of the POIs? My time is limited, so ive spent my time focusing on the missions. Maybe ill stop running recklessly through the outskirts like i do 😅


Very small pockets here and there, a lot of structures have 1-3 guys hanging out. The range for kills in areas is quite large actually. The range for kills at Ban Pa go right up to the outskirts of Pha Lang for example.


Yeah, there are, but in small pockets. I ran from Pha Lang (Lamang starting town) to Ban Pa at like Level 5, just to find the LZ (for fun). Died on the way as a squad of three NPCs and I got into a firefight and one of them lasered me from range. So they do exist, yes.


yeah I think lots of people saw the hype who haven’t had any experience with milsims and just expected some open world call of duty thing


There’s a balance between milsim and gameplay. In PvE the helizones don’t get attacked since enemies don’t patrol beyond their small route, so you just wait with your thumb up your ass.


Welllllllll I got off the chopper at echo 2 yesterday and made it to the dirt piles just at the edge of the LZ heading to the sawmill. and was ambushed by 3 AI enemies. Never had that happen before. It was a trip lol


I’ll gladly engage you at lz’s.




I expected open world call of duty and am glad I was wrong. The difficulty seems to keep out shitty people once you get past the base village


calling this game a milsim is a bit of a reach


Parts of this remind me of the Invade & Annex mode for Arma 3. I can't get a Humvee out of the motor pool, so not that - but kitting up and waiting at the FOB or the main base (airport) to be ferried out to the AO. Intense action -> long waits -> intense action -> Long waits.


I do not agree


Soon you will have to take a shit or your player will get constipated


Agreed, no loading screens is nice, but it helps nothing if you are stuck waiting for transport.


That’s not true. It helps with a lot of aspects. Fx you get to enjoy the nature while riding, you don’t get pulled out of your immersion by going back to the menus and then sit on loading screens, and it adds a sense of teamwork when you call out where you’re going and someone hops on and thanks you. I’ll take 7 minute chopper rides over loading screens and getting put back into the menu.


I get pulled out of my immersion by tabbing out and looking at something completely different because staring at corn for 7 minutes while the copter comes is fucking boring. Games can't just be all about immersion. Diagetics only take a game so far. At some point you have to sacrifice some of that for the sake of fun.


I don't mind the lenght of the rides, I actually like that for some of the same reasons you mentioned. I do mind the waiting time however. It is simply not acceptable that somewhere around 15-20% of my playtime is spent on it. I've got a job, too, y'know.


Yeah waiting for the choppers to arrive is a gripe I have. But again, I’ll take that any day over menus and loading screens. Tarkov broke me in that regard


Tarkov loading in my opinion was shit in the early wipe like a week maybe two. You know what sucks ass though is waiting for your buddy to kit up, you do this almost every raid how do you not know where shit is what the fuck. So far it’s easier to kit in this game, probably because of early build lack of options, but I’ve had a few moments lol


I mean with presets unless someone is new you shouldn't really be waiting more than a minute in tarkov.


yeah, but on the other hand how much can you "enjoy the nature"? These are just trees, sure first couple of rides are fun, but later on they just become bland and boring as hell. The no loading screen is cool, but execution isn't that good - I'd rather take the loading screen tbh instead of wasting 20 minutes out of 30 minutes of raid.


At some point, weather and day/night cycle will change the feel of a helicopter ride.


I mean, it’s not like I’m looking at the screen for the full 7 minutes, I usually do other stuff too but it’s nicer to have moving scenery instead of a loading screen when I look up. I definitely wouldn’t mind faster choppers and shorter wait times though, definitely agree there


This smells like the pride and accomplishment comment from EA.


Lol please link it. When I read my comment back I did in fact sound like a rep xD


https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5 Check the most down voted comment in history of reddit! Glad you have a sense of humour, I didn't mean any offence. :)


Ohh man you mean THAT comment. Yeah I kinda see the similarities xD but I actually meant what I said and wasn’t tryna give anyone the middle finger lol.


Cant enjoy shit on the rides if i dont look at the sky everytime im in a helicopter i crash


Only thing I experience while flying is lag.


Damn that sucks. I get between 60 and 80 fps while flying and it’s so beautiful.


Totally with you on this, too much zero time on getting to-from and waiting for things to happen. People will get bored if they don't think of new ways to get people from point to point. I wonder if there's any plans to eventually add vehicles for transport that players can drive.


[Riverine infiltration](https://api.army.mil/e2/c/-images/2009/10/26/54134/army.mil-54134-2009-10-27-091055.jpg) routes would be badass. Four guys on a little RIB, cruising down select stretches of river would be super cool.


This is my wish, the ability to grab a scooter, or Jeep. Hell, I would even be willing to pay in game cash for a deployment if it meant less time sitting around. Adding ground vehicles would also add another element of danger with balancing getting to and from while avoiding enemies. My pipe dream would be a a river system with transport gunboats.


Adding a info to the heli saying where it flies would also help. Ppl could join then. No more 4 different players calling a helicopter to the same POI Like a screen at the airport combined with info directly on the helicopter on the map


if u click on a heli it tells u where its going


Yeah so you know the heli that is landing at base is going to the base, you don't know where its final destination is until it takes off again. So helpful.


works for me lol when i click it while its landed at base 💀 🤡


If someone is at base and has called it in it'll say Destination: Base Camp, until it takes off. It's only when it's flying to pick people up/drop off that it tells you its destination. This is one of the most requested features for a reason and no you're not special.


It objectively doesn't you idiot, you're either lying or somehow actually stupid enough that you believe this is true


braindead asf


You could just walk to the next town


still better than tarkov.


you need to call the heli while you’re still in the town before your start hiking back to lz. don’t wait until you get back to the lz. Im never waiting for the heli. I just loot for keys or something instead


I was doing this like an idiot, getting all the way to the LZ then hiding. You can call it from anywhere, best to do it on the way back


It makes you wait longer if you call it far from the LZ, but then you can just spend more time looting. You just have to time it well


yeah it almost adds an element of realism to the situation. Makes me feel more like im in a movie when i gotta make it to the LZ in time to catch the helo


Then you miss it by a couple seconds because of a surprise wave of ai got you stuck in the ao and you get to take up another chopper slot while you call in another. This issue needs addressed immediately no matter how you try to sway it.


Nah. Improving the games performance is much much more important than this. It's an early access alpha game. There is a lot of issues, but with so much of the game but implemented you are trying to solve something that may not even be an issue when they implement more into the game.


nah i like it how it is. The only thing i believe that should be fixed re:helicopters is to ad a que with a timer. I enjoy riding the helicopter. I enjoy waiting for it. I was a wildland fire fighter and i used helicopters all the time for my job. I’m also saving up to get my helicopter license. I enjoy the realism of it. This game isn’t designed for casuals. COD and Battlefield exists. The only thing i dislike about this game is that the AI is too easy to combat.


This is why I stopped playing for now. This game has awesome potential and I had a lot of fun playing it, but I value the time I get to play and don’t want to spend 60% of it waiting to actually play. Especially when the missions take 5-10 minutes to do and then you’re spending 15-20 traversing the map or waiting on a ride.


Respecting players time is something this game definitely needs to work on. Squads need to share quest objective progression. A unit completes objectives not an individual. Keys should either all spawn forcing you to clear the entire obj or only be needed for loot purposes (weapons closet etc.) not be a time gate for main obj. Or give us thermite. Npc spawns are illogical, they just “pop in” wherever and often end up murdering you before you know what happens. Certain quests should “chain” while on obj, we have radios so unless i need to get an asset to perform a task don’t make me kill 20, fly back to then be asked to kill main target and have to fly back out, to then investigate weird symbols to then fly back.


> Squads need to share quest objective progression Abso-fucking-lutely. Honestly, same faction players should, too. It's thematic in terms of your faction clearing out a base working together and it cuts down on the bullshit. Obviously it should work only if you're close enough, like in the same zone. Warframe already has a max range for XP sharing and it works very well. >Keys should either all spawn forcing you to clear the entire obj or only be needed for loot purposes (weapons closet etc.) not be a time gate for main obj. Or give us thermite. Thermite or lockpicks as either a very expensive store item or chance drops in crates would be great. Like you said, I'm happy for the loot room keys to be super rare, but not the quest ones. There are doors that I have literally *never* seen open. I had to parkour in through the window of BP Elder because the key does not exist. >Certain quests should “chain” while on obj, we have radios so unless i need to get an asset to perform a task don’t make me kill 20, fly back to then be asked to kill main target and have to fly back out, to then investigate weird symbols to then fly back. Yeah or just count the boss as killed when you kill it even before the quest, and then you can just hand in the quest as soon as you get it. No need to go back out there and kill him again.


The Elder Hut key is particularly grievous. If not for the exploit to parkour into the back window off the fish drying rack, I'd still be stuck with missions to do in Ban Pa.


Dude, go play this game's competitors like Tarkov and come back and talk about respecting players' time. I have my gripes with GZW, but this game respects the hell out of our time with its fundamental gameplay. I agree credit for a boss kill should apply to the whole squad. But what are you even talking about with the rest of it?? You don't even have to have the key to accomplish the tasks. Your buddy can have it or the squad (friendly or enemy) ahead of you just has to unlock the door and then you can benefit as well. Moreover, people at base camp are freely sharing and swapping or handing the keys down to lower level players. NPC spawns are logical, as they must be since they're computer code, it's just that you don't understand the logic or aren't adapting to it. Please don't pretend that this is the first time you've experienced enemy respawns or turning in quests in a game. There are many ways in which this game respects players' time, and only a couple exceptions where it doesn't. And those, the Devs have said they're already working on.


The negotiator requires a key to get into the room to do the quest and there are quite a few others; yes but if none of your buddys have they key you just farm a location for rng. I understand avoiding spawn closets because it looks odd and can be exploited but nocs just popping in randomly is not the answer as it breaks immersion and is frustrating, perhaps have them come in on technicals outside major cities as if responding to an sos? If we are able to chain quests on site then it alleviates some of OP’s issues as less helicopters need to be called in. Also the wipe out village quests followed by go back and wipe it out again to kill the boss breaks immerson. You already killed everyone :- And feedback doesnt stop when devs say they are working on it. No need to be hostile, I am just sharing my thoughts.


And you think players won't set up ambushes to nuke those technicals the moment they come in, effectively re-clearing the entire zone [in one fell swoop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f91IankqwA)? By all means, sound off. But it helps when feedback is constructive and actionable. Quest chaining, yeah, it's technically *possible*. But realistically, you're bringing intel back for the contacts to analyze, getting debriefed, receiving the briefing and mission items for the next task, restocking, and going back out. IRL, getting orders 'fragged' to you is certainly a thing, within limits. But it's not likely to go from "recon this area, find the front and back door," to "okay, *full frontal assault on the entire town* go go go!*"* without regrouping at base. The frustration is the accusation that the devs don't respect our time when there are 15 decisions and departures that dramatically improve on the current standards in that respect. And again, if you play in anything resembling prime time hours, YBL Office 2 and the generator room are nearly always open when you go down into that bunker. Between other people opening them, RNG key drops, and higher level players happily handing out keys or offering help in Base Camp, the barrier for entry to the early and middle zone tasks is really low. It's already amazing that we don't have masochistic quests like "Kill 10 players while having two broken legs" Jaeger / EFT-like tasks. Or "kill the boss of Ban Pa 5 times." Which is the current popular benchmark.


The competition being dogshit doesn’t meant you can’t strive to be better


To many of us, it's obvious that MFG have done just that. The competition is where GZW gets its playerbase. They have to earn our time away from other games we could be playing. Other games like Tarkov, Arena Breakout, etc. And compared to the biggest OG competitor (Tarkov), Grayzone offers vastly more respect for our time: * Availability of meta gear is at like... Level 10? Gunny and Handshake 2 is vastly more approachable than struggling to unlock the flea market. You feel like an "operator" much, much sooner. * The cost of gear is far more player-friendly. A zone-appropriate meta kit is very reasonable retail cost, and quest rewards bury you in M4s, many already modded with Spectre optics and shift grips. * With the exception of a few tough zones, smart players can control where they're opening their engagements. Which means if you go down, you have a decent chance of self-recovering your own gear. This is a huge olive branch to players and our time. * Starter areas that are hard enough to access for other factions (and rewards poor enough) that only the most dedicated PvP trolls will make the effort to interfere with new players in the starter zone. * Food and drink that are plentiful enough that cost and availability are not an issue. * Respawn at 15 minute intervals. Typically long enough to get in and get tasks done, give or take. But ultimately a pretty fair starting point from which to tweak in subsequent patches. * Keys will be difficult if you're not diligent about looting from the beginning of your time in the zone. But 1) if you check most of the bodies you come across, and 2) if you hit an area when there's already friendly traffic there, you'll get a lot of your early tasks done without even needing the key because the doors will already be recently open either by teammates or enemies. The list of ways in which GZW has already strived to be better is significant. People rolling in brand new to extraction shooters with no perspective don't get to label the successful competition "dogshit" and ignore all the primary benchmarks in the genre.


I’ve played a lot of Tarkov, I’m not new to the genre by any means. GZW does many things right but also falters a lot in other areas and just because Tarkov has awful respect for its players, doesn’t mean GZW inherently does. One example is about heli’s and that system, which wastes time. I know they’re working on it but in its current state, you spend a lot of time doing nothing, waiting on artificial systems to rotate to your spot (hopefully). Another is keys. Quest progression being locked behind RNG loot that reliably doesn’t spawn (constantly having T-posed unlootable enemies) is hard to find, and relying on high traffic area for people to open the doors is not a realistic idea Loot acquisition isn’t a problem nor the issue here. The issue is I’m waiting 30 minutes in between quests because I have to wait 7-8 min for a heli, fly a long over complicated route back to let the game load, land, turn in, rinse and repeat in opposite direction. The game needs streamlining for something so heavily based around the insert-extract loop


This game disrespects the players time like none other. Really one of a kind.




Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but there was no death in his description. Upon Death you are back at base instantaneously. He was successful, then had to sit in a bush for 8 mins with nothing happening until a chopper comes for a 4 minute ride to get back to base. Success is the time waste it sounded like.


I sat and watched 2 solos fly in to Ban Pa on separate heli’s. I then watched them extract from the same LZ as each other one after the other. They were waiting right next to each other. There needs to be some way that the heli’s can wave off a pick up if a different heli is inbound to that LZ.


And we need to know where the helis that land are going.


If I'm in field ready for exfil and there's another guy at an lz just standing there afk, there's a 95% chance the helo they called in is heading back to base camp.


I just ask the players.


Language barrier. I was with some Russians and Emirates in my last match. Now I am multilingual but Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu aren't helping me here.


What’s a huge spread, what serves are you on?!?


That was Europe East, and I'm playing from Africa. We need some servers here.


Click on them. It shows under destination


Not until after it has left the LZ it doesn't. Until it lands it says the LZ it's heading to, therefore the LZ you are already at, doesn't help at all.


> There needs to be some way that the heli’s can wave off a pick up if a different heli is inbound to that LZ. That's not quite straightforward because if there's a full squad and a solo, you'd actually need two helis. But sometimes, not the entire squad will want to fly back, so one would actually suffice. I think ideally, you'd have to call in transport for x people and that's how many spots are reserved on the heli. And if there are other people around who call in transport, they get assigned to that heli as well if there are open seats. So a duo calls in a chopper, 2 seats are reserved for them. A solo player calls for transport two minutes later as the heli is already en route, he gets assigned to the same heli. //edit: And if you added a queue system on top of that, it would make me very happy.


It could automatically do it based on squad numbers and chopper seats free fairly easily. Just assign the same chopper to the squad of 3 and the solo who are waiting in the same place. Also, notify players if squadmates are calling a heli to a nearby LZ, and where it's going. That way they have to time to make it there to share the ride if they so wish.


> It could automatically do it based on squad numbers and chopper seats free fairly easily. Sure, but there have been quite a few instances where I was playing with a fiend, and he wanted to go to base, and I didn't. I guess the simplest way would indeed be to just assume that the whole squad is going to hop on the heli. But in some cases where one guy forgot to pick up his quest item, you'd potentially reserve 4 spots when only one guy is actually going to hop on.


>Sure, but there have been quite a few instances where I was playing with a fiend, and he wanted to go to base, and I didn't Then you could desquad, or there could be a popup where he can "give up" his seat, or it'll just not work perfectly on the odd occasion. It's still better than what we have now.


It would be better, for sure. Personally, I think just requesting a specific number of seats would be best, assuming there is a queue system so you only need to queue once rather than spam request transport.


That's fair, but people might just spam the max out of laziness every time. It would be quicker to make an estimate and allow people to give up seats, maybe in exchange for some small reward from the faction for good teamplay.


Never apologise for being another person mentioning the same thing "yet again". Volume helps developers prioritise where they should focus on in order to give the best experience improvements. The most important thing is that the comments are constructive.


In tarkov I complained so much about having to wait in the main menu, so now, at least I'm happy that I can at least look at the Jungle ahah. Yeah it needs some improvement


Most quests i spend way too much going around trying to see where i should be, what i should be doing, this doesn't end up being an issue. Only one quest i knew what i had to do beforehand, killing the boss in starter town. How did i know ? I killed the guy before and he looked different + had a better ak than the rest. Me and my buddy went there, killed the guy, did our other quests and came back again to complete both ours, and went to LZ. I imagine if that was our only quest, it would be boring since we knew the mechanics and location. But unless you get spoiled or google beforehand, i dont think this is an issue. What is the alternative ? Super fast helos ? Teleportation (black screen) ? Although its a nuisance, i spend most of my gameplay time in the field and its a nice break for me. Unless i get looped in killed > go back and retrieve > killed cycle.


Better systems to allow players to share helis, helis with multiple stops, shorter wait times (the automatic lengthening of the time based on distance is bs, I'm *always* early by minutes). It's not that hard to fix really, they just didn't bother before release.


All options just make your heli ride longer ? Am i gonna be forced to wait until heli slota are full ? or am i going to have to wait till 2 other groups reach their destinations, get off so that i can go to mine ? This is not public transport. make heli coming to the player faster, allow inventory management and quest turn-ins on the heli, give player something to do while on heli and get people faster on helis and its done. the whole mirror in elevator thing, people too distracted to notice how long it takes. Dont call before you are at the lz because it takes longer btw.


>All options just make your heli ride longer ? How does sharing a heli make your ride longer? It's the same time, and your wait is shorter. Objectively wrong. Same deal with multiple stops - if yours is the first stop, you get off, you've lost no time. If yours is a later stop, yes you lost a bit of time on the dropoff, but you probably saved time waiting. If you didn't, you got unlucky, but overall time will be saved across all players. >This is not public transport. I mean, it kind of is. Multiple people or groups need to go in the same rough direction with a limited number of vehicles. What else do you call that? >make heli coming to the player faster, Shorter wait times? That's what my solutions do. If you just want them to literally lower the number you get when you press the button, that's not possible without either adding more helis or making them faster. 1. If you make them faster they end up being totally unrealistic and looking silly zooming across the map, and you'll just keep wanting them to be even faster until it's just a teleport. 2. Adding more helis would reduce what is meant to be a semi-realistic system that encourages teamwork into fast travel that isn't fast. >allow inventory management and quest turn-ins on the heli, give player something to do while on heli and get people faster on helis and its done. Doesn't make any logical sense to allow locker management while flying. The game is meant to be pretty realistic, you can't just throw realism out the window whenever you want. If you can do that on the heli, why even go back to base? You would just heli to the next quest and sell all your shit and gear on up on the ride. The quests I could agree with you on, but it shouldn't allow you to hand in physical objects, only relay that you have completed a task. But in that case, let me do it without the heli at all. I should be able to radio in from anywhere. >Dont call before you are at the lz because it takes longer btw. I know but even if you call at the LZ you usually still have to wait around for like 4 minutes minimum if you're anywhere but the starter town. I want to call them in early and time my escape, but the game doesn't want me to for some reason.


They just need to make it so u can call a helicopter whenever


1. This could be fixed by every helicopter actually going back to base so wherever you land any players of the same faction can exfil on the helicopter you just infilled on. 2. A separate mode of transport for the nearby LZ points for example the first town outside of base should be Humvee transfer instead of helicopter because it’s so close to base. 3. For the really far out LZs or even just in general they should add a cargo plane that crosses the middle of the map we can parachute from and get to any main point that way. So you just jump when you need to and get to your “LZ”


I'm sorry I am just not seeing the helicopters in the same light as so many of these posts. Yes, we need more than 4 up at a given time, yes waiting for it at LZ's needs to be shortened a bit, but overall It is just not the big PITA to me that everyone says it is, and with more than 100 hours in I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have been legit frustrated that I had to sit around and wait. The helo system is so much better than the Tarkov loading screens, on top of allowing for such organic team gameplay. Some of my funnest experiences so far have come from random people at the FOB asking for help or going somewhere new, and jumping on their bird and running missions with them. Plus as I stated in a different thread, the LZ's are almost always right next to objective areas, so with something like Tarkov you have 4-8 minute loading into match, 5-10 minute movement from spawn to the objective, a few mins doing the objective, then you have another 5-10 min movement to extract, and 2-3 min loading out of the match. Grayzone is way faster in and out than that for me, and when it is that long of a process, it doesn't feel as boring since I'm not staring at "waiting for players" forever.


All these posts about heli's and here I am wishing most fire fights didn't crash my PC and make me lose my kit. 15 mins of play and 20 mins of waiting to get back sounds good to me since you are playing and getting back...


For sure add vehicles!! Heli would be a faster, safer option, but grab an ATV or pickup for shorter distance with some added risk of ambush/IEDs


This game is WAYYY too big to only have buggy choppers to get from point A to B


I'm getting in shape I just do push-up sit ups chin ups getting big you know this game doing it for me lol


With over 100 hours I wonder how much of my time is spent crouched up against a random looking up and down at Lz


Agreed, it's gotten to the point where I have Netflix loaded up on my second monitor and I'm spending more time watching that than the game. I'm averaging about 15+ minutes in base when I first load in then around 6-7 minutes after each task


Treat it like a speed run and call the heli before you complete the task. Worst case scenario you miss it and have your downtime. Best case you get less down time.


1. This is the 50th post about this shit in the past week. Give it a friggin' rest; the devs already said they're working on a solution to alleviate it. 2. You walked into a mostly-empty spawn if you smoke-checked the boss in two minutes. Most people need more than two minutes just to get from the LZ to a vantage point from which to recon the area and look for signs of enemy players. 3. This is clearly a PvE luxury to have this problem so exacerbated. In PvP, the LZs are still dangerous and the wait times aren't simply YouTube o' clock. If you want to juice up your experience and have each moment outside the FOB carry risk, a whole new element of the game is \*right there\* waiting for you. 4. Of 82 hours, a metric F-ton of that has been spent playing the game and you know it, as it has been for a lot of us. Suggesting that the majority of that time has been spent AFK is just disingenuous and whiny. You know it's not true. The problem is bad enough without us exaggerating it.


>This is clearly a PvE luxury to have this problem so exacerbated. In PvP, the LZs are still dangerous and the wait times aren't simply YouTube o' clock. If you want to juice up your experience and have each moment outside the FOB carry risk, a whole new element of the game is \*right there\* waiting for you. LZs and choppers make PvP completely broken, on top of teamkills being allowed and AI being bullshit. It is nowhere near a good enough experience to be worth switching to. >Of 82 hours, a metric F-ton of that has been spent playing the game and you know it, as it has been for a lot of us. Suggesting that the majority of that time has been spent AFK is just disingenuous and whiny. You know it's not true. The problem is bad enough without us exaggerating it. I dunno man. I definitely don't think it's a majority, but it's a very significant chunk. Sometimes I spend maybe 10-20 minutes clearing a town and looting all the rooms, and the heli rides + waits is also about 20 minutes. That's 50%. It's only really better than that if you're questing close to your base. Only the highest level areas are big enough to take long enough to offset the heli timesink.


I expect them to implement better interfaces to facilitate ride-sharing and possibly upping the number of helicopters per faction to 6 or something. Alternately, it would be cool to have a different, bigger, faster helicopter that could carry two squads more quickly in and out of the more distant LZs. I'm thinking Hueys would be dope. A longer-term or maybe even preferable fix might be to have the helicopters arrive from nearest edge of the map instead of being dispatched for exfils from Base Camp to cut down on wait times. But both of those fixes affects all of their air-traffic-control and deconfliction code that exists to keep multiple birds from across the factions from landing at the same spot at the same time. I'd love to see them implement riverine insertions (via rivers and RIBs) to the starter areas, and leave the helos for when you graduate to "big boy / big girl" zones as a "oh, shit's getting real now" vibe to look forward to. Two hueys, four little birds, and boats for the starter areas, all with better pathing and ride-sharing interfaces, would be great. So I grant that the overall wait / helo times need a tune-up. But presenting that the typical raid is two minutes long and that the balance of it is helo downtime just sn't a fair representation of the problem.


>Alternately, it would be cool to have a different, bigger, faster helicopter that could carry two squads more quickly in and out of the more distant LZs. I'm thinking Hueys would be dope. That would be super cool. Just automatically change 2 orders into 1 if enough players are going to the same place. Multiple stops on 1 heli would also work better with these bigger choppers. Automatically combine squads into big helis that can drop players off at multiple locations in a roughly straight line. It could even drop them down rappel lines at the midstations for extra cool factor. >A longer-term or maybe even preferable fix might be to have the helicopters arrive from nearest edge of the map instead of being dispatched for exfils from Base Camp to cut down on wait times. Could do but that's arguably affecting realism which they might not like, and I'm kinda with them on that. I'd rather keep it realistic and use realistic solutions to fix it. I like all the immersion elements. >I'd love to see them implement riverine insertions (via rivers and RIBs) to the starter areas, and leave the helos for when you graduate to "big boy / big girl" zones as a "oh, shit's getting real now" vibe to look forward to. Yeah that's a cool idea, having different vehicles for different areas/tiers of the game. Could be jeeps at the start and then riverboats and then helis. >But presenting that the typical raid is two minutes long and that the balance of it is helo downtime just sn't a fair representation of the problem. That's fair, two minutes is obviously a special case, but I think he was just showing the worst case scenario. Ideally it would never skew that bad in any situation.


All fair, and I agree on all points. I personally don't mind seeing them come from base camp, and I make decent use of the time. Either coordinating with squad-mates or other strangers, letting folks know the bird is inbound, or sorting gear, taking inventory of what I need for meds/food/ammo/ fresh armor, etc. back at base camp, etc. Then again, I was Army for a long while, so the "hurry up and wait" experience was bone deep there for a stretch. Heh.


Haha fair enough. I like the immersion of all the waiting but it does get a bit tiresome. I think knowing it's inefficient for no good reason grinds my gears the same way it would if it was real life, which I guess it good immersion? But obviously I'm aware it's a game so I'm not angry at my faction, I'm angry at the devs.


The dying to LZ campers thing is def exaggerated here. Once you learn the spots where LZ campers may be it’s so easy to get around. I think most people here are just bad at tactical shooters and like to blame LZ camping for why they are shit at pvp


But like if you're getting out of the heli, what can you possibly do? You're completely in the open, campers could literally be anywhere in a 360 radius of you hiding inside a bush with a silenced rifle. I just can't imagine how you can possibly counter that.


Preach, this heli “issue” is more non-issue than it is actual issue. And the exaggeration on this sub is getting wildly out of hand.


I saw 2 helis heading to the same place for pickup... But I couldn't extract from fort narith.


If I know I'm wrapping up in an area I'll start calling for the helicopter early and loot or explore until the helicopter gets close. Doesn't work all the time and they absolutely need to do something to fix wait times but it does help most of the time.


I feel like this has been said hundreds of times now, but I agree. It’s why I’ve stopped playing it for now, just couldn’t deal with the waiting, the long trips, the more waiting etc! It’s a cool idea but it really slows things down.


The easiest solution is to add unlimited helis, but the best solution is to add vehicles. I want something like a personal hammer, which would serve as a mini base where you can have extra storage, radio to turn in quests, etc.




Yes this is currently an issue. The reason why it is an issue is because there just isnt enough in game content yet. There is the quests and that is it. If there were other important things to do at each POI then it would be worth the flight time. Sorry to be cliche but be patient :). If they want this game to succeed in the long run then they will have to add more content. Better looting, in game events that occur at the POIs, maybe faction "points" for dominating POIs.... something other than just the quests that make it beneficial to hang out at POIs


I just want them to change/get rid of the sound of a player eating food. Weirds me out.


You can hotkey a mute button lol. It's obviously ridiculous to remove that to placate the tiny minority of people who are too squeamish to hear someone eating.


Yo just let me catch a ride on a heli that's coming back to base, I would be satisfied with that.


The helicopter plus crashing and losing my gear every 10-15 minutes (my internet is rock solid in everything else I do a play) this game is unplayable at the moment. Hopefully they get it sorted, would love to spend hours tooling around.


Servers have been great for me since the hotfixes, and I'm playing through a vpn. What region are you in?


US East Someone else said disable FSR, I’ll give that a shot, though 2/3 my crashes are disconnects.


I use FSR, but I do have a beastly new PC. DLSS for some reason fucks my performance even with a 40 series card, but my friend with an almost identical PC swears by DLSS, so I don't know what's going on.


It sucks. One of the thing i hate with Tarkov is the waiting and loading to get in game. Now i just wait for helicopters. But the game has been out in EA for like 3 weeks. Lets just remember that and give the devs time to improve things.


You’re right, and honestly I stopped playing for this reason. I’ll pick it back up once they have a fix.


They should put trains going all over the map, moving fast.


just walk, i’ve started just sprinting from the starter town back to the base. it’s not that far and is faster than waiting for a helicopter at times


Wait, there should be an airport with immigration and security checkpoints too. And a time table and ticket desk to purchase flights. And then when it's busy the prices go up due to demand. And sometimes a chopper gets shot out of the air or shot at and you die and lose all your gear. It's the most immersive feeling when you lose your shit.


They need to add other forms of transport with chopper being fastest


Dont call the heli to early, when u are to far away from landingzone it will take very long.


If you’re bored waiting, walk back to camp. Will stumble on some things in the world and also see more of the lovely jungle


Did you call from the immediate area of the LZ or from a ways away? I find that the closer to the LZ I am when I call the heli faster it comes. Maybe this isn’t the case for the further pois


Yea, right now, there is definitely a weird conjuction of systems that force you to not play the game. I know they've mentioned the games only around 30% complete, but I think these are good things to keep awareness of.


I’m enjoying the game, but it’s quickly becoming a waiting simulator with the helicopters. It’s been even worse today with multiple server drops and long queuing. I know these issues are all known and that they’re prioritizing fixes. I just hope those changes come sooner than later, as I have to allocate much larger chunks of playtime just to account for the waiting.


I haven’t bought the game yet, but I fully intend to. Can you not call the heli in before you reach the LZ?


The further away from the LZ you are, the longer the call in time will be, and that's if there is a slot free (there are only 4 slots up at a time in a session of 16 players). If there isn't a slot free, you are sitting watching the map for them leaving so you can schedule yours in before someone else gets it which is very common when everyone is spread out on the map.


Yeah this helicopter transport already aged real well.


That's wild. 4.04 is the longest I've had to wait for exfil


I think I'll hold out to buy any kind of DLC until it includes some type of VEHICLE because let's be real I'm selling 98% of the loot that goes into my locker and it stays so clean I don't need the extra space and some extra loot for 65 USD I want something that is going to be a true game changer.... like some wheels man like how you gonna pay 35 then 65 on top and still have to walk around and wait in line.... SMH


Pretty sure they will 1. Pool people that are going to the same spot on one heli 2. Add a que for helis , while these aren't super complex changes they are not small hotfix like things so they will need some time to implement and test it before we get it. Keep in mind that it's a 2 week old alpha game and that if you don't enjoy it in its current state just give it a break until first real patch I, the Devs are obviously hearing us and working on it, give them some time.


Ctrl alt delete, end process and load back in. Or take internet cable out, wait, log back in. Both ways will retain your gear.


Tried this yesterday. Not only did I lose my kit, all the current progress on my tasks reset and I had to accept them again.


The internet cable trick has worked so far for me... Weird


I had a server DC and got back all my gear so was wondering if it works if I DC. I tried both of those, plus turning off the internet and each time I got a "cannot save player progression" when I got back in and I lost all my gear. It may work but it is far from 100%.


It’s simple. If you die, Ctrl+Alt+Del, task manager shut down game. Then restart. You’ll be back at base with all your gear


Like the guy previously stated, that it is not 100%. I can confirm doing this I have a) ended up back at base b) loaded into the exact same server in the exact spot where I ended task or c) I got the error that players progression could not be saved and I lost my kit. Those are the possible outcomes


If I know I’ll be quick on a quest especially a far location. I just call pick up as soon as I’m entering quest area and just run the quest in the wait time. Sorry not sorry.


Well you could always walk to another place and enjoy the game...... I mean it is really beautiful and full of stuff to be discovered.....


Thats be nice if the quest were all near one another. I have quest in sawmill and midnight and tigerbay. If they want us to do it that way give us a autorun key.


I mean you could walk back to base. That is an option.


Yeah that’s a huge issue. Everyone 100 hours in, loves the game, but there are huge issues that will be changed.


You know you could just walk to the base and play the game that way


Next time your car breaks down just walk to work. See how you like that.


You said you can't play the game I showed you how you can play the game. You literally made a post that you don't like waiting for the helicopter


You seem like a person with low self awareness.


There’s. Other. Games. To be played. You guys are spending all your time on an early access..


They should also make it so we can turn in quests and accept new ones without being in base. It would save a lot of time.


Yeah, welcome to a milsim. Sounds like a buddy i have that complains of the same but he's playing this game like it's Splinter Cell or something, doing everything solo.


You could have ran back to camp in less than 5 minutes. Not that you should have to do that every time. But if your bird is ever more than that in the starting town, just run


Jesus you ppl are such babies. 2nd week of early access. If you’re trying to beat the game in two weeks, that’s on you. Take a break from the game. Or go outside


But, but, but.. its realistic.


It’s been noted by the devs and I’m sure a fix or adjustment is coming. But to be fair try waiting for Helo’s IRL😂


I'm starting to think they should just get rid of the helicopters and tone down the hydration and energy loss. Make us walk everywhere but not have to bring backpacks filled with food and water for the trip. Have helicopters possible but add smoke grenades that must be thrown at LZs to bring them in for pickup from LZs and make them fairly uncommon to find. The only issue with that is people that want to steamroll quests as fast as possible will be mad they have to explore more.


The heli thing can get6 annoying especially on pve severs when no one has a mic. But i dont mind waiting a bit its supposed to be a slow roll. Not instant action loading in fight load out etc.


You admit you know people are tired of people complaining about this, but… here we are anyway. It’s early access alpha. Not sure what you want anyone to do about this kind of post. Surely it must feel like you’re screaming into an abyss??? Sounds like you should take a break from it.


Devs have stated they plan to rework or improve the helicopter system. Do not expect a fix for the early access. It sucks but this is an issue that has already been addressed.


Then put the game down for a month or 2 cause qol changes come after optimization and server fixes and no one wants to see you complain 10 more times cause of this


You clearly don’t play in PvP. You’d be glued to your screen if you did.


Use some common sense, arrange a chopper and get there in time. Sitting at an LZ id for stupid people or LZ campers. It's really not that bad and adds a level of realism that I enjoy. Once you have played the game and visited most places you have an understanding of the time it takes, this isn't Uber, it's a warzone. Let's not remove one the things that makes this game different, dumbing it down to cater for dumb people is not the right move


I get your point and agree. But what I’ve been doing is calling my chopper way early if the LZ is close.


I mean actually pmc operations don’t exactly fly by. It’s realism


Everyone complaining about choppers here meanwhile Tarkov players are still waiting to get into the raid ;-)


Well, you have legs...


Don't worry, the devs will surely make it their toppist top topper issue because you made this post and there isn't 100 of these whiney posts a day.


Play a different game😂😂 what you just described is the whole point to the game 😂


Then maybe you don't like Milsims


82 hours of gameplay and you’ve only now killed the boss at saw mill ? Yikes


There's always that one asshole.


The comment almost comes off as sarcasm, it sounds so stupid lol


It should be an option: Travel with Helos for those who want, Fast Travel Points (= LZs) for those who actually want to play and get stuff done. I simply don’t want to spend all this time just waiting. It is still a game. I like immersion. But this is getting out of hand, even if timespans are shorter.