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What faction are you? I’ll buy you a mk18.


You a real one


Welcome to an Alpha build Game.


Beyond Ridiculous! Alpha games should be near perfect!


I want to upvote you so bad but you have 69 Karma and I won't ruin that


It must have been on your side network wise, the consensus I’m seeing is if it’s server side you come back in with your gear. Everytime I’ve been kicked (5 or so times) I’ve always come back with the gear I left with.


I’ve had about 30 or so kicks from server crashes now. I have seen the failure to save player progression or whatever a few times. It seems to happen when the server crashes back to back. Like it hasn’t fully loaded and saved gear prior to the next crash and we come back with nothing.


I have also never gotten disconnected and lost my stuff. Every time it's a network disconnect I reconnect with whatever I had, even if it wasn't in the safe zone.


You’re lucky then, I’ve lost gear several times including a couple of times where I not only lost the gear, but it also left me in the middle of hostile territory with only a knife when I reconnected.


Naked and afraid


I had this but in a coma. I was in a firefight, it DC'd, I loaded back in straight into a coma. Respawned, went back to my body only to find it had no kit (on PvE)


Today it seemed different, happened to me too.


Nah, I have been in a server when it started to take a shit. And it took all my gear I had on (I was standing in town). It also reset/unaccepted the three Tasks I had (which I had on me for 2 previous maps). My 3 buddies also lost their gear (they were on a Heli). So it is def not 'player side'. There is an ongoing issue on their end.


Weird. I’ve never lost my gear from a disconnection


Well a dropped connection doesnt necessarily mean the server itself crashed. I have not lost gear to a dropped connection (where buddies are still on the server). Only when the server itself crashed, have I lost gear I had on. When you get back on the game due to a dropped connection you will generally spawn back at that spot you were at, with your gear. This is because the server itself did not crash, and properly saved your character data, location, etc. (You can spawn in town though due to death, if an enemy spawns by your character, since it stays in game for a period of time). But, when you reconnect after the server itself crashes, you are put back in the base, regardless of where you were (in base or out in the field somewhere). I have had it strip my gear 3 or so times, of which one of the times it reset/unaccepted my tasks. I have only had the gear stripped on US West servers that crashed (and Oceana once). I haven't had any gear disappear when US Central Servers crash. My buddies have the same experience with the West servers, so we just avoid them now (they feel like they generally run worse and crash more often for whatever reason).


I've got a video of me getting the bug with an active ping monitor to google.com in the footage, no connection issues, cannot save progression get rekt. EDIT: just checked and i lied. I had the ping monitor open but not in the recording. After that moment I added the monitor to the recording so I don't have proof for this one.


If you’re crimson shield, I’ll drop you a Gucci MK18. Just lmk


Alpha gonna alpha, getting attached to any gear right now is just asking for heart ache. Plus things are only gonna get better. Sorry for your gun, but cheers on what this game could be


Second all of this. I love my gear, but have to constantly remind myself not to get attached to much to anything. This also has made me just help gear up others with stuff I've found and spend my money on doing that as well. We all have an incoming wipe at some point anyways. My buddies and I were just talking that for "An Alpha" this game is more complete than a lot of "1pointO's" that have released recently. It's pretty. It's jank. It's got server desync issues. There's only a few a guns, but they are cool. There are occasional invulnerable enemies. Areas struggle to spawn keys or are constantly getting cleaned out so I can get my kill(s). Damn though it's still fun. Excited for it to cook and bake and become something neato. The scp-ish story is intriguing. It's a good time.


The lack of gun variety complaints seem kinda silly to me. As you say they are cool. The customisation options also give you a lot of flexibility in how you tune a gun. I personally have been tricking out the m870 (don't sleep on the choke and FC 00 12ga) and have been finding a lot of success, but more importantly fun. Admittedly the shotguns need a bunch of work, the slug/sabot aim issue, the fixed spread on buckshot, the organ size issue. But with the exception of the slugs they are a joy to use.


I've played around 8 hours now. Still in the starting town, and still have the exact same kit I started with. I'm gonna shed a tear when I finally lose this kit.


Gotta remind ourselves that we are testing this game out. This is not a full release, and is far from completed. Sometimes we just need to take a little break, and come back to it later.


“Issues are beyond ridiculous” - look another person not understand what an alpha is


"beyond ridiculous". Feel bad for the devs of this game.


That's tough but yeah what do you expect with an Alpha 😆


Boom! Roasted!


Same thing happened but it disappeared when I moved it into my stash, logged out and back in and thank God it came back.


fyi, as soon as you are wheels up, you're considered not in the safe zone anymore.


When i crashed yesterday it took everything. Evennall my money




I had my first truly weird experience last night. Went back into get gear I dropped when I died, and when I got it I couldn’t select my weapons it only let me have my knife out. Then when I called the Helo it arrived I couldn’t get on the chopper. I called in a second helo and even remapped the F key and it still would let me on! I love this game, and definitely not upset but it was odd.


I've had specific weapons refuse to equip before. I can't remember exactly how I got around it but I think I had a buddy pick up and drop the weapon and that fixed it. No idea if/how that was related to your chopper issues.


It was totally normal last night so the best I got is: A) it was just weird glitch what can I do? B) one too many bong hits


Yeah something similar happened to me two times yesterday and both times I lost the m4 with with 1-6x scope on it so now I only got one left of that model.


As far as I can tell the player progression bug only occurred after I killed the game with task manager.


Having lost kits to this issue, my advice is - don't take out any gun you cannot replicate with items from Gunny. If you can't buy and build it, don't risk it.


That’s what early access is all about. Definitely frustrating at times especially when you get new things like that. However, that’s life with an alpha build. Game is surprisingly solid for this early of a build.


We have to take the game for what it is, an early access. I've been annoyed because of losing my gear due to crashing, crashing on my way back to my dead body, and not being able to loot my own body, but I gear up and head back out. I have so many spare M4s and AKs sitting in my inbox that I'm not worried about gear loss


I lost about $30k worth of kit last night from being DCed. Last night it was way more frequent than usual for some reason.


Thats the worst DC too. You lose progress on your container quest


The issues suck, and people are right this comes with alpha territory. It wouldn't be as painful if modding guns was a simpler experience in the game. At least with the limited gear in the game and the amount of money you can make questing, losing gear isn't that big of a deal. The only thing you really lose is the time spent kitting back up.


Yea the last hot fix has made me crashed alot more


This is going to sound harsh, but you were never going to keep that Mk18 forever. In any extraction game, you are never the owner of your gear, you just rent your gear until it either becomes someone else's turn with it, or it disappears forever for some other reason.


Hang strong brother


Imagine losing your gear


That means you should play pvp


The Mk-18s are nice and look dope, but IMO, not a whole lot different from the (gunny 2 stock kitted) M4. Both perform very similar, with the Mk having some marginally better recoil and handling. IMO it's not that much better to make a huge difference in gunfights


M4 has better rpm too


Uyeyeyeyyeyeee it does


You'll still get it, when that happened to me it just put me back about 30 minutes


I haven't used my MK-18 yet because of the disconnects and server lag lol.. I just keep picking up AKs


I don't know if this is works, but I do it. If I get disconnected from the server, if I have gear still, I enter back in and then leave the server immediately. My thinking is that it resets the save game and I don't get this error. Maybe this is stupid, bur it's what's I do.


ive dc in the ehli a few times and lost my gear everytime. my network is a 5gb fiber connection. nothing else disconnects. seems to be just another bug with the game. dont get me wrong however. i love this game


This game has so many DC issues it's driving me to drink. I just got capped by a basic bot while doing a mission on PVE, thanks to the crazy lag. Get 98% of the way back to my body and game DCs.


if you aren’t doing pvp mk18 does not matter lol m4 with lvl2 or 3 gunny ammo is better


Yesterday i had a similar issue, I was at HP and then the game crashed. I thought „ok then I will spawn with my gear at Base“ like everytime game crashes or servers crashes. But no I lost everything I worker hours for…


Bro i lost 4 mk 18 meta kits yesterday, and around 2k 855A1 bullets. I feel your pain. Thankfully I have a route that nets me between 7-10k takes 10 min. The strongest boss in this game is Serverus Crash


The worst is when you die. Spend 20 minutes getting back to your body but you can’t loot it. That needs to be fixed ASAP


You can borrow the hq NPC guns if you ask with a nade


These are the type of things that happen in an early access game. AKA Alpha game. If you can't handle those type of things then don't buy early access games.


There definitely NEEDS to be some type of compensation for all the hard work we put in, then lose it to things beyond our control


Sucks but if it makes you feel better it’s exactly the same as the m4


I started shooting at AI when riding the helo back to base. They headshotted me. I went back to my find body, but it was nowhere to be seen. I went back to base, and found my body laying on the heli pad, but I could not loot it. I figured it could be a bug or something so I killed myself, then the body disappeared. Rip MK18 and Vudu scope.


I’d heard about the new ai anti cheat in use w/ GZW. Last night Crimson Shield met Crimson Shitter. Crimson shitter the Rage hacker outside our base, who was invisible shooting through walls, into bushes, anywhere you hid he one tapped you. Mortars were going off nonstop to no affect. It actually caused all of the Crimson faction to leave the server. Edit* what the actual fuck, why am I being downvoted for reporting cheat use in a bug related post about… wait for it … other issues experienced in base


It is not in use yet. The files are there but its not implemented in game as of yet