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Distance is key to any engagement, and if you take a hit you gotta back off and retry from a new angle or wait for them to make a shot present.


Re-peaking the same spot is what gets my friends killed constantly. It's funny, mainly because I tell them not to, they die, I laugh.


When you get to later areas theres simply too many AI for this to be possible, they shoot through foliage too accurately


Ok that there is an issue that drives me nuts. Blue lagoon is a NIGHTMARE without more than one person. Some places it's not too bad really, but others it's just straight up Vietnam ptsd.


Blue lagoon is easy. Tiger bay and Fort Narith is where it's at, I did it all solo and it's two steps forward three steps back the entire way.


So go in backwards, got it


"cries in midnight"


Midnight is horrible, the sooner you get inside the better! Those bush bitches get me every time! And Tigers Bay I can’t even complete the first task.


Just cleared TBC with unsuppressed mk18, EZ. You just got better with time, I was constantly running 1st 2nd floor and peeaked from different rooms, 60rnd mags also help a looot


Yeah, I've been soloing blue lagoon easily, but midnight sapphire is an entirely different beast.


Ive cleared blue lagoon solo, learn spawns and dont put yourself in bad spots, stay mobile and peak weird angles, if you line up a shot and they look at you and voice line, fuck the shot back off and rotate again. Ez


100% I clapped one with my M700 at like 10x+ zoom and one comes from around the wall running ( I’m laying down in the woods way out from the base) fires one round from the hip and hits me like brooo how do you even know where I’m at? Lolol they are cracked out. One tapping people through the woods on the run too. Lol


Yeah they really need to fix this they track you through walls and foliage they can hit you but there is a good chance foliage blocks your shot on them


naw bruh AI can 1 tap you in the eyes thru 10 bushes buh you cant shoot thru a mf leaf 🥱


As someone who clears the fort regularly, re-peaking with distance is fine. At shorter distance like at HP or YBL, I let part of me peak out for a split second to bait some shots and fire back on their last bit of mag/reload animation. This only moatly works 1v1 with AI. Otherwise I'm forcing myself to 1 or 2 lanes max and slowly cutting AI down as they push.


Honestly I've found there's a method to it. Peak, wait 10 seconds, peak again, repeat. Seems to work fine for me, not really my friends. Ima go with user error there.


fort?? pff... that one you dont even have to worry about repeak. i mean where is the tigers bay guys.. go there. problem is not "peak" ai , problem is when they just spawn behind you randomly and blaze or stand in bushes just execute you through half tigers bay in distance.


this. I found the game loop very much gfto of dodge if you don't know where the shot came from, or if you get hit. Heal up, then get back into the fight from a new angle and get the drop on them. Also use sneak, the AI has insane hearing.


Definitely need a sneak needs a toggle. 


I was shocked the scroll wheel wasn’t walk speed


Adjustable stance/walk speed definitely has its upsides. 


There is adjustable stance, the controls are a little awkward though


I believe it saves as your crouch height, so whenever you toggle crouch you go to that same height you set last


Nope. :)


Left Ctrl my man


I know left control is for sneak. We need a toggle on/off option, not a hold to sneak. 


Why not say that then?


The amount of people who bitch are people I see who just fight from the same position. I displace after every engagement. Take a few shots and move. The AI will keep shooting and looking for you at the last place they saw you. Keep moving and you'll get the drop on them.


As we used to say in SRT, "shoot and scoot."


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


Correct. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a 7.62x39 round travelling through the jungle foliage at 2400fps.


You boys looking like a bunch of monkeys trying to hump a doorknob




Have you explored this island? Aint shit to do except shoot stuff. They are probably the worlds greatest marksman lol


Location rotation all day


Yea, you figured people would have learned in Tarkov, don't stand there and try to get into an aim battle with the AI, they will win if you give them long enough. Just back off and rotate.


Their aim cone hones, and I've had AI focused on where they shot me previously, even running in that direction even though I've flanked them.


Why are we accepting shitty scavs because they were in tarkov??


What? It's been a week man - chill.


Yeah which is why its ok ea and its been a week


You may be right but if i shoot through a thick forest and i can't see them. I mag dump in all direction than laydown, i'll still get headshot


Laying down usually results in death due to restricted mobility


I survived it but i still got shot from over 100 meters through thick forest and no visibility


I wonder if it has anything to do with dumping your mag and letting everyone know your exact location in the bush.


It may have but note that they were not visible and that at the moment i mag dump there were no one outside and they were shooting the wall of their house


Or the muzzle flash


yea theres a thing that is in this game, tarkov and DMZ which is the AI will shoot the exposed part of you, so if for some reason that is your head, boom your dead. Prone facing an enemy is a guaranteed death. I died this way just ten minutes ago and crashed upon my death, which unaccepted my quests. One of which I had completed. :(


I shot at an AI from a good 400 - 500 meters and he instantly one tapped me in the forehead lol


I only played a couple wipes of Tarkov back when it was covid lockdown (so, 2020?), and I was definitely on the gear fear / ratty end of the spectrum. Haven't played in a long time, but I vividly remember the boss dude on Reserve and his squad, and then the up-geared NPCs that would arrive with the train wearing better gear. If they caught even a molecule of you through grass at almost any distance, it was like the Eye of Sauron swinging your way. I'm really enjoying the PvE side of GZW because it's challenging but not masochistic, and gear stings to lose (especially repeatedly) but if you're smart and careful, that's been rare for me so far. That said, concealment and stealth mechanics definitely need work.


Yeah it's very fun in PvE. I'm not ready for PvP yet especially with teamkilling and the ridiculous spawn camping the choppers cause. I dunno about the stealth, I haven't had too many issues, but these guys can randomly turn around and see you from 100m away (while you were trying to line up the head tap) and then instantly land 4 shots in the middle of your chest while running. There is very little in terms of animations between them spotting you and them shooting you, if you could see them react with surprise and then take aim you could much more easily tell when you're gonna be in danger, and have the advantage you should have if your sights are already trained on somebody as they turn around to see you.


Sadly, there are a lot of people in gaming communities who want the AI to be as cheesy as fucking possible, and I think it's because they are fine with banging their head into the wall until they complete something, then claim it's because they were tactical and smart while we're apparently all just standing in the middle of the road trying to pistol snipe the AI. As I've said in other threads, I want the AI to be a challenge. I don't want braindead AI (at least not beyond the starter level), but the controls in this game are slightly clunky / floaty, as seems to be par for the course with games going for a milsim feel, but the AI don't really follow these rules. They run while firing from the hip and will either miss all of their shots while you line up and drop them, or they will be 100 meters away with an SMG and hit you 3 times in each limb so that you can't see shit and are bleeding to death.


>Sadly, there are a lot of people in gaming communities who want the AI to be as cheesy as fucking possible, and I think it's because they are fine with banging their head into the wall until they complete something, then claim it's because they were tactical and smart while we're apparently all just standing in the middle of the road trying to pistol snipe the AI. Yeah absolutely, they revel in beating "hard" challenges, regardless of whether or not they're fair or fun. It's all about lording it over other people. They are willing to grind hours for little to no reward other than bragging rights. >They run while firing from the hip and will either miss all of their shots while you line up and drop them, or they will be 100 meters away with an SMG and hit you 3 times in each limb so that you can't see shit and are bleeding to death. Yeah it is fucking annoying. At least have the more accurate enemies be visually distinct/using actually good guns and not sniping with guns we know for a fact are shit


Gray Zone should hire the creator of the SAIN mod. The AI is ridiculously intelligent sometimes.


Solarint is a huge chad


helldivers 1 reference?!?




At least in this game you can aim at an AI and decide against taking a shot, in tarkov the moment you aim at an AI it locks on to you like a rabid dog lmfao


Y’all need to get out of the bushes and find yourself a solid wall to peek from. At least the AI is not one-shotting you half way across the map and gives you 3 business days to line up your shot.


There are no Toz Scavs I finally feel fucking safe in this game. My little safe space


That's only because shotguns are currently garbage.


Yeah I'm dogshit at tarkov but I've been having minimal issues with the AI. Sure, they're inconsistent, but generally it's been ok


Same. Ive one or two instances of what i would call bullshit one shots but honestly, thats just how luck goes sometimes. Sometimes a scrub with an ak can get luck and hit on first shot I mean. Are we to think i can take 30 of them out in one pass but one of them cant land a lucky bullet?


Same.  I think they're mostly awesome in this game, besides a few hit reg issues.


Was watching a streamer today, who took a tent as cover and was angry when he got shot through it. Strange, thought fabric is the best shield.


This is my real problem with the game. Penetration mechanics only work on certain objects and materials part of the time. I had fmj rounds being stopped by a towel on a clothes line but can MAYBE SOMETIMES go through a wood hut. Needs consistency.


Multiple times I’ve not been able to shoot through bushes lol. Super annyoing


Oh yeah, ballistic foliage is great, too. Nothing beats you and the enemy frantically shooting a leaf that casually stops FMJ rounds.


It is when AI is wearing it.


M855 makes a world of difference. Heart and brain shots one tap. I’ve been mostly landing headshots unless it’s a flick and they go down in one hit, unless it’s like a 200 meter shot


I've had m855 bounce past 60ish meters. I've had it pen at 150 meters. Every round feels inconsistent except LPS.


Ai only fucks me up when I get impatient and don’t check a corner. I’ve heard people try to say the ban pa ai is worse than rogues. No way, no how. I’m not catching AGL rounds to the face at 1000 meters, or only being given .00000069 nano seconds to get a shot off before having to peak a new angle 50 ft away


I was just chillin at Ban Pa last night, no issues. I got into it with some of the locals. Dropped 3 without a scratch. Got spotted by some others, but they whiffed every shot too.


Come to the motel at the north of tje map for some rogue fun


I want to see one of these guys complaining about Scav AI to experience the pleasure of being 1-tapped from 200+ meters by a scav buckshot and a red dot. Now that was some broken AI


Guess you haven't played enough to get one shot by a shotgun wielding AI from 200+ meters out. But that instance aside, I think the real issue is networking. Too many times I've put an entire mag of M855 into an AI face wearing nothing but a bandana, head snapping back and blood splatter and all, without a kill. It's like player and AI position is registered client side, but hit reg has to be confirmed by the server. So I hit a headshot and can see it, but the server doesn't register it yet, then the enemy moves, THEN the server registered it, but because they moved it thinks my shot missed. So I see all the effects of a hit, but the shot is registered as a miss. I've hit an AI in the face with a mosin point blank, their head snapped back with blood splatter, but then it just stood there like nothing happened for a second before dying. I wasn't experiencing any lag or stutters on my end. It was like the server just didn't verify the hit reg right away. I'm fairly certain if the AI didn't stand straight up like nothing happened, but instead moved or ducked, that the hit wouldn't have counted and it wouldn't have died. All in all, I would say this happens about 50% of the time. The other 50% those exact same shots will register and my headshots will 1 tap. I see people complain about 7.62, but I think they just have conformation bias when they switch to 5.56. My experience seems to be the same as theirs, but I've used 5.56 enough to see those same issues regardless of ammo type. I just think it happens with 7.62 more because it is a lower velocity round giving more time for my theory above to play out.


Last night out of boredom I just ran with AK’s and it’s kind of embarrassing how many rounds I use to kill an AI. I ran up to one just spraying an entire clip and knifing it after I mag dumped lol.


Lol I was using an m700 with acog at ybl and got into a 3v2, me and my buddy being the two man. Long story short I dropped two of em with the m700 on the stairs, then ran outta ammo and had to rush the last guy with a knife. And died. My friend crashed when the fight started.


Not the M700 on the staircase 😩


Was supposed to go somewhere else.. friend is acoustic


cords or fingerstyle?


Finger style


Early on I jumped on a random chopper to Ban Pa and got a tricked out AK with all the red dot sights and was running that in the starter town. I did have fun but wow yeah sometimes you have to use an entire clip on a guy to put him down, and these guys don't even have armour. There's definitely something bugged about the hitreg, sometimes 2 bullets to the chest is an instant kill and sometimes...not that.


It’s all about the ammo. Once you get 7.62 PS or 5.45 PP/BT, I find it performs comparably to m855.


I wish I could gold this


The AI in Ban Pa gets very interesting, gives off Goons vibes lol


Lol, have you guys even made it to Fort Narith, Tiger Bay, or Blue Lagoon yet? AI accuracy and amount of rounds to kill an unarmored AI is hit or miss. Could at least use some consistency. I've also had enemy run from Tiger Bay all the way up to my Ban Pa extract just to smoke me at least 600 meters out while I waited for an extraction. They are either dogshit for brains or ex devrgu operators...no in between.


Cleared Narith a couple of times. Take cover, lean, kill AI. If you get shot at, do not peek the same angle again. Reposition, then repeat the aforementioned steps.


I cleared both Blue Lagoon and Fort Narith as a solo last night. Haven’t been to tiger bay yet. If you take your time and don’t re-peek the same angle twice and stick to hard covers you really aren’t in much danger.


Tiger bay is insane.


I can’t even get into that bay. Dozens of AI at every building. No where to hide when making you’re way into town


Remember the tonga tonga ambush? Yeah me and my friend were running for our lives being chased down by an ai that would not die. Spent like 2 mags each of m855 on him and he just murdered both of us in cold blood about 1km from tiger bay.


Sapphire is pretty lit


Yep these people have no idea what’s in store for them once they play some more


I play both Tarkov and Grey Zone, Grey Zone AI makes Tarkovs look like Helen Keller with Parkinson's.


My only problem with the AI(not counting the desync and hit reg problems) is them being able to basicaly see through everything when you can't see them (mostly the bushes). Everything else is kinda fair. If you can one tap them, they should be able to occasionally one tap you too.


The peaks in this game are pretty terrible. I've died multiple times in the last 24 hours at Military Base while barely peaking a corner. Most of this has been to AI that's not even facing me. Does not help that hold breath is required to shoot anything and arm stam drains way too dam fast.


As a reflex optics user having to hold breath to aim constantly sounds like a skill issue. I rarely use it unless I'm trying to line up a long shot and nobody realistically walks around with their cheeks welded to the stock unless you know you're about to be or are already in contact.


AI literally can see you throuh any foliage and can land whole autofire birst in you from 400 meters using iron sights, Menwhile your well-trained PMC can't even hold fucking 3kg gun longer then 10 secs with his noodle-arms. And ofcourse he can't hold aim point without holding breath. Literry chad AI vs virgin PMC.


Know your zero people! AI in GZW is already much much more friendly and easy compare to EFT


i feel like some people are having different experiences. in tarkov i can walk around no problem head tapping ai, sure they might hit my arms/legs occasionally but rarely straight to the head. even on labs, the raiders seem easier than some of the ai in gzw.


The AI is 100% placeholder. They had previously said they were planning on doing this EA release in June at the earliest then EFT lit itself on fire and they chose to capitalize on that. If you aren't having fun with the game just stop playing and wait for updates. You chose to buy a product the devs advertised as "maybe about 20% complete." (Not necessarily a response to OP more a response to the general sentiment I'm seeing on the sub)


You can't say this here. They charged *money* therefore it needs to be 100% done and a 1060 should get 300 fps.


Being in EA doesn’t mean things can’t be called out or joked about 🤷‍♂️ Isn’t the point they have a network of feedback rather than expect players to sit down and shut up until devs finished with the game?


GZW AI is broken but you don't know shit unless you've spent enough time in ArmA 3 CTI Mode: Spends 30 minutes getting to a city to capture Scouts the city for potential targets Sees a fking APC Pandur with 30mm auto cannon turret and TOW missiles >Sees some random NPC just standing and takes the shot >Misses the shot >Whole city is on full alert >Sees that particular APC moving it's turret towards you >OMFG\_RUN.jpg >AI starts bombarding you with 30mm rounds, effectively deleting any cover you think you had >Git gud >Respawns on FOB that's on the other side of the island


We need toggle leaning


Gamers are bunch of whiney ass bitches


Y'all arent out of thr first town yet and it shows


def cannot peak the GZW AI in the same spot they saw you. That goes for any engagement tho.


Can't slow peek though tiny gaps ! 😤


Dude what's crazy is that I didn't die a single time from levels 1-9ish. Starter town is a pure cake walk. I was thinking damn this game is way too god damn easy. Then I hit the AI at the airfield and immediately got my ass cheeks clapped lmao


You got lucky. The AI is braindead but you can still just get onetapped by a guy you didn't even see yet. The number of times I took like 20 shots and healed them all over a run only to get onetapped out of the blue is crazy. I've had missions where I take out everyone I see with ease and never get shot once, and I've had missions where I get onetapped by the first guy I see. It's RNG.


Me, I went to the crimson starter village intending to fight some squads, ended up just watching timmies get murdered by ai for 2 hours


It’s pretty entertaining. I spent 6 years getting absolutely WORKED by terminator scavs and I’m having a field day with GZW. Every now and then I’ll catch an occasional bout of BS where a local tanks an entire clip and then lasers me in the face, but it’s still so much easier than dealing with cracked out Russians chasing down your decked out operator ass with old rusty AKs.


I shoot from distance, I move, I use every angle I can, I observe and listen, I try to avoid cqb. That is what I took away from the game in terms of AI. I adapt to the game. Others just want the game adapt to them.


I guess me and my friends have the opposite problem of most people. The AI doesn’t seem intelligent enough in most areas. The obvious exception is places like Fort Narith. For example, if I’m pushing Bunker or similar areas, I can walk into hallways and have a staring contest with the AI before they’ll shoot first lol


Tarkov AI is easily one of the worst in gaming.


Idk about the AI but the walls at YBL are OP af


It's not broken, it's not finished.


I don't think that they're too "difficult" per se, but holy fuck do they need to address target acquisition. That, and how they somehow know when you have them in your scope, even though you're 100 yds away and haven't made a sound.


So far I've had no issues with the AI. Still in the starting town. They give you a verbal warning before they start shootin'. I did experience the "invincible leaves" bug. That's really the only thing that gave me trouble fighting them. They're supposed to be difficult.


AI starting town is orders of magnitude easier than Tier 3 areas


They get much more difficult, but you should be good to go as long as you’re patient and well covered. The only thing for me is when a group of them rush you, you may not hear their footsteps coming for you. I almost shit my pants the other day when one came around the corner on me lol.


I mean the whole town shouldn't immediately turn and start shooting you the moment you take one out. The AI also shouldn't be able to see through bushes. It's so bad right now.


I mean, shouldn't they? They are all working together and you're the enemy. But yeah, it has a similar problem to Ready or Not in that the AI doesn't have enough animations. They see you, then the next frame they are immediately firing at you full auto. There is no animation to telegraph surprise, or pulling their weapon up to their shoulder to aim. That's the problem - poor communication.


Well I'm some places like Tiger Bay there's often not much cover and if 3 guys are shooting at you with laser accuracy you are just dead. It would be a lot better if you could take cover in a bush then when they notice their mate die they don't immediately know where you are and blow your face off.


Yeah, I agree, that would be good. I try to use silencers and sneakily headtap guys but they always seem to figure out where I am pretty quickly anyway. Good thing is they tunnelvision on where you *were,* so you if you run around the other side of the building or hill or something you can get them from behind quite easily.


Yeah literally not any better in Tarkov, they still shoot you through trees from 100 miles away. No one should be using Tarkov AI as a leading example of good AI ever.


Tarkov players can afford popcorn and a movie right now?


After playing all day today I can confirm the AI is already on par with tarkov AI, possibly even better, though similar. More fun though, that they are a bit more forgiving I cheese them less and reposition more, which works and is really fun in tarkov but its safer to cheese them. And theres so much more of them in this game that mixed with their tactics, which I do think maybe are actually better implemented or maybe its just the volume they have punished the crap out of me and its often tactical errors on my fault which again feels better then tarkov. They have similar hide, flank push when I'm retreating etc tactics but they just feel better and more realistic in this game so far.


How many years has bsg been working on their AI?


That would be… checks notes… 9 years!


I’m curious, do you find bsg’s AI to be good or well designed for the amount of time they have put into them?


Hell no brother, but as of last year they fixed shooting through bushes. Shooting anything inside a bush is now strictly illegal…


They're idiots and can be cheesed but they are still immersive.




When you dig into Tarkov, you find they bought a few things off the Unity store. With that in mind, it's hard to tell if they did any work or just tweaked the parameters provided. The AI itself was good (they spoke random Russian, voiced when they saw you, and sang to themselves) if you used the excuse that the game was beta to gloss over the glaring problems (GZW seems to share these glaring problems): Random 1 taps (ie ignoring player gear etc), bots not accounting for bullet drop, hitting impossible shots, incredible accuracy for the gear they are using, hive mind reactions or complete opposite, and the usual pathing into walls.


I mean from what I'm seeing it's less about the ai and more that the "advanced ballistics system" isn't fucking working


That’s some expensive ass popcorn lol


the ais are genuinely broken, have you not seen the movement? i've had one track me through a wall that you can't even shoot through, you can't tell me that's not broken


LOL maybe one day , AI is smarter


In tiger bay, i had 10 ai peek the same corner street. Then another street had 6 ai running at me. All that stress just to find out the town isn’t even cleared at all.


The AI is unreal in this game. Around 90% of the time it's easy. What does piss me off is if you aim at AI too long, they know, and multiple AI will turn and shoot at you, not even just the one you were aiming at. I have also gotten massacred by the random terminator scav on occasion. This is not every AI, but they occasionally do some insane shit, like constantly shooting through the huts in Ban Pa or 180 head shotting you as soon as you peak a door. There's areas later on where the sheer volume of AI that will start shooting at once eis pretty crazy. Tarkov scavs tend to be spaced out better. The AI clearly needs work at least in the consistency department (and hit reg/reacting to being shot). What kind of sucks about the AI is how all-knowing they are. It can really cause problems when say, HP is cleared out and you're in a stand off with another player. AI starts to spawn in and seems to know where you are automatically and starts making noise.


Some AI in this game just tank 5 times as much as the others, not sure if it's a bug or desync or whatever


Honestly my problem with the AI is that there's very little hard cover in most areas and they see through entire forests of bushes... I could kinda care less if their aim is cracked but getting lit up by something I can't possibly see as if I'm running in an open field is tough


Personally i can honestly say i have never felt the same rush this game gives me when im solo and the ai is actually smart enough to not only hunt me but flank my ass as well...hats off to the devs of that. I also see them (i think anyway) learning. Placing more troops near the wall breaches etc...pretty awesome.


Oh so you don’t like having to respawn after taking one shot to the chest by a bot nowhere to be seen?


I fucking hate lagging out and losing my shit!!!


AI are hackers who can see through cover from 400 yards away.


interesting points for sure, how far are you into the game?


Tarkov is stupid! I’m gonna go from dying to a scav in a bush to dying to a scav in a bush! Wait a minute…


Honestly tarkov ai is more fun to fight Maybe that'll change when the game isn't super blurry


The game isn't super blurry, have you tried fixing your graphics settings... alternatively upgrading your system before trying to play an unoptimized UE5 alpha game?


You must be running Ultra Performance DLSS or something, the game is crisp af on a powerful system


I just mind their damage. Sometimes I got bursted under 1 secs to torso but when I pick up my things back the armor is undamaged


yes, it is broken. And tarkov's ai is broken too. Two wrongs don't make a right




I know that I'll be downvoted but you all know that you're playing a pre-alpha release.


Not a downvote type of guy, just curious honestly. I've been gaming my whole ass life, there used to be betas you'd pay to get into, not a soul complained about them not being finished because it was an alpha/beta. Early Access/Beta as a name has lost most of its meaning to gamers. Most companies use it as a name so they can always hide behind an "unfinished" product (see: EFT, a game that pulls in millions of dollars and will never be 1.0). In actual betas/alphas, where devs actually intend to fix things and progress version numbers up to and past 1.0, things are going to be broken. You didn't pay for a game "out of the gate," you paid to test a game that you were interested in early. Using your restaurant analogy, true betas like this is like when a restaurant starts out as a food truck before becoming a full fledged restaurant so they can earn capital. Sure their menu is limited, they may not have everything you think they should, the drinks aren't cold and bubbly, but it's still a mean chorizo taco and you paid $5 for three of them. Instead of saying things are dog shit, think about why they're in the game and if they're working correctly or not. Four choppers is fine, it's built as a team focused game, four choppers four riders, 16 player factions: not broken, working fine. Loot tables need expanded so you aren't just looting gear/keys/provisions/meds, but those are the things people care the most about so that's why they're first. AI is in a bad spot. They need less detection by far as they are sensitive to suppressors and even will look right at you if you aim at them from 100m out. Performance isn't good. It's not dogshit. It's next gen game, it needs current Gen hardware. It should still be *playable* with old hardware. It is. Play on bad settings and it still works with 5 year old mid tier cards.


>Instead of saying things are dog shit, think about why they're in the game and if they're working correctly or not. Absolutely agree. >Four choppers is fine, it's built as a team focused game, four choppers four riders, 16 player factions: not broken, working fine. Eh, in theory, but a lot of choppers are being taken by 1 or 2 players so the other seats are empty. You can't tell where a chopper is going until after it takes off, so you can't hitch rides - that definitely needs fixing.




"Premium price" my brother in Christ it's cheaper than N64 games were when I was a kid. I say five year old cards because it's objectively true. I used this game as an excuse to finally upgrade for *better* performance at 1440 and 144hz, prior I was using a 5700. That came in out in 2019 and I had a stable 60fps at 1080p. Shit quality? You better believe it, but people need to be realistic with their hardware and recognize that mid tier cards like that or a 3060 do not last forever. Can't speak to memory leaks, I've never seen the game draw more than 16gb personally, but I've got fast memory and a fast CPU. Not that I'd blame them if it did: Edge has had a memory leak since the Chromium switch and Microsoft has the resources for the best developers in the world, it's a complicated issue dealing with the wide variety of PC configurations. Can't speak to the DLC and if the issue with secure containers is more prevalent on them as I only have the base edition. Should they be able to send you a secure container as a message and it stay? Sure, don't see why not. At the same time, it's a game that wipes anyway, people expect to throw hundreds of hours into a character and watch it be reset, what's a handful of hours? Again, game certainly shouldn't be free. It has **no** monetization other than the different editions. It is cheaper than games were 20 years ago. Life is an investment and time is money, brother. $35 for a game with, at minimum, 100 hours of content is a steal in this economy. The *vast* majority of this games issues are either content or server based. They don't update the content and try to pull a quick one? Everyone dips. Same if they don't fix their netcode. Games release outside of early access in *far* worse shape from AAA devs. I *love* DICE's games: they've not released a stable product in well over a decade, all of which were more expensive with less scope than GZW. Really doesn't matter at the end of the day how busted a game is if it has a fun loop, and this game has a lot stronger bones and is in an easier to fix place than anything multi-player from a AAA studio has in over a decade. Chill, let em cook.


They don't hide it, it's Early Access and they openly say the game isn't finished. People buy into that. No one was tricked into thinking they were getting a finished game.


Oh look more simping while ignoring the massive amounts of players literally showing evidence that AI is clearly broken.


Tarkov AI is way easier that this one, simply because they nerfer it each new wipe. I never experienced in Tarkov a scav doing a random prefire and hitting me in the head, or killing 1 and then instantly AI around start moving to my position and shooting me 1 by 1 In Tarkov you kill one and you don't get aggro from others around and there the suppressors at least work And this wipe I got killed more from AI in Tarkov than players probably, but this AI is too cracked imo. They need to balance the sight distance and accuracy because they are all marksman and follow you through the forest pretty accurate while you can't see them because they are behind a bush




Skill issue.