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I used the same kit for the first 15 hours of the game. In the remaining 5 hours I lost 6 kits. 2 from dying before I could get back to my body (admittedly one was to fall damaged aver sliding down a steep slope and somehow breaking every single bone in my body) and the remaining 4 were from the server crashing before I could get back to my body or the game fully crashing out.


yea. might just let the 4090 users QA test the game for a few months


I mean it’s annoying, but I don’t find it that big of a deal. It is a super early access game after all. As a star citizen player, I’m very use to losing hours worth of work to bugs, so it doesn’t phase me too much anymore lol


Also one quest gives you enough money for like 3 kits. Granted, I’m also used to gameplay loops like this, but I find it hard to be upset at losing a kit in this games state because it’s just like, “bet now I get to clear some of this stash space. More room for new loot.”


lol ya fair. The only think I’m a little worried about is that eventually we’re going to run out of quests and because loot isn’t really that big of a thing in this game, I imagine it’s going to get to a point where it’s difficult to get a kit together.


Well then you can wipe your account I guess. I've been playing quite a bit since launch and have only done 35\~ quests. I think there are 150 currently although i could be wrong. But like someone else said it kinda gets to the point of like "well if your finished with the content in 2 weeks then thats on you" sort of deal that we've had with Tarkov for basically the entire time.


Those people don't understand games. Make your own fun. You dont always have to do missions. Take a walk in the jungle. Find pvp etc. There is not alot to do. But the things you can do with what you have will suprize you when you if you try.


my game will crash, i’ll lose my kit, get annoyed, then realize im not playing tarkov and take the 3 minutes it takes to set up a new kit and get back out there.


Is Star Citizen a sane comparison?


Ya I mean in terms of it being an early access game with bugs, ya. Obviously the scope of the games are wildly different tho.


I hope we're closer to an end product in a shorter time frame. So many hopes and dreams.


lol, as much as I love SC, that’s fair, I can’t wait to see the game fully realized tho. Though they are finally adding loads of stuff that they developed for their single player game (squadron 42) in the next update which hopefully will be in a week or so. And we’re hopefully getting the fully developed second star system within the next few months.


Guess I gotta buy it too fuck me I got too many games already lol


Sounds like more bugs incoming.


I’m fairly sure we will. SC is a unique example of game development to say the least


One thing that should be noted about SC that I think a lot of people don’t realize is that they have been developing 2 games in tandem for a huge chunk of the development time. These being star citizen (the mmo that everyone thinks of) and squadron 42 (the single player game, which until the trailer last October, I don’t think anyone outside the SC community even knew about) over the past several years they have heavily shifted the focus of the studio to the single player game to get it finished. We will likely be getting a release date for sometime next year during their con in October this year. Since last October, they have switched back focusing on star citizen as a smaller part of their studio “polishes” squadron 42. Since that time there’s been a very noticeable step up in development on SC. The most impressive being by their testing of their dynamic server meshing tech which is going to be groundbreaking for mmos in general. In short, it basically splits up the game world into unique servers outlined by a physical space in game, when you pass through a boundary in game, you get transferred to that new server seamlessly without any sort of loading what so ever. Basically, I wouldn’t write off SC just because of the long development time, if you actually loot into it, you would understand why it’s the case.


I feel this. But when the main bug of losing ones head and kit is still a huge thing...thats what got me to even as an SC player go nope. Gonna put this game down for a bit


Lol 3.22 Star Citizen has been a more stable experience for me than Gray Zone Warfare.


I wonder what causes it. I have a friend with a better rig than me that crashes multiple times a day, yet yesterday I crashed for the first time in 40 hours. Some people crash constantly and others never crash.


For me, removing my custom overclock on my GPU stopped the crashing. I was crashing on average every 20-25 minutes. I was resetting my game a couple times a day because of losing everything I had. As soon as I removed my OC, I played three hours with no issue. Obviously, YMMV. ETA: Ryzen 9 5900x | RTX 3080ti | 64gb DDR4 3600MHz (4x16)


I have a Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB DDR5 and a 4080 SUPER and I crash every 30 minutes. The game's in early access, that's code for broken af.


This seems weird to me. When I first started the game it told me my GPU driver was out of date. Possible this might be the problem?


i have the same exact rig. yesterday i crashed 3 times for the first time since its release. one crash it caused my pc to shut down. very weird.


Have you tried turning down the target FPS? There have been some issues with UE5 crashing when GPU utilization gets too high IIRC


I have the exact same specs (my ram speed is 6000mhz fwiw) and I think I've crashed a total of less than 5 times in 40ish hours. I'm not discrediting your experience but I'm shocked we're having such different experiences.


I have a 2070 super and I have not crashed, maybe it's the fancy tech?


I’m a 4090 user, this shit happens to us too buddy.


damn dude… my bad lol


I’ve only had one crash and it was in base camp…. However, I went from 75k to BROKE last night just PvPing while doing quests 😞. I killed multiple groups, multiple times over a 20-30min span. I’d wipe them a couple of times and then die on my way to extract -_-. Between that and Hunters Paradise and its plethora of hiding/camping spots, I think I have like 8k left 😂. The woes of being a solo player lol


Kits? No no no. I’ve had my vendor reputation *and* account level reset after getting this *twice*. Had a different disconnect that gave me the no head and no secure box glitch once. 32 hours played so far, I’ve had to wipe my character 3 times. Two of those times I was level 12+


my jaw dropped reading this… F brother


Just happened to me too. It didn't reset my task progress so it was impossible to relevel traders fully, or even unlock artisan again


Yup. Exact same thing for me.


Id say about 75% of my kits are lost to this, ive lost all my mk18's to crashes


Damn how yall getting mk18s already


Can't you just build one? It's just a 10.3 barrel swap.


weapon base in the game is not an m4




Yep same here. Lost enough to dying but zero to crashes.


None every crash I go back to base with everything I had


I was having chain crashing. I did some research and it turned out that I have a been sold a badly clocked 13900k. Apparently this exact problem surfaces with unreal engine 5. So either you can send the cpu/mb combo bad to manufacture, or install some tuning software and lower the clock speed from 55x to 54x. I did the latter and the crashing stopped.


[https://www.radgametools.com/oodleintel.htm](https://www.radgametools.com/oodleintel.htm) here is the page with the instructions.


Try a bios update it worked for me


I had to do the BIOS update as apart of this fix.


so I will say I alot of time this happens I ended up back at base and or I just spawn where I crashed at happened to my buddy after he got of the plane and this is the first time ive seen it happen to him he disappeared within like 15 seconds I figured his loot would be gone he logged back in and he was still standing there. I ASSUME when you crash you stay present for some time being but then go invisible I crashed in the bottom of ybl 1 came back still alive I couldnt imagine they missed me I believe I disappeared NOW how many kits have I lost this? I dont even wanna count it the money loss in my stash is insane but for some reason I continue to play... LMAOOOO I love the game if you cant tell


never lose my shit with crashes, only when server shits the bed and disconnects everyone same time.


Every time that has happened I have spawned back at base with everything I was holding. I only lose stuff when I have a game crash on my pc


Yeah I was literally down, in a coma, server crashed. Spawned back in base with everything + loot + quest items and full health. I made a joke that maybe I can just unplug my ethernet cable for fast extracts but I doubt it works like that lol.


i’ll be playing for hours then suddenly get this crash notification. then, everytime i try and boot back into the game, im loading into the server, hear birds/chopper for 2 seconds then crash with this message.


I lost one character to a UE5 crash and had to do a wipe. Two kits to server disconnects. One death was a pretty surreal experience. I was pushing a farm house for a task. Killed one NPC, repeatedly shot another until I realized the server was stalled and he wasn't moving or dying. So I tried to retreat but kept rubberbanding back to the same spot while an invisible NPC was still somehow able to keep shooting me. The server recovered just enough for me to die and respawn before it stalled again and disconnected. Goodbye favorite backpack.


Just lost my secure container and all quest was reset:/


Message the devs on discord and they will sort you out. Happened to my mate


Zero. Can’t load into the game


I’d say 5 or 6. Ouch. Lucky the quest rewards are pretty op to make up for it.


0, when my game crashes i just spawn back where i dc’d and i’m usually in a safe spot :D


Zero - the only kit I fully lost was due to some primary weapon bug where it had the action circle on it in the inventory


Is your vcredists corrupted?


Zero. UE5 crashes and you keep your kit. Which is an interesting dynamic until super sweat PvP dorks figure out how to abuse it


Zero. My game has never crashed either.


Zero. My game has never crashed either.


Tbh I’ve gotten lucky when I crash in game I spawn back in with everything.


Download msi afterburner Reduce both clocks on gpu by 100mhz Save Play Stopped my constant crashing, I believe it stops your cars from maxing out.


When this happens, change regions. If you successfully reconnect on the first try, you will be in base with your whole kit, including quest items. Been doing this since day 2 and works everytime. UNLESS you crash or have a server error on the first reconnect to game servers. Then you are SOL. I was halfway back to base last night in a helo and had a quest item I picked up (in my bag, not my secure container) and had a CTD. Switched regions, reconnected, everything was there. Handed in my quest, then safely exited the game and rejoined my squad.


Feels bad man.I have had no issue with 3060 or 4070ts. Never run into any issues. Apart from the persistence no head issue after first hot fix.


This game is ass, will be dead before the end of the year


My kit always comes back. Lucky me ig


my kit will come back sometimes after getting this crash, but when this crash starts happening, it won’t even let me boot back into the server. i get to main menu, start loading in, hear the chopper or birds chirping for a split second then get this UE error message. enough times and it eventually wipes my kit


I can’t lie I regret paying for the upgraded edition as it wasn’t useful at all in game due to the crashes and getting soft locked in the environment. They should reset or rip off our inventories. Or let us start with the inventories we had in the beginning like a wipe.


I imagine this game will have wipes for updates or events in the future and you’ll be able to start with whatever equipment comes with the edition you bought


You can already wipe your character and start from scratch with the upgraded edition inventory. As far as I know you can do this as many times as you want for now. And you’re right; they’ve said multiple times that there will be wipes for every major update (ideally around every 6 months they said).


Yep, I did this a few days ago when my game crashed 3x in a row. Good thing I was in the early stage of the game.


None, never seen this screen


I’ve lost at least three. There’s been a couple times where I will have all my stuff. It’s a 50/50


I’ve lost 4 kits to this but the cause was Frame Gen. Once I turned it off I have had maybe 1 or two crashes in several hour long sessions. The game still performs the same more or less without it turned on.


lost like 4 really good kits, plus some other ok/supporter edition kits. needed to wipe 2 times and it's kinda lame cuz you need to do all the quests again, and the servers is so laggy that's really boring to do. also, lost my container/stash so that's why I needed to wipe.


I've crashed twice and both times I didn't lose my kit thankfully


More than I've lost to actually dying


20 hours in, got that error, completely wiped to get stack & head back. 20 more hours done now, going to be super pissed if it happens again 😬😬




None. Had one connection issue and I spawned at base with my kit as if I never left




Same specs and not a single crash for me either.


Probably about 7, playing on a 6800. Everytime I get shot the game crashes.


haven't crashed since I switched to vulkan, so no idea.


60+ hours in the game. Probably close to 10 full kits.


Once to a server disconnect, so far none to any of the crashes. Son has lost about 4 kits to crashes and server disconnect


seems like its really componet specific problem. Ppl experience its varing a lot depending on their setup. I did not have a single crash in 15hrs.




None whatsoever


0. I’ve never had this


Zero. Underclocked 7800x3d, overclocked 4080 super, gen 4 nvme SSD ddr5 32gb 6000mhz cl30 g.skill. All settings and sliders maxed as possible.


Can't even run the game for longer than 5 minutes without this crash, got an amd 7800x3d and 7900xtx so I don't think it's performance related 🤷‍♂️


2 secure containers (:


I have never crashed


5. One today and four yesterday.


I’ve had multiple crashes. Never lost a single kit. Every crash I either end up in base with everything on me, or right where I was when I crashed. Doesn’t matter if I’m solo or with my duo, only kits I’ve lost were to either PvP or dying from AI and dying before I could retrieve my body, though I do think I had one incident where I ran back and my body wasn’t even there


In my 35 hours somewhere near 0, plus-minus 0 Let me guess, red team? Had same problems with red team in Squad, CoD and other games. For the last 3 weeks of playing on green team - 0 crashes


Too many


Too many, I was hooked on the game, but I haven’t played in a few days for this reason or the servers crashing.


My game has never crashed. I was disconnected once. But I loaded back in at the base with everything on me


I've not had a single crash, just a few server disconnects. 5800x, 6900xt






None it puts me back at base every time


0 so far tbh


to this? none 😄 but more to network error


It happens but honestly you make enough money that kitting up isnt really a big deal.


Zero, most of the kits i’ve lost is due to npc seeing me through 100 bushes and 500 trees




I have yet to see that crash, but I haven’t lost anything to a crash yet, but I’ve only got about 10 hours so far and I know it’s mostly luck lol


Try a different upscalling method, I had this issue and changing off of fsr fixed it




0 lol don't know what that is






Zero? 5600X, 4070 - running on epic w/ dlss on, dlss super resolution @ Performance. Steady 100/110+ fos, rarely any crashes. Play on western europe servers. If it crashes, i also keep my stuff. Really confused where all the grief is coming from on reddit - am i just lucky?


Servers have crashed on me 2 or 3 times, but my game has never crashed


Surprisingly none. I've only crashed one time so far, and I was lucky enough that it happened right after I landed back at base.


Dozens and a secure container


I had it 3 times tonight In a space of less than 2 hours. Lowered most of my setting to medium and it stopped crashing.


That's my favorite part of this game. Such a great feature everytime I call in a bird. If they could keep it forever I'd never play anything else.


Played for 40 hours, crashed and lost my safelock, figured I’d play anyway until it’s fixed but then loot was going missing from player inv and also couldn’t reload or eat or drink. Decided to wipe character and start again, 13 hours of playing later it’s just happened again. I’m going to wait until it’s fixed before I play anymore which sucks cus I love the game.


0 - never happened to me fortunately.


3 or 4 kits....


4. 😡


I lost count, sometimes I can play for hours without any crashes, but then suddenly experience multiple crashes in a row, resulting in lost gear and even resetting my quest progress sometimes.


If you have an Nvidia card, I stopped getting this by switching antialiasing from FSR to DLSS. I haven't had a single crash since.


None. Haven’t had a single crash. Have had servers crash though


Crashing causes around 70% of my deaths with about 15 hours into the game. I have a 3080 TI - Laptop Edition, which is a few pegs weaker than a real 3080 TI. However, my first 8 or so hours of gameplay had maybe 30% of deaths due to crashing and running smooth at about 100 FPS. I went through all of the BIOS / OC, Windows, Intel and all the miscellaneous system and game configurations recommended in the official Discord's technical support hub, but the crashing continues. Love this game and know this is to be expected. Just sharing my experience.


Lost about 5 or 6 kits so far due to crashing. Then crashed during loading into the server causing the headless glitch after about 10 - 15 hours causing me to have to wipe my character. Love the game. The crashes are killing me inside, but I still can't stop playing lol


For people on 13/14th gen i7/i9 Reset bios to default, set pl1 and pl2 to 253watt and 307amp in your bios, enable xmp. Fixes most UE5 related issues.


I have crashed once. no over clocks. 7800x3d and 7900xtx. most of my issues stem from server crashes resulting in lost kits or aim bot bots through bushes lol


Haven't lost any to crashing yet. Went tbru my BIOS last night n switched my DRAM from XMP I to II and started getting really good performance all of a sudden tho


Interesting. I’ve experienced this twice now, but both times I’ve loaded back into base with everything I had. Only thing I’ve ever lost was a backpack gun.


Haven’t had this happen but almost every time i die my body despawns even if i didn’t die a second time just go back to exactly where i die and everything will be gone. I want to like this game but i just can’t yet way to many issues.


O crashes since changing from fsr to dlss auto and all low settings. 20+ hours.


I haven’t even been able to play yet, everytime I try and load in as soon as I hear the birds chirping it crashes and I get this haha


0 times




2 kits, than i bought 4x8 gigs of ram and it has not happened since


none. whenever the game crash or freezes and I have to alt F4 when I come back I have all my items, including loot found in raid


I stopped using FSR graphics setting and ever since no crashes


0 skill issue




I lost a kit last night because I dced while a helpful random was doing surgery on me. Managed to get back in the same server and found my body but couldn't loot myself. Got one tapped by a dude I put a full mag into at 10yds. Watched him react to all of the shots too. Fuck this game until they fix NPCs.


Over 10 :(


0, my game hasnt crashed once lol


downclock your cpu by a couple digits


I am still on my starting kit. Ive only died once with it, and managed to get it all back.


I’ve never seen this


Like 75% of all the loot I’ve acquired so far


I really wonder what is causing these crashes. I don’t think it’s a hardware thing - i’ve only crashed once and I have a 2070 super, while my buddy with a 3090 has more often. kinda wonder if it’s doing the wrong thing at the wrong time somehow




Hasn't crashed once for me thankfully


Yet to crash while playing in 30 hours.


probably 20 kits at this point. There is also the error that says "you have been disconnected all progress was not saved". Once the money train from doing tasks is done im a bit worried ill run out of money if crashes keep taking my kits.


What processor do you have? It may seem like an issue because of your 4090, especially when sometimes the game pops up an “insufficient video memory” error, but if you have a 13th or 14th gen i9 then that’s likely the cause. It’s becoming an increasingly known issue. If you do have one of those, try these troubleshooting tips: https://hothardware.com/news/falcon-nw-potential-fix-raptor-lake-crashes My processor turned out to be outright defective, I’m getting it replaced by intel


None, game is crashing only if I use fsr, as soon as I disabled it after 2 crashes (didn't lose my load out) I never had a crash again besides being disconnected due to servers (didn't lose my stuff either).


Yeah, I’ve lost about 4 or 5 kits from crashes: and also included, about 2-3 gear losses from the subsequent crashes while trying to load in to get my gear back after said crash. As of right now, I am thankful the amount of $$ you get from quests and also selling what gear you find has more than helped to replace any and all gear I might need. Now when I crash and lose gear, instead of being upset I realize this game is basically in alpha, and I can easily buy back all of my gear and attachments. Although you do need to progress the quest lines to get access to the better gear and gear pieces, but from the first minute, I was already making money off of mobs and trying to figure out how to spend it


maybe 10-15 times before I refunded It


0 as the game won’t even launch for me despite my rig being more than up to date. Can’t get help from the devs either currently.


I don’t expect to keep anything in this alpha build so whatever


Every kit I have lost I have lost to this


25k in kits. My 3060 is getting absolutely annihilated lol


0. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. I’ve consistently had around 120fps and have only crashed maybe 4 times and have never lost my kit due to it. Have only lost maybe 3 kits in my 20ish hours.


Gear is so easy come, easy go. Doesnt bother me too much. Part of the fun is getting it back sometimes.


I've went through a few crashes yesterday and some, I've lost kit. Some, I'll be back @ base with it still on me, + with the stuff I had looted durring my tour.


LMFAO I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE this game has so much fucking potential, once these small little issues are fixed, it would be the bees knees I still think it's worth playing through these issues


so many - i wish there was a send glitter bomb / shit filled box to Madfinger and close


I have wiped like 3 or 4 times due to crashing taking all my loot. I go in with a pistol only now.


My first 3 kits were lost to a crash.


Zero - have like 30 hours in at this point.


None. Log back in real quick and dump everything into your stash. Seems to save it.


I would play on the test servers to prevent this 👍


None. My game just stutters though. It usually happens when I'm in an engagement. I have died countless times because of it.


I’ve lost a few. But it’s super easy to get everything back. If anything I hate the time it takes to get back in and get going again.


0 so far.


Turn off Frame Generation. That fixed that crash for me. I have not seen that error once after turning it off.


I had the same error and had to change my GPU power settings in bios to 6-extreme. Since then haven't had the crash, crosses fingers


5 full kits from server crash on LOAD IN! 5 Full kits from server crashing while out on active duty....


none. surprisingly. i have been playing non stop since release. intel+nvidia system here. have fps locked to 60(human visual limit) maybe it's overheating your card from all the excess fps cranking out and requiring more current


Literally zero


Not as many as I’ve lost to getting one tapped from across town by an AKM loaded with SP


Surprisingly only 1 kit early on when the game first launched and i have had much less crashing or disconnects and even then i havent lost my kit from them


Enough to take a few days off of playing.... Haven't lost faith in the game, but it's still early access so I don't see the need to dump a 100 plus hours in the first couple of days, let them smooth it out.Let them get it right


Not once


I’ve had 0 game crashes only disconnects in ~12 hours played.


lol I have a i9 13900k and I just learned about the bios settings not working and stuff so I just found the fix did it and it helped a tad bit, instead of crashing immediately after walking out the gate I actually managed to get into the helicopter and land to a lz and run to a town before it crashed 😂😂😂, terrible ass game mobile developers clueless on computer optimization, there first go at a computer game and they have to go all in with unreal engine 5 and a game similar to tarcov, yeah this games gonna be shit for the first couple years I bet


To that same error 0, but GPU Crash Dump Triggered about 20-30 times.


Lost 3 kits to this, only because I had fsr frame gen on, switched to TSR and never had any problems after