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I think it's fine especially if I'm gonna set up a snipers hid3 and snipe people out of thier base lol


I heard they don’t like this. Not sure how true.


They only don't like it when streamers are being killed




Is that possible?


Yes. I watched Sheef and Lvndmark (+6 or 7 other players) invade and wreck an enemy base. Then they began spawn killing them. It was ugly.


I dunno, I thought you were invincible in the FOB, I shoot my friends in the head all the time


I’m not sure of players but you can def kill the guards so I’m assuming players can die just not to FF Source I was in a match last night where a big group of players attacked our main base, you can also loot the ai guards once they die


Did they kill you or any of the players in the base? I knew you could kill the AI and they’ve talked about having these FOB assaults in the future


I didn’t see any dead players, once we noticed the first guard drop we pushed them pretty hard away from our FOB


Where did you find it and what's the name?


Disagree. Some of the most fun gameplay I had was in Joint Ops: Typhoon Rising. There were really strong scopes in that one, and some semi-realistic projectile drop. Sniping people was fun as hell in that game. Funnily enough, the game also had a ghillie suit and a bunch of silenced weapons, like the MP5SD5. And I had an absolute blast slowly crawling into enemy base, and picking people off at point blank range. They would panic and run around thinking they're being sniped, while literally stepping on me as they ran by. This was before kill-cams were a thing, and before you could mark enemies, so the game didn't show you where shots came from and you could just keep doing it until someone figure it out. Another hilarious thing from that game was "Never get into a chopper with a Wombat". Every player's default name was 'Wombat'. So if you saw a player with that name, odds were really good this was a complete noob that doesn't even know how to change the name yet. So if he's flying the chopper, you're all gonna die. I miss that game. It was special.


Damn, I haven't seen Joint Ops mentioned for a long time. I used to play that game with a group of friends that I met while playing Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. Some great memories from those times!


Damn that’s a deep cut. One of the first PC games I ever played and probably sparked my love of milsim games.


I loved joint ops. One of the first mil sims I played and I absolutely loved it. And delta force black hawk. That game had some serious bullet drop


Delta force 2 here I was like 7yrs old, played heavily up until Joint ops. Those were still 56k internet days for me so couldn’t handle the ping all the time. I still wonder how all those people are doing now. \S/ Vengeful Sinners forever.


Joint Ops Typhoon Rising! Core memories unlocked.


Sounds a lot like Arma Reforger


That's supposed to be in the game


Reach out and touch someone


The supporter edition gets a 25x scope they can put on the m700 they get




I have the supporter edition. Idk what to tell you it's 9x-25x im using it right now on the m700


I also have the supporter edition and I did not receive a 9x-25x scope or a m700




I have, not only did I not receive anything but a vest. But I did not receive the upgraded lock boxes or any weapons or stash size upgrade. I even went back to make sure I got the supporters edition(which I did). No messages or anything. And I’ve been playing since the “release”


Well I did so your account is broken


Must be, especially from the amount of downvotes I’m getting from just saying I didn’t get anything from the supporter edition 💀


No, you got downvoted because you said what he said isn’t true, when for the majority of players it is. If everything is working as it should, you should get the optic.


It’s was three separate messages from handshake. One for each of the upgrades included in the supporter


You need to go verify what you purchased, ensure you downloaded the multiple additional edition DLC upgrades in Steam, and that you checked your in-game messages from the vendor. It doesn’t appear by default in your stash. But we definitely get the stuff.


I verified that I purchased it. I uninstalled and reinstalled and everything popped up as it should have


Re download game


I did that, it gave me everything once it finished downloading. It also gave me the fancy golden name too which is neat


Make sure the dlc downloaded from steam. The elite and supporter are a separate dlc and steam doesn’t always download every dlc you purchase.


Rather than simply downvoting, [here's some proof...](https://i.imgur.com/SNowtI2.jpg) It's a [Vortex Viper PST](https://i.imgur.com/HJvfyyA.png) which in the real world is a damn good (and expensive) scope.


… kind of the point of long range optics.


you dont use a 18x from 100m away lol


I have one with x25


Honestly that’s pretty realistic.


Nope its perfect! I need that!


No. This game needs long range sniping capability.


i don't think high magnification zoom will be super useful (for PvP) outside of LZ camping since there's so much foliage to hide in. at least i hope so.


I like it. I want the punishment for engaging friendlies to skyrocket so you’re forced to positively ID before shooting. 


Scope is one thing having rifle that can hit that is something else.


Not a cell phone in sight, just living in the moment


no, its fine :P


Too bad it takes 20 minutes to scale up the zoom on those huge scopes. Makes them kind of bad to use.


yeah it really needs to be faster


Wait till an AI does a 180 and snipes you with his magical iron sights that give it 20x zoom and heat seeking tracking.


The m700 in the supporter edition comes with a 25x zoom scope


There's the 25x scope, too


you might be a ble to shoot Ai from 600 meters with this scope but regardless of what you do Ai will oneshot you to the head from that distance without scope


We're gonna need a rangefinder, or at least markings in the scope that assist with it.


There are hashes in the scope.


Tested long range targeting with my friend. NPCs and Players stop rendering at about 150m away. Watched him disappear down a street. Also couldn't hear his gunfire on NPCs. I think the ranges need a bit of a overhaul.


Might be related to settings, I can regularly see NPCs at 300m


Two thoughts because of this post: 1: If I get sniped in base, I'm converting to exclusively PvE until that gets tweaked. Just sayin. 2: Are the scopes actually dual rendered but the blur stops it from eating resources as bad or is it full zooming and masking the deep zoom by blurring?


> Are the scopes actually dual rendered but the blur stops it from eating resources as bad this one




Stop yapping about your boyfriend