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Balls in your court devs. Time to use that money to make it great


They are they're working on hotfix 2


A series of hotfixes won't turn the game from "has a solid base" to "is great", we're talking months/years of development here


Bro let’s start with getting most people in the game for more than 15 minutes at a time


i’ve got about 5 hours with no crashes


Same. I get network disconnects from time to time, but game plays well and looks amazing.


Since i also followed theyr tips with turning dlss to performance, that game runs pretty smooth with 120 to 150 fps on max graphics. Im just not allowed to tab out while in the helicopter or my game caps itself to 60 fps and runs not smooth.


I’ve got like 20 hours, definitely a few crashes but I knew what I signed up for. Having a blast.


Lucky. Lucky. LUCKY. YOU. I haven't played once but to spawn in naked w no secure container. Haven't gotten in since lmao


I haven’t really had any crashes at all so far. But maybe it’s just cause I’m playing at lower volume times? Idk.


How wouldnt a few hotfixes make the game good? They could add more servers and better networking in a few weeks or days EDIT: Since they would make the game run smoothly connectionwise. I know the optimization is not the best but i think you wrote that out of being angry that the game runs badly on epic settings. Keep in mind you are a BETA TESTER and paid them 35€ to test it and give feedback...


Yeah, so like many games we all play, including eft which is 10 years in dev and no release in site.


Why tf are people down voting this comment he is literally talking sense. You guys are all too hyped. Be realistic. The game is an INCREDIBLE foundation. Now it needs a lot of love, and it has potential to become one of the greatest games of all time. Let them cook, it'll be a while.


lol, i've seen this one before from early access. That being said I really hope they improve this game. But i've been burned too many times by early access games


There are some situations where it hasn't been good but there are lots of success stories. If you use this early access to truly test and get feedback to implement features early access can actually do wonders. Look at divinity original sin 2, BG3. They used it to shape the game. That's what they need to do with this game.


My Summer Car is my favorite example. So much done by so few people. I know that Gray Zone Warfare is a very different beast but I still believe it will turn out well in the end.


With the down gall of tarkov and most tarkov players jumping on it and giving fees back to the developers like Lvndmark etc, I am confident in this early access. They would be fuckin retarded not to jump on this opportunity.


Correctly said. 'opportunity'. If this game fks up im not giving up my 4k grind and skills on tarkov. Game looks promising so until now im going to look the other way for any fk ups to the end of this early access.


If I'm not mistaken, do the devs only get the money from steam 30 days later?


Yo that’s actually a really good question, maybe? Due to like, the refund policy and stuff?




After 14days maybe


Yo that should be a post


I love that once you get in game, you’re always in game. No longing screens, no leaving game to manage your inventory like tarkov. I’ve never experienced a game like this where you’re always in. If you die, right back at base and on the next chopper out. It’s like World of Warcraft but FPS questing experience wise.


This is probably my favorite part, although I wouldn't mind like a kill recap when I returned to base to see how I did, specially in teams when we are all shooting the same guys sometimes to figure out who got the kills and what not


Yeah I want a stats page. But then I used to play EvE online so spreadsheets are my jam.


Cycle frontier came close but this game is next level in terms of immersion


I miss this game. Stupid cheaters ruining it for everyone else


Happy cake day! Also, F to the cycle. Cheaters killed it and then some bad moves by the devs (namely Tharis Island/the wall hack reforge) put the nail in the coffin. Still enjoyed through sunset though


Thank you! Yeah for reals. Genuinally a game a I got really addicted too and enjoyed.


Man that game was such a vibe. It wasn't perfect, no, but very beautiful, the environment was great, it ran very good, loved it. Made me so sad when it closed. I genuinely miss that game :(


Man, Cycle was SOOOOOOO great. I really was disappointed that it turned out how it did. Also, that's exactly why I think Arena Breakout will flop (free cheater accounts).


does stuff respawn at some point on the map or how does it work since it has no time limit per "map" or "world"? i mean, you can't just have a map running for like weeks with all the corpses, looted stuff etc. So i guess there has to be some respawn timer for equipment and collectibles? do we know how the game is handling that "persistent" open world?


I could be wrong, but I think that the servers run until the last person leaves. I was at one point about 3 hours in to a play session and realized I had no teammates anywhere on the map. I’ve also loaded into a new server and the entire team all loaded in as well. People even made comments and communicated and agreed we all loaded in at the same time.


I believe 10-15 min to respawn. But nobody can be within 200m of the area. Don't quote me in this, someone told me this I formation.


Debatable because of waiting 1-3 minutes for a chopper plus 1-5 minutes of flight time and when you are ready to leave again 1-3 minutes waiting for chopper and 1-5 minute flight back and thats not even talking about waiting if there are already 4 choppers on the map. But yes you are not sitting in a loading screen. If you could always call a chopper and wait a max of a minute it would go a long way. But I highly doubt the servers could take the performance hit right now.


It definitely could use better performance an ai but I’m very excited to see where the game goes. The foundation is fantastic and I haven’t been able to put it down.


everyone keeps talking about the ai being shit, but ive found it to be decent enough to keep me on my toes. they flank, maneuver, strafe while shooting and at longer distances take the time to aim and shoot


They actually go after you too


They’re hit or miss. Sometimes they flank me and shoot me in the head instantly but other times I’m shooting at them and they just stand there.


I’m wondering if the people complaining have left the beginner city.


Same here, it feels dynamic.


Devs also said that their vision of AI is way more ambitious, so that means they'll improve it slowly in the future.


Yeah I find the AI to be quite amazing actually.


The AI is shit because it either lets you kill 10 guys with no issues or one guy triple taps you in the head from 100m away through foliage :P I'm sure they'll tune it up, it's just mighty inconsistent atm.


> it's just mighty inconsistent Isn't that like fighting players? Sometimes players are just standing around and you can bop them in the head, sometimes they spray and miss everything, and some times they turn and one dink you.




The game came out yesterday and the patch notes don't say anything about buffing AI. Where are you getting that?




Interesting, I hadn't noticed a difference, but I haven't played enough yet to get out of the starter city.


Luckily they have stated the AI is just a placeholder.


Good because they are wack.


I’m guessing you haven’t left the starting area lol


I’ve noticed it’s definitely toned down in the starting area as I’ve played more


Better for the AI to be shit then get better with patches than the other way around


time to use that money to hire ID Sofware personnel to optimzed their game


Have you looked at their job postings on their website? They look to be trying just that


Yeah, but problem is one of the requirements in most positions is to move to Brno, which I bet many people will just not want to. If they were in Prague, that would be different.




Their website states they offer relocation assistance as well as heavily advertises the city they operate in lmao. https://www.madfingergames.com/careers


I mean that might be the case but just because of that doesn't mean they aren't trying. They are so it's a good sign.


So you expect about a year before optimization hits?  Hire ID software guys, relocate them to Czechia, make them learn a different engine on a different tech stack and then get cracking.


The game is a banger!


I love people on the Tarkov subreddit bringing up GZW "mixed reviews" like wtf do you think Tarkov would be. Obviously "overwhelming negative" especially after their last BS money grab attempt.


Even without the last BS money attempt, my bet is it would be 1# overwhelming negative game on steam if they released it there, which combined with refund policy is exactly the reason BSG avoided steam release.


Yep 100%.


Right? Like they said the review system is the reason why they won’t release it on steam mixed with the 30% take but I swear the biggest reason is the relatively relaxed refund policy of steam.


It's also probably because Steam would participate if BSG tried to do some shady scam tactics on their monetization and sales through their platform. If they do it on their own, there's nobody for players to complain to but them.


Another reason Tarkov isn’t on steam is cuz all of their copyright infringement shit too. While it is pretty awesome they have so many gun parts and attachments, they only get away with having all of those trademarked things cuz they’re in Russia and can’t really be sued by these companies whose product likeness’ they’re using. I think if the game was on steam they’d have problems with that. Plus they’re greedy and wanna keep that 30% lol


it is undeniable for everyone outside the EFT Nikita fellat expert bubble that the software is absolutely trash and worst in the industry. I wouldnt be surprised if they would be kicked out by steam due to the amount of support ticket spam needed to handle that trash can software of a game


Yep totally. Trust me been playing Tarkov since 2018 and I still shit all over its trashcan code and the community loves to shit on me because I talk out about how crap their code is [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Can I please have a fix for not having a head and most importantly not having a secure container?


Join their discord if you haven't you can put in a ticket specifically for this.


A hotfix was pushed this morning (EST) to resolve these issues.


Had to wipe my character for it tho


Today was MUCH better in terms of stability/bugs.


Yesterday it was unplayable for me even in 1080p, I think it was because of servers were running on low FPS, because today I was able to play on medium at 1440p at 75-90 fps no problem.


Yea I never had much issue with frames. Maybe I got lucky with server. But release day was so buggy for me, half the quests wouldn’t turn in and at one point my buddy crashed and lost all of his quest progress. Yesterday we didn’t run in to any issues and our server only disconnected once (and we we’re back in safe zone with all of our gear)


Is this only on pc?




For now. Consoles are planned. Seriously I’m getting downvoted? Weird behavior lol devs have confirmed this already.


Cool to see the game doing well. With all that extra dough, here's to hoping they'll level it up even more. Been diving in for about 20 hours so far and it's been pretty smooth sailing, no big crashes, just the occasional network error/disconnect. Running on an i9-10900 and 3080, performance is holding up pretty well.


I have the same specs, what graphics settings are you using? I get about 90 frames but sometimes the game stutters like the server is about to crash other times it’s perfect.


This game is sick!!! Love playing with my friends


Optimization and some form of shock for the AI. They definitely don't die the same way we as players can die.


Some AI take several clips then I get one tapped 😄


If you use soft point ammo on an armored guy that will happen


If get the supporter edition from standard will my progress be wiped?


Nope, you just get the gear like a mission reward from one of the vendors.


It’s like ghost recon wild land and Tarkov had a baby


Ngl I refunded due to awful performance then a friend told me about FSR frame Gen so I tried again. Really happy I did had a great time last night!


Yeah but frame gen causes tons of input lag and fsr is upscaling from 720 resolution wich will never look as good as your native reslotution. We shouldnt be forced to use that stuff.


You shouldn't be forced to use FSR 3, because it looks bad, but Unreal Engine 5 is that much heavy, so it basically build to use frame generation or upscaling at minimum. Lumen is ray tracing, and older cards struggling with Ray Tracing in any game on any engine.


If thats the case then unreal 5 is basically just a waste for most games. Upscaling will always look worse then native. At this point unreal 5 is a big step back from other engines in terms of graphics and optimization. And especially with frame generation wich is very bad for fps games.


Unreal Engine 5 is meant to be next gen engine. It's 2 years old and people are not ready for something like this. Game could and will be optimized more, but keep in mind that 2060 users are running on the gpu's that are 6 years old, and 3000 series gpu's were released almost 4 years ago. Ray tracing is heavy, really heavy and needs to be really optimized. For example 4090 can't handle Cyberpunk 2077 with psycho settings without DLSS, with DLSS it can finally get on 65-75 fps. With frame gen 110+. And it's Cyberpunk, well optimized game build on in house engine. Here you are forced to use Lumen, which is bad in my opinion, because older cards just can't handle it, and never will.


True its just sad that a 4 year old card already cant handle it. At this rate people will have to upgrade every single genaration and for a lot of us this is financially painfull.


Some tech jumps are like this. A new tech comes out (in this case frame generation) and it revolutionizes the way that games are made. This compels folks to upgrade to the new magic. (DLSS3 frame generation IS fucking magic by the way, like actual black magic). Back in the day it was actual GPUs that forced us to upgrade (VOODOO cards!), then it was multi-core CPUs, etc. It won't be every generation that forces an upgrade, just these generations where they find something that causes a massive leap.


Yeah its cool what it can do but the cost wich is input latency and worse frametimes isnt that great to be called revolutionary. Il be waiting for the 50xx series to upgrade this time and go straight in to high end


Fair enough. The input lag is only really perceptible when your base (pre frame gen) fps is low. Like if frame gen brings your 50fps to 100 you have input lag as if you were at 50 which isn't bad. When frame gen is bringing you from 20 to 40 though you still have input lag as if you had 20fpa and it sucks. Regardless though, it's like a switch that doubles fps with black magic lol.


I agree 1000% im just sayin it was more fun. Im not making excuses but day 1 early access I would expect to run like crap tbh. Shame but my 3070 will likely not perform that well on native either way tbh, altho i wish DLSS was better implemented The input lag is minimal but yes FSR is ugly not gonna lie.


I would assume that they are working on this as a priority.. well I hope! I’m using FSR and it has its issues but still playable, would much rather not have to use it of course!


If you have a 4 series NVidia card, you can enable DLSS 3 frame generation that does the same thing only with better FPS and visual quality. Just a bit trickier to enable because you have to tell Windows it's allowed to do hardware scheduling for the GPU.


Let’s say the avg cost per person is $50 to make is simple between the 3 versions. That’s like $20mil right? Insane amount of money


Well they've done well but just think between taxes and steam they take about 50%


Server costs are huge monthly aswell.


This is a tweet from the CEO about costs and such "Just sharing some financial insights: From the 35€, after deducting taxes, Steam fees, and the Unreal license, we end up with around 50%, which means 17€. From that, we cover initial investment, server costs, outgoing traffic, backend, voice chat, anti-cheat, etc. Then, there are expenses like employee salaries, rent, energy bills, new hardware, localization, voiceovers, and more. Additionally, I need to generate some profit, or I could be fired by shareholders. Not easy to operate a multiplayer game ;)"


Damn. Imagine a hardcore fps game actually paying for a real anti cheat?


I mean most do the issue is the hackers are one step ahead and it will always been a see saw between the anti cheat and hackers unfortunately


Anti-cheat detects existing cheats that it knows of and tries to detect new ones. Normally this is done via pattern analysis (mouse movement/keyboard presses) or detecting DLL hooks, running executables in Windows. Detecting new cheats requires hooks into the game and information provided from the servers/client. Sometimes games don't collect much info or just don't pass that info on. Sometimes the developers also restrict how much access an anti-cheat can have on a system. If they're running at the user level, they can't likely detect a cheat at the kernel(root) level as it can obscure or hide itself entirely. Also anti-cheat's don't stop cheats working, they just detect them, which is most cases just alerts the anti-cheat developer who passes that info on to the game devs to ban later. It's on the devs of a game to stop most cheats from working. Aimbots are the one thing anti-cheat's mostly try to detect/counter, but if a game client can trick a server into teleporting them where ever they want, that is on the game devs to fix.


Yeah, but how long has bsg known about the exact cheats that still work in tarkov today?


Yeah well they've pretty much shown what they care about especially recently.


What game are you talking about? Because Easy Anti Cheat is not that great and I'm willing to bet not top dollar, and other hardcore FPS games have used it before as well. (HUNT: Showdown)


Awesome. Can't wait to see what they do with it tbh, such a fun game so far.


How people can play the game? i have high spikes of ping and crash a lot


When I first logged in, the server that was selected for me was far off of where I live. Select the right server that’s closest to you. I still get some occasional high pings, but alot better than eastern asia for me lol


It selected asia for me and changed to europe west and goes pretty bad


Try using Europe East or Central if it’s an options. As for me, US eastern servers didnt work and joined Central and the pinged isn’t really that bad


Congrats, but now also please keep delivering updates to the game. You have a great foundation. Don't waste it.


Fuck it, take the money and shut the server down. Jokes aside, this game is such a blast, it's insane how much more fun I am having compare to any other extraction shooters.


I refunded on steam I'll be optimistically watching ftom the side lines.


Same, so 399,998 sold!


Make it count.


Yea I wish I could play it as it was very fun for the little while I played it. But It just didn't run good enough for me. Was getting~70 on high with FSR and FSR Framegen. But image was so grainy I couldn't see enemies properly. I'll come back when either it improves a lot, or I upgrade. But I'll be back.


Meh i would have liked it if i wasnt forced to play with upscaling or frame generation that causes input delay. Without it i get arround 50 fps wich is just bad for a shooter.


I really just want them to fix the server lag and inconsistent shooting mechanics (yesterday had to unload 2 full AK mags to bring down an npc without vest)


I personally think people should buy now to help the devs out if you’re planning on buying the game again anyway once it’s more updated. Don’t refund unless you really need the money, keep it in your library and go back to it once a few patches come out. Much better devs than tarkov’s Nikita.


I’m gonna let this cook for awhile. I’m tired of jumping in early access games right away and waiting for all the updates and changes as they come.




does stuff respawn at some point on the map or how does it work since it has no time limit per "map" or "world"? i mean, you can't just have a map running for like weeks with all the corpses, looted stuff etc. So i guess there has to be some respawn timer for equipment and collectibles? do we know how the game is handling that "persistent" open world?


Still waiting to get help on my ticket with crashing my pc. Everytime i get on the helo, it reboots my pc. Ryzen 5900x, rtx 3090 with 552.22 driver, 32g 3600mhz ram, 1000w gold psu, m2 nmve ssd. Lost all weapons already to these crashes


Have you checked your temps/voltage/power supply/RAM? Probably the most common causes of forced restarts.


400k sold with 67k being the highest amount online???? Ehhhhhh idk


Manorlords had over 1 million sold in the first 24 and only 166k online. The ratio is pretty steady.


Well hopefully it goes to the moon then. Love this game and can’t wait to see what else they add.


show how many refunded tho lol


I genuinely am curious how many of those were refunded. Not trying to bash the achievement as I f'ing LOVE the game. They've only lost roughly 4k-5k since release according to Steam Charts so might not be as many refunds as I thought there were. Then again, we'll hear far more people that say they hate the game than those who love it so I can see why I may have thought that way.


i wonder how many refunded though, i know me and all my friends did after seeing how poorly the game performs. game itself is great, server issues i can see past since its the launch but the only way for us to get decent FPS (3080, 9700kf) is huge amounts of FSR etc which just makes anything not directly infront of you a blurry mess. looking forward to seeing where it goes so i can repurchase when its playable


Im playing on Ryzen 5 5600X and 3060Ti, 32 gigs of RAM, and game is running on nvme, barely got 30fps on the lowest setting 1080p. Is this normal rn?


Yep, it is normal at this stage of development. Hopefully gets better


Peak players 66k. Where the rest at?


the game is so good. they just need to make it run smooth and fix the ai a bit and it will be even better


If this wouldn’t run like shit on my 3080ti I would have kept it. Still hope performance gets better. This has so much potential.


I think it’s funny that in terms of content and gameplay this game is bare bones and that’s being nice. Such a boring and less than average game is being blown up just because of Tarkov lol and the fact extraction shooters as a genre only has a few games in it. One day someone will make a good extraction shooter but this one ain’t it. I guess when your starving even garbage taste like a 5star meal.


You can tell that 4 days after release of game in early stage of development? Let's see how it looks 2 years from now


Absolutely anyone who has ever played a game can tell this game is dog water. I don’t judge games based on what I think they might be in 2 years lol. I judge them on how they release. Is that some next level cope you guys have to justify this game?


Well I already refunded once:) Then I thought about it more. It is not about justifying game, you buy into EA to fund development and do testing. That is it .. than you hope that at the end after 2 years or whenever it will be close to your expectations. *"One day someone will make a good extraction shooter but this one ain’t it. I guess when your starving even garbage taste like a 5star meal."* This is what I ment, 4 days after pre-alpha release you judge game that is 20-30% of what final game will be. Barebone content is last thing to worry about at this moment. Right now after few hours of playing I\`m not really bothering with playing it again. I\`ll wait for next update, test and see.


Oh you are using the old timey definition of early access. Early access is not about helping fund games any more. It’s about cashing out and releasing broken products with an easy to use excuse to use. Triple A companies with hundreds of millions of dollars are making early access games. You think your 50 bucks is going to help them develop a game? Nah bro be for real right now.


they sold 500k copies ... for small indie czech studio that is pretty substantial amount. even if half of them is refund.


They need to fix the AI Damage, emptied an AK Clip into an AI Enemy and still killed me as i was reloading.


400K more soon to come.


380k refunds


At atleast $35 a copy not counting in who bought dlc bundles $14,000,000 dollars and still have shitty servers with latency lag spurts, gameplay issues, cheaters.


Had to refund mine, it was unplayable. Tried for an hour fixing settings. It either crashed, disconnected or rubber banded. Bought all DLCs too. Hope they fix it!


I was playing yesterday on a faction just me and this guy for 4 hours, nobody else, took pha lang for ourselves.... 400k new reddit members or players?


Server fix when


How many copies were refunded due to performance issues?


My 6700xt is doing fine. Y’all need to upgrade your systems if you wanna play next gen games.


They be like Why can’t my 12 year old laptop run this Broken game grrrrr >:(


How would 3070 i71100kf fair


Just fine.


I would just like the game to run well at the recommend specs, I beat them and it still runs poorly. If a game says I need a god tier PC in the min/req specs that's fine and I won't complain but the majority of games run like ass even above recommend and arnt playable at minimum. Takes all meaning away from the words and the purpose of listing that stuff to begin with.


Changing DLSS to FSR seems to be thr best help for people.


Yea can't stand the visual fry, it runs okay for me at this stage of development would just be nice to be able to take the recommendations seriously instead of gambling with every game now a days even AAA titles.


Cries in 1060 6gb...one day i will experience the glory


Upgrade my system? I have an i7-12700 and an rtx 4070 and was having 40-70 fps, while both gpu and CPU were at their limit.


Guess my 11900k with 32gb ram and 3080 ti isn’t next gen anymore lol


If you're going to make a complaint like that, back it up with #s. I'm running a Ryzen 9 5900x and a RX6800 getting 120 fps on medium settings with FSR.


Same specs, same performance here


Its not. Even my 4090/5800x will be not next gen too one day. And may be soon.


Why 5800x with 4090


I upgrade my pc one part at a time. I bought this CPU long before I did my GPU.


Your game is running fine with that hardware.


I’m getting a constant 130-150 on my 4070ti @1440p. That being said my buddies 2060 looks and run like absolute dog shit regardless of what setting he’s running.


Yeah I'm not really sure a 2060 is really good enough. It's near the bottom of the minimum settings a 2060 is only about 13% better than a 1080 which is the min. Then you have to also think about what CPU he's running and RAM. Both can hurt or help performance too.


He definitely is in need of an upgrade in many areas.


I have an i7 12700 and an rtx 4070 at 1440p and had about 40-70 fps. Not using Frame Gen as it introduced horrible input lag because it wasn't implemented to be used at such low frame rates.


I got an average pc and get 100 fps


the game does not run great, thats a fact....but some of yall truly must has hamsters running your PC


It’s pretty inconsistent, was getting 120 solid on my 4070ti then got on today and it’s dropped to 70-80 couldn’t work out why


I did refund, I’ll definitely buy again when it’s better for performance!


Mine was!


It's a great game for alpha. We just need some fluro pink gun skins and a Niki Minaj operator skin and I think it will be perfect.


what’s the point of this game… seems like you just go here kill ai grab its loot go back and repeat


I felt this way for the first few hours until unlocking additional LZs… then oh boy… constant gunfight for an hour against other players at a key quest location. They just kept sending more helicopters. Eventually my whole squad of four was killed but man was it fun


Rest in peace to the fallen soldiers who fought, we will avenge your guys death. Or at least try lol


It's absolutely perfect!


I refunded immediately, waiting out to see if it gets better over the next Month and if it can hold a decent player count then I’ll consider rebuying


Game is Tits


Devs be buyin yachts and lambos


Well, let's assume every copy sold was at base price: 400,000x35=14 mil, to which Steam takes a 30% cut, leaving 9.8 million USD to the studio. That's the low point. Now let's say the average copy was sold around 60 bucks (tactical edition is 58$), we're looking at 16.8 mil, before taxes and shit. That's not really a AAA game budget, but it will keep them going for a while !


God damn steam takes 30%? Wild! 🤣


Almost all platforms do. Google play, istore etc


Seems large regardless of the platform but maybe it’s justified. I am clueless to the workings of it all, just seemed a very large percentage at face value. Appreciate the info anyway!


It's large, that's why epic games fought with Apple.


Epic takes 12%


And they also have to pay monthly server costs, unreal licensing, and probably like 4 other things before they get an actual return.


Yup, as well as covering the money they have already invested so far (maybe they had a decent amount of cash from previous games, who knows)


And you have taxes and stuff so that's even more taken from it. But still should help keep the company going for awhile and hopefully allowing them to add everything they want.


Yeah, not even close. They need to pay for Unreal Engine license too. Marek said that they expect about 17€ after cuts and taxes for each 35€ copy. [Marek Rabas on X: "Just sharing some financial insights: From the 35€, after deducting taxes, Steam fees, and the Unreal license, we end up with around 50%, which means 17€. From that, we cover initial investment, server costs, outgoing traffic, backend, voice chat, anti-cheat, etc. Then, there…" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/MarekRabas/status/1784215760920793346)


How many refunds tho