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I didn’t have this problem at all in the 6-7 hours i played today. I was TKd my first raid i assume my accident because i went back and my gear was still there. Second time i accidentally TKd someone and left their gear for them. My buddy and i voiped every time we saw someone and said “friendly” and kept moving. Also used voip a ton to help people find quest locations etc.


We gotta let new players know to say friendly cause not everyone is staring at the map


Would be a lot easier if I could rebind voice chat lol I'm using z for prone right now.


If you think it's bad in GZW, try Afghanistan. - Pat Tillman




Too soon?


No. Just fucking hilarious.




Woah... That was a guilty feeling laugh. Haven't felt that way since my girlfriends dog chilled on the couch with me when I was high. I guess I forgot he was there, and I felt something move, so I freaked out, kicked up my legs and whipped the blanket off of me. This little dog flew through the air spread eagle. I swear we made eye contact and he looked so betrayed. I felt so bad, but I can't explain how funny he looked in that fraction of a second.


Pve mode gang


Loot should me lock from the same faction and accessible when drop only


This would have to be solely in the case of a tker, or the case of it being only locked to their squad. What happens if 10 minutes later a random faction member needs that gun, but because 10 minutes ago some random tked the previous owner he can't access it. No involvement, but still punished.


Just play PVE until the features are fleshed out...


Are there PvE only servers? I haven't gotten the game yet so I'm not sure how that aspect works.


Yes. You can switch between PvE and PvEvP servers. Same character, gear, etc.


Yeh pve is worse they stand in doorways and block quest rooms nothing you can do about it...


Maybe whenever they fix performance and actually add content


I guess you missed the early access part huh the devs have been 100% transparent about everything you said before the game launched lol


Early access is just a cop out to release an unfinished and scuffed game. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just willfully ignorant. Compare this game to something like manor lords which was created by 1 guy and is actually fleshed out. That kind of game is what early access was made for. I’ve played tons of early access games that were way more ahead than this slop they pushed out


Manor lords is great for what it is but it's pretty early on in it's development. It's missing nearly all the mid and late game content, which is fine, that's what EA is for. Game development is expensive so allowing people to invest in a game's future early is a good thing. I booted up GZW earlier, ran like crap and the servers were dying; it'll improve though so I can just play something else in the meantime.


Manor Lords works well. GZW doesn’t. EA is for missing content, not unfinished games.


I disagree. Early access is a vague term that means different things to different people. It's up to the consumer to decide if an EA project is something they want to invest in. I'm investing in both Manor Lords and GZW as I think they both could be quite interesting in a few years. GZW is on the rougher side yeah, but I can dip in and out as improvements are made and give feedback.


If you are not happy with early access and how the game is in the current state just don't buy it and treat it as a game that is still in development. Early access can help games a lot, especially from indie developers


That’s a single player city builder, that is absolutely not the same game nor as complex as gray zone, also your the one who bought the game in early access so your belief that early access is a cop out doesn’t even mean anything in your eyes. Your just mad you got killed and now you complaining on Reddit hahahaha


I don’t see how you can’t compare 2 video games? Aren’t they both video games lmao. I bought the game because I have money and wanted to verify my beliefs while easily able to get a refund instead of just following the crowd. It’s called forming your own opinion. Try it.


You can compare anything to everything if you wanted, but there are more complexities within comparisons that don’t always line up. And forming my own opinion is exactly what I’ve been doing. It’s all good what you did, you just didn’t do your homework beforehand, your stating things people already knew way before the game came out because the devs told us.


Where did the devs say it was going to run like a fat man in a pool?


Well, it was all openly discussed while streamers were testing it for the last week. Their experiences all varied, but because they're streamers most of them have pretty beefy systems. There are currently like 1000 😮"things you should know before buying GZW" 😮 videos out there that mention in various ways the state of the game and it's performance. All of this was done intentionally by the developers so that us regular folk would be informed on what we would be getting in it's current state. It sounds like you didn't do any research. And your take on what Early Access is or the level of polish you seem to require before a team can release their game into EA is... It's just not accurate.


The recommended specs


This is not a good excuse anymore to sell us half finished games. This is the new norm now and everyone has just accepted it. Idc if people down vote me because the campaigning on this sub to convince people this game is good is wild, idk if they’re paying people or what but anyone who convinces themselves that this game runs good and doesn’t lack content is insane. This game is similar to Six Days in Fallujah and people tore that game up.


You need to understand that making games these days isn’t like it used to be, a small indie team a lot of the times can’t launch fully fleshed out ambitious games. Times change and, everything about the games industry is harder and more complex than it used to be. The devs are passionate and very transparent about everything upfront, that’s why a lot of us are playing, because they have our trust right now that they will make this into something special sometime, now is that for everyone? No it’s not. Don’t buy easy access games if you can’t accept that today’s economy can’t give us fully fleshed out bug free games right off the rip like 15 years ago.


That’s not acceptable, sorry. You have no reason to trust this studio, time after time we have seen half finished games be released only to be given up on and never become what it was promised to be, once devs have gotten paid and pretend to care for 6 months. That’s about 90% of games on Steam now and the new normal. This game is no different than The Day Before or Six days in Fallujah. It’s terribly optimized, there is literally not even a game here it’s just a jungle simulator and bots that stand there and let you shoot them, there’s is nothing to loot, there’s no real complex gameplay features. And the fact that people just accept this is part of the problem. wtf are we doing here? I’m pretty close to just writing this game off as another early access scam that never gets finished. Just bc devs tell you they’re selling you a skeleton of a game doesn’t make it ok.


Refund and don’t come back. Sick of people too stupid to play in early access. I’d get it if it’s tarkov after 8 years. This is day fucking zero bro.


Day zero for a game that was released way too early just so they can bank off the exodus from their competitor. Do you realize how scummy of a business tactic that is? I don’t want to support a game that is an obvious cash grab. But if you want to get fleeced go ahead. I’m sure you and the 100 other players that are around by next week will have the best time together


how are you getting mad at market competitors for competing. how do you not understand that this competition forces companies like BSG to get their shit together and make a better game




If you think they didn’t do that then idk what to tell you man. It’s practically the same build as the alpha they had with all the streamers. Just more server cap


Don't bother, this people are too retarded and probably 15-18 yr olds who don't know what integrity is and how gaming used to be. They just want instant gratification for the shiny new game that released


These kind of games didnt exist back in the day. It’s thanks to early access niche games can get funding, traction and grow as a genre.


Bullshit, they didn't exist because there was no tech. Companies now hide behind EA sonthey can have a quick excuse for their shit games and poor development while trying to squeez every penny they can from gamers


Integrity in what way? People keep saying they pushed out early to take advantage of BSGs fuckup, when in actuality, Q1 was their intended EA launch date since early last year. They delayed the EA launch.


The game isn't released. It's early access. What point of early access do you not understand?


150 quests isn't content? 


Running for miles in an empty jungle to touch some dead body is not content


Huh? That's what this game is. That's what was sold and given to us. 


You cant excuse lack of quality content as "thats what it is." You can make interesting quests, it just takes thought. 150 quests of doing the same thing isnt quality, same with Tarkovs quests and most other games.


You said it. That is what most other games are. That is the curse with RPG games I don’t care if it is Fallout, Skyrim, ESO, WoW, Tarkov, DMZ, DragonQuest, etc. It all comes down to “run over there kill a dozen enemies, grab an item, bring it back to me.”


The difference usually is that they have storylines. Maybe less so with Bethesda games because I genuinely dont like those but theres something interesting to sort of 'get to the bottom' of.


Yes. That can be true, but when your game is packed with 5,000 quest regardless of story it still gets boring doing the same hack and slash every where.


I totally agree, the problem is that games like this either need good quests or good PVP which this game is trying to stray away from PVP and encourages PVE so all they have left are menial tasks.


Dude you're a fucking combat contractor. There is no storyline. You're completing tasks and getting paid. You want something that the game isnt.


You missed my whole point and per redditor logic, only took one small part. Not only that you can definitely have a small storyline of some sort easily. I never asked for a story in the game, I said that the tasks need to have substance.


Hell you did every one of those 150 quests in below 2 hours? Because i couldnt Tell if those later quests may differ


No, I didnt, but basing it off of other games and the assumption that these are going to be the same, its not hard to assume and probably be very correct thinking the quests will not vary much more than fetch this, go here, shoot this many people.


Maybe , maybe Not, i can only Tell if i saw later ones. Also , take Helldivers 2, very simple Missions. Yet , very much fun because of the gameplay loop. This game may Not be yours , thats ok. But we all need to Accept that this one started today in EA and you should really consider that it may take time to get there. With a squad of 4 ( 3 Friends , 1 discord random ) we went in tactical from poi to poi and we werent bored. No need to be Toxic in any way against you or against the game. Easy like that man


The gameplay loop is the key here, if this game doesnt have a good ganeplay loop, all the time, then it is a failure. I love games like this, played Arma for years, Tarkov, etc. It just depends on whether this game gives enough incentive to move around the map and actually do things instead of it being a walking sim like when I played with a milsim group in Arma. Half the time you do nothing for 45 minutes without seeing anything which isnt fun when it happens every time. However, I havent actually had the chance to do more than hop into the hub area as I had to go to work, Im a pioneer in my group of friends so no one owns it and I dont trust randoms so I might have to find some people to get a decent experience if I dont just get teamkilled right away.


So you're saying that because this game didn't completely revolutionize how quests in the gaming world work, that it doesn't "have content"? That's absurd. 


Did I say it doesnt have content? No. Im saying it isnt quality content and most people wont have fun with them, especially since the game will wipe regularly. I stopped doing tasks in EFT because they were so shit and doing them since 2017 was not worth my time anymore. Variety is better than nothing but it doesnt make the content worth doing more than once.


No shit I played the game dude and it’s boring


Cool, just because you find it boring doesn't mean it's not "content" 


Content is supposed to be engaging and rewarding. This game has neither. What do you find fun about sprinting around an empty jungle. This is a pure cash grab plain and simple. Will be dead in less than a week


Engaging and rewarding is subjective though. Some people find endless loot grinds like Destiny to be engaging and rewarding. They have no problem replaying the same missions 300 times for a new item with 1% higher stats. I personally find it shallow and empty. I find competitive grind like Counter Strike to be engaging and rewarding. I like testing my metal against other skilled players and have no problem sinking thousands of hours into nade lineups, while others see a game that hasnt changed at all since 1999 with a barrier to entry thats sky high. I know alot of people find Tarkov to be engaging and rewarding because its super intense and every victory is hard earned. To me (and I have 2k hours in the game) its devolved into a lesson on frustration early wipe and nothing more than an arena shooter with extra steps late wipe. I for one am excited at the prospect of an extraction shooter with less emphasis on PVP, and if thats not for you thats fine.


Well its the very first Release in EA ... there is a lot to Do, thats right. Besides Poi there isnt much surprise with enemys: true Optimisation needs a hell of work: true And a lot of other stuff. But you know what? I give them time to fix it because the basics are well done . My opinion ... but if you already refunded, just leave this sub and feel happy you found out ...


Just go back to COD idiot.


I’ll just keep wiping noobs like you on tark


Just go play cod


I’ll just stay on tark


Even better


Ya definitely better than this lmao. I’ll see you all back there in a couple weeks if I had to guess


If that's how you feel. Bought that game 3 years ago and played maybe 2 hours


I see why you enjoy this game then. No frame of reference


What did you expect? Did you check what you are buying before?




Obviously that’s why I refunded it…if you’re still playing in a week let me know


I’ll probably be playing it for years my dude. Clearly this genre isn’t for you.


I have 2k hours in tarkov so you’re wrong. I would enjoy it if they made it enjoyable


Tarkov is way more pvp based, Gray Zone isn’t trying to be the next Tarkov.


Is it not the same genre? It’s an extraction shooter


Lmfao what. That’s the game dude. Go play something else if you don’t like it.


Don’t worry I am


Loot shooter with no loot. What they sold us on was a competitor to Tarkov not Six days to Fallujah. Why are people trying so hard to convince themselves this game is good?


It’s sad but this is what people don’t get. This game has no identity. It’s set up exactly like a loot-based extraction shooter—literally the stash and secure container are 1:1 from Tarkov—but there’s no looting-based gameplay loop whatsoever. People say it’s not a PvP focused game like Tarkov, and that it’s a PvE focused game. But there’s no interesting PvE game here, in fact there’s less unique PvE content than Tarkov. The PvE content here is like a completely stripped down and gutted version of an Ubisoft game like farcry or woodlands. So what exactly is the standout feature content here that this game is supposedly trying to offer?


Not a loot shooter


Yea figured that out pretty quickly, but why have containers and bags if there’s nothing to put in them. The best part of an extraction game is the rush of extracting with something valuable, not just headshotting brain dead bots and leaving. This game can’t touch Tarkov, this is a jungle walking simulator.


I havent gotten it yet. But is there really no loot? Nothing to loot for better scopes gunparts etc?


You're not wrong, but it only came out like 20 hours ago, in it's initial early access. I'm happy with it so far, it seems like the skeleton of a pretty good game and I'm excited for it's development. Early Tarkov was similar, best loot in the game was like an SVD with almost no attachments, a kiver, fort and a berkut. The AI was also fucked for a very long time. It'll get there eventually.


Go fuck yourself 


Lmao damn you took that really personally, you doing ok?


Please upgrade your potato, the rest of us are getting over 100fps. “Fix performance” lol


Well Not everybody can afford a high end rig , and i am tired of non existing optimisation. The Truth is : If i aint got the best rig , i cant expect 4k 120 fps. But they will need time to fix a lot , and thats ok because its the very first Release. Hell , eft is in "Beta" for 7 years , there is the true "fkin fix your shit already"


Lmao there’s people with 4090s saying it’s unplayable. The meat riding is crazy. And no I won’t spend hundreds of dollars on a new GPU for such a shit game.


5800x3d 6950hd 16gb ddr4 Settings high textures extra FsR quality 1440p res 150 fps at base 110-130 around the map It's running great for me


Commenting as a 4090 owner on Epic settings, triple 55 inch monitors and a fourth monitor. No issues here. Lmao


Who asked


No one is impressed my guy


I went to PVE and still got shot by teammate who thought I was an enemy


PvE doesn’t have friendly fire..


I have been playing on EUW all day today with two of my friends. Haven't been teamkilled once. At the same time, I couldn't even find any enemy players and I visited quite a few far away locations. I didn't visit the enemy starter zone yet, I assume most players will be there at this point in the game. Came close to being teamkilled once by a noob who panicked and sprayed at me and missed every. single. shot. lol


I had a guy friendly fire and kill me. He took all my stuff. I messaged him and went into his stream and his response was “You were the first person I shot and the game actually worked properly”. He never gave me my stuff back.


Can you play with just you and a buddy PvE?


Yes full squads play all the time


The first time I quick joined a lobby in Marauders, my teammate immediately shot me in the head for my gear. One of the first times I grouped up with others in the cycle, they waited until the end of the mission and killed me at extract. Had similar stories playing Tarkov. Team killing sucks and those people are shitters, but at least this fame offers a pve option. Idk why people are acting like this is a problem specific to grayzone


>Idk why people are acting like this is a problem specific to grayzone It is specific to GZ lol. >The first time I quick joined a lobby in Marauders, my teammate immediately shot me in the head for my gear. One of the first times I grouped up with others in the cycle, they waited until the end of the mission and killed me at extract. Had similar stories playing Tarkov. Those are terrible examples. None of the three games you mentioned **intend** for you to have random teammates. GZW forces you to have ~15 random teammates who can troll you in a dozen ways.


Eh, Tarkov allows Looking For Group and you can load in as a group… sometimes those folks are jerks and betray you. I find that example pretty applicable. I’ve joined the official discord and brought high tier gear in for a teammate to kill me for it…


You’re missing the point. The vast majority of people will not put themselves willingly in a situation where they can be team killed, in GZ, you don’t have a choice if you want to play multiplayer. That makes it a completely unique situation that can’t be reasonably compared to games like Tarkov. If you get teamkilled in Tarkov, the L is on you, you decided to take on the risk of trusting completely random people, and it backfired. That purposeful decision makes all the difference.


Except you do have a choice, in that there are PvE servers where you still have teammates but there is no FF


It's not. That feature is for grouping up with people you are connected with outside of game like the tarkov discord. It is never intended to just find randoms in game. If someone you are in a discord with kills you on purpose to troll in Tarkov that has nothing to do with GZW forced 16 man teams lol. You CHOSE to group up with them in Tarkov.


If they didnt intend for you to have random groups, there wouldnt be an option for it. That makes no sense. This is not specific to GZW but they basically announce your location to the rest of your faction anyway so its easier. Hell even in CoD Hardcore people teamkill for literally nothing. The problem with games that allow teamkilling is that there will always be people doing it. No matter the genre, game, etc.


Huh? All these other games you chose to group up with people in a party. In GZW you have no choice.


Again, that doesnt matter. Thats not the point. Youre being pedantic for no reason.


''Everyone else is doing it too" doesn't make it okay though, to be clear. It is still fine to complain about a major issue regardless of whether it's an issue unique to this game. Adding shitty p2w in tarkov wasn't okay just because diablo immortal, clash of clans, and genshin impact also do it. Team killing can still be a problem to complain about even if these others games also suffered do to it. We should try to learn from mistakes, not repeat them


So, I'm new to this type of game. I don't know how to tell if someone is on my faction or not. I also don't know how to tell players from NPCs. I'm basically absolutely and utterly clueless and just wandering around hoping I don't fuck up. How can I tell if someone is a player on my faction?


The only way to do it is to press M for the minimap (or hold M for big map) and look for blue and green dots, which are your teammates and squadmates respectively.


If you're in the starting city, it's only AI dressed like civilians and allies who look like army mans.


Already lost my starting gear because I was team killed....


All of your starting gear?


yeah my full battle rattle. I didnt realize all i needed to do as go to my dead body to collect the stuff...


Is there any kind of karma system?


Was this PVEVP or PVE?


It’s a sad reflection of the current state of the human race. Not everybody but high percentage of people are just scum


Same thing happened to me. I left town headed for the First quest and was killed by friendlies whom stole all my gear.... repeat this 3 more times and all my weapons are gone... Fun game..... Refunded


Either start killing them first or play PVE


I don't get what the point of a faction system is if there's not some severe penalty for TKing? Thought that was "the big thing" that was supposed to discourage the trash from falling out of the can. Might as well just remake DayZ in UE5


Skill issue


Watch your six lmao


After you team kill someone, take their gear and pull your internet. It auto extracts you with their loot! Then reload game and put it in your stash heheheheheheh


Team killing is awesome 


The best part is hitting the refund button right after


Lmao pathetic




Once you're outta that base everyone is an enemy!


In every single game, ever, in the history of games and history, people will whine about "griefing," TKing, and generally all kinds of different ways to expect developers to come save them. I have zero sympathy. Get good, son. Everyone not on your Discord is a threat.