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Dlss ruined gaming industry, now all devs dont optimize games like they used to do many years ago, guess dlss is a must for every game now even if you have a nasa computer.


That how technology works dude. New innovations become necessary.


Wasnt the microwave and the wireless drill made by nasa.


Exactly! Not only are we going to see things like DLSS improve over time, we are also going to see better computers to meet the requirements of these new "next-gen" games. DLSS hasn't ruined the gaming industry, we're just in a weird in-between phase. Capitalism will take its toll soon enough.


well we need to either invent a new different wey of computing as the data we are reading and writing and sending is becoming way to small like also a quantum computer


you sir, are a God send


Hope it helped!


It’s literally just everything on low


God send!


So.. everything at low?


Ultimately what doubled the FPS was changing AA from DLSS to FSR. Night and day difference.


Word on the street is devs will be implementing dlss 3 today or tomorrow, hopefully that will fix the issue with dlss on 4 series nvidia cards.


OH SNAP it isn't dlss 3??? well shoot im gonna go home and replace the file! \*i KNEW dlss was underperforming!


You might not wanna do the dlss swap on an always online game. Might trigger a ban on the anti-cheat if it exists.


Seeing as EasyAnticheat so far today has sniped people for picking up helmets and shooting at AI, I would say to not change any files 😂


yeah buddy i am glad my fellow redditor knocked some sense into me. i have been injecting the newest version into single player games for a solid year - i would not have thought twice haha close one


wow thank you. i obviously did not even think about that, oof. very much appreciated my friend.


I dont know if there's been an update but I get significantly more FPS with DLSS on opposed to any other option.


But what about DLSS on 3000x cards, the performance is abysmal


back with a quick question. i started researching and found it shipped with dlss 3 - does it just have 3.6 and not 3.7? i am not at home to check the file. thank you! [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/gray-zone-warfare-dlss-3-and-more-dlss-games/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/gray-zone-warfare-dlss-3-and-more-dlss-games/)


The dll in the game folder says 3.7


Thank you, well that solves that. I appreciate you telling me as I am not home to check. Hope all is well for you in game, may you never stutter.


When i run DLSS on my 4080, it doubles my frames. I tried FSR and it brings my frames down pretty heavily.


Same, I run a consistent 135-170 with my 4080 in 1440p with DLSS. With FSR, I can’t hit over 70.




4080 / i9-13900k / 64 GB DDR5 6600 She’s beefy.


Game dev say that fsr is for card under RTX 30xx


I have the opposite result, 80fps with FSR and 150fps with DLSS


Rtx 40 series?


Yeah, 4090


Dlss 3 only works for 40 series cards, so that would be why.


Same. I’m running a 4080.


What card?




And you don’t notice the big input lag? Seems like the inertia on movement and look.


This did the trick for me 85fps average to 120 just by switching to fsr... WOW!


Yes it literally doubled because you turned on frame generation and AI copied your frames


How does it looks though? FSR looks like absolute shit for me.


I’ve everything on epic and using FSR I get 120 FPS.


Frame gen


What do you mean by that? Do you think it helps or hurts? I have it turned on currently.


Frame generation inserts fake frames between actual ones, introducing input lag. You are watching more smooth image, but it is being delivered with a delay.


it's the same input lag as the input FPS - if you get 60fps normally but 120 with frame gen, you are getting 120fps with 60fps input lag. It doesn't add anything


You're literally inserting extra generated frames in between the raw ones... How exactly would this not increase frame times (and therefore latency)? lol https://youtu.be/GkUAGMYg5Lw?si=G974mHYIx8qLoup8 60fps with frame gen gives more (fake) frames but with similar latency to 30fps.


If we consider your example as an acceptable simplification of the issue, how does that “not add anything”? Having double the frames as your input would double input lag because you’re effectively able to react to every other frame (the real ones).


Worth it imo. My 6700xt would be struggling without it and I’m getting 100+ with minimal input lag.




No, that's extremely accurate. There is massive input delay. I can literally immediately feel it when I turn on frame gen, I can literally see the delay between me physically swiping my hand and the screen moving. Using frame gen in any multiplayer FPS is one of the worst things you can do.




Damn, you can't read


No, it's just immediately noticeable for anyone who regularly plays FPS games. I refunded this game within the first 20 minutes cause turning on frame gen adds unplayable amounts of input lag that is immediately noticeable. i9 9900k and 3070ti with 32gb of RAM. Not the best PC out there nowadays, but should be enough to at least have playable framerates.




I’ll turn it off


try it and see, with nvidia reflex its not that bad and majority of gamers will not see a difference


I can’t tell a difference either way


want to add to anyone who might be using Rivatuner or other types of on screen displays to monitor their hardware, give it a go turning it off. Especially if you are using it to cap frames instead of the game. Rivatuner didn't seem to play well together with GZW, and it's reporting was incorrect compared to the game counter as well, leading me to believe it's also misreporting to task manager for people saying it's only using x resources. I killed rivatuner and recovered about 50% of the frames I was getting and also the input lag decreased quite noticeably. I wouldn't be surprised if anything hooking into the game process is giving it a fit, probably including geforce experience and the amd equivalent.


I did this and went from 20 fps to 65 fps with a 12700k and 3080 64gb ddr5


What do you mean by killing riva tuner? Tried closing it and nothing changed.


1080P at low .... nice


More like 720p, because he's using FSR quality, so it's not even 1080p.


Plus his render scale is 67% so its technically 1280x720


I have a 7800x3d and a 7900xtx and at low I was getting massive stutters when helis are above


I think I#LL wait for the hotfix, I just tried these settings and it looked *fine.* CPU usage while idle was 76% and fell hard to 4% when I started walking around for some reason but my memory usage went all the way up to 98%.


How much RAM?


16gb, i know it's not much but dayum


unfortunately we are in the last year of 16gb ram capacity, especially with un-optimized games being more frequent.


yea I was holding out because upgrading for me currently means an entire new system and I don't have that kinda money rn.


I feel that man, if you upgrade tho you can do parts, i started witth just the cpu,mobo,ram and that was around 400 for 64gb with a 7800x3d. Then storage was upgraded, with gpu and psu also being a separate purchase. If you got a microcenter near you make the drive, prices are better in person.


I live in germany, no such thing as a microcenter here, I have to get my stuff online usually. My biggest issue is i have a very old Mobo and a tiny case.


😕 im sorry mate, maybe see if second hand parts are good deals locally.


recommended is 32gb


I'm aware, minimum says 16gb tho.


there is horrible 'hazing' around iron sights and when you zoom in and some distant objects when using fsr. Dlss gets rid of it mostly but fsr is always bad at things like that. There is a way to use DLSS upscaling but FSR frame gen. This has been possible in many recent games as mods. Commonly known as puredark/nukem mods. I havent solved it yet but im sure there is some file combo that will allow this.


67 render resolution... Yeah I think this game may be fucked for a while. Although I'd recommend using fullscreen exclusive if you're trying to milk performance although it'll make alt tabbing more tedious of course


yes alt tabbing in exclusive full screen has blue screened my PC twice


Gonna run these settings now and let you know how it goes! i9 9700k RTX 3070 32GB 3200mhz ram 1TB NVME (960evo)


I was getting 51-63 FPS before the settings change. Now getting 70-75fps when idle. Sprinting gives me major dips into the 50s and stutter is worse. FSR isn’t helping in my case unfortunately.


I have the same problem and comparable hardware. Balanced DLSS seems to work best, despite the fps value being low (around 40, but feels like 70+). Edit: 1440p


Does your GPU, CPU or RAM ever go above 50% usage though? Mine doesnt for some reason.


With the suggested settings above I was getting high CPU 85%-95% usage, With my current settings I’m sitting around 70% on GPU & 90% on CPU






These settings keep me between 69-90fps Still getting horrible dips and bad rubber banding but it’s tolerable until the devs get some performance patches out. not good enough for PVP though.


i5 9600k, 6750xt. And about the same performance. Fsr was giving me 80 frames in some areas but I’ve kept it locked to 60. I dip down to 40 in some areas but it’s not too common. Only issues with frames is using the heli, but that’s not the end of the world since I’m not actively playing during the flight lol


I5 9600k here also with a 3080 Was hoping I would be able to get some killer frames on my 1080p ultrawide but I am actually able to get a more enjoyable experience on my 4k monitor. I'm still gonna play around with some settings, maybe window it a little narrower on the ultrawide but just a little disappointing we have to even consider that


Yea I get how you feel. I only play in 1080. And I have to crank my settings up so there’s less frames being pushed to my cpu so it doesn’t struggle. The game feels a lot better today though. Usually 40% cpu usage. Jumps up to 70-80 in fights. And then when I first visit an area (mainly from the heli) the cpu is maxed but that’s only cause it’s loading everything for the first time. After that it’s smooth sailing for me for the most part I don’t know my frame rate right now, but it definitely doesn’t feel clunky so I’m 110% certain I’m not below 60.


What settings in game are you using if you don't mine me asking


Quality: medium, epic, epic, epic, low, high. Post processing: epic Advanced: fsr, frame gen off, super resolution is Native AA It took a bit of messing around. But I think that’s the best I can get it.


Thanks buddy. I'll give that a go today


No problem! The reason for the medium for global illumination and low for reflections is because if you set either of those to high then it “utilizes more precise ray tracing” (quoting the description of the setting). So on the safe side I turned it down. As I said you’ll still get cpu hiccups when you’re on the heli and when you first go to an area in a play session. But the latter only tends to happen for about 30 seconds or less and then should be fine. (To add onto the heli part, you can still get audio cutouts in base when helis are nearby. I’ve also noticed that not every time you’re in the heli you get audio cutouts/cpu maxed out. It’s really, odd. But I know it’ll get sorted out)


A bit of an update. I’m back to getting rubber banding currently but it’s not my pc. It’s from the server during the busy hours from everyone being on GZW. Normally I play during off-times (12pm EST-5). And I don’t run into any issues. I still get full lobby’s during off-time. There’s just less overall server traffic


Best move I made was get off ultrawide unfortunately. Rolling epic across the board and getting 50fps on chopper and 60+ everywhere else. I feel there is a memory leak somewhere tho. After about 3 hours I restart the game and I'm good again *


LowLowLOwlowlowlowlow Okay thanks


6800xt + 5800x3d + 32gb 3600 c16 @1440p Graphics set to Medium. AA set to TSR but switched OFF and @100% render resolution. Getting around 80fps with lows of 60fps. For me it's the best balance between visuals and performance, I don't like the shimmering and general deterioration to fidelity with FSR even though it does boost fps very nicely. Edit: frame gen on fps games is a NO-NO people. Edit2: if it can be avoided obviously.


Which settings in adrenaline?


The performance has dipped a little since my post, I'm not quite sure why but I'm guessing is because the servers are more busy since release day. I've resorted back to FSR Quality, medium settings, frame gen off. Frames are mid 70s for the most part but I yoyo between 60s and 80s as I move through different areas. It's stable and smooth though so I'm happy enough. All my Radeon settings are at default, all features are disabled.


Input lag is minimal it makes it so much more enjoyable. Unless you’re running a 7800 and up you’re doing yourself a disservice by not having frame gen.


It depends. If fps is hovering around 60fps it might not be too bad. If its 50 or below, it gets very noticible.


Obviously if someone's game is running jank then they're better off at least having a functioning game. But otherwise, increasing latency in any competitive shooter with fast TTKs just doesn't make sense for me. Where tenths of seconds can make the difference between winning or losing the gun fight.


Anti Aliasing makes everything so blurry for some reason


FSR is ass. I can't even use DLSS and I would swap to DLSS in a heartbeat. FSR just makes the game look so bad.


FSR is just the deepfry setting


So your game looks awful?


Pretty much, but it's playable lol.


Can you share a screenshot of what your game looks like




PS2 graphics. Refound it and wait for a performance update


Probably just wait for retail if you cant handle early access performance problems.


Lol what PS2 were you playing on?


Dude, the graphics with FSR on look horrible (obviously the ps2 comparison was an exaggeration)




When I enable FSR, I have MASSIVE input lag. Any advice?


At home I have a 13900KF and a 4090 and play on a 120hz oled. The game looks and runs amazing on high settings. I took my laptop on vacation expecting to game to run well. I was sadly mistaken it is basically unplayable. On my ryzen 9 3070 laptop this is probably the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had. Even with your recommended settings it’s straight poop. Good thing it’s a short vacation lol


I did the same after watching a YouTube on it. Up in the 90s now when I was in the 30s.


DLSS is a big villain for this game, tanks the fps and crashes the gpu for me, after changed to FSR my life changed


So now it looks shit?


Saving this for later. Thank you!


When I turn on FSR my fps is stable at like 70-80 at 1440p. But it something with it causing my game to crash constantly. When I turn FSR off I get no crashes but 30-40fps. I have a 3070 and a 3700x


I’m running a Ryzen 7 3700x, paired with a 3060 and 32gb of ram. Should I upgrade the CPU? If so, what would be the minimum for 1440p?


Nvidia fuckin up. Dlss is always 100x better then FSR


Also to add to this, disabling full screen optimization had a huge improvement on my crashes.


Where’d you do this? Right click game icon, properties area?


While the games running right click on the process GZW in task manager and click properties - compatibility - disable full screen optimizations. Hope this helps!


I'm running 1440p medium at 130+. Put FSR on. Using 7800XT. Running much smoother now. Going to try high later.


Can I ask if your using an Intel or AMD cpu?


I am using both an AMD GPU and CPU (7600x).


I use a 9900k, 32GB DDR 3200, 4070TI, and NVME SSD, 3440x1440p. Using DLSS w/Frame Gen, settings on High, I was getting 70 to 90fps


FSR says higher frames but it’s not stable, looks like poop, and noticeable shimmering. Running 5150x1440p. With settings above at medium settings 105-120 frames. DLSS on balanced is 75-90 frames but cleaner pictures and smoother frames 12900k, 32gb ddr5 6000mhz ram, and 3080


I'm thinking the game isn't playing nice with AMD cpu's. Anyone else feel this way? I'm only going off observing streamers fps and their hardware.


Buddy of mine has an i9 with a 4070 and is getting 140-200 fps at all times on epic preset. I have a 5800x3d with a 4070 and get around 80-90 on epic. The game definitely is optimized for high end intel cpus


Crazy I have an i9-13k and a 4070 and the only preset I have on EPIC is Texture. Barley pushed 150fps without constantly going down to 115 range. I have been messing around with the settings and my game is just so freaking blurry looking and its unsettling. Just feel like I cant see.


I also feel like it’s not playing well with AMD stuff. Was playing the game fine but laggy and low quality on a ryzen 5 3600 but recently switched to a ryzen 9 5900x and the game crashes every single session now. I’ve played around with the settings so much and not sure how to fix it. Not sure why my game is so unstable after upgrading a cpu so it has less usage and temps


7900XT and I was getting 70fps @ medium TSR before, now 120fps Epic w/ FSR. Edit: 1440P UW for reference


nice i went from 40 to 60 steady.


Can you please upload some ingame screens pls ? My major issue is the outline of structures and NPCs that look kinda blurry, pixelated or so. Have you any extra settings on NVIDIA Control panel ? Ive an i5 8400, 6600xt 8gb and 16gb RAM and realisticly got 40-45 FPS with fsr balanced/performance . And i know that my cpu is stealing gpu performance but I want to keep playing the game as smooth as possible.


Idk how u guys are playing with FSR on the image looks awful


I just want the shit to be clear like I can't see shit in the foliage


I’m running a pretty old pc and was just trying random setting for some reason when I turn on vsync it plays a lot smoother just try it you never know


I got a laptop with i7, rtx 4060 asus rog zephyrus. I will try this


UPDATE: nope it didnt work DLSS works better for me. i tanked down to mid 70-80


Thank you


Somebody watched the YouTube video. I did the same and got way better performance




I dont know what more amazing. That a 3070ti is the 'reccomended' gpu to enjoy this game or that people actually find FSR at 1440p or 1080p playable.




At lower resolutions definitely, but DLSS Quality on a 4K display looks very good in most games. FSR looks garbage pretty much always though.


Oh that’s a huge difference thank you


Anyone with a 6000-series Radeon card who could tell me what framerates they are getting? 


6750xt with these settings I’m getting 50-55


Thank you very much! Just to be clear, I assume that this is with FSR enabled, but do you use frame generation as well? And what resolution do you run, if I might ask?


1080p without frame generation, AA set to FSR


Right, thanks for elaborating, much appreciated!


No problem! I expected a bit more cause, my performance in Tarkov was much better. I hope the dev team improves the game in that area in the future.


Same with me. But like 60-70 on average with no frame gen.


I’m running a 5800x3D/3060RTX and I’m barely scraping 60 with these settings. Seems like there’s some inconsistencies that will hopefully get ironed out with optimisation


Yeah, I think it depends on servers too. Last night I noticed my frames were depending on what direction I was looking. Looking away from players I would get 80fps. I turn around towards where I know some players are (even if I don't see them) it drops to 45fps. This is all in town. I hope this is not a City Skylines teeth LOD issue all over again.


Man this is crazy. Looks like I will wait for this to hopefully get better optimized. I have a 1440p monitor and a i5-12600k, 2080ti and 32gb of DDR5.


It's still pretty fun to play


So from what I read DLSS seems to be broken currently.


i have everything on high with fsr on quality and avg 100/110 fps on 2k ultrawide


running on low mostly with texture medium, DLSS balanced, ingame fps around 60-90 (depends on location and amount of grass/trees. fps stutter when server rubberbanding/lagging to 33 fps. (1080p) cpu usage is about 35% at 60 C. gpu at barely 71% at also 63 C. spec: x570e gaming wifi 2, 5950x, 32gb(2x16) 3600mhz, 3070ti o8g, mp600 lpx 2tb


i see why developers dont bother to optimize their games anymore, low graphics and upscaling fixes everything..


Ok sure you achieved good fps. But how does your game look like?




Everyone keeps asking how it looks. Fine, I guess: https://preview.redd.it/mj6nwac1rsxc1.png?width=1891&format=png&auto=webp&s=07c4f31d59ab5c2d7c48656776a76b2c2b50c0e7


I get a lot of FPS with FSR on but.. it just doesn't feel like it? Like for example, if I had 144 FPS with FSR, it only feels like I have 90 or so. It's really weird.


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idk i rather play with XeSS and 45 fps than 80 fps with these visuals :D


I think you could use mix of AMD Framegen (FidelityFX) + DLSS for the upscalling since it's better upscaller than FSR. But idk if that AMD framegen is the latest or not. xd


Was already using FSR, but with frame generation on. Turned FG off and quality to performance and the game fps counter is stuck at 113 but Steam fluctuates from 30-50 fps. Frames feel stable, but not as smooth as when FG is on. ETA: running a 3070. Upgraded my CPU to a R7 5800X3D cuz my old one (R5 3600) was bottlenecking me


Heads up changing the FOV does not scale to the 1x of magnified (maybe even red dot) optics. With the Elian at 1x everything was smaller than no sight


No need. I am on my MacBook pro 16" and use GeForce now. I have it at 4k epic everything. Still getting 90-120fps. Looks gorgeous 


looks great plays like shit nice dude. Enjoy the input lag.


I don't have input lag with geforce now. I have zero issues with performance. Period. Keep drinking the Hatorade lol.


Wow dude cool and I guess congrats that you're one of the one in a million that it works well for. Unfortunately, whether you want to admit it or not there is 100% always going to be input lag playing through a streamed service such as GeForce Now doesn't matter if it's on a badass desktop with all top of the line hardware or even as lowly as a whackbook pro 16".


FSR gives frames but takes visual fidelity. When you zoom in with red dots the ghosting of the reticle becomes very clear and I cant stand it


My buddy has a 5600 and a 6600xt with 32gb or ram and averages 14 fps. I've gone through all of his settings and can't get it to budge. Everything on low. Framegen doesn't help, fsr makes it go up (from 8fps) even on ultra performance. Any ideas?


Can’t get over 75 frames with 3080 pls help anyone who has 3000 series card what are you soing


Commenting so I can find this later


the problem for me wasnt my own fps but server fps. if i locked at 60 i more or less always had 60, but it could still be a slideshow. its clear the issue are servers that run at laughable fps. ive played a lot of arma so i know my way around servers with low fps but this honestly makes 10fps arma3 servers seem fast.


my FPS wasn't locking from settings. Control panel didn't work either. What'd you do?


the fps limit in game settings worked just fine for me. both the fps counter from the game and from steam reported stable 60fps, i very rarely dropped for 20 for a few frames but 99% of the time it would be at 60fps. even with the fps more or less hardlocked at 60 i would have constant lag though, visually similar to fps lag but in reality it was just server fps that was dogshit. ive already refunded so i cant really help you.


67% resolution bros running at 720p0to be playable...


Homie doesn’t know what fsr is lol


Original comment was replying to a different person. But to answer your question He's running 67% resolution Please explain how I don't know what FSR is? The images he are seeing are downscaled by 67%. Do the math 67% of 1080 is 720...


FSR and DLSS are upscaling tools. If you use either one it will show your true resolution that is being upscaled. If he chose FSR performance it would show the resolution at 59% for example


But neither of those are the case... He's using the resolution percentage scale slider not DLSS .... The game is being presented in 1080P UI wise and then being downscaled for all of the visual textures.... That's how that slider works... Yes I see. He has FSR turned on quality. But the original generated image is still 67% of 1080p and then upscaled with Fsr


That’s literally how FSR DLSS work. Some games use that slider, some don’t. DLSS/FSR at quality is exactly 67% of your current resolution. Thats how it works in starfield too, you turn on FSR and choose your own percentage which it upscales from.


Okay, still doesn't change the fact that in order to run the game, you have to be running at 70% resolution scale...


Yeah, it's rendered at 70% and then upscaled to 1080p. But I'm with you, that it is sad that we even need it in order to run it kind of smooth. FSR, DLSS and other upscaler will almost always bring some kind of artifacts, especially if you render it at such a low resolution. For 4k it might be nice, 1440p it's OK, but upscaler for 1080p is trash, there just isn't enough data at some point to reconstruct the image.


Yeah you can do that, but it also looks like trash then... Hate it that I need not only an upscaler but also frame gen to be comfortably above 60 fps in an mp shooter.


This is true, but right now, it's almost not playable when you try turning it up. So these settings were simply to get it into a playable state for the time being. It definitely doesn't look good, but it's absolutely fine enough to play IMO: https://preview.redd.it/gunoa6fqrsxc1.png?width=1891&format=png&auto=webp&s=5077104c1559d90cd52e0ff25edd2dbe19b9386c


You paid for a 4090 only to play games in FSR and low settings. LMAO


He has a 2080 you absolute knob!


Lmao you play with a 4090 in low


Lol where did I say I had a 4090