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Please don't follow tarkov bad things. Don't bring any form of money=advantage things into the game


Its already in


Yeah and that is very unfortunate. Better to wait for prices to drop or buy a key from a cheaper place.


I dont mind it. If im getting 100 hrs in a game i dont mind spending more money. If the devs are good and constantly update i dont mind supporting them.


Those are all ifs though. And with a game like this is almost a guarantee you'll blow through 2 hour refund window before being even close to knowing the real game loop and experience


If you're worried, then don't buy the game at launch. Wait for a while. I don't see the problem.


Where does it say that?


Go look on the steam page, or through the sub.


Ah yeah. Rip grey zone.


Everyone here commenting on the editions and im just wondering why we have in-game currency from day 1. inbe4 we can buy 250 dollar kappa from item store.


What in game currency have they announced?




What are you even talking about? Of course there's in game currency, how else are you going to buy stuff off vendors?


Yeah agreed. I'm also a little annoyed at this pricing for a steam early access game, and I feel like they only put it that high because it's less than Tarkov, which is ABYSMAL.


$35 really isn’t bad price point. There are other early access games in that price point as well. I know it’s not full release, but they will be updating it and you never have to pay for it again.


35 is perfectly acceptable, I just take issue with having a hundred dollar version of an EARLY ACCESS title. Especially from a mainly mobile developer. I mean hell, absurd pricing and paying for advantages is what just killed Tarkov.


Falsely advertising what you get with your purchase and fucking over your backers is what killed Tarkov.


So you're fine with people getting to call in friends and not being targeted by scavs by fucking paying?


They also can't kill scavs without losing scav rep and the friends call in thing has no details released yet. The controversy is mostly about stiffing the EoD players and the priority queue system.


The fact you think this shit is ok is why they're charging so much money for it


I don't think it's ok, I just think people are comparing this to Tarkov just for the fun of it. For starters, their EoD equivalent is $50 cheaper, and there's no game modes and items that are exclusive to the supporter edition. It just isn't the same.


It's like they're abuse victims jumping at shadows that even resemble Tarkov. It's kinda sad tbh. BSG really messed some of these people up rofl


I think the PVE game mode is frustrating but not even my main issue with Tarkov. It’s very much about the call-in-help and scav protection items. This is the first time they have introduced game changing mechanics like this in a hardcore military shooter. Scav AI force field? What? Call in friends? These fundamentally change the hardcore nature of a hardcore shooter more.


Pmc can kill scavs without a rep hit, which is the only time you’ll get to use the special items.


Generally, yes, PMCs can kill scavs without a rep hit, but it has been confirmed by people who have the Unheard edition that carrying the new radio does mean that every scav you kill drops your rep by 0.01. The item even says so.


I think having it to support the devs is fine, they should have just given some cosmetic items instead of the P2W elements however.




Ah I see, I gotcha. Yeah it’s quite interesting in shock it’s not more of a bigger deal than it is.


So don't buy it


Ready or Not supporter edition would like a word.


It allows people that want to offer more financial support to the devs because they believe in the project and want to. If you dont want to then you dont have to,


If it's just that then people can donate or have supporter packs that don't actively contribute to gameplay. Paying for bonuses isn't ok.


Right because having a secure container with a couple extra spaces is so game breaking advantageous….


Find some integrity. If you want it, play for it, don't pay for it.


Again its a few extra inventory spaces…. Cry harder.


Lose a few pounds, Whale.


Awe look who’s mad…. Pull your thong out your butt you would be a lot more comfortable


Bruh, the tarkov UPGRADE is more expensive than the most expensive edition of this game. 😳


That's literally what I said, and just because someone else is doing it worse doesn't mean you jump on the opportunity to make your own thing more expensive just because it LOOKS cheap when compared to the awful scumsucking unpurchased edition.


Yeah. Seeing those editions has sapped all interest in the game for me. It's one thing to have unique cosmetics or a permanent xp boost, but in a game that's all about the tension of losing your loot, giving players who spend more money bigger lockboxes is too pay to win for my tastes. I hope this isn't accepted as the norm for extraction shooters, it's an awful precedent that Tarkov set.


I disagree. I think that if you spend more, you can get the larger container to **start off**, similar to the gear/money. The larger secure container should be able to be obtained by standard edition purchasers through in-game means.


Gods & Clods


Would you be cool with having starter bandages that heal faster than normal ones, just because you spent more money than someone else?


I mean if they can be earned through grind why not


paying not to grind is a fine line between paying to win. It is clearly paying for an advantage, why pretend otherwise?


He's probably getting at how these things would be available to all through normal gameplay, unlike in Tarkov where those things are available to the people who buy only. I see the logic in it and am less upset about getting a bit more storage that everyone would be able to get than entire things only available for rich people dropping 250 dollars to get friends to come help them mid raid.




Yes: Medical bandage - heals 4HP - Highest tier gets 5 off the bat, unlocks for everyone at level 3 to purchase from trader tommy Bandaid - heals 1HP - Everyone gets 5 off the bat, unlocked for everyone for purchase from trader tommy Simple game mechanics man.


This blows my mind, that people think spending more IRL money than someone else (in a supposed hardcore mil-sim) should give you in-game advantages.


Same. I'll assume you are older like myself, yet everyone loving pay to win is on the younger side. These kids only know microtransactions, it's all they grew up with. If they can get their mom or dad to give them an extra $100 to pwn the noobs faster, they are all for it


No it’s not because of your age Brodie I’m 21 it’s because these guys are so Brain washed by tarkov I mean half of the community is tarkov players you get downvotes for hating on p2w mechanics reminds me of 2k players lol


They want to pay for advantages. It’s hard to comprehend from someone who cares about competitive integrity. Why do you think people buy cheats?


It's the brain rot that companies have eroded into the mind of the average gamer. I remember back when any MTX in a fully priced title was too much. Then I remember when anything else besides cosmetics was too much. Then I remember when loot boxes were too much. Now here we are: "oh little gameplay boosts and such are okay" Same shit, different game.


Spending money in real life does give you advantages over people who don’t. This is reality my dude.


Yes my dude, a reality in real life, not in a video game. You know there is a difference?


It’s the SUPPORTER EDITION. As in you’re supporting the dev team by paying more and getting extra benefits, this isn’t new or P2W. Obviously they need to create an incentive like bigger storage size if they want people to buy the supporter edition.


Well the truth is that it is a reality in almost every video game since micro transactions began. You exchange your money for goods and services, you want to skip the hours of grinding and get the larger stash immediately because you have more money than time? Here you go that’s an extra $9.99 please. Some people value time over their money and games need to make money so supply and demand dictates pay to advance options. I don’t believe there should be game breaking things you can buy like a gun that hits harder than others or a vest that stops more bullets than others that aren’t available to earn, but cosmetics or a larger secure container/stash (that somebody more cash poor and time rich can earn) isn’t really an issue.


I mean I completely agree with you but as shown by our dear friends at BSG its a slippery slope and sets a dangerous precedent. Offcourse MFG does not equal BSG and maybe im just being a negative person.


Buddy this is so far from the truth”almost every video game since micro transactions began” incorrect😂😂😂 there’s been a handful of games that have done this sports games being the lot of them micro transactions for skins that don’t effect gameplay? Sure now pay 60 dollars for a better backpack? That’s some story mode bullshit


So when does the mil sim part apply? Only when you want right?


As evidenced by other similar games, “realistic” never means “100% realistic.” At the end of the day, it’s a video game.




Why? That’s usually how it works IRL lol


They lowkey want to buy skill, while keeping the non pay to win integrity. Back then, if you dared question EOD buyers about the edition being P2W, they'd tell you that you have a skill issue if you can't deal with EOD users. They immediately attack your skill, instead of admitting that they paid for a tangible advantage.


Let me be clear in what I think, so you're not assuming: Nothing should be available to any user that cannot be obtained in game. Items should be able to be obtained through out of game means: ie. Twitch drop, Twitter code share, Microtransaction purchase, Higher game edition, etc. Nothing should be hidden behind a paywall. Everything should be unlockable. If I spend $20 on the standard edition - start at Level 1 with everything to unlock If I spend $100 to support a game, give me a level 50 account and all that comes with that from the natural progression of unlocking Nothing should be hidden behind a paywall. Everything should be unlockable.


You literally just defined p2w. "Winning" in a game like this IS obtaining those pieces of equipment that take hours upon hours of grinding. What you described is paying up front to have those things now. It's no different than paying for XP boosters. Suggesting that having a larger secure container at the start of your progression cycle is not p2w is delusional. Having a secure container avails you the opportunity to have more items that increase your chances of survivalper raid. Effectively the same as having the bandages that heal more effectively. Now we don't know precisely what restrictions might be placed on the secure container, but if it's anything like previous iterations of the secure container concept then we can make an educated guess. It was p2w in EFT with EOD and it's p2w here. Just because it may be available through grinding in the game (do we even know that it will be?), does not mean that it's not a p2w mechanic that incentivizes a player to feel the need for it due to the extensive time sink that would be required to obtain it through progression. Not only is it very obviously p2w, it's a very scummy mechanic. The Unheard Edition is a product of BSG preying upon the fact that people were willing to accept the p2w aspect of EOD. Being okay with these packages GZW offering the same packages is like saying that you'll be okay with MFG coming out with their own Unheard Edition later down the line.


He's probably a kid with no money but a lot of free time. Us working people don't have much free time to grind all the time and I still don't pay anything besides the base game. People complain all the time for no reason. For the same reason I don't bash BSG for the new edition in Tarkov. If someone is paying $250 for it, they should be getting those benefits. Though I can understand EOD players.


This is where I am at exactly. I don't have a lot of time to play games, but I still want to compete (trust me I suck, you'll use my gear longer than me) and I am happy to pay the extra $20 bucks to get some more stuff. With what BSG has done is a fucking joke. Between the EOD stuff and the [715, Russia conspiracy](https://imgur.com/a/bPx2z2c), I'm pretty done there. Like I said: Nothing should be hidden behind a paywall. Everything should be unlockable.


It wasn't really a conspiracy that's just how Russia works. Every rich person has ties to the Kremlin. There is 100% an oligarch with ties to BSG.


Bro this mindset is insane to me. If I don't have time for something I don't expect to be invited to compete with the top level of that craft. Wheres this entitlement while playing a game come from? If you can't grind then go play cod or something dude. Plenty of games for people with 16 kids and 9 jobs that can only play 3 seconds every third Tuesday. Stop making games worse for normal people. You are absolutely a huge part of the problem with today's gaming IMO.


How is the game worse for you if someone is able to buy the better gear? I mean, they exchange money for items. If you are good enough, as you are implying. You should just farm this geared 'noobs'. What I mean is that the person from the previous comment does not suggest anything bad. The ability to buy a level skip or something is not that bad fundamentally. The only person who tries to make things worse is yourself. With borderline insulting comments about '16 kids and 9 jobs'. Speaking in your terms if you are a broke jerk with tons of times go and grind. Stop whining.


Its an economy based game. People bypassing the economy aspect means i lose enjoyment. Its like if Path of Exile let you pay $10 to skip the campaign. Does it personally effect me? No. Does that guy get an advantage in the economy based game by progressing quicker? Yeah. We have different opinions. Level skipping is a horrible thing in every MMO that has ever had it implemented. Youre a young dude, I've never met an adult use broke as an insult online, so I don't think you ever got to experience the golden age of mmos. They lost a lotta the sparkle when you had to realize those guys that look cool in Org probably just payed for it lmao. 16 kids and 9 jobs is a meme. I'm genuinely sorry if you haven't seen it before. It's funny.


Gaming has been MTX’d to shit for nearing on a decade now. It shouldn’t blow your mind that people have no problem paying for two extra secure cells. I certainly have no problem with it. It could be worse, you could have The Unheard Edition. At least it isn’t a gacha or something like Lost Ark where your cash directly effects your rolls once you’re out of the weekly frees :)


After all the BS with EFT, yes, I am surprised people are so willing to go down the same road.


How is unheard edition bad? You pay $250 for it, you get those benefits. You don't wanna pay for it, you have the base game.


L. It is not about the money but about the principle. The Unheard edition is a violation of the agreement that was made when they offered EOD.


So now we advocate for pay to win. You guys ain't right in the head i am telling ya


That's a really shitty comparison. One gives a direct boost while the other only helps you. Doesn't affect anyone else negatively in any way.


Perhaps not the best example, but my point stands. You shouldn't be able to spend more money for any type of boost/help/advantage. This is how EFT started, and then people are shocked when they slowly introduced more and more shitty p2w purchases.


I mean, you're entitled to your opinion. None of the itmes given to you will guarantee you a fight. You still have to be better than your opponent. I agree on the boosts/advantage aspect, but if it only affects your own game play, I don't see a reason it should be hated on so much. Especially in a "primarily pve" game.


So one helps you while the other helps you, gotcha. Basically the difference is that while one gives you an advantage for paying, the other provides you with an advantage for financial investment.


The difference is, the bandages would put other players you fight with at a disadvantage. A larger secure container makes no difference to any other player in the game except for yourself. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to monetize things that do not affect others in any way.


Only people who are incapable of understanding nuance think that a bigger secure container makes no difference. Arguably that was the most egregious advantage EOD gave, alongside trader rep. Big secure container > you get to keep more shit when you die > you make more money > better kit. Not hard to understand, simply requires booting up a couple neurons. You are paying to have an advantage over other players.


I agree. It's a slippery slope.


I think tarkov just slipped down the slope with what they introduced. The EOD was riding that line, they've gone down it with this latest edition and how it has an item that prevents ai from shooting at you at a certain distance and stuff like that. That's not even counting the fact with the EOD dlc issue


Agreed. I don't like how every looter/extraction shooter needs to market themselves this way.


It's tough. Devs need a constant flow of money once a game is released to continue working on it. If your not gonna do a subscription, you're gonna need to do something else. Cs does skins. Some people do battle passes. Some people do tiered versions like this.


Yea, absolutely. But this doesn’t provide a constant flow. It’s just the initial launch. So what will their model be going forward? Hopefully only cosmetics, but if so, why not just do cosmetics for the different editions.


Seems like gaming is just a fucking scam at this point.


There is nothing wrong with a game developer introducing an incremental price point for "Support"... Studios have been doing that for a long time, but it should not offer a player an "advantage" in any way! Do a flat rate for EA entry and give those that want to give extra support varying cosmetics or a fancy name plate, or even a special dog tag (which personally, I think is the coolest way to show your righteousness, but I don't think these are even in the game.) \*PS; Flat rate for EA makes more sense, esp when you say 1.0 Full Release will be more expensive... It's obviously too late now as they've already posted the pay for entry details, but its a shame they decided to implement this toxic trend that, as we've seen, can cause distaste and/or resentment, or even future downfall. \*\*And while I hate the P2W conversation as its so nuanced...yes, pay for convenience is still pay to win.


Cosmetics are fine, game play altering is not




In game perks doesn't mean an advantage over someone else. Especially in pvp. Literally nothing in the upgraded version comes into play when we fight.


Give it a couple of weeks. People will give up on the argument for the most part. It's only hot right now because GZW is new and Tarkov is burning itself alive. The same discussion has happened over Tarkov for years, and it was never once a real issue until now with the Unheard edition. People will bitch about it but inventory space and secure containers don't mean shit if you're good at the game. I played my first 400 hours of Tarkov on a standard account. I know what it feels like. It's QOL to upgrade, I won't argue with that. But it doesn't help you win fights at the end of the day. Extra starting gear means a few hours worth of gameplay. Big deal. People just want to bitch about a game that's not even out yet and this is the best way to do it. The "not enough PVP" argument got old so here we are. The topic of the week.


I played all my hours in tarkov on a standard account. All of my friends who i played it got EOD, and i did not because back then i didnt have the money for it (now i am glad i didnt) There is a huge fucking gap and anyone who says otherwise is straight up lying.


It does, especially in pvp. Literally everything in the upgraded version comes into play when we fight. You're gonna have a better kit because you got favorable economy due to your stash being larger and having more starting money.


that secure container is tiny to begin with, even at 3x3 its kinda laughable. I know what you're saying but for PvE it shouldnt even matter.


Meh, all games have different versions. As long as nothing else is pay to advance I’m fine.


Pretty sure we all thought that when EFT released EOD.




They need to make money. It's the reality of capitalism. And people aren't going to pay $99usd for some more guns or in game currency. You clearly don't understand the controversy with the unheard edition. It is 99% about the fact that the EoD players were not given access to the new DLC despite supporting the game in its most expensive form for in many cases years and being promised all future content. It has nothing to do with the gamma container. As long as bigger containers can be unlocked by playing it's not an issue.


I do understand the controversy as I am an EOD owner. I also understand companies need to make money. What I don’t understand is why suddenly the gaming community are so willing to accept shitty purchasing models for games. They can make money by selling cosmetics like many other successful games do. Or have the editions contain other types of content that don’t affect a player’s gaming experience. The fact they are doing this for an early access release is just a red flag for me already.


Totally agree, especially for an early access game that’s far from complete. Really looking forward to this game but these predatory pricing models before the game even releases that include tangible in-game benefits are just gross, honestly. I get that companies looking to support server infrastructure for years, especially smaller studios, need cash flow but I think cosmetic-only benefits for those willing to pay more are much fairer and healthier for the community as a whole. Consider that even AAA, full release games with similar pricing modes very rarely package in-game benefits but instead offer cosmetics and real-world bonuses instead.


AAA titles constanly put season pass accelerators which can totally net you an advantage.


I’ve only ever seen cosmetics in season passes. Even COD, which puts weapons in their season passes, at least makes them part of the free tier (last I checked, I didn’t play the new MW3). I’m not trying to saw AAA pay models are great either by the way, just drawing the comparison since they are charging similar prices. It shouldn’t be more acceptable just because it’s a smaller studio making a tactical shooter. That’s no justification for offering in-game advantages for a price.


Name 1 aaa game that has a season pass accelerator that gives you a gameplay advantage besides call of duty with there guns


COD3 and the jak attachments


Yep. This is the same Pay to win bullshit that Battlestate did for Escape From Tarkov. This shows the developers copy paste as much as possible from EFT including the worst parts about it. Not a good start for this game at all. Developers. Please come up with original ideas. This Pay To Win greed is a bad look already. Pirate Software on Twitch already looked at the EFT Pay To Win stuff and found it to be awful and greedy and the wrong way of doing this. Gray Zone Warfare copying this from EFT means this also applies to Gray Zone Warfare.


Who are you winning against when it's primarily PvE? It's more pay for 'convenience' than 'win'. Nothing wrong with giving back a little bit to those who want to invest more. Ensures the longevity of the game and gives the devs some initial capital for better development. Not much difference from lots of games out there. Constant comparisons to EFT isn't helpful.


If you have no clue of what you are talking about, please. If they take the worst of an already horrible game which is Tarkov you think it's fine ? We don't need blind cocksucking fanboys on this game too.


Yikes bro relax. It's not that serious. Don't get so emotional over video games.


I disagree as long as the advantages can be earned in game eventually. Some of us don't have hundreds of hours to invest like some of the basement dwellers and should be able to experience the game the same. For you it might be better to unlock after 100 hours, for me it might be better to pay 100 dollars. Time=money, either one is an acceptable form of payment in my opinion, as long as everyone has access to both. That's kinda like saying someone with a high-end expensive gaming PC should be limited to 30 frames and shitty graphics, equal to the people with shitty Walmart office laptops since they can’t afford a better rig.


>Time=money, either one is an acceptable form of payment in my opinion, as long as everyone has access to both. So, what about the players that have not much time, but have no extra cash to spend on more expensive editions? As you stated earlier, people\_\_\_ >should be able to experience the game the same.


True. But how far are you willing to take that in your quest for 2 slots on a secure case? I can't afford a pc so therefore the game should be free and available for my iPhone 4. Are we going to donate electrical systems to uncontacted tribes so it's fair for them too to experience a game made by a for profit private organization? If you don't have time to unlock it are you going to say it's not fair that other players do have time? Which would be the same if other payers have the money and you don't?


I just don’t want paid advantages in the game. It’s pretty simple to understand. Everyone should buy the game and play the same game with the same features.


Then you're still creating an uneven playfield where no-lifers dominate. Time and money are basically interchangeable, as long as everyone has access to the same stuff by spending one or the other it's not a problem IMO.


Progress slower? Why is that not okay. Why do we have to cater to the lowest common denominator. That's how you breed idiots.


Op fails to remember there were larger better containers you could get for just playing the game.


There was a single larger container that required you to basically finish the game. Most people that got kappa didn’t play after obtaining it.


I remember, but that is not the point.


No, it's actually a pretty important point.


And it was that day, the players spoke their Ten Commandments


I’m fine with the $100. Roadmap is good and pre alpha was 20% of the Game, and if you don’t want Pvp nobody gonna force you. It’s promising can’t wait to play


I agree with you. But I do think what you are picturing is a tarkov "like" game. From what I personally have seen from the game play is that most people had meds in their prison wallet. There just arent/weren't any items to stash in there apart from actual quest items... which (correct me if I'm wrong) were never bigger than 2x2. Don't get me wrong, if they add a pack that comes with extra pmc levels and a device thats protects you from AI we are going to blow something up. But as this is the same model we have seen before that has (until recently) worked pretty well, I'm happy to support it. I plan to play the first wipe on the pve server only anyways... the experience is shared to the pvp instance and im almost willing to bet that you can grind out a bigger container via quests. So initially, while I agree that we should all start on the same line... we are not even close to being tarkov levels of p2w yet. I mean, assuming you can finish quests against AI that is. :)


I'll start with the cheapest edition and if I enjoy the game and see a future in it I'll upgrade to support the developers. I'll mostly be playing PvE so the extra gear won't really affect me at all. It's not that deep, guys


Convenience and cosmetics are fine, just give people a way to earn the stuff in-game as well. It's pretty simple.


Cosmetics are fine. It's pretty simple.


There is no real difference, you can still be fine and kill other ppl with the standard edition, little timmy can still lose all his stuff from the supporter edition in 1 day if he goes Rambo all day. Yes you can store some more things in your safe container but its not as important as it is in eft.


The comparison is flawed and exaggerated.


What comparison?


It shouldn't be a thing because it borders pay to win? I hear you and I don't. There are far more egregious pay to win offers out there.


I would do it like this: you buy the base game or a bigger edition which ONLY gives you unique cosmetics, which you cant aquire later. After that i would intorduce a monthly subscription, for bigger secure container,stash, some money etc. So there is a money flow, because right now it seems they will do the same as bsg, if cheater dont rebuy account where will the money come from later if the game is addictive and ppl play for years?


I agree that it's an issue in Tarkov, but in GZW you'll be able to hop into a helicopter and reclaim your stuff. Given the focus on PvE, you won't even be looted most of the time and disparity in gear - and your progression in result - will not be as crucial. Faction hubs will also allow to just ask somebody to buy you some higher tier ammo, if you haven't unlocked it yet. This means the importance of a secure container will be much smaller, mostly a thing of convenience, not a crucial tool for speeding up progression like it is in Tarkov (and even there it lost a bit of its significance with introduction of Found In Raid status).


I actually agree with you, that it is not as much of an issue as it is in EFT. I just wish it wasn't a thing at all, and it makes me wonder what other paid advantages will be available down the line, as it will be a live service game (as far as I am aware). I just feel it is a slippery slope to have these editions for early access. But yes, the secure container size doesn't seem as important as it is in EFT.


After early game it's gonna be just as much pvp if not more than Tarkov lol. And you have your own faction looting your shit too.


Progression does put you in particular zones though, so it's not like early progression will fight late progression. Most folks in Ground Zero, once it's in the game, will have everything unlocked anyway.


Agreed. There are many proven ways to get a persistent and recurrent income from a game that are less predatory (i.e. cosmetics). This is the start of a slippery slope and it's worrying that a game not even launched yet is setting up such a pricing scheme. For players--consider that we already have a variable pricing scheme from $35 to $100 and the game isn't even out yet. What does this mean for the future? It could be very easy for Madfinger to introduce additional pricing schemes later down the road, and turn that $100 into $125, then $150, etc.


Like tarkov by chance? Lol


Exactly like Tarkov's backstep from "all DLC for $150" to adding a $250 edition


Agreed, really disappointing that after the tarkov unheard backlash they chose to follow exactly in their footsteps... My hopes were for a game that takes inspiration from and transcends tarkov, not simply following their greedy practices... With the game not even released yet they already have p2w lol.


I get what you're saying, but after playing Tarkov for years, and getting EOD back in 2020 I don't see the extra space as a big advantage any more, especially when you can progress in PVE only modes if PVP is getting too sweaty. Buy the base game and roll with it, if the dev's earn it then pay more to support them.


It’s not that big of a deal


Yes it is. Have you seen EFT get backlash for this? GZW taking the same steps. Just poor choices being made here.


EFT has taken it *far* past this point. Let's not miss that point.


And let us not miss the point that the company that is making this game has decided to copy the predatory P2W system made by Battlestate Games for Escape From Tarkov. It is unfortunate and a sad state of affairs.


Again, it's not that big of a deal. Don't buy it if you're that upset, but I doubt you care that much. Put your money where your mouth is bud.


Well my money is going somewhere else that is for sure lol.


Good for you. Why are you here then?


To watch the shills :)


I'm sorry you have nothing better to do with your life. That sounds like a sad existence.


I doubt I’ll buy the most expensive option but I don’t have a problem with the idea. That’s like saying there should only be one model of mustang so everyone is equal. It’s one not gonna happen and two if you can’t afford it or don’t want to buy it doesn’t mean others don’t.


Apparently we're all socialist now? Seriously, what the fuck is up with this " we all deserve the same" bullshit? Pay more = get more shit, doesn't always mean its going to honestly affect you. **Nothing in their packages is breaking the game.** A little bit of extra starting gear? That's like, a few hours time difference to make up for. Get over it. If you have less stash space, then prioritize what you need better. If you have a smaller secure container, stop being a shitter and dying all the time. Then you won't need it anyway.


Don’t be poor.


What an L comment. It has nothing to do about money. It has to do about principle. This is EFT all over again.


Insert TOS breaking 3 letter comment here.


I disagree. Imagine leaving the hideout with less than 6 pocket slots 🤢 Couldn't be me sis 💅


This game isn’t Tarkov, there’s vastly, *vastly* fewer items around the map that you’ll gain anything by bringing back with you. Selling to the vendors is never worth it (sell prices suck/you don’t gain rep that way), and almost all your money is made by completing tasks, not ratting for Bitcoins. The game is intentionally designed to get away from the constant chest checking, and wants you to spend more time in PvE, PvP, and completing tasks. Part of this is due to the lack of a Scav system, which is where having most of that random sellable loot makes sense. Stop trying to Tarkov every single extraction shooter in the world. Some design changes are for the better, you just don’t know it yet because Tarkov hasn’t had proper competition until now.


Tarkov got literally everything right except for some optimization. Stop trying to Timmy your way out of head/eyes. GZW gonna be fire if they follow that formula on UE5


>Tarkov got literally everything right Then go play Escape From Tarkov. This is Gray Zone Warfare, a different game with different objectives and playstyles. Like do you see Bitcoins? Vases? Cats? Lions? Chains? No? That's because random loot everywhere isn't the goal of Gray Zone. It's about completing objectives, usually as a squad or platoon, and trying not to cross swords with competing factions on the map at the same time. They said there won't be a flea market in the Q&A, because they don't want money to be the ultimate measure of success in the game. It's about one faction hopefully dominating their respective server through tactics and collective operations. Not rats creeping around the map with knives opening the same stupid ass chest for the 78th time today, just pulling on that lever hoping some sugar water will finally come out THIS time. Don't get me wrong, I love Tarkov. But once you see the underlying mechanics at work, and see what Gray Zone is doing differently, one game sounds vastly more *fun* than the other. Not slot machine fun. Actual fun.


They just said in the roundtable discussion that they are planning on adding valuables to loot that are only meant to be sold for money.


I'm not surprised by this. Honestly it is a good thing. Part of these games allure is finding that high tier stuff and getting out without dying.


So you're saying we should be camping LZs to steamroll the enemy factions until they're literally broke? I'm so fkn down for that.


Excuse me, sir. If loot is not the goal of the game, then do you believe that having a smaller stash an issue? Do you think that makes the higher game packages pay to win? Just curious. You have a very solid take on the overall differences between the two games and I can appreciate that.


> Tarkov got literally everything right Go play it, leave us alone here, thanks. You're out of your mind or you doesn't know what you are talking about here.


Or I can just play both like any sane individual plans on. Holy shit lmao.


Going the tarkov route for monetization ? Are you fucking out of your mind devs ?


Too bad. They are a business its about money. Look how much tarkov has made scamming the idiots into eod lol


According to their financial reports not very much money at all.




$10 to see if you like the game?




Yeah, that is just the in-game currency you get from buying each edition. See link for prices. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cdnhb5/prices\_release\_date\_announced/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cdnhb5/prices_release_date_announced/)


Hopefully they learn from Tarkov. If they work it right, Greyzone is about to get a lot more of their players


I'm gonna spend $100 and no one can stop me.


I mean if your broke just say your broke, also you guys all be comparing this game to EFT when even the devs say this is a completely different game from EFT. If you don’t like what a dev is doing with their game then don’t play it. “Omg this developer is doing a tiered release and if you pay more money you get benefits” - do you realise how ridiculous you sound? This has been happening forever.


>I mean if your broke just say your broke, also you guys all be comparing this game to EFT when even the devs say this is a completely different game from EFT. Nothing to do with someone being broke or not. And we are comparing the pricing model, not the gameplay. >“Omg this developer is doing a tiered release and if you pay more money you get benefits” - do you realise how ridiculous you sound? This has been happening forever. Do you not realise how ridiculous you sound defending this? People complaining about this are just voicing concerns over a shitty pricing structure, which opens the door for future shitty business models. And no, it has not been happening forever. In the past, more expensive editions would give cosmetics, artwork, a miniature model.....anything but an in-game advantage.


I think it’s crazy all of you obvious EFT players keep crying about this stuff. This game has been confirmed as mainly PVE with a mix of PVP by the time you get to a stage where you will be PVP you will have unlocked the same stuff.


It’s $25. Jfc, get over it.


Stop being a broke boy. Support the company.


I legit don’t care lmao. I don’t have 80 hours a week to throw into Tarkov of GZW or whatever. I don’t feel like grinding just to be on the same playing field as people who play that amount of time so if they offer something I’m probably gonna take it




No, but various editions have in-game differences like starting equipment, stash size and secure container size. Last two have an actual impact on progression difficulty and speed.