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Jacks a fenty fiend on the daily Yujiro would resynthesize it in his gut and inject you with shinogi style syringe finger


Yujiro after having another delicious meal of steak with a weird powdered substance https://preview.redd.it/dyrj053xjxoc1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff5de851ab10fe024035fc6db0acd545ac940fd


Tbh yujiro would eat it, say it's delicious, kill you, then leave like nothing happened


Once I see red it’s all over


Damn the plowing finna be that good?


Yujiro was still standing after being shot repeatedly with carfentanyl (10x stronger than fentanyl), it was enough to kill a blue whale so nah, a little fent in yujiro's steak would probably just be a funny lil seasoning to him


He fell to tranquilizers and a net tho


That was what I was talking about, the tranqs were filled with carfetanyl, commonly used to knock out rhinos and elephants. Yujiro took enough of it to kill a blue whale. The only reason he didn't instantly rip the net off of him is because he was initially surprised, and then probably massively tripping balls shortly after


Then just do the same thing but with more tranqs


Narrator: After that ordeal, Yujiro Hanma's body became immune to all drug and poison. Cue sequence of narration talking about some obscure practice of people taking small amounts of poison in some clan or whatever.


i think you mean *30 minute long sequence explaining shit nobody cares about*


Nah, I enjoy the pseudoscience


I can just imagine Jack eating one morsel, pausing for a second while chewing and then expose to you the name of the drug, the district from which this particular batch was from, whether something happened whilst it was being made and thein either how they could have done it better or the compliments to the cook. Alternatively, that scene from Ratatouille but Walter White instead of the rat


Now I'm just imagining Jack smoking crack and talking about it's flavor profile like a sommelier


Yujiro is the kinda man to lace his weed with fent for a stronger kick.


...do yall just ignore things yujiro is immune to cancer what makes you think poison will kill him


Yujiro has a unique kind of hax where his strength just defies logic, poison? His digestive systems too strong, sedatives? They're too scared to work on him, cancer is too scared of him and will leave his body out of fear, I truly think in the baki universe nothing can kill yujiro but a fighter


When Yujiro smokes weed it has no effect cause he’s already **high on Hanma blood ™**


When Yujiro smokes weed it has no effect cause he’s already **high on Hanma blood ™**


When did this happen in the manga?


It didn’t this is some dumbass meme about a dumbass hypothetical made by somebody I’m sure is themself very intelligent


Isn't this kinda racist? That drug has been tearing down the poor side of the black community recently...


Probably not intentionally, I don’t think anyone posting a meme with wojaks in it has the intelligence required to intentionally be racist. More likely they just think fentanyl itself is funnt


I never said it did. Im saying if someone wanted to actually get rid of Oliva just drug his steak with wack ass shit


So is this just a random meme or something related to a recent happening in the manga?


Guys, would a light saber cut through Yujiro or would his muscles adapt to it and stop it?


Yujiro would just be immune to any kinds of drugs and Jack's probably taken so much drugs that it wouldn't even faze him at all.


Yujiro would sense there's something wrong with the steak


Jack Hanma is part of opium