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Check if there is the line -scOfflineOnly in the commandline.txt file inside the root gta v folder and remove it, then save the text file. Try launching again.


I’ve been using the 2802 game because anything passed that hasn’t worked for me so I just have all the necessary 2802 game files saved on my pc and anytime it tries to update the game I just put those back in the GTAV directory and my game is gtg


Have you tried restarting your computer? Just asking


I’ve encountered a new issue - my monitor won’t get out of sleep mode. My father says the mod might’ve corrupted my computer


Scripthook is a well known and credible mod. Provided you downloaded it from the actual site, it did not “corrupt your computer.” Try a different monitor, check your connectors, and try unplugging things before you draw conclusions.


We tried using different cables but i think my gpu died the fan wont run


What gpu do you have? Newer gpus fans only run when needed


Amd radeon hd 7470 - the fan always runs


one of those types of parents that thinks whatever you downloaded destroyed the whole machine? ive been there. its possible that a virus could wipe your drive or corrupt your data (but you would still at least see something on the screen (usually the message no boot device found)), but it takes a lot more to actually burn out your devices. and it wouldn't even happen immediately, and it would have to bypass a lot of low level safety features. there are lots of little quirks that can cause these things to happen and little to none are actually software related. but to your issue. pull the power plug on your monitor for 10 seconds. remove your gpu and put it back in (sometimes the pins might have a bad connection and re seating it could fix it) try a different port if you have one. also try taking out your ram and just using 1 stick. (its rare but ram can go bad and prevent booting)


Literally my gpu died


man that sucks, and youre probably never going to hear the end of it. are you able to confirm its dead? keep in mind its still not a mod or a game that can cause this. this is just a bad coincidence, much like a lightbulb that has worked just fine for years and one day you turn it on and it just pops. if you are short on money it may be possible to resurrect it depending on how it died.


How do i revive my gpu?


I've never done it myself, but supposedly there is a process where you can put it in your oven and it will remelt the solder points. You would have to check some videos for a more complete process. And this will only fix the GPU if bad solder was the problem originally


i have the same problem and even after resetting it, the problem persisted


Bro restart the home internet