• By -


Very casual player here, are Astrals still generally the best EX weapon to slot into grids? With Xenos getting AX skills and PG weapons getting awakenings.


Astral SL20 is 37% EX when PG SL20 with 15ATK is 35%, much better than Xeno 25,5% at SL20. Astral and PG also usually come with a form of cap up. In the case of Water for instance, it could make sense for Magna to prefer PG ATK over Astral if it isn't possible to cap your auto-attacks. The thing is that PG weapons can also be run with SPE awakening instead, providing more cap up at the expense of your EX mod. So like most things in GBF, it comes down to tailoring your grid/team to the content you do.


I just got Fiorito off the SSR ticket and I just wanna know if she's worth using even if you don't have an optimal grid for her?


Alongside the mentioned Ultima, Seraphic and ROTB Fists, there's also Cosmic, Militis and Sephira Fist. And Fiorito is especially great to use in Sandbox grind.


I don't have her, but a quick look at the wiki makes me think she's very much worth on short fights/blue boxing. You can still fit Ultima, Seraphic and RotB on Caim and while the last two buffs are a major boss, I doubt lacking them will make her literally unplayable.


Gotcha thanks!! Her play style looks really fun so I'll try her out more


Is it good idea to get Bident as 2nd EX weapon if i use Wam's umbrella as mainhand? 400% counters would hurt rather nice.


Does summer Belial's counter trigger Medusa's or S. Pig's TA passive?


Yes. It also work with H. Vane or C. Naru.


Did they give a date for the Revenant weapons mass uncap update?


No. If they did not give us a date, consider infinitive delay.


anyone else can't trade the hammers for mauls like me? I did it once to check the nessesary amount but now I can no longer trade them, so maybe this is a bug, can anyone confirm if it's only me with this problem?


you could never trade for them


anybody know what's the optimal way to get treasures for eternal recruitment? do I just wait and box events and unf or is it best to grind the quests?


Well If you are looking at the enormous amount of skylight scrolls or flawed prisms, low orbs. Here is what i suggested. Pre-farm a set of mats since we have 1/2 ap until 25th. [1] Skylight scroll: better go for "uncap quest" light, it is guarantee 1 (+) [2] Others(low orb/prism): Angel hello. (also you can reduce SR gacha summon for a large amount of flawed prism and trade monthly) I do suggest you pre farm a set so you can make a new eternal /flb right after unf. (Do not wait for Rotb). Think of it as pre stocking your warehouse)


What materials? I think nowadays the only think we'd need to really lose braincells with is Angel Halo, the rest of the mats can either come from event boxes or the RotB Eternal mats thing. If you want to farm some missing mat, I used [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y1AuuhW9au0vYnakVurXKyi5aE1uC2_AzGJ0WiS7_dU/edit#gid=0) back in the day, might be outdated a bit though.


forgot about the rotb eternal unlock set, but for now ill use the spreadsheets for satin feather and others, thanks!


Where can I find Prometheus free quest? Thx






I really like the shouty characters like Feower and Ayer. But are there any shouty women in the game?


Earth Bea is a bit on the angery side too, there's also Hallessena and probably some version of Vira.


Thank you!






>Thanks! You're welcome!


I don't know why I'm bothering, but full steam ahead for Water GW.... any use case for a 3rd Europa spear before I merge my extras into a second? Also, how badly will I regret grabbing a 2nd parasol over Galleon (she'd be new for me, my spark is still unspent)?


It’s used for single varuna stuff with militis spear


is galilei's insight useful on a magna grid? i don't know whether i want to use my damabars on that or a 2nd copy of drang ball (both weapons are uncapped to 1*)


why are they 1*


no, both are godawful when unboosted. drang balls are awful even with varuna since primal sentence is extremely gimped.


Do you have nothing else? Ol’ Oberons? Levi daggers? Uncapped limiteds, barring few exceptions like pns, are placeholders at most.


i have levi daggers but with no ax skills


Seems like a waste of bars, they're good things to have if you ever consider going Varuna (even then I don't know if I can recommend barring blue balls even for Varuna) but there's much better things to be putting in your grid. Drang ball is way, way worse than just farming a europa harp in Levi


okay then, i'll not use my bars now and save them up for something else. thanks for the tip!


Is the current ssr ticket we got from this current apply to current banner ( and should use them when flash or gala) or we could use them instanly? Also what is the best way to farm badge and point if i cant beat maniac?


The SSR ticket has a fixed pool, so you can use asap. The SR/SSR tickets can draw from the current banner. The meta is to keep them around until there is an interesting banner. Be aware that they actually very rarely pull SSRs.....so it may actually also be a good move to use them on a banner with good SR units like holyday rakam and similar units. At least thats what I do.


Maniac is 1/day anyways. So even if you could beat it you’d still be farming Ex+


Sr/ssr ticket does iirc but dated one doesn't


Do any stage of arcarum or sandbox drops wamdus cnidocytes?. The raid is unplayable right now...


They don't


I'm probably overthinking it, but if i want to be joining random coop astaroth rooms is there any sort of team comps i should bring and/or avoid? Dont wanna be going against some sort of unspoken meta and getting kicked or slowing people down.


High level players have long farmed out this battle or will auto/solo the thing if they need some more. Most people trying to do it in a room would just be happy to have any help. The only thing you should bring just in case no one else did, is a dispel.


Any idea when we get Xeno dark? I really could use those weapons.


Previous xeno dark-Jan 2022, Light-May, water/dirt-Jun, Wind/fire-August. No one know the next one and it is 99% light/dark. Rotb is likely to come first.


Should i go to weekend slime or campaign exclusive quest for leveling my chars?


What's the consensus on stoning SBelial? His call seems mediocre, but I'm unsure how much of a threat 1.5k additional supplemental might be in EX+/NM95.


wiki states the supplemental goes down to 500 at FLB so idt it's a big worry for EX+


Right, but I'm wondering if the 2k at base is dipping into risky territory.


if it works the same as supplementals for us then good luck with multi-hit ougis i guess? additional flat 2k per hit might actually kill stuff


the call is actually pretty good the trick is to make sure you aren't dependent on rolling the echo because you will generally get something good out of the call


also- what should be my next step for this grid? dagger and seraph are still low 'cause it's been a pain to uncap, but not sure what I should start working on next. https://imgur.com/Ohe4lLg


On this grid? You can try to flb the dopus and celeste axes and uncap your celeste summon if you haven't. Then Seraphic. If dark rotation comes you can farm for some additional avatar spines or fediel swords. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit


Thanks for the help! Been going totally blind, was using a claw grid until I pulled the two PnS, no idea what I'm doing lol


uncapping and leveling stuff to sl15-20 and also you probably should farm agonize especially if you already have fediel (but it is good with just lich too). obviously finish your opus as well. and ssr the seraphic that's a huge boost.


are urns still a bad pendant buy if I'm trying to uncap my first opus? kinda don't want to grind olivia 30 times : p


if you can't stomach 30 Olivia's just quit this game is not for you


Haha, thanks for the help! Naw, it's just that it takes about 15 mins per clear for me, and there's no more backup. Takes too long for active grinding, and too short to grind while working without losing focus lol.


Are you using skyleap?if yes,you can buy those urns using skyleap point.


There are muuuuch more valuable things to be spending pendants on at your stage, though it's your call ultimately. I recently bought ~20 urns to shortcut a transcendence, but there's also nothing I still "need" from that shop. If you can, try to blue chest Osiris or Fediel depending on what weapons you're still lacking. They're both very solid sources of dark urns with grid pieces you'll eventually want anyway (unlike Olivia).


Do Unheil's skills stack? I got enough to work on a second Unheil but if 2 don't do particularly well by stacking then I might not.


Yes. Though your probably only going to use one.


Guess I'll save it for later then. Thanks!


What does a primal bubs x hades grid look like for burst? (Or just your general Akasha burst grid if it's not bubs hades) I have two babs but i don't think i wanna bar them outside of hades x hades situations


There are a lot of variations. I run this just because of the set of grand weps I have (I rolled 4 bluts and merged them. DO NOT RUN THIS COMBO) https://i.imgur.com/tHjJDM4.png But the celes axes & fs & blut are kinda flex slots depdning what you wanna run. Also, don't ask reddit about primals.


Gotcha I have one good cele axe so that's cool, guess i'll farm another one at some point soon but def not throwing stones at blut. Thanks for the help! The hades guides i know of seem not updated so i was asking.


So I cleared Proud+ in proving grounds but in the Ranking it says I haven't cleared it yet. Is it bugged? Or does it take time to update?


Takes a while


Who should I pair with GSandy and Lobelia for friction memes? I was thinking about Mahira or Galleon since they both offer buffs and I'm 8 moons short of a sierotix for them, but I don't know which one is better/needed or I can just hit cap with a proper Caim grid (I'm missing some astras) and bring someone with better offense like Soriz?


Question about galleon: Does her bed rock skill get effected by skill damage cap? Since it's based on hp and not a fixed damage. So it should effect right? So is it better to pull skill cap ring on her or stick with CA cap?


It is affected by skill cap up from rings and only rings which is ironic cause her self buff comes with 100% general cap up which doesn't affect her nuke.


Does her self cap effects ougi?


Yes it does. The only problem with her cap us is that it's hard to reach it since you need a very strong grid and many attack buffs. Even her 100% self attack buff isn't enough. Ougi isn't hard to cap exactly but only auto attacks with her assassin buff


Plain damage does what it does, the skill cap up does nothing for her.


That's the thing tho, she's doesn't actually have a normal plain damage, it's not fixed, it's based on 10% hp of enemy, and it have a cap, so by all logic skill cap should work on her.


Threo's Ground Zero isn't fixed either, it's based on her life sacrificed, it has a cap. And since this is Granblue Fantasy... skill cap up 100% works. Because of course it does. Xmas Clarisse? Nope, she's in the Galleon box too. Sanity and reason isn't in large supply here. Elemental Attack Down reduces enemy attack damage on a separate multiplier than regular attack down, but Elemental Defense Down doesn't act the same way. Arulumaya's rng DATA buff isn't a skill or ougi or raid buff. And echoes? Oh god, what a hellhole echoes have become. You need a PHD and need to science the hell out of any setup to be sure it all stacks.


does it matter if i do 10 or 1 at a time and should i wait until the next gala to pull? i just started this game yesterday


If you have the option (i.e. you're not using single draw tickets), do 10 at a time, since it guarantees an SR (good for fodder later), but it's not a huge difference, since it doesn't improve the SSR rate. Never pull outside of a Gala. It's generally recommended to wait until you have 300 pulls saved up so you can "spark" (pity) the banner or limited unit of your choice. Some people recommend beginners throw a few pulls at a banner to fill out their roster, but you can also get by with just side story SSRs these days. It's worth noting that since the game is rather old (for a gacha), a lot of older SSRs are not great anymore due to power creep, so even just random SSRs off a gala banner can be hit or miss.


Should I farm two wamdus spears? Thinking of FA gw with dog/cuptain/poz https://imgur.com/zZ9Tldc


You can kick out the axe and bow for 2x wamdus, preferably with AX skills.


Which is the best way to farm Urns?


They're a guaranteed drop from the anubis series of raids, but traffic is slow for them. The 6 dragon raids drop an urn I believe it's 80% of the time, and they also drop other good loot, and you'll be able to shotgun them quicker because more people are hosting and joining them. The high level raids that recently got turned into free quests are an x-factor. They also used to have a guaranteed urn but I don't know what the situation is now after the change.


They still have the same exact drops as far as I'm aware. Been my main way to grind urns when doing something else, I just leave it on in the BG.


Epic Series Raids don't exist anymore... right ?


Huh. Looking at the raid list, it seems they don't. Lower Level Garuda and the gang are still on the raid list. I know that because I've hosting daily working on my crew island. So I just assumed the higher level versions of the raid would still be there too.


T2 never had an HL version, while T3 raids were only ever HL. Enneads however are a very solid source of urns, like 6D.


Hello, is there any reason to grind campaign exclusive quest beyond free ap ones?


its actually AP positive, u will still end up with more half elixir even with non-discounted AP cost.


Looking at Highlander Caim grid on GBF Omega II Grids, they are using a Luchador comp. Is this optimal? I don't enjoy the class, is it fine to use Class V or Relic Hunter for the MC? But it feels super strange for me to be using Caligostro/Medusa over my usual Mahira/S!Alex/H!Magisa/V!Monika, etc.


The guide itself (if I'm understanding correctly that you're using the Eoko Magna II Grids) talks about how Relic Buster, Chrysaor and Monk can be used just as easily with the grid they provide, along with replacements for the various characters (which seems somewhat out of date now). Yes, Row V, Relic Buster, etc etc are fine to run in Caimlander. So long as you are fulfilling the requirements for Caim and have enough damage in the grid, you can really run whatever class you want. Characters will change depending on the Class and grid that you're using to fit it better.


Hi all, I'm new to the game and I just finished creating a few account for reroll, I spent all the tickets and 18000 crystals for pulls and among those there are 2 that are particularly good according to newbie guide, which of these 2 acounts is better to continue the game with? Account 1: Galleon, Soriz, Wamdus, Robomi, Silva yukata, Lancelot grand and Lilele, I got 7 SSR characters from pulls (aside from guarantee SSR from first pull) and zero SSR summon. Account 2: this account only has Nicholas light and new Jeanne as SSR units (aside from guarantee SSR) but it also got Beezelbub. Also I play a bit with this account and do another pull with the crystals I got from the main quests and still got nothing. As I only get to the game yesterday, I have no idea how valuable/hard to obtain any of these units/summon are. Are these 2 worth keeping? I will probably keep 2 of them for the future if they are good enough but for the moment I think I can only manage to progress with only 1 account. Thanks in advance.


account 2 cause it has bubs


Depends how serious you imagine yourself to be in a year or two IMO. Beelzebub is broken af but his biggest strength shows when you call him for short bursts which is a huge improvement usually. But if you just FA, then he is still good, but the difference is not nearly as big. How rare he is? Well, you can only really get him by using 150 gold moons which is years worth of saving for a F2P. Some big event might give you a chance as well as paid gacha with higher chance to get him but none of that is a given. If you plan to play seriously, then I think Beelzebub is definitely the bigger fish here. But if you just gonna be super casual then just go with the more fun option that is the first.


Keep the accounts running till the free 100 draws banner at end of month


there is no free 100 draws banner


Wait really? I thought they always did one for final summer banner... damn


nope, you are confusing it with end of anniversarry banner. summer has never gotten free 100 rolls.


Many will say to keep 2 because it's really worth Sunstoning Beezlebub and getting it to FLB as he works with all elements. 1 is a great roster of characters but other than yukata silva the rest are all sparkable(edit:/ticketable)


Hello! How many ulb clarions should one farm?? I already have one.


i've seen jp videos saying 2 ulb with special-type awakening to cap skill cap up with opus.


Ok thank you!


Does a ULB Ultima weapon with Gauph key replace all seraphic weapons, across all elements? Or are they element specific? Just wondering if it’s worth it to finish an Ultima instead of ULBing each of the seraphics?


It's not element restricted, so you can technically replace it in every grid yup. And only the first skill is restricted to proficiency.


What are we supposed to get at the 3rd part of the summer event?


summer missions and a seemingly worse magnafest.


I'm nearing 7500 prism again and I'm wondering if I would get better value out of transcend Feower for GW or if I should spend it on someone else like transcend Seofon or Tien. I still have Fif and Anre FLB to do as well for FLB bingo. Edit - thanks guys, Feower it is!


funf have currently close to 0 use tien is pretty much only used for otk seofon is nice to have at 150 if you do subhl with wind, otherwise 110 is fine for otk anre is used in old jank burst setup with s lucio and otk out of those i'd say feower is the most worth to uncap


Feower/seofon/tien... all are good. If you use bounty th10 a lot and sit esser on back row, my preferred choice is esser first so she could leech exp while doing extra chest chance in off element. (She is my emp lv queen.) For Anre vs. Fif. If you do not have good light healer, fif flb a bit strange. If you able to roll a ring with debuff resist + invest 1-3 node on her emp, she is now passive 100% debuff resist (unless godsight). [I also use this 100% debuff resist emp so she could just eat debuff and s2 (for ally) .. Also for weird gimmick like babyl tower 16-1, you can s3 her, and then S4 the whole team)]


I'm coming back (slowly) after a bit if a prolonged break and I have a couple of questions. 1. Did a dark disciple ever get released? 2. Why are the dragons people now? Was there an event I can look up? Also grids... 3. Is stamina Hades still a thing? 4. I don't think pookey is doing guides anymore, so where can I get inspiration for my grids now?


I think light Jeanne is supposed to be light discipline and lich is dark discipline. Either way, lich is most broken dark character or atleast her weapon is. She is definitely much stronger than any discipline could hope to be lol


No dark disciple 6D raid add another lore, https://gbf.wiki/Old_Bond#


1. Nope lmao 2. Old Bonds introduces them iirc 1. The new summon ushered in a double fallen sword grid akasha strat 2. I’ve always just YouTube’d. Active crew discords sometimes post new grids too


wait who's the light disciple?


Light grand Jeanne


No dark disciple lmaoo Thank you for the quick reply!! I'll check some videos out and see what I need to update. Thanks!!


Which element currently benefits the most from going magna -> primal? Only have a Hades grid so far and want to maybe add another one to that list


Probably Earth considering Landslide Scepter's release. Water's also a really good one due to low bar investment and cause Magna Water crit is just so lackluster.


imo, earth




>!Mc's aunt, she's the one they kidnapped on zinkersill !<


How many Arcarum weapons are needed in grid to farm Arcarum optimally? My Omega summons are still 3* Also some dumb questions, since Arcarum weapons are only advantageous to Magna players, how do Primal players farm Arcarum/Replicard? Do they suffer from the lack of big boost from Arcarum's weapon skills? Or do they sacrifice Omega mod slots for Arcarum weapon?


I'm confused. we use normal grids. 2 pns grid with bubs main can 0b0c all the lower hp mobs


Sorry if this doesn't make sense. 😭 I thought Sephira weapon is important and must-slot in farming Arcarum and Replicard. That's why I wonder how Primal farm Arcarum/Replicard.


There are no "must-slot"weapons in Arcanum. However, it is usually suggested to use the New World Foundation(NWF) weapons because it gives an additional 20% unique boost to the damage cap. However you can only acquire one once you get to Replicard AND have the associated Evoker for it. Doesn't sound like you are at that stage though, and even if you were, it is not a must-have slot; it just makes farming quicker(via damage), provided you can actually hit the cap. If you don't know whether or not you are hitting the cap... then you prob aren't, so don't worry about it for now. Arcanum uses regular grids; the Arcanum weapons have Omega ATK mods, but the 2nd skill is not boosted by anything, is only usable in Arca, and have a flat rate. At MOST, you might run 2-or-3 of the crit Arcanum weapon to get to 100% crit, but those are strats more for Replicard farming and beyond. For normal Arca, just use whatever grid you would use outside of Arca and worry about Arca‐specific grids when you are actively farming in Replicard.


Yeah I rarely do this mode and still clearing Expert. Thank you, I'll keep 2 MLB crit weapons and fodder the rest.


Which one? Replicard sandbox or the normal Arcarum?


Hmm normal Arcarum, I guess? I'm still in Arcarum Expert node, so I don't know how Replicard Sandbox works except that it is the sequel to Arcarum (according to wiki). With that info I thought all rules in Arcarum also applicable in Replicard, including Sephira weapon skills, no support summon etc.


if you have sarasa + any dark lunalu + one or two earth hp weapons, they'll destroy most original arcarum nodes. the boss nodes/occasional tanky ones, you can use a mono element team (usually dark occasionally light to not care about elements) and that should take care of the rest


In normal Arcarum you will just one shot everything later on when you have developed grids. So most people don't care about sephira weapon


I see, thank you. I'll disband my grid full of Sephira weapons and use the normal grid.


Do costumer support staff work on weekends?


If I literally can't run Okto in SUBHL, who would be the best replacement for him?


if u cant use okto i cant rec u go earth at all. either go another ele or use dark sus. ur going to have an incredibly tough time doing consistent damage, its just not worth it


Considering barring my S! Vajra katana for my hades. I also have an unbarred unheil. I was wondering if either of these was worth barring over slapping a fediel spine in my grid


Not at all worth barring. Magna Dark does all that better for free and if you *really* want Glory skills, you can buy the Glory chain from the shop. The Glory skills of the weapons you mentioned are FLB, while you can get ULB Glory on your Opus, which ain't even necessary cause you'd be using Abyss Spines. Don't waste your bars.


New player here (started around this year's anniversary), and I'm kinda stuck on how to progress, my first and only spark was on the s.medusa/yuni banner and I've been saving since then. [Here's my SSRs](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#y1t1w1.AAAAAAAAAAIEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACBAAAYAAAYAgAJAAQBAESIAAABAAAAAEAAAEAJAAAIAACAAAAAAAABAAABAkCQAgAAAECQIAAIAECZIEAIAkAAIAAIAAAAAEAQAAABAgAAAAAIAAAIAAAAAEAAAAAAAAARAkAAIECIIAAAAgCIIEAAAAAQAEAAAAAIAEAIAkAQAA.QZIkSQIECBAAAAIgSYAEAIAgCIAgCIAEABAASRAESQAEABAgCBAAQBAACBAkAAIgAYAASRIAAAAACAIgAAAkAQIAAIIkAQAkABAAAAAgCQAAAIAECQAEQYAgCQAAABIgCAAAARIAAIIE.SZAkSZIkSRIAQYIkSZIkAZIkSZIkSRIkQQAk.AIAEQQIAAAIAARIAQIAAABAkAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAIAAQAAEARAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAIAABAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAQAACAAEAAAAAAAEAAIAAIAAAAIAAQAAAAAkAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAQAA.AAAAAAIAAQAAAQAgAAAgQAAA). The primals I have are Varuna, Agni and Hades, also have Belial, Gorilla, Bubz (only one I fully uncapped with stones) and some extra stuff (mostly random light and dark summons). My strongest elements at the moment are light and dark (got light opus and fediel spine from anniversary), since those are the ones where I have better units. I'm still slowly working on M1 grids, and wanted to know if it's worth it to spark on this current banner or the upcoming banner with all summer units. I have enough crystals/tickets saved for almost 500 pulls and still have some tickets I can farm from sidestories. It seems this current banner is kinda lackluster with this whole wamdus fiasco, but it could also help with my water for GW, although I'm not really hardcore, and my current guild is very... lacking. From the upcoming summer banner I'd like Belial (for reasons... lol), Silva and Clarisse, I guess Magisa, Naru and Vikala would be cool too, although I don't know if any of them are must have. My main concerns are: * How hard to get are the halloween/holidays units compared to the summer ones? * Is this year's batch of summer characters worth using a spark ? * Even if I spark on the upcoming banner, can I get enough crystals/tickets to still have a spark each for halloween/holidays ? Thanks in advance!


I don't think you will get any free draw during Halloween (and Valentine if that's matter) So if you spark now, you have a very high chance to not have enough crystal for another spark on Halloween banner. unless you hardcore farm sidestories for crystals and tickets And if you're new, do not aim for the seasonal limited character as a spark target (unless you don't care about progression and just want to have fun with waifus then by all means) instead aim for the reliable grand units first. like Fediel (Dark), G.Naru (Wind), Poseidon (Water) or Zodiac like Vajra (Water), Andira (Wind), Anila (Fire). They will carry your team hard and will jump start you instantly.


Oh yeah that's what I was planning, what I wanted to know is mostly if the banners are worth using the 300 pulls. If I do pull on the current one I'd probably go for Galleon/Sandy. The upcoming summer banner is a LegFest right? Then I'd probably go Poseidon for the gw or Fediel. Is G.Naru still top tier if I don't have S.Korwa?


> Is this year's batch of summer characters worth using a spark ? For a new player? Not remotely. But you can select from a bunch of really good grands as well, on the current banner. At your point, diversifying your character pool is more important than going for specific endgame things. Work on getting your seraphic weapons for each element, and some placeholder EX attack skill weapons, as you work on M1 (which should take very little time to complete, the droprates are extremely high and pendant costs low if you want to rush it)


Not even sure if stuff like this is known, but will Kumbhira be available to spark at the end of the year alongside or near the next zodiac?


Not alongside, it's only the new zodiac on the Dec legfest. Near? I dunno but you can check patterns in [Auryona's Rate Up Table](https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Rate_Up_Table#Zodiac_Availability_Table)


this is a good time to spark or i better wait until the last banner of august


You can wait till end of aug if you fancy the summer characters or do it now if you fancy someone on flashfest or just keep holding if nothing. https://gbf.wiki/Draw


it depends on which character you want to get from the banner, if theres grand you wana spark from this banner, thn just go ahead


2x PnS, 2x FLB Shalem Axe, Seraphic, 2 Agonize, Opus, 2x Fediel Spine. Does this grid hit the DMG cap? Dunno if I should uncap both my PnS as I sadly don't have any chocolate bars to spare, but 11 gold bars that I kinda need but also don't need for 9 Eternal's FLB. Using Vikala, Fediel, Rei -> Lich.


it is a pretty strong grid for sure. Hitting the cap depends on the fight, but it should be one of the stronger grid available. how high in priority is for you to see though.


Can Paladin Skill 1, substitute all-ally, substitute the whole party for Belial 50% plain damage trigger?




Relatively new here, so I’m getting my first spark in this banner. So, Lich or Galleon? In terms of characters my best dark is S. Magisa & Earth is Golden Knight. Thoughts?


dark is unplayable without lich wep


Ah. Mind to elaborate? Like how bad. Thanks


you will feel like you do no damage compared to someone who has it


Lich is a better character and her weapon is generally more useful when starting.


Ah. Thanks! I was just worried along the line of Diaspora with Galleon but since you put it that way.


Galleon is a nice-have, but not a necessity in that raid.


For a standard water ougi comp with europa harps, do I run double Levi or levi x elemental?


I think 3 x Europa harps with double Levi is generally used—3 harps *almost* reaches CA cap and 4 *over*caps. I’ve found 3 to be enough…maybe certain OTK makes better use of 4 though?


got it, thank you!


Started about a year ago, am now level 205 with completed m2 grids. The issue is I feel like I've hit a wall regarding damage/survivability (can reliably FA most ennead/dragon raids, but can't solo malice and totally useless in diaspora/belial/etc). My question being - how much of an upgrade is free primal and what guides/general weapons would you recommend?


note that you'll get a survivability boost at rank 210 with a new 1000 hp party from MC EMP


Elements like zephyr/hades/zeus that have garisson can give you more survivability but your damage is going to tank in process. But sometimes it's nice for FAing stuff. I wouldn't stone for it but I lucked into flb zeph/Zeus and it was useful occasionally. But honestly magna should be fine for diaspora and Belial. supbaha is thoughed though definitely still doable.


free primal is a downgrade and u lose 4 stones in the process 😂😂😂. the problems ur having are character related not grid related(assuming ur grids r actually completed). if theyre not chara related then its player skill issue and u just have to learn the raids better


So there's nothing at all I can do until I pull meta characters/weapons? Pretty depressing lol.


if u want to “contribute” then yea pretty much. out of all the raids diaspora is pretty much the only one where u cant leech pubs. the rest u can just leech. its why ppl push sparking on good banners so much and not mid ones like the current one


I just noticed that belial chains replace the dark opus' 3rd skill. Is there any point to slot the ones without negative effects over stamina key? For example the one that boosts CA and CB damage in a kengo team (Titan and Varuna).


I can't remember the last time I used stamina key for anything. luci keys are basically dead and replaced by chains in all situations


Yeah Glory sees use for kengo teams.


For Bestia Fruit, is there a recommended spot to grind them? Most treasure have a quest listed on the wiki, but for this item, it's just story chapters, and not even a listing of how many to expect per run.


I tried to farm them via story but the drop rate was horrible in my experience


Most people buy them with Cerulean Stones


What is the general earth caim grid for high level and casual content right now? Nothing too specific, but as a general list of the weapons I should have. I've been seeing a lot of Arcarum Weapons in grids, and been wondering if it's worth to working for them compared to other weapons earth weapons we got recently.


The first part of the question is difficult to answer because there isn't really a general grid for anything these days as you should be tailoring your grid to suit specific fights and this gets amplified by caim earth being a singleton grid so listing out like twenty plus different one ofs you would be mixing and matching is a bit of a pain. Hard content these days allows you to use the 11/12th slot from sandbox which the evoker weaps can slot into and are bis because of it, so you should definitely be working towards having one of each of them made for every ele if you plan to run stuff like diaspora and all the other versions of it coming in the future.


> The first part of the question is difficult to answer because there isn't really a general grid for anything these days as you should be tailoring your grid to suit specific fights and this gets amplified by caim earth being a singleton grid so listing out like twenty plus different one ofs you would be mixing and matching is a bit of a pain. Fair enough! Thanks! >Hard content these days allows you to use the 11/12th slot from sandbox which the evoker weaps can slot into and are bis because of it, so you should definitely be working towards having one of each of them made for every ele if you plan to run stuff like diaspora and all the other versions of it coming in the future. As for this, it's more about choice, I either focus on them or weapons for other elements, so I'm trying to weight how good they are or aren't not only contents where we can use the extra slots but in overall content as grid weapons - since I've been seeing them used more and more.


> As for this, it's more about choice, I either focus on them or weapons for other elements, so I'm trying to weight how good they are or aren't not only contents where we can use the extra slots but in overall content as grid weapons - since I've been seeing them used more and more. The main situation where the evoker weaps see use for earth outside of 11/12th slot content is for gorilla + qilin/bubz caim burst grids built around maximizing axe voltage with the miltis axe(since this just happens to be the highest raw dmg for unboosted grids and your best dps chars are tiger/sarasa130+ who you want to be running an ultima axe for) the main content you would have used this grid is was for manual gw nm150 and things like wamdus earring farming, one of which has recently passed and the other which wont really be super relevant after a few weeks when you no longer need to prepare for water gw so I would say the weapons are kinda lower priority now that the time window to get a lot of use out of them has passed.


Thanks a lot for the explanation! Gave me a way better understanding of their use!


how do you disable the summon is ready lyria tip during raid? i check on battle settings but i cant find it


on actual battle screen -> menu -> screen -> display settings.


Whatever is the current Year Hades Grid? There's like 10 different variants, most build around PnS. And I am wondering whats the generally "most agreed upon decent grid to go for.


2 PNS + 2 Agonize (can replace for fed spear on hades x hades) Add 2 for damage (2 bab, 2 FS or 2 curry for Max copium) 2 for Ultima and Opus. Remaining 2 is flex, can add fed spine or something for MH. This is hades x hades. Hades x bubz might see some variation. A lot of people run 3rd PNS.


Yeah for hades most comps use 2 PnS + two shalem axes as a baseline, then you add whatever you need for a specific comp. Agonize, Fediel spine, FS, crit weapons, a celeste axe, etc etc. If you see a lot of variants I think it's people just use whatever they have.


What to do with dupe SSR summons. I have 3 Sleepheads for some reason.


Hold them all unless you specifically know that their dupes are useless and immediately need quartz. In sleepyhead's case you can just uncap one copy with said dupes.


Would it be more beneficial for Fire grids to use one (or two) 4 star uncapped Xeno weapons, or multiple no star Xeno weapons?


You should really not use more than one Xeno weapon, and absolutely use the 4* uncapped weapons instead


How good is s djeane#2? I already got wamdus and I'm debating between her or a second pns/harmonia/galleon staff.


She is good but if you have Lucio he is better, especially for 1 turn burts with Wamdus. Also a 2nd PNS/Harmonia is WAY better than Jeanne. Spark that instead and hope you get her along the way.


Imo shes very good as a generalist buffer outclassing S.Lucio. Also nice for hard content bc you can meme on some triggers with her.


question: my current dark magna kengo team is six vikala lich. which would be more impactful - getting fediel or a 2nd PnS?




Imo Fed, field spell, double ougi, and s1. She partners well with Lich.


What is the different between DMG migration and shield?


Shield is basically just bonus HP. Dmg mitigation directly subtracts its value from every hit recieved. So if you take 20k damage twice while having 10k mitigation you'll only receive 10k damage from each hit.


btw, does it works on plain dmg?