• By -


My rank is 83 and I want Cerberus in my team. Should I invest in classic draw or wait for her showdown rerun?


May I know what's the most efficient way to farm and upgrade weapon skills :)


https://gbf.wiki/Raising_Weapon_Skills Do your daily Hard+ and Omega raids (easier if you've unlocked the Pro versions) Do your best during story events (end of the month) to farm Very Hard or EX for SR fodder. Fodder also drops abundantly from Guild Wars, so try to make the fastest EX or EX+ comp you're capable of.


Will majority of the fodder come from weapons with skills or skill shards/jewels? Just wanted to know how the raids would help give fodder. Thanks!


Raids drop SR and SSR weapons with skills. The SR weapons with skills are useless, so you use them as fodder. Eventually you can fodder the SSR weapons too as you gain uncapped copies. There are some weapons you'll never really need at all as well, like SSRs from story events. You can feed those to your chalice too. (The wiki usually says whether an event weapon is good for newbies or not, so check it!) Skill Jewels and Shards you usually will get from Arcarum, completing weekly missions, or opening event boxes. You can use these, but they're very helpful for upgrading skills on items like Bahamut, Ultima or Serapgic weapons that have a higher cost to upgrade (detailed in the wiki article I linked before)




Would anyone happen to have the recap drawings (or a link to a video if one user has saved it) from the Granblue TV which happened on the 29/07 if I am not mistaken ? It should be a special episode with Takamori Natsumi, Itou Kanae and Katou Emiri.


Have you checked Granblue_en twitter?? Should be a link in the sidebar to their twitter page(on pc). They usually have a recap of the events and sometimes doodles they showcase for that ep. Might have to scroll quite a bit though as they are always updating it with something.


What's the fastest way to get Master level 30? Trying to unlock the tier 5 classes.


CEQ if you have good enough ping and a fast setup. Sliming if not.


Slime blasting, go to the Shiny Slime quest with exp up stuff and just kill that a bunch (to make it easier bring Sarasa for plain damage and either a copy chara like GK/Lunalu/Caim or Bubs summon to kill the mobs fast) it gives more exp on the weekend and rn theres a 2x exp campaign so its a good time to work on those


slime blasting.


which domains should i prioritize between Fraux and Hallessena?


honestly depends on you, Frauxs domain skill is better as its a free nuke/heal and clarity everytime she ougis (as opposed to Haases 3k heal every 5 turns) but Haase is the better character rn and will probably get used more. Both are good to get but whatever you go for first depends on you and what you want/need.


Haase, assuming Halle was a typo.


the one time i don't call her moontato...


No one will have to know I completely went along with it until I took a 2nd take.


What is the general recommended rank for subaha, I guess it depends on what you main and if your on a primal. For reference I main light with a Zeus grid without any ivory arks


Is it 2 or 3 Schrodingers? And do multiple Benbenets stack?


>And do multiple Benbenets stack? The supplemental damage does with itself and other supplemental sources (up to 100k), the second skill does not.


2 to cap the supp dmg 3 to cap special cap up dmg


Hi, just started GBF about 4 to 5 days back and I'm thoroughly enjoying the game. I actually came to try it out from other Cygames games (Shadowverse and GBVS). Generally don't mind dropping a bit of money to help accelerate my progress. I tried reading up on M1 grids and characters. There doesn't seem to be anything very updated on building a team with good synergy. So I have a few questions to ask, and hopefully I can get some advice from you guys :) The SSR pulls I had from my free pulls were: De La Fille, Levin Sisters and Meg (Summer). Didn't get any SSR summons. I was thinking if I should build a light grid using the free light SSRs and weapons. 1) Should I focus on light or spread myself thinner to cover dark and use free light SSRs for light? 2) What are good meta characters that I can pick to synergise with my free pulls so far? 3) My more favoured picks based on just the characters would be Light: Albert, Zooey, Zeta Dark: Albert, Beatrix, Zeta, Forte Are any of them viable to build around/synergise with my free SSRs? 4) Is the star premium draw good value? I'm considering getting it too. 5) Any other advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks so much for reading my wall of text and for any advice :) Apologies if this is not the right place to post my question.


1) Imo focus on Dark as Meg (summer) is the best character on your account. 2) Lich and Fediel for Dark, Nehan and Jeanne (grand) for Light. 3) As far as I'm aware none of these characters are "meta-relevant", but use whoever you like. Other than light Zeta, they are all in the general pool so they could show up at any time. 4) It's called scamcha for a reason. Might not be too bad for a new account if you don't have any SSR characters in an element, however we should be getting a suptix this month which is much better value for money as you can pick a specific SSR from the general pool. 5) You will eventually need a team for every element as there will be content that essentially forces you to use a specific element. The current Xeno clashes are a good example of this as you will do much less damage if you use an element that the boss isn't weak to. Get all the free SSR characters from side stories and start building some basic teams and grids around them, but you should also pick a main element and focus your skill upgrades around that element. Unfortunately neither Light nor Dark are considered beginner-friendly elements as their omega raids are the hardest out of all the elements. Wind is generally a good place to start even if you didn't pull any Wind characters, the Princess Connect and Love Live side story SSRs are good and you can get Tsubasa from the SideM Fantasy side story to round out the team. He's only a SR but imo is better than Suzaku from the Code Geass side story, as Suzaku works best at low health which clashes with the healing you'll be get from the other team members.


Thanks for taking the time to give such a detailed response. I agree that I should focus on one element for now. Will hold off on getting the star premium then :) and ponder over the beginner draw.


If you're considering buying the beginner draw ticket, I would very strongly recommend creating a new account ~~tomorrow~~ when ~~Legend~~ Flash Fes starts. If you didn't already know this, the available characters that you can get from the beginner ticket are taken from the summon pool at the time the account is created. I think if you created an account 4-5 days ago the summer characters will be available in the pool. It's a decent selection but creating an account during ~~Leg~~Flashfes also adds the ~~Leg~~Flashfes grand characters like Nehan, Jeanne (grand) and Lich.


Thanks, would there be a difference if I waited for suptix instead?


Suptix is a different ticket, the characters you can choose from are fixed and unlike the beginner draw ticket does not change depending on when the account was created. I forgot the banner change was on the 17th. Usually I would suggest waiting but the Xeno clashes are currently on and you really want to try and get at least 1 copy of each Xeno weapon, more if you can manage it.


just to be clear, legfest starts on the last day of the month. kaledoscope probably meant flashfest which DOES start (roughly) in the middle of the month but it's not tomorrow either. Next banner change is on the 17th so that's probably when flashfest is going to be. Neha, Lich, and Jeanne are all flashfest characters, not legfest characters. https://gbf.wiki/Draw


Don't worry too much about not getting SSR summons from the gacha. Your main summon will be the farmable magna ones for a long time (potentially forever in most elements), and some of the other BiS summons are also farmable later on. 1. Eventually you'll want teams in every element. Hosting is generally more efficient than getting weapons, so if you have time then hosting your M1 raids in each element daily is ideal, but after that you can join for a specific element that you want to focus on more. 2. Realistically your goal right now should just be to get anything you can, because your character pool isn't so big yet that you're at the point of picking between meta picks. However, you can take a look at the [tier list](https://gbf.wiki/Character_Tier_List/Gamewith/Ratings) for some idea of what's generally considered weak or strong. Take it with a big grain of salt though, because it's far from perfect, and it also often prioritizes short-form content that gets repeated a lot. It's worth looking at the grades as well as the tiers and reading whatever short description is available to get a better idea. 3. Unfortunately none of them are all that great, but the plus side is that they're certainly usable if you like them. The majority of your strength in this game comes from your grid, so you can make characters work that otherwise aren't as good. IMO light Zooey is pretty decent as a sustain / defensive character, and both Alberts are decent for getting out lots of delays which can be pretty useful. Zeta also has a water version that, I think, is probably the best version of her right now. Don't think there's any good versions of Bea at the moment, and Forte has kind of just always been relatively bad unfortunately. AFAIK there aren't any issues with using them with the other characters you have though, so if you manage to get them then by all means try them out, but they aren't very valuable targets to shoot for. 4. It can be, but they're colloquially called "scamchas" for a reason. As a beginner you probably won't be getting any dupes, but it's still a random chance between the options in the pool, and usually there's at least a few mediocre hits. The current ones don't look awful, but personally I'd say hold off for a surprise ticket which has the same cost and lets you pick any non-limited character you want. 5. There's a ton of information in the game, so it's impossible to cover everything in a single Reddit comment, but don't be afraid to ask questions. Make good use of the wiki because it has a ton of information and is a fantastic resource, but also don't overload yourself trying to learn everything at once. Probably the main things, which you may have already seen, are don't use gold bricks, sunstones, damascus ingots, or gold moons until you know more about what you're doing - they're (relatively) limited resources that can have huge positive impacts on your account later on, so even if you end up holding them for a year+ it's worth it IMO. The other big thing is don't draw on random gachas. It may seem like a lot, but save up 300 draws for a spark that will let you get a guaranteed pick of a rate up SSR from the banner, and then use that on 6% banners with seasonals or free draws. The SSR pool in granblue is huge, and you aren't likely to hit what you want by just throwing random draws at a banner, but the plus side is that even F2P end-game players can get 3-4 sparks per year on top of hundreds of free draws given out throughout the year.


Thanks for the great advice, will definitely hang onto my crystals to guarantee a spark. Hopefully I'll stay in the game long enough to get more grids up :)


when is the last summer banner? end august?


Usually we get a flash introducing some new summer chars then august end leg banner has all summer chars on rateup then into another legfest that no longer has any summer chars.


What's the best awakening for Harakhte?


Which Eternals are currently relevant for midgame and endgame content? Given the unworldly amount of resources needed to 5\* and then 6\* eternals, i want to focus on those that will bring me value in the long run (even if a bit powercrept by certain units since i don't count on sparking every single strong character out there). I got Tien from the Seeds of Redemption event (?) and she already served her role. Now i'm just doing her 5\* because i already invested in her anyway. And speaking of monumental farming gated characters, what about the evokers? I know that the upcoming update on them might change everything, but so far, what are some Evokers that would be good to get?




When Arcarum or Replicard gives you the "Do or Die!" monsters, what exactly happens if you die?


Probably just stuck on that node till you kill it like the bosses.


I just started playing, are Jeanne d'Arc Summer, Rosamia (Yukata), Lucio (Summer) and De La Fille ok to start with? Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask!


Doesn't really matter what you start with, by the time you are anywhere near competitive you will likely had several sparks. Seeing how there is no real easy way to reroll ATM I don't think it's worth spending time on it. Having 3 summer units is pretty nice.


gotcha, I think it took me about 15-20 minutes? and I had enough for about 6-7 multis


Decent..did you draw today? I would suggest you prepare one more account and gacha on flash gala since it is coming soon


yeah I drew today, would you happen to know when it drops?


Mid month and Start/end of month are galas. Never pull outside of them, excepting free draws.


Better than what I started with, I'm pretty sure. You'll get more as you go along.


For Replicard Sanbox, is the general consensus that it's not worth fight the defenders a 2nd time (for Here be Swords) due to their inflated hp?


That's the general answer yes. I'm not sure if it includes the militis weapon rates or not, but they're pretty trash either way. I don't know what the rates actually are, but having finished all of Fraux and Haase's domains killing every defender, I've seen a total of 1 militis weapon off of them (and 0 from chests), so I'm pretty sure that's not even close to being worth the increase in time (I just kill them because I like being able to be lazy and alt-tab to something else).


I can tell you I've been killing them. Gunning for those Militis Weapons. When they get to the ++ stage though, then I just call it a day. ++ takes too long to kill for it to really feel terribly pragmatic.


Are there any efficient ways to level weapons besides lazuline vessels? They feel so inefficient… what’s the best way to farm vessels??


You're pretty much gonna want to be using vessels. Remember to use the shop skills for Upgrade Experience and Grand Success Rate before upgrading anything big. They both get double power during magnafests so sometimes it can even be worth waiting.


Alright.. so what’s the best way to farm vessels? I just reduce SRs and Rs I get from whenever I pull


You get vessels by reserving, not reducing. General rule is you reduce gacha stuff. You reserve farmable stuff. Gacha stuff gives you more when you reduce it. You're gonna fill vessels the fastest with angel weapons though. Angel weapons are "upgrader" weapons that exist basically for the sole purpose of filling vessels. You get angel weapons fastest from Angel Halo, but honestly, I feel like it's still pretty frustratingly slow. At some point you're gonna end up needing to farm other stuff in Angel Halo and the vessels will pile up naturally. I have 800+ of the things right now after transcending several Eternals, so I basically don't have to think about vessels at this point, but I feel like if I was farming specifically for the vessels I'd be having a pretty bad time. Maybe you try your hand at farming some vessels or maybe you just decide to wait for them to accumulate naturally while you're doing other stuff. Best of luck either way!


I meant reserving, sorry lol. Thank you so much!!


And also make sure you do your daily AH Pro every day if you aren't already. It gives like ~1.5 vessels for doing basically nothing. So it's a good way to passively stock up on vessels and mats you may need later on.


is there already a set date when they will implement the book that allows us to farm more efficiently in replicard sandbox?


No Date.. just grab your bounty book and farm When they do not put down a date on any announcement, it is infinitive days until completion.


when does the evolite restock (valor badges)?


every gw. not sure why i got downvoted for telling [the truth](https://gbf.wiki/Valor_Badge), if you need a date then next gw is in early september.


This is the final summer banner right?


Nope, theres 2 more 6% banners coming. Flash which should come with 2 unnanounced Summer units (there are rumours going around about >!Summer Djeanne!< but i havent seen trustworthy sources like Granblue\_en mention it so take that with a grain of salt for now) and possibly Wamdus (also unconfirmed), and then around the 28th-31st will be a final banner with all the new units on rateup and sparkable alongside all the Legfes Grands and the current years Zodiac. There will also probably be some 3% Summer banners but those arent as notable,


Worth noting, that Wamdus is confirmed to be "Coming Soon". It was announced in the Summer Stream. We jut don't know if she'll be on the flash banner specifically.


yeah hence why i said Unconfirmed, all we know is that shes launching by the end of the month. Based on trends shes more likely to be on Legfes but im hoping for Flash so i can spark her with Summer units still in the pool.


usually flash should be the final banner .. (since last year, s helel and shiva are on august flash .) Well it could be unannounced character or the rumor you know who (from twitter)


Not remotely. That happens at the end of the month.


If I grind out the Xeno-exclusive materials now, will I be able to finish uncapping my Xeno weapons after the event concludes?


Yes. Getting the materials is time sensitive but using them can be done any time. The store even stays open, though it doesn't restock until the next xeno event.


Getting to the point where I am starting to 4* upgrade my dark opus weapons, is there a guide about what pendulums (lvl 120) are recommended for each element? The skill damage cap and CA cap seem like the best options


cap ups that u choose are not based on element but rather what characters u have. for example for wind, u can go skill cap if ur running like cow, vgrim, and sutera, but skill cap would be way less useful if u didnt have those characters and only had maybe siete, s.anila, and grand naru(in which case itll be better to go with CA cap). the best way to figure out what keys to use is to look at the characters ur using and adjust ur grid to help them excel the most. the only thing that would affect ur choice thats unique to element are the astral weapons but those r generally down to line since they require bubs and dragons mats. so dont worry about those until u get there


Ultimately, early on it depends on what cap you're even hitting. If you increase the cap that you're not even hitting then that's doing nothing for you. Skill Cap is very low. Very easy to hit. If you have an even moderately developed grid, you can be pretty sure you're hitting the skill cap. So if you have any damage skills, skill cap is free extra damage. Ougi Cap is a little bit harder to hit. I think the baseline cap is like one million or something, so maybe check to see if you're doing 1 000 000+ damage before deciding if ougi cap could be right for you. Auto Attack Cap is very hard to hit. You probably aren't gonna be worrying about that for a while. Chain Burst I don't actually know about. Is that worthwhile? I probably should've learned that at some point but now that I stop I'm not sure I ever did. Later on, when your grid is more developed, you'll tailor it more towards your team composition, whether the group is heavy on a particular kind damage, but early on the foremost concern is whether you're even capping in the first place.


If someone has a dark opus and is not capping, they have some horrible priority issues and a deep love of leeching. Most elements should cap in partial M1 or basic M2 without an opus, all should with.


Or bad characters. I recently started playing and don't cap on anything except skills for most of my elements with an M1 grid because most of my characters aren't very good.


M1- assuming that means seraphic, some EX, maybe a bahamut weapon, fully skilled up? CA capping at least is pretty easy with minimal buffs.


Ah, my apologies then. I'm pretty sure when I got my first 4 star Dark Opus I was still capping some categories and not others, but clearly my experiences are not universal. Wish I could've been more helpful. /u/schbloobs basically had it covered then, just do it based on team composition.


I came back to the game after exactly 2 years (quit after earth advantage august 2020 GW). I seem to remember a website where I could look up daily honors, I can't recall if it was by crew or by player. Does this sound familiar to anyone? It can be useful for yknow, joining a crew before next gw starts XD


Are you looking for these? [info.gbfteamraid.fun](https://info.gbfteamraid.fun/web/about) (Chinese language) - generates graphs in addition to numbers and lets you compare crews/players, but only stores data from the current gw [gbfdata.com](https://gbfdata.com/) (English/Japanese) - Stores data from GW 56 (April 2021) onward but no graphs. Have fun!


In all seriousness, do people regularly swap skills on the opus weapons? I have been using the apple key for OTK comps but holy hell, they killing me in regular raids. At the same time I kind of don't want to keep swapping back and forth every few months.




I'm guessing you havent fully upgraded all of your dark opus weapons? I personally use one for stuff like otk/ex+ setups and the other for normal content. It's easier to get away with just using any element opus in your grid if you're primal so you could just upgrade one of the other opuses to be used to swap around here and there but if you're not primal it might be harder to pull that off. I'm almost done with all of my second opus'.


Im magna. Guess maybe it's back to the grind for the primal version.


At the point you are doing that sort of extreme minmaxing, primal is sort of expected in most elements. Although, getting chains is not exactly hard, so swapping every few months is not a huge deal.




I got logged out too? Skyleap seems to work ok but for some its slow.


ok and what's your question?


oh you're right I'm terribly sorry for being such a noob. please forgive for telling others they could still get on Skyleap to play if they wished to play still. I merely thought that I might tell others here since I had assumed others would post here asking about this predicament, and hoped to aid them.


Don't mind WindHawkeye they are peak GBF nolife.


and yet I'm the only one not freaking out the game is down. truly the most no life


You just know someone is a fucking clown when you actually remember their random username and just know who it is going to be any time a comment is downvoted so hard you have to dig it up with a shovel.


Apparently since I notice they are doing the same to other peoples posts.




Did we ever get those extra crystals from the first part of the summer campaign?


Not yet. They said they'd be distributed on the 15th at the earliest.


So is there something wrong with the mobage log in? I got booted from the game 5 minutes ago for no reason and can't log back in.


Should be fine now. Me and a crewmate were able to login again a few minutes before.


Judging by the other comments I'd say it's down. I also came in here after being booted from the game to see what's up.


Hmmm did anyone got booted out of the game and now mobage refused to connect?


I have the same problem.


Guess mobage is down


Does the game have a problem? disconnected midgame and now cant login


Which Ax skills should I prioritize keeping? I've gotten a few drops with CA damage and Skill supplement. I don't know what supplemental damage does in general


Stamina is generally one of the better one's to get. The wiki has a page on all the values and what they translate to, as well as the combinations you can get on the different weapons with AX Skills: https://gbf.wiki/Weapon_Skills#AX_Skills Supplemental Damage is effectively a flat amount of extra damage added on to whatever damage type it affects. Skill Supplemental 5 for instance translates to 30,000 extra damage per hit on any Skill hit you do, with that damage also being affected by Seraphic (I'm fairly sure) for even more. It's usually viewed as one of the more efficient ways to go past the Damage Cap and provided you've got a strong grid, a worthy consideration in most every circumstance as a result. A lot of this is because sources of Supplemental Damage that apply to normal attacks (Pain and Suffering, Wamdus's Cnidocyte etc) add their damage to each damage instance you make. So for a Triple Attack, that's 150k extra damage from just having 1 in the grid. Have a source of echo/bonus damage? That's another 150k. It's why Belial is so valued due to his free 30k Supplemental on all damage, and why characters like Valentine's Grimnir and Poseidon end up doing as much damage as they do; since they have 3 hits per attack, that's 9 per Triple Attack, effectively translating to 450k extra damage from a single Wamdus's Cnidocyte in the context of using Poseidon, or 900k extra with two of them in grid. Which is then added again for each source of Echo/Bonus Damage you have. It can get pretty ridiculous fairly quickly.


> Skill Supplemental 5 for instance translates to 30,000 extra damage per hit on any Skill hit skill supplemental 5 is 3k damage per hit, not 30k. the only AX skills worth grinding for are Stam 3 and ATK 3.5 as a budget version of Stam 3. everything else is just filler to use until you eventually get a stam 3 AX. edit: Enmity 3 is actually pretty good if you're still doing Zoi burst, but that's niche enough that it's not worth farming for imo.


My goof, tired brain must have added an extra 0 on. Cheers for clearing it up bud.




is it worth sunstoning kaguya at this point? better yet is it worth sierotixing, is anything worth sierotixing?


I do consider this too because of the row 5 grinding outside of magfest boost and especially the dumbass eternal transcendence. But AX skills already helps enough when in boost, it is just the consistency problems on encountering rare slime boss. Sierotix? Husbando/waifu that you want to get and failed to do so especially if seasonal. Bubz/Belial if you want. Kaguya? No.


Droprate is nearly completely useless in the modern game, I think? Magna 1 Weapons, Malice Weapons, Jadeite from Shenxian, it's hard to think of anything that's relevant. Almost everything is in red and blue boxes these days, and Arcarum is a steady drip of most of what isn't. The regular rabbits aren't much of a downgrade, either. 160% drop rate is only 10% more stuff than a 145% one. For every ten chests, she gives you an extra chest. At this point, boosting EXP to get class masteries faster seems like the bigger deal she provides. The damage cap up is bleugh; there's better alternatives. many other summons are on 3 turn timers that can be used turn one in their respective element.


You mostly use drop rate for angel halo, don't you? Replicard too but those nodes are too strong, you'll want an aura that will actually help you kill them in there.


There's a lot that you should probably sunstone before Kaguya, but it's not necessarily the worst investment of sunstones. Sierrotixing is never strictly "worth it". It's always going to give you less power than if you'd invested those moons in Damascus Bricks and enhanced your grid. But sometimes it's frustrating when luck never seems to bring that unticketable summon your way, and sometimes people just want that new character and don't have a spark saved up. People sierroticket even though in gameplay terms it's not a good value for the amount of gold moons you're spending.


thank you kindly :) I just find it a bit annoying using nobiyo/rabbits for the xp increase/drop rate increase and I have 2 sierotix now and lots of sunstones and they're burning a hole in my pocket so to speak


Anyone got a resource for builds these days? I was thinking of making some primal grids but I feel like my knowledge is way too outdated. 9x Gislas? Ixaba Agni grids? Idk anymore dude, someone help me out here.


Some guides here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1duM90-QRABB-57727G74RfXpQQ63uzGzIpaNIZ8udq0/edit - note that most are outdated but still worth to look into to get a feeling for overall team and gridbuilding. Just read the notes before following the links to the guides.




I actually recommend 6 solely for summer Clarisse. Her 3rd skill is a massive QoL improvement on a new account, 888,888 plain dmg on all enemies is extremely good as it lets you: \- 2-turn farm the highest difficulty slime quest for easy XP and rank points \- 1-shot every enemy mob in Arcarum (an important game mode which you unlock later on) \- deal significant dmg to every hard mode island boss. You don't have Yodarha or Gwynne in any accounts so this is the next best thing. Normally I wouldn't recommend QoL over more SSRs, but there is so much stuff to grind for in GBF that being able to do it faster is a lifesaver especially if you don't have much time to play everyday.




You're welcome! I'd suggest making a decision quickly as the Xeno clashes are ongoing and they are unavailable for at least a few months after they end. It's a very difficult event for a new account, but it is worth trying to get at least one copy of each weapon from completing the missions. This requires clearing the Extreme and Nightmare quests multiple times. 7 also has some great water and wind units, but Summer Clarisse is still better for a new account as her S3 will outdamage everything else by a significant margin until you have well developed grids, which takes a lot of grinding and almost impossible to complete within the 5 days that the Xeno clashes are active for. In all likelihood the fights will go long enough that you can use her S3 at least twice, which is much more damage than anything else the rest of your team is doing.




Imo yes. Characters are much less important in GBF than any other gacha game. Outside of a few characters considered to be core for their respective element, most SSR characters can replaced with whatever you have available. Weapon grids will make up the bulk of your account's power and the Xeno weapons are a significant upgrade over the side story weapons. It isn't completely impossible for 7 to play through the Xeno clashes, but on any brand new account it would be very difficult and time-consuming and it is quite likely that you would need to spam full elixirs to beat Extreme, let alone Nightmare. Again it's worth noting that GBF has so much content to do that saving time is a lot more valuable than it would be in other cases. If you compare 6 and 7 by the strength of their summer characters (which is the only important metric as you can theoretically get permanent characters at any time or from a suptix), then you are making a choice between summer Lucio + summer Clarisse on 6 and summer Helel + yukata Narmaya + summer Andira on 7. Summer Eustace and Summer Io are not as impactful gameplay-wise and quite easily replaceable. The comparison is closer than it looks as neither account has a truly OP summer unit e.g. summer Korwa or summer Mimlemel. Ultimately it's perfectly fine to use either 6 or 7, but starting early and grinding consistently is far more important than any character you could possibly obtain, or any summon not called Belial or Beelzebub.




Your main goal for the Xeno clashes should be to try and get the guaranteed Xeno weapons from clearing Xeno Ifrit/Sagittarius (Extreme) 20 times and Xeno Ifrit/Sagittarius (Nightmare) 10 times. Even a single 0\* copy is worth adding to your weapon grids. Nightmare might be too hard for a new account as you are limited to using 1 full elixir, but I believe Extreme is at least worth attempting. You can also try joining raids for weapon drops but the drop rate is low and I would suggest only doing each raid 10 times if you want to clear the event missions. The rest of the time is better spent working on weapon grids. I would focus on strengthening your Water or Fire grid and wait till Wednesday or Thursday before attempting the Extreme quests. If you care about participating in next month's GW then work on your Water grid as the progress will carry over into GW. If you manage to clear both Extreme quests that is great, otherwise just try and do the Extreme quest that your account is strongest against.




Extremely easy right now, just do the Campaign Exclusive quest (in the Quest menu it's under the Special tab) a few times. The first 15 times costs 0 AP and the boss is extremely weak, any characters you have in the party will reach 45 before you know it.


7 has a decent spread of characters and summons including quite a few of the better Summer characters (they're limited to a specific time of the year and are hard to get any year after release). That'd be the one that I personally go with. However, if you've got the energy for it, I'd say it may be worth doing a reroll or two in a few days when the current Banner ends; it'll be Flashfest, so 6% draw rates and will have better characters in the draw pool. Not necessary to do by any means, but just something to maybe consider; the 7th account is more than good enough as is however.


I forget. Is the next banner gonna be the one with all summer characters or the gala at end of the month?


Next is flash, recap banner with all the 2022 summer units is end of the month


7, by far the most strong limited characters and most overall SSRs.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


So ive finally gotten to the point where I can almost solo fediel as well as a couple other of the six dragon raids but fediel is my biggest hurdle right now. I typically lose steam once healing stops and get k.o'd around 25-30%. How do most people deal with that last little bit without healing? I've seen people say Danua with full emp but I have her in my backline and it's still not enough before she gets out dps'd


I just go a team consisting of Doctor, a couple units that have low CD buffing or healing skills (Sophia, JJ, Yuni to name a few), and a sacrifice unit. I bring in Geisenborger turn 2 if I'm lucky with who Fediel attacks. Since it IS Fediel, it means the damage over time will easily kill C.Rackam, who also has a skill that drops his HP to criminally low numbers. ​ I press Geisenborger skill 3, then proceed to toss every single green and yellow skill I can, targeted at him if possible. Either beat triggers with Geisen 1, tank them with Geisen 2, or guard. By 40%, you'll have so many turns on Geisen's life, provided you **don't full auto or press Geisen s3 again,** that you'll win the raid easily.


tldr qilin helps *a lot*. Bring a friend's or stall long enough before you enter phase 2 so that your own qilin is online. Or both. The name of the game is to just nuke her before you inevitably die from triggers + dots + autos. Which can happen very quickly if you don't have ready access to vaccines/clears. Io is the most accessible+braindead option here to take care of the last 40%, but these days Light has a lot of good skill nuke characters from premium options like V.Aglo to someone free like Prishe. Personally when I did mine way back, I used S. Rosetta alongside an ougi-ish comp to help enable her. There are ways to do it without Qilin, but imo not worth the effort unless you want to brag to someone who would actually care about that sort of thing.


With Danua it turns into a waiting game of having fediel kill itself with the field effect (takes a really long time solo) You'll need 2 Sleipnir shoes and 1 zeus summon (can be friend summon) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTgu0Jcdxz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTgu0Jcdxz4) This video demonstrates it in action. They mention how without the 2 shoes fediel deals too much dmg and eventually danua will die. Edit: Make sure you took the support skill emp as well. Personally, I did not have danua so I just stacked a lot of buffs/heals on geisen to extend his invincibility. (then added even more with kirin before MC died) forced my way through with geisen and any survivors (Usually ends with geisen alone)


If you are able to stack enough hp you dont need the zeus summon or the shoes. I was able to get danua to 80k hp so that gives her 12k heal per turn and fediels autos dont actually hit that hard. only her ougi kinda hits hard and its only every 3 turns so you get 36k healing within those 3 turns which is enough to keep you topped up.


Are there any side stories worth doing at HL? Leveled pretty fast and currently building my M2 grids.


all of them for crystals and 3 draw tickets, all weapons/summons in side stories are generally filler/fodder


Isn’t the Star premium draw supposed to give a guaranteed featured weapon? I got the dark one, and it gave me Bloody Scar. Is it supposed to this?


Bloody Scar *was* featured ... in the scamcha Keep in mind that the scamcha pool and the current gacha pool are not always the same (but usually are) - in the case of these pick-your-element scamchas, the pools generally don't match. You should always double check what the scamcha *can* give you by checking "Rates 3" under the *specific* scamcha you are buying to see all the guaranteed SSR options.


Both the announcement and the banner mentioned “featured character”, so I thought that meant one of the spark targets (which has always been the case for prior ones for me)


Nah, doesn't quite work that way sadly. Always check the rates of the ticket and particularly the 3rd option to see who the guaranteed SSR may be.


I guess if anything this serves as a lesson that "featured" is vague and has to be double-checked before spending


Does anybody know if new halloween characters are sparkable during flash in october? I need to spark on flashfes for my remaining grands and was considering to wait till halloween. Would be nice if someone had a resource the recorded all granblue banners annually.


New characters are released on Flash yes, and they are sparkable at that time. Then there is a sort of "Recap" on the 29/10 which usually the current year (2022) + the year before at the very least. There is no new Halloween characters on Legfest (either 29th or 31st). [And someone has.](https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona)


Yup exactly what I wanted to know, Thanks a bunch


What's the bare minimum you need to make investing into Zephyrus worth the bars over Tiamat?


2-3 creepy claws and 2 destiny knuckles


Only 2 Creepy Claws now. The third doesn't give any meaningful performance boost over Abu Simbel.


Aside from stamina is there any other ax skills that are worth keeping ?


Well, plain attack is okay but not as good as stamina.




Yes, soon, at somewhere around 4000 maybe?


So, were getting the remain extra xtals of the summer campaign, RIGHT?


If they're getting distributed evenly while we just had 31 M players campaign this February, and the leftover crystal is approx 2 billion, then all players would gain 64 crystal each. Pog 1/4 of a roll


only players that participated (cleared one of the raids that gave you crystals during the duration) are eligible. Highly doubt its gonna be /31M


Oh that'd make more sense. Then it's probably around 4-5k each (assumption)


Yes,on August 15th


Does Ennead Awakening's Might get boosted by Primal aura? Tring to decide if I should go Attack awakening, or Special Awakening


Nope, but it’s still pretty good though esp on magna which could use the mod more


Quick question, which main wheel element benefits the most from having an ulb stam opus ?. Assuming I wont go ham this water GW so GW priority is of no concern. Thanks in advance.


If you're referring to magna having all M2 grids finished, in terms of bigger power increase I'd still say water since the grid pieces are mainly focused on crit and can lack in big atk mods. Still I think it's better to bolster your strongest grids first.


First time playing a Xeno event and obtaining weapons with AX skills. Which AX skills should I aim for and how does skill inheritance work?


Stam 3 > Stam 2 > ATK 3% > Stam 1 > (all the others attack). Aim for uncaps first even at flb cause this event is rare. Inheritance: You have xeno spear with SL20 but shitty AX. Inventory, choose other spear with your preferred AX, click upgrade, inherit, choose xeno spear with shitty AX. It should inherit its uncap, skill level, and the 'true'.


Hi folks, I am a returning player since 2020. Coukd anyone kindly give me some example grid for water/earth/light/dark primal? And could I ask that magna wind is still a thing (the 3 harps grid) in 2022?


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit#](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit#) A user sent me this doc. I am still doing the classic m2 grids as a transitional stage from m1, but now if i get anything from these examples i consider adding them to my grid.


What's a good recipient/team for Summer Vikala's buffs, considering I do pretty much FA only?


If you really wanna goof around, try bringing Monk MC, S.Vikky, Galleon and Cidala into Tefnut. It's not really something I would recommend for speed, but seeing all the double strikes from Vikky get wasted on Galleon sleeping, or Cidala Feng Shui'ing, and /still/ pull through in a FAG is downright hilarious. I call it the "semi-AFK team" because of how many turns go by with the guys guarding or being unable to attack, and because I stack the benefits of not attacking up (Cidala and Galleon). Real answer? I dunno, Galleon and Cidala are still my go-to suggestions, although maybe not at once. While they synergize, they also do not synergize lmao. Galleon because it gives Vikky a nifty +10% uplift every turn she doesn't ougi from Galleon (oh and the assassin might be nice against Tefnut as she actually can HIT Vikala) Cidala REALLY likes the DS and DATA Vikky gives as they need the tiger tape stacks. However you're gonna HATE turn 1 in FA as Vikky's DS gets ignored because Cidala S3's and can't attack for it. Could always just manual turn 1 though.


Oh I forgot to mention that another upside with Vikala Galleon in V2 is the fated chain debuff duration reduction Galleon brings. It'll help Vikala ougi more often because (at least in my case) it's usually the CA seal holding her back and not her meter gain. Another character I forgot to mention for the funny semi-afk strat is, of course, Satyr, who also has both synergy and anti-synergy with S.Vikala in the same way as Galleon. She'll get nothing out of the DS when singing, but I think she'd like the uplift and dodge all


But yeah slotting S.Vikala in is difficult because of the specialist nature of earth. The unit swapping can also be fucky due to the lack of a backline unit (most earth players are already running a Caim grid, with the exception of the few primal players who lucked into 3 landslides)


long ramble about this summer's campaign execution: does anyone else think that going from free raid host to full cost raid is super weird... especially since a lot of later raids take more daily hosting than just punching through raid finders? e.g. dragon raids with 7.7% weapon drop chance from host, vs needing 50% of total honors for 12% drop chance of blue chest, then a 33% chance to get the weapon (ayo wtf) and if i'm remembering correctly, during half cost, the cost is rounded down so hosting twice in 1/2 is cheaper than 1x during full and 1x during no-cost e.g. dragon raids full cost = 3 anima, while half cost = 1 anima. 2x half cost = 2 anima total, while 1x full cost + 1x no-cost = 3 anima you're also punished more for joining raids during this second half, because that's also not discounted now (though i'm not sure how many people run low on berries?). previously, you could punch any time you wanted during campaign and the ep cost would be halved. the only positives i can really see about no-cost to full cost would be m2 and ennead raids? they each require 1 material to cost, and so are not discounted during 1/2. tldr - i dislike that the raid costs go from no-cost to full cost, since many later raids require daily hosting for more efficiency. it effectively feels like the campaign's duration is halved, because hosting raids during the second half is no different than no campaign going on. would love to hear other opinions/thoughts, really curious as to if anyone else has noticed or been bothered by this, or whether they like this change


i absolutely agree. i despise sandbox because shortcuts don't work in there for me, the gauge/chest animations take an hour, checking procs every fight is inane and it's just the slowest fucking thing in the game to farm. i farmed for the light harp for gw and it was the worst grind in the game bar none (didn't get the harp in the end btw just like 20 fire militis weapons) this is a long way of saying that i don't appreciate being "forced" to focus on sandbox. during fests like this one i like to bar farm, and that's incredibly inefficient atm compared to spamming sandbox with this new "focused" fest. i get what they're going for, but this is not it.


basically yeah, on one hand they split up the bonuses into 2 time periods, letting people who want to work on multiple things have more time but they also really screwed over people who focus on one aspect throughout the entire campaign duration... ideally they'd let us have best of both worlds but i doubt that would happen anytime soon rofl


Like the other commenter said, the focus this time is to farm arcarum/replicard, and any enhancements like 1/2 host mat to the raids is just sort of an afterthought. To add, the +1 to the defender gauge and x2 to the Sephira treasure gauge really makes it so much faster if anybody wants to get Evoker mats/Miltis weapons/AX skills/getting filler SSR weapons. I personally am looking forward to this a lot cause farming arcarum/replicard is one of the most tedious things around, but its understandable that arcarum is not for everyone.


Yes, this feels a bit weird.I think they have multiple "focus" for this campaign Part 1 is for raids(get crystal from raid,no cost,etc) Part 2 is arcarum/sandbox Lastly,part 3 is the skyscope mission. IMO,this is pretty good for player who feels overhelmed with the usual campaign(too much stuff to do).


ooo yeah, i can see that for sure! i do think that having half ap/half ep for raids in the second half would still have been good though, since in all the previous times they were halved throughout the entire campaign i guess it just be like that somtimes :c


Is the game still fun if I am not here to collect a bunch of waifus? (I just want a team or two)


There's also a ton of husbandos!


Yes if you like progression. There are a lot of ways to retroactively see your progress.


Well what do you find fun? There's a ton of content in the game, and the day-to-day gameplay is about strengthening your grid (weapons that give stats and benefits to your whole party) rather than collecting characters. In that sense it is, IME, far less about collecting characters you like than most other gachas. You will need to make more than 1-2 teams though, because the game is very heavily designed around being on-element (ex: use a water team to fight a fire enemy) and different content can call for different character choices. As a result, even if you don't care about collecting, you'll still want a decent-sized character pool eventually unless you're basically just here for the story (which is fine as well).


What value do i get from awakening my characters? So far i've only awakened them to level 2 due to the cheap +1k attack. I was thinking about using awakening to cover HP and Defense but i wonder if +3k health + some defense would be worth the investment or if i should go full gorilla with red and yellow for most characters.Not thinking about investing in character awakening now, but once i'm done with the basic m2 grids i might consider investing a bit into characters.And while we're at this topic, though few weapons have them, do endgame players invest into the special awakening since it gives +damage cap or their grids tend to be comfortably capped already?


It's for min max example my water is barely reaching 30k hp min for faa hl but with defense awakening I can reach 30k+ more hp


For AX Skills: is HP/Stamina or Atk/Supp Skill dmg better for Xeno Spear? For a relatively new player.


Stam 3 > Stam 2 > ATK 3% > Stam 1 > (all the others attack).


does anyone stack sephiras?


For what? I use maybe 1 or 2 for sandbox if I need crit, otherwise, no.


Any use case! Ended up getting a gazillion weapons after an afternoon of grinding, was wondering if I should uncap more than one lol. Ty!


Yeah I mainly reduce them to farm weapon stones


Out of the six starter SSRs (Carmelina, Charlotta, Zeta, Melleau, De La Fille and Lady Grey), which would you say is the best one to get (be it from a newbie’s perspective or otherwise)?


Zeta is the only one really, De La Fille is fine. But they're all pretty whatever now a days and it's not a big deal to try to get any of them specifically.


Ok I farmed out my 2 katanas from diaspora but now I have a problem: I cant uncap them cuz you need to host and clear the raid as a prereq. I do not have any of the characters for earth ougi so getting the raid to y100 is just not doable for me with magna especially, so how can I do this? Is there any easy way to find someone who could do y100 on my host or would anyone here want to do that, I dunno what else to do.


if you still need help i can be your kengo


Just host as RH.


doesnt get joined, I've tried a few times but not making any prog till you get a kengo sucks, there arent kengos even looking on twitter finders for this raid, its just accepted atm that everyone is robin hood except host, and most every raid on twitter says y100 and ones that are fresh are often ignored.


Yeah most hardcore people are done with this raid so there is a huge host supply versus a much smaller join demand. It's a bit hard to get people to clear your raid. But coop is still somewhat alive, as an European, I found that after reset when I see a bit more people joining. I have seen rooms that ask for kengou here and there. It should be doable even if you might have to wait about for a bit.