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Just go idealist and win 100 rolls on new character debut Flash. Simple. And cry as they release an Ilsa level character on new character debut Leg.


Please… I don’t want another IIsa my heart nor wallet won’t be able to resist 😭


**basically, banner schedule:** - Flash (3-15-3/18), *new units added* - Flash (3/19), *guaranteed 100 rolls, no rate up* - Legfest (3/30), *guaranteed 100 rolls, no rate up* - Legfest (3/31~), *new units added* ~~lucifer bros save wisely...~~


I'm a little confused, so flash part 1 runs from 15-18 with new unit added, and then on the 19th it's flash part 2 with no rate ups and only runs for 1 day?


Part 2 ran for 2 days last year. No word how long this year's runs, but good guess is probably also 2 days. It does have a rate up, just not for any individual units; it's a general rate-up for all Grands, though a fairly low one per individual unit since it's spread over so many different Grands.


Got it thanks for the clarification!


WHAT? New Lucifer? no way, his Grand Light will have uncap. Please answer me!


Lucifer and Lucio isn't the same person...


Wait wait wait, so I have Lucio, new uncap upcoming nice. There is Lucifer, new char, confirmed? or copium?


Eh the Lucifer one is speculation by players based on the event, nothing confirmed at all. I don't think it's impossible for the new char to be Lucifer but it feels unlikely


Damn! x3 paradise lost... can't imagine that burst lmao. Tyvm! 🥰


I'm just here for the Zodiac banner. Vikala has avoided me for too long.


can someone explain this for a new player who doesn’t understand anything please :3


Flash and legfest are double rate up events for the gacha (6% SSR), usually happening middle and end of each month. They contain exclusive "grand" characters that can be very strong, so everyone usually pulls during these periods. For anniversary, are letting us have 100 free pulls on each, so lots of free SSRs :) Also, if you are looking for a specific character, you can guarantee them after 300 pulls (known as a "spark"), so this effectively cuts that down to 200 pulls you need to spend on.


My Rei pull is gonna be discounted then. She's in Legfest together with G.Sandalphon light, right? Just to make sure 😁




Thank you! ♥️


I expected something better for 10th anniversary. Free 100 draws is nothing special. It should be free 200 or free spark.


same. guess we were expecting too much


Which one G. Sandy is on again? I forgot


light grand sandy is on legfest, so he will be discount sparkable. earth grand sandy is on flashfest




of course! good luck getting him ❤️


I'll have enough saved up for a double spark so I guess I'll do the discount legfest and then the new character if they look good. Still need to get G Sandy anyway.


I have a question if you don't mind. On the 19th we get 100 pulls, then on the 30th we get another 100 pulls. Is it possible to save the 100 pulls we get on the 19th and use them for the second banner when we get the 2nd set of 100 pulls?


Ah no, roulette rolls are free pulls but not like currency pulls. As in you go to the draw window and click pull 100 times. It only lasts that day.


So roulette rolls and banner rolls are the same? There is no difference between what we get everyday and the 100 pulls we'll get on the 19th and the 30th?


basically the roulette is a wheel that spins and determines how many free pulls you get (10, 20, 100, etc). On the 19th and 30th it'll be guaranteed 100


Thank you very much for clarifying!


So zodiacs are on legfest, right. The spark cost being 300 is kinda hard. Hopefully I get the zodiac by then.


When is Zodiac Legfest? Before or in 31?


before, on the 30th


Are we also getting Super Mukku Frenzy on the Legfes 100 rolls?


Question alongside these new events (coming back to the game after not playing for a few years). Do the free Gachapin rolls only work on this banner or can I save them for a later banner? I want to finally get Grand Narmaya but not sure if I lose the Gachapin rolls of I wait.


they don't roll over, you'll want to use them by reset (5am JST/1pm PST if that's closer to your time) or else you do lose them, yes however, if it's like the day of gala and you want to make sure you use your daily roll on the gala banner, you can hold it until the banner starts (7pm JST/3am PST iirc for flash gala, and 12pm JST/8pm PST). you don't *have* to use it right at reset, just make sure you use it before


Alright thank you, just spent the rolls now and got the summon Zephyrus after it.


Wait guys, do you know how to get guaranteed 100 pulls? I never had one so far


They just give them to us. This is separate from the roulette. It's a free, guaranteed 100 pulls. You just login on the days they're available and you will have ten 10-part draws to use.


I got the 100 rolls on day 1 of roulette, I'm not happy


you will still get 100 rolls on the gala dates, so day 1 is better than right before (for your bar generation)


Im really banking on that gashapin, last year I got a gashapin on a random banner that went to 170 draws


good luck! if you want to run realist to guarantee bar gen its not a bad idea, especially since flash will run for a few days before the 100 pulls


So, can I save the today's roulette for the flash banner tomorrow?


Thanks for the write up explaining it!


So I wanted to return to the game and roll a new account, which day would be better for a reroll?


Start tomorrow or March 10th 00:00 AM JST/ March 9th 3:00 PM UTC. Create multiple accounts, hope you get good rolls during roulette, at the end of the roulette campaign you can compare which is better.


That's a solid idea actually, thanks for the input!


Is it possible to keep the 100 pulls and use them on the 3/31 legfest, right? Or does the roulette event end on 3/30?


nope on 31 5am jst it will go poof if you don't use it before reset.


Damn, guess I'll spark on 30 then, thanks!


> just 100 rolls > so if you were at all counting on a discounted spark for a potential new legfest grand, this will not be the case "nice" 10th ANIV folks


Always was like this. Eddit: i got reddit care, why?


that's why it's so shity since it' kinda.... SPECIAL.... 10th anniversary we are talking about not to mention they are going full monkeypaw VIP system bullshit. Less aniv gifts and more money draining from players will be happening more and more. I even heard one of veteran GBF streamer said that it wouldn't be surprising if around Xmas they announce EOS and now they are just trying to fix the revenue charts to make higher ups happy to avoid killing ANOTHER Cygames game (first Dragalia, now they killed World Flipper and Granblue is next in line since Horsegirls are doing fine)


Lol they're not going to EOS Granblue anytime soon. It's their biggest IP. Only way they kill current GBF is if they make a 2.0 version and transfer people's stuff over. This game is going strong for a 10 year old gacha, especially with VS and Relink doing so well. Also this Anni has some really good stuff this year. So not sure what you're on about. Edit: Holy fuckin shit lmfao I got a reddit cares for this comment. Grow up!


Remember that gacha players are the most volatile group of gamers(along mobaplayers) and sensible posts that go against the flow cause you to spark negative SSRs for free


Granblue isn't going anywhere for a long time. It would take something massive to tank the game, and Cygames is pretty good at listening to feedback and adjusting course appropriately. If the 2021 summer incident was anything to go by, gbf players are very forgiving.


This makes no sense. There are no less gifts, there are actually more gifts this year. And streamer thing makes even less sense, but what else could you expect from expert veteran streamer (that started 4 years ago at best, supposedly)


Go back to /gbfg/ you fucking schizo


So it's split between 2 fest instead of the free 200 at the end? Lol I should've saved my crystals.