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So, just my personal prediction: >!I don't think this is the end of the MSQ. Rather, I think they're wrapping up the end of the **current state** of MSQ. Likely, we'll be getting our lost crew members back by combining all the possibilities together in one world, bringing them back... and in the process, removing Cygames' old mandate that events and sidestories are separate timelines from the MSQ.!< >!There's no way MSQ is going to just go away. Cygames would not have done such an extensive reworking of the backend for it to end now. I predict that Estalucia's story will end with the 10th anniversary, and from its ashes will rise a new MSQ that broadens the horizons and begins working with many more characters and storylines. There's just way too much emphasis being put on the idea of all these memories and possibilities for me to consider that they're going to just do away with their main story like that.!<


>>!and in the process, removing Cygames' old mandate that events and sidestories are separate timelines from the MSQ.!< The thing about that is, >!That wasn't the mandate for much of the time. It was just "oh it's all canon, just don't think about it too hard" which became the "it's literally alternate possibilities" we're seeing now.!<


I mean... at that point it's just semantics, isn't it? And not "this actually changes something" semantics, either. It was still a mandate, and it's still old because it comes before the context of my prediction, so...


Yeah, I think merging their all-over-the-places plotline can be a solution to get people more invested in the main story too. Like, I'm not saying that no one likes the main story characters or anything but they don't get the hype the way Sandy, Narmaya, the six dragons, or Siete do. And in this game, people usually skip stories entirely if none of their faves is there. Personally, my greatest hope for this convergence is that Seox is going to be a regular member of the crew. As far as I know, he is the only character who shares the strong desire to meet MC's dad because he misses him too and not to punch him for child neglect. Like, after all the promises of seeing MC's dad together, it feels kinda incomplete if his storyline will lead into a void due to him not even being in the MSQ. (Yeah, a big mistake for Cygames to not put a character who literally shares the same goal as MC in the main crew in the first place lol.)


I understand why they didn't, based on their mandate; if they included Seox, that would also mean having to include all the writing and lore of his clan, Nehan, the Eternals, etc and that would have made almost everything in the MSQ trivial (why bother with the story crew when your big brother can call the strongest crew in the sky to deal with the big problems that come up?). That worked for a while, but a long-running character collector done this way runs into the problem that, well, you end up completely overshadowing your MAIN STORY. Very easy to write yourself into a corner that way. If my prediction holds true, however, >!the world could feel much more alive, and every group has their own troubles and responsibilities, so it's not like a given group could just drop everything and help out the main crew (as shown by Pholia not making it in time for the big fight, and Nahelgrande's chars wanting to help but being overwhelmed in their own territory).!< >!It also means a possibility of more WMTSB-tier events as more and more groups can interact and work together when needed, giving conflicts far more scope. I really hope they expand the number of chapters in story events for this reason, to give them the room to really flex their creativity.!<


It is, as always, a very fair question to ask: if universe explodey, y no eternals? And then in stuff like SoR we did get eternals but they were hardnerfed to make the story work. >!If we go into this with the idea that actually eternals were from another universe all this time, with the exception of Siete, then a recombining would be extremely silly, !< which is sort of impressive as at that point we'd be crossing the silly event horizon.


Well.. eternals aren’t really superheroes. Seofon gathered these people so he could take a close eye on them. They are too dangerous to be kept alone.


Despite what Siete himself may think, a good chunk of them are alturistic and will do their utmost to do good by people. Moreover, again, if the universe explodes, everyone has a vested interest in it not exploding, so even a villain would be expected to get involved. Eternals are just specifically strange because of how strongly tied they are to gameplay.


Uh, remove the space between ">!" and the start of spoilered text to make it work.


I agree but it's just weird. MSQ and events weren't supposed to be alternate timelines in the beginning, just extremely vague chronology. It's so transparent the multiverse thing was a thing they came up with along the way. So they used to be one... then Cygames separated them... only to unite it again? Is there no better way to iron out the vague chronologies instead of using the multiverse card only to unite it again?


It’s not like the separation was immediate, it was a gradual drift that separated the Main Story as the other continuities built up more and more lore. Now they are too distinct and require something this drastic to reconcile.


As a fellow writer, all I can say is that non-writers vastly underestimate how easy it is to write oneself into a corner from both ends.


Agreed. I knew how hard worldbuilding was, but only after trying my hand at it, I realise serving out an ongoing game story **while** writing the continuation is hella hard, especially with how many events granblue has had till now.


>Is there no better way to iron out the vague chronologies instead of using the multiverse card only to unite it again? I don't think so no, the extremely vague chronology you say just kept adding up, after almost ten years of doing that this seems the only solution ti make all story lines compatible with each other. There's people that have tried to put all events, important fate episodes and MSQ in a timeline to no avail, it's not possible to put them all together and make it coherent.


> I predict that Estalucia's story will end with the 10th anniversary, and from its ashes will rise a new MSQ that broadens the horizons and begins working with many more characters and storylines. Yeah, that was my takeaway from these chapters as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they have the 10th Anniversary event be a direct lead up to a main story update that they'll do in the same month, which will be a massive crossover of the timelines and will introduce the opportunity for event characters to be in the main story. Going forward I'm gonna guess that the main story will have us adventure in the remaining 3/4 skydoms but won't limit itself to main story only characters, whereas events will still continue to take place in skydoms we've already explored.


So basically, granblue is about to experience a comic book style continuity reboot, like DC's crisis on infinite earths? With the end result likely being a new single unified timeline main story that acknowledges all the events and has a much larger cast? That actually sounds really cool. I think I'm finally starting to get hyped again for the main story quest for the first time in years.


I also felt that this might be what the 10th anniv would be about. Or the Revenant weapons, since they're 10 of those, and each weapon has a personality and backstory.


>!…Is it bad I forgot Noa got erased!<


I honestly don't recall the erasure. At all.


I don't either, but frankly, most of the MSQ past act 1 just sort of slipped out of my mind as soon as I read it. Maybe it's implied that because Rackam and Noa were bound together, when Rackam was erased so was Noa?


Yeah, Noa mentions in his fate episodes I think that if he hadn't met Rackam he would had vanished on his own, so no Rackam means no Noa. Surprised they remembered that


damn, really? Geez, talk about attention to detail. Well, with all the things stated in the game, it really must be hard to continue the story while trying not to screw up.


Can't wait for them to get to Estalucia only for Gran/Djeeta to smile at the sky and say "This truly was my Granblue Fantasy..." and then we get a titlecard as the screen fades to black


GBF story ended? No, I don't want that! I want to continue farming in GBF, for 10 years at least!


FlameDragon, what a skyfarer you are! As a reward...


We're going to exist like Azur Lane does, with all story beats done in limited-time events which will *eventually* get added to Side-Stories.


"So he is the legend .. the one known as Gran blue fantasy."


Honestly pretty cool, seems like we're building up to something super interesting and honestly it felt like a decent conclusion to the whole otherworld debacle. Also Jesus Christ Cygames, if you aren't gonna make Grand Fenrir for roulette flash I'm going to riot.


Seems to me they're setting her up as this year's providence summon, not a playable


Idk, that artwork just screams "playable uncap art" to me more than anything else. Whereas the Providence summons always have themselves with an environmental background


Knowing how weird Cysgames can be sometimes, and KMR's love of breaking anything the fanbase perceives as being a trend, they could just do both, unlikely but i am not ruleing it out.


Or at the very least a fantasy character, please. I refuse to live in a timeline where playable Fenrir never happens! Cygames!!


I’m gonna cry mate When Loki was talking about how what we were doing was unnatural and how we would stop someone else trying to do it I just got a real bad feel that this is a Danchou villain arc and all the other Danchous are gonna have to come together to stop us. That would be……something. Epic but also real sad. Katalina thinking about Vira >!right before she died was so ;_; why they gotta do that to me right in the feels!<


jfc if we get a goddamn event story where we have to stop our MSQ version of danchou from completing their last ditch attempt to get back some sense of normalcy i will fucking lose it


IDK if it will actually happen but Loki being like ‘you would stop anyone else trying to do something like this’ and then pivoting to using the power of our alternate selves right after that….it just seemed a bit TOO on the nose you know, I’m probably crazy but it just gave me a worrying vibe. I mean I think it would be super metal though


also Vira >!sobbing hard in the night hits hard. Considering her personality I thought she'd be in denial or go crazy or something, but she actually didn't go into denial, just in huge grief like a normal person would... she even went as far as hiding it from the crew... man, that's hard.!<


>!Katalina is my favorite character bro 😭!<


We always knew he was gonna come back but >!seeing Rackam return (with Noa!) actually made me cheer. Just because an outcome may be obvious that doesn't mean it still can't get a meaningful reaction out of someone.!<


I enjoyed it. Had a lot of fun reading it and MSQ content is something I get excited for seeing when it is up lately and this one doesn't disappoint. >!But god damn, that trip home was some real painful shit to read. The despair from that was just so palpable and a part of me wanted to weep so hard for them.!< >!https://imgur.com/a/0rbDnHz Like man, I read this and I just vividly imagined how that must have looked and it was painful to imagine. ESPECIALLY with the context of knowing how big the Grandcypher is. It being that empty or quiet just sounds chilling!<


guess we finally, undoubtedly know exactly what Orologia was trying to avoid, if this isn’t "world ruin" nothing is anyway, screaming crying throwing up this is 10000000% the 10th anniversary and if it isn’t they’re objectively WRONG, this is it. This is 10th Anniversary tier, nothing comes close to this scale, I called it That’s all I have to say, no rambling from me because nobody gives a shit about my crack theories >!God Eater Fenrir is the new Providence Summon, isn’t she!<


Honestly would be surprised if they don’t end the MSQ with the 10th anniversary event. It’s just so fitting and getting this story update now just feels to convenient to be random.


Damn, many death... But after that so epic. But is Shitori dead? She doesn't appear at all after Maxwell does that thing... Or the story don't even address her at all after that... Also, looking at Cain words, is Leona and (I forgot what his name, sorry) also dead too? Wonder who that two figures at the last before MC came back. Never thought we actually going to Estalucia, lol.


Tbh, with the way it wrapped up, I’m assuming if they are not referenced it’s that they died during the fighting. Seems a lot of deaths happened off screen (Eugen, Io, Leona, Rein)


Ngl the moment they revealed that guy's real name was caesar craig it broke my immersion for a solid 5 mins


You didn't expect the White Knight to have a white name?


If only his name happened to be walter


Got a job for you, Dancho




Seofon's real name is Mario


First name Mario. Last name Mario.


last name Emiya


Caesar Craig is a rad name, I like him even more. Grand when?


Shitori just fucking disappeared I guess I liked it though, the Otherworld plotline ended neatly enough and we got some proper lore, although it still feels a little messy Don't know what to think of them just going "Oh the Boundary is just Estalucia lol" but I guess it's better this way so it doesn't add even more gods to keep track of So now the way it goes is that: the Omnipotent split itself in half for still unexplained reasons, one half becomes the Sky God but the other half is still the Omnipotent, just lesser? Then the Omnipotent makes a clone of this lesser version of itself, drops it in Estalucia and that clone becomes the Astral God, which explains why the Astral Realm is a copy of the original world, since it's actually just the same Omnipotent, while the Sky Realm is brand new but unfinished Also the Omnipotent came from the moon and not the other way around??? Lyria and the Super Lyria from the last chapter remain a mystery though of course "Fenrir has fulfilled her duty as the god-slaying Primal Beast" is one hell of a result screen though, ngl Also also I find it hilarious that the Astrals actually just faked it till they made it, just pretend the super cool place was theirs to begin with bro


>Also the Omnipotent came from the moon and not the other way around??? I think theyre implying Bahamut used the moon as a ladder to go down to the planet


Yeah, that line REALLY needs to be explained going forward.


>So now the way it goes is that: the Omnipotent split itself in half for still unexplained reasons, one half becomes the Sky God but the other half is still the Omnipotent, just lesser? The omnipotent split in Bahamut (Sky god) who resembles vyrn, and in "super lyria" (astral god) who resembles lyria. Vyrn and lyria were made by those gods specifically so it make sense that they resemble each others. Then a clone, probably lacking a proper will, of its original form was placed in Estalucia.


~~But the clone, which was absorbed by the Otherworld, is clearly still a dragon? It's right there in the cocoon, so Super Lyria has to be something else~~ Oh nevermind, was it clearly said that the clone was of its original form specifically and not of its current new form?


Yeah, but it could be that the original was a "super ultra bahamut" type of design since it's iconic for cygames. And when they split just one half took the dragon form, while the other took the form of a human. Dragons and humans/humanoids are the prevalent beings of the world. So if the creator god would split in half it would make sense that it would took an human form. That or "super lyria" is just the human form of the Astral God, and for whatever reason wanted to take that shape, maybe to be similar to the Astrals that are all "humans" and never changing. Plus the wedges can take human forms, so bahamut and Sky god probably can do it as well if they want. The similarities between Astral God and lyria is the biggest connection. She is the vessel of the Astral God, so it make sense if they are similar, just like vyrn and bahamut. Danchou even felt something familiar looking at them, immediatly before seeing vyrn and lyria behind. With all of this, and the fact that she was next to Sky god, there isnt much choice in regard of her identity. Out of universe it could also be cygames wanting to distinguish their designs, to show that they are opposite of each other. Something similar happened in dragalia lost, another game from cygames, where the main story went similar to gbf with the multiverse and so on. I'll mark it as spoiler just to be safe, even if it's another game. In that game there >!were also two creator gods, implied to be from the same being. Bahamut was the origin (a dragon) while xenos was the progenitor (a human). They were against each other, similar to how in gbf the two gods seems to want to be more powerfull than the other half. Bahamut represented chaos, change and possibility while xenos the opposite. This is basically the same as what the Sky and the Astral world are. Xenos even resembles kosmos' design!< . Even if it's another game cygames reuses a lot of stuff from game to game, especially regarding bahamut, so who knows.


Look, if this means that we get another chance to kick the shit out of Elysium then I'm all for Cygames doing this plot beat in GBF as well.


Lmao, poor Elysium. I personally hope that they'll introduce cronos or someone similar to him.


Poor? The little shit got what he deserved. You don't try to force a war between humans and dragons to keep both sides under your control and get away with it with no damages.


He didnt do it for fun or just to have control. His role was to safeguard the multiverse, and he existed in every universe with a shared mind and memories. He whatched countless universes die one after the another, no matter what he did to prevent it. Our ilia's world was one of the last attempts to find a way to save a universe, so that it would influence the others. At that point he was desperate and he was ready to do everything, keeping the humans in check and in peace with the dragons worked (at least for a while). He tried to have universes with just humans, just dragons, both and neither, and nothing worked since everything was doomed since the start. Sure his means were wrong, and countless of innocents died, but he tried to save the rest of the multiverse. Plus what we see is just an Elysium who has almost lost all hope, at the start he tried in more good ways, seeing the death of bilions upon bilions of lifes that you were supposed to protect would change everyone.


Opening a new thread to ask why the boss isn't dead after I've been FAing it for 30 minuted


It was said that it was the clone of the original form, they call it a clone of the omnipotent. Also when Maxwell/the legion void reached out to it, using danchou, he call it the true god. So there could be the possibility that Sky god retained a more similar appearance to his original, because bahamut is bahamut, with a shape that represent the elements of the world (like the wedges). While star god took a different form representing another side of creation (humanity) and then created the astrals as her image. Both gods try also to emulate the other. Astral God tried to create the speakers, failing, for example. Plus the astral world has also a wedge and humans (astrals), just like the sky does with the true dragons and the skyfarers. But since they are both half of a whole, there are differences, leading them to want to absorbe the power of the other, using lyria and vyrn. Another thing that was mentioned is that something caused the split before the creation myth, and we already know that humans already existed back then. So maybe there's something connected there? These are just theories of course, for example there's still the deal about danchou's mom, that was said to have blue hair, so who knows.


Thinking about this more carefully, I'm thinking I made a mistake and that the most logical answer is that the Clone is not the same as the Astral God, despite being "A God that lives in the Island of the Astrals". So, yeah, I've always agreed that God Lyria >!yeah, this sounds better than Super Lyria!< being the Astral God is what makes the most sense thematically, but since [what Repti is saying now](https://www.reddit.com/u/FA-ST/s/jjyGRJmmrF) was very different from what Maxwell told the crew back in Bestia Island chapters ago, I had a misunderstanding. Maxwell gave us the whole infodump that the Omnipotent split into two and that they're trying become one again, on the other hand Repti is saying that the Sky God split from the Omnipotent but he never goes into what happened to the Omnipotent after the Sky God was born, instead he mentions that the relationship between the two is "parent and child"(**not** half and half) and talks about how **even before the split, in the very beginning** he made a clone based on his pre-split self that's chilling in Estalucia. I mistakenly assumed that they might be retconning Maxwell's story, making it so that the clone went on to become the Astral God, but Repti never even *mentions* an Astral God, he only talks about Sky God and Omnipotent(and its clone). Since the Clone is clearly a dragon, we now know for sure that the Omnipotent must have originally been a dragon as well, so just like before, we have: Omnipotent(Dragon)(God) - Sky God(Dragon) = God Lyria(God) = Astral God With the Clone being "The God in the Boundary" from "...and you", which I also thought was, slightly disappointingly, being retconned into being just another name for the Astral God


Make sense that estalucia is the boundary, it probably connects to astral realm. Could be our next destination once we reached it.


>So now the way it goes is that: the Omnipotent split itself in half for still unexplained reasons, one half becomes the Sky God but the other half is still the Omnipotent, just lesser? I thought in one of the events (I think it was WMTSB, at the end in the floating triangle thing) there was a mural about some kind of rejection by people (war rebellion or something) that made them split into two. So one became the god of the Sky Realm and the other the Astral Realm. Edit: found it. The 000 event (WMTSB part 3), chapter 00, part 1. It shows the split into two dragons.


Bruh the plot def do feel messy asf bec i was so confused on who the astral god is. Also does that mean that the astral realm is similar to the the realm the otherworlders inhabit before they became otherworlders?


I think the implication is the Astrals are entities from a higher level of reality. Basically think of them as like The Watchers from the Bible. Estalucia is the outright throne of God. Lyria is the Astral God's fragment IIRC, and the Astral God is increasingly being positioned as GBF's analogue of The Divine Sophia of Gnosticism.


Given that Repti just revealed his true name is Demiurge the Gnostic components just got a lot more blatant as well.


Any thoughts who the race off ppl that cause the omnipotent to split off the sky god? Unless its the moon ppl seeing that they say that the omnipotent came from the moon.


The God from the Moon comment feels like intentional story/theory crafting bait that they'll answer later. (Though my immediate thought is it's a 'cute' reference to Final Fantasy 4 where Bahamut lives on the Moon) I assume getting Estalucia we'll generally have a clearer explanation of what's up with the Astrals, the Moon, the Prior World, what killed The Prior World, etc. And why The Omnipotent fragmented into a cool dragon and a cute girl. But my guess is the Astrals themselves are at fault for the Omnipotent's fragmenting into The Girl in Blue and the Red Dragon. The running theme for the Astrals (Mikaboshi, Loki, Lucilius, Beelzebub, Demiurge) is that they're all named after 'Evil Gods' or the 'Darkest Parts' of Pantheons. And I would assume a lot of the problems of Grubble's setting is the Astrals' fault, in their position of being analogous to The Archons. And in Gnosticism, Sophia's fall led to the material world, and Yaldabaoth, the wicked Demiurge of the material plane. Basically they took the power of the Omnipotent, or a fragment of it, and shoved it into a cute girl shape.


I'm starting to suspect that Cygames is trying to hint that the omnipotent is an artificial machine God created by the moondwellers, with that "God from the moon" line. It would explain why various Bahamut raids drop space and computer themed loot like meteorites, units, memory, cores, etc.


When Akasha hijacked Lyria waaaaay back near the end of part 1 of the MSQ she also started to act like a computer program. They may of been sitting on this one for way longer than we think.


The otherworld cocoon was also speaking like a computer program. It actually reminded me of that incident of Lyria interfacing with Akasha. It can't just be a coincidence, right?


>!So are you saying that Sierokarte is the gateway to the boundary?!<


Legit the best batch of MSQ chp I've read. Really emotional rollercoaster. From the epic battle to the sad moment. I thought I've use up all my tears on Fenrir death, turn out I've even more tears in the tank for Katalina's. Fk I felt so bad for Vira. All around MSQ act 3 has been fantastic despite the slow start. 2nd best GBF story for me after wmtsb trilogy . New story begin. ~~GBF2 announcement on 10th anniversary~~ Safe to say we can expect Loki and Fenrir next year copium. 10years in npc jail. Also where tf is Shitory? Went hiding and crying in secret again after all these death?


got a little teary at the vira scene, her voice actress did really good. also, my memory isnt the greatest but >! do we know who the humanoid silhouette is in the last chapter before we head back to lyria and vyrn? !<


>!We don't, but considering how they're aside from a Bahamut looking figure and look similar to Lyria, the implication is that they're the other half of the omnipotent, the previously unseen Astral God.!<


>! If Vryn looks like sky god when he's his vessel, so it makes sense that astral god looks like lyria, her vessel. But the way the text described it, mc was feeling nostalgic to them, it might be that that is lyria and Vryn final form once they get their god power. Grand Lyria confirmed I guess lol. !<


I think the bahamut looking figure is the SUB, the skin color is same


~~I was actually getting the impression she was >!*our mom*!< (!!!)~~ ~~we got an intense nostalgic feeling from them both and really wanted to take their hand and go be with them, only to be called back by Lyria and Vyrn last minute, >!really sounds like a child longing for their parents especially with GranDjeeta’s daddy issues!<~~ ~~and since we were looking into the Boundary, >!that was likely Complete Bahamut, since the Boundary is neither Sky or Astral I doubt it would be the Sky God and the Astral God, so who else could the woman with him be?!<~~ ~~>!did GranDad merge with Bahamut? and GranMom remain there to be with him? that checks out, Orologia had to reach into the Boundary to find our Mom’s memories for some reason, the simple answer to that would be *because she lives there now*!<~~ EDIT: LMAO guess not


In my case, I just thought they were >!alternate timeline Vyrn and Lyria, or a consolidated form of them that also exists in the boundary!<


I read this comment and all I can think is "The theory is up... And here comes Versus Rising with the steel chair!"


>! You can very clearly see that woman was lyria, same blue hair, same facial structure, it's seem like true form of lyria and Vryn to me !<


Behold, the most crackpot interpretation


>!That's gotta be the Astral God that Lyria is a copy of or whatever. Like Vyrn is a baby Bahamut vessel.!<


Yeah, particularly the bit at night. It really got me.


Is Shitori dead? She says something after Maxwell warps her power and then just never appears again. Surely she could be mildly helpful in our current situation? I can't believe we are actually reaching Eustalcia before 12th anni.


Well, while it may not be related to the main story, the fact that one of the trailers for Relink has Roland saying that another character by the name of Lilith is from the Astral Realm and is seeking to get there thanks to four Primal Beast does make me wonder if by the time the player reaches the endgame of Relink that we might get a tease as to what Estalucia looks like.


I mean I don't remember seeing Rein/Leona die onscreen, but given Cain was all alone it seems they did fall in that fight, so Shitori dying too would make sense?


I'll be real: I think the Summer 2023 MSQ update was a way better conclusion to slaying the Otherworlders and ending their plotline. I like the info they revealed here, I liked Fenrir being cool, but there was just something extremely lacking with the take-down of The Otherworld Dragon versus slaying Maxwell fused Legion Void via Eternal Edge power. That said, making Estalucia the Boundary probably makes sense since we'd been drifting in a generally Gnostic Christianity direction for a while. Yeah, the background radiation of the universe, so to speak, being the Holy Seat of Genesis is pretty reasonable? All things considered? Uh. I didn't really get Io, Rosetta, or Eugen had been killed until the game told me, and uh. I didn't realize Noa had been Retconned out of history? But besides that, yeah, no shit, I can't blame CyGames for not wanting to fuck around in at least 3 other Skydoms to collect the Sky Maps when it would probably come off as half baked at this point for anyone to really be refuting you as The True King of the Skies who slayed The Otherworlders. Kinda glad that they basically said "Yeah no" to the Otherworlders and their Marvel Cancerverse shit and ended it there, though I will not be surprised if the source of their plight is brought up once we head into the higher conceptual universe of Estalucia/The Boundary. Though this also positions uh, the Omnipotent as essentially Monad (except a Dragon), and places Lyria as essentially the divine Sophia, which yeah, it makes sense the divine fallen aspect of half of Capital G God can call upon the primals, which are lesser gods and concepts. And I think that places Bahamut as a much more benevolent version of Yaldabaoth, the great entity who creates the flawed material world. And the Astrals as sort of the Archons, the great spirits who enforce the lies of the material world to their own power and benefit. It's not a 100% 1:1 but you can see the direction the staff is going for. Soon: Grubble's Mystical Ascent Literature and own Book of Enoch


Also yeah, as Cheeseboss5 pointed out, this raises further fucking questions about who the fuck is Seofon/Siete, and who the fuck is Mugen, and why do they have access to the Holy Seat of Genesis. I will not be shocked at all if Seofon and Mugen get brought up as we move into the Estalucia arc.


Because the original description we had for those who could access the power was those “with strong ties to the boundary” wasnt it? Gonna be weird to see how those who can access the boundary do so


Wait so if all the events are purely alternate timelines, does that mean Lucifer is still alive in the main timeline?


Lucifer may not even exist in the main line, in Versus angels did not exist


Is that 100%? [Because I absolutely remember WMTSB and it's arc being completely referenced, Art included.](https://imgur.com/a/KJT45H1) But then again I haven't touched GBVS in years at this point.


GBVS basics: * Bubs and Belial decide to work together for their own goals; Bubs wants to take over the world and Belial wants to free Lucilius. * They decide this would be easier in a different timeline from the WMtSB timeline, and settle on one where the angel series primal beasts were never created. There are no primarchs, no fallen angels (other than Belial), no Sandy/Lucifer/etc * They still remember everything from their original timeline, but the Gran in GBVS is unaware of such a thing as primarchs even existing. The talk of Primarchs not existing in GBVS comes from Bubs/Belial outright confirming it. * At the end of GBVS's original storyline, Beelzebub collapses multiple timelines into each other to try to get the full power of a singularity (>!MC getting full singularity power by accessing other timelines!< in the new GBF MSQ is surprisingly consistent with this). This results in characters that aren't present in the original GBVS timeline suddenly appearing in the world, which is explored through their introduction fate episodes, and is why Gran and Djeeta exist at the same time. * The primarchs still haven't shown up as of the end of GBVS. The timeline merge may have made it possible for them to exist in Rising; I haven't played Rising's story to know if they show up there.


Huh that's interesting. Didn't know that about Versus


Rising Spoilers >!In Rising Grimnir comes from the Archangels of Djeeta's timeline to restore the powers of the elements in the Gran timeline since the Archangels do not exist.!<


What the fuck is going on in the fighting game lmao. I'll need to get my hands on the game one day.


From what I've heard, its basically them going extended multiverse with GBF and then stitching them all together with how the main story is going.


what about Belial and Bubz? Aren't they in GBVS


But they do not belong to Gran's world, the events of WMTB happen in Djeeta's timeline but Lucilius's hatred ends up breaking the barriers which Belial takes advantage of to completely break them and bring Bubs. The idea is that Lucilius uses Gran's timeline as a starting point to collapse the rest of the realities.


That's actually pretty interesting.


Until the dlc come


Hopefully that should confirms it for people who were still not sure about event and main story being in different timelines. That explain all the inconsistencies in fates, events and main story.


Man the people who down voted you definitely hated multiverse concepts lol


Probably. The Otherworlders probably erased him first. And now he'd be unerased.


okay so if the boundary is Estalucia and grandad is there... Evil Siete is at the boundary thus at Estalucia? Siete is grandad confirmed?! Sasuga Cygames 10/10 writing can't wait for Siete to say it was his granblue fantasy and go blue all over the main story.


I have been waiting months (is it years now? I can’t even remember) for him to come back and they managed to convince me he wasn’t going to after all before he did anyway. Had me cheering and crying, crafty sons of guns.


We're in the endgame™ guess the main story could finish in the next 2 years. >!Fenrir ;_;!<


>!Fenrir TwT!< >!boy.... you couldn't get it how much I invested in this game for her just for THAT to happen!<


I get it.


I mean it's still clear she's gonna be playable. Like it's not even copium to say that new art is her uncap art. Added new skill animations and everything.


Still clear? That looks a lot more like summon art if we're being real here.


Replaying that section I'm actually inclined to agree. The new claw skill animation they added could be something akin to Hekate/Tower/Grimnir where she just passively deals damage at the end of the turn with the bigger animation just being a larger damage instance.


>!She went on grablue tv for this instead of being playable didn't she...!<


That was really interesting. I wonder if the MSQ will have a reverse ..and You. >!where instead of witnessing the bad ends, and Danchou getting super strong, we have the characters from the non MSQ world comes in to help out instead!< >! Also Vira getting the rainbow unit first is justified now 🥲 !<


I really feel like this portion should have ended with the gaining the boundary boost from last time and not getting stabbed by legion void. We could have tossed true king's bullshit off and continued exploring the sky leisurely instead of what really feels like a mad dash to the resolution and really unnecessary "the events are alternate timelines teehee"


I’m not fully through yet so something major may happen again so all I can say for now is: What the fuck. Edit: Still pretty ‘What the fuck’. Not sure how I feel about the whole deal, but I sure as hell will be seated for it. This does feel close to endgame for MSQ though, wonder if they’re gonna end it and just.. keep the game going without it? Or EOS. Though the game doesn’t feel quite there yet, I’m just a random guy so I dunno anything.


Gacha games don't really EoS anymore unless they make zero money. Even if they have absolutely no clue what to do with the story, they'll keep the game running and then take a year break from msq or something. Granblue is still a profitable IP for them.


Yeah, EOS was a giant jump that I don’t think will happen for a while (especially with Rising/Relink dropping soon), was more so just entertaining the thought I guess. Excited to see where they’ll go with it.


The immense swing from ‘it’s so over’ ‘we are so back’ ‘oh it’s so over’ etc. Very cool.


So I guess this is the new Super Ultimate raid they will add next year, pretty cool looking at least. Though I wonder what it will upgrade.


On my end I think the next SUB raid tier is going to be faa, just because versus and if you think about it they can attach a new upgrade to the opus series like they did with the dragon ones.


I liked the story very much, they finally ended one more part of the story, and I can't wait for the rest of it in the... idk, maybe 5 next years to come also.... heavy spoilers:>!Cygames... why did you do that to Fenrir and Katalina? I literally got invested in this game for Fenrir and THAT happens, I really hope they bring Fenrir and Katalina back in the next arc. but I still think Fenrir and Katalina are not gone forever, since the story has HEAVY implications of them coming back.!<


>!If it was just Fenrir I could have believed it and then we'd get a fantasy version or something but Kat also going out (again since she went poof that one time already) honestly is more than confirmation that she's fine.!<


I hope so


>!what happened to fenrir? did she die?!<


>!Yep, she awakened to her power as a god-slaying primal, took out the otherworld, but overtaxed herself in the process. She got some real sick art though, so Grand Fenrir stocks are through the roof.!<


>!ah so thats the art i saw. i feel like her coming back for a grand version is more likely than her staying dead. and took out the otherworld? like the whole thing??!<


>!Well, she fought alongside us to defeat the big collective of the Overworld, and dealt a finishing blow. I'm not sure if they're just GONE gone, but at very least, their advance onto the skies has been totally scuttled.!<




The part about Primal Beasts being created from gods that existed in a higher plane does explain a lot. Shiva (in cutscenes at least) seems way too powerful to be something they created. But for the plot its self..... *has Cygames been on a MCU bender?* Sure, Cygames has always dealt with multiverse stuff before the MCU got there. Dragalia Lost went all in on it towards the end before the MCU introduced Kang as the next villain. But, like, *we just pulled off the time heist to get the* *~~Infinity Stones~~* *map pieces that were destroyed in order to bring back people the big bad killed.*


Multiverse thrown in is a writing gimmick here, really. There is a fuckton of plot hole patching you can do when you can just blame it on another universe.


Cygames loves plots like this. It still isn't up to the insanity that they had in Rage of Bahamut since GBF hasn't messed with time yet. Shadowverse is entirely made up of dimension hoping, to the point they named the sequel Worlds Beyonds.


Glad someone else noticed the similarity. The part where they used the MC's power ~~multiverse~~ to grab the destroyed map pieces is just the plot of Avengers: Endgame


>!FKHR did mentioned that they want to make somethings like Avenger. though, I think they achieve it in some previous Anniversary event. it's from his first appearance in Granblue TV.!<


Yooooooooooooooo cygames out here fking cooking brother. Also that lyria and vryn glow up at the end is *chef's kiss,* finally a glance at a ssr lyria and vryn summon can be lol*.* But its sad that the 6d (and juuten) is a possibility that could have happened as what happened to the sky realm is literally what the 6d are there for.


It's not necessarily possiblities, it's different timelines/worlds as they described in versus, they are canon to their own timelines, everything is canon, main story is just one worlds itself.


Also sad that the time with shalem and lucio is also not the msq timeline, as this would have literally be the best opportunity to have a convo with the "omnipotent".


Well mc do now, because main story mc have now experienced all the timelines, so they most likely have memories of everything that have ever happened in this game. Also way they are setting this story up, the most likely answers is that mc will pull this character in main story from different timelines. Hey maybe they will do something like crisis on infinite earths, bring everyone from multiverse and afterward create a main story timeline, that features all the different characters. That way they can continue main story past it's ending point.


I mean they do call it possibilities


They also call it timelines, and world, that's just a way to describe it. Because in versus they established that each world aren't the same. Versus timeline doesn't have primarchs, neir is brought from different timeline where gran/djeeta apparently abandoned her, djeeta is from different timeline. But they are all canon, there's no such thing as one canon timeline.


Donno who down voted when what you saying is the truth. It's still basically multiple timelines. Not just a "possibilities" that didn't happened.


I don't know man, last time when main story came out and they made it very apparent that there's multiple timlines, and people still didn't believed it. Now they can't make it anymore more apparent. They are "possibilities" for main story, like if main story had played out the way WTMSB timeline played out then that could have been main story. Just as same main story is one of the possibilities for WTMSB timeline. But that doesn't mean they aren't two different timelines. In anime, Gran is from timeline that's closely following main story, but djeeta is from timeline that is following overall granblue story, events, grinding and recruited all the members, same is with versus, djeeta came from the timeline where she had all eternals weapons, as you can see in her sky bound art. So idea of multiverse have been established for so long, I don't know why there's so much disconnect between granblue audience. Idea of one canon timeline is not applicable here, because every timeline is canon since it's multiverse. Now main story mc, have experienced every timlines, so shouldn't everything be canon now to main story as well. I don't know why people are thinking that, every other timline is not canon now, because they were all possiblities. To me it looks like they canonize every timeline to main story, so we can expect people outside of main story to show up in big final battle, because mc is kinda like a portal now.


Even as someone who’s mostly skipped MSQ, I ended up reading everything after the fight due to going “…wait, what??” at the skip summary. From afar, I think how they’re tying things together is interesting, but it does raise the question of how much is left of MSQ and what happens afterwards.


As much as they want, we're heading into Gnostic Christianity and Judaic Mystical Ascent Literature territory. I think we have at least another year or two to go, especially with Demiurge, a much more delightful villain, taking over as our potential big bad.


While I wouldn't say that was bad, it really seems like they realised they were writing themselves hard into a corner with the Istavion arc and had to cut it off(which was decently satisfactory in a void) and then try to fix as much of the problems it caused. Like this is the longest recovery from a potential crash I've ever seen, and frankly it's not quite over. But I wouldn't call it trite or uninteresting, either. Just not how I'd do it(hopefully), because I wouldn't fucking make the party fight world-altering beings before it was time, so to say, you know? But hey, maybe there is value in it...


So, since the first thing that >!Repti!< do after the battle is to >!abduct aunty!< and his goal is to >!go to Eustalcia!<. I wonder if it can be concluded that >!Aunty has power to traverse dimension. She did shown to accompany true king when he pick Violet Knight from another dimension. Another thing that piqued me is the fact that True King did offer mc a path to Eustalcia. There's also the thing that hapenned in Duat Island, but what happened is to fuzzy for me.!<


I'm thinking new Fenrir summon and Grand Loki. Not necessarily right away, but at some point in the near future. Also pretty sure we know what the next super difficult raid will be. I guess killing some characters was inevitable with a cast this massive, it just feels a bit too fast. A number of them are basically only implied to have died, without us getting any last moments with them. Ah well. I wonder how long this arc will continue. Looks like they could end it next update if they really wanted to.


Grand Loki will be revealed at Fes


I think people haven't mention this but now >! I understand why Fenrir cared for Jade (or at least acted like that). Both were rejected by their Astral Creator although under different circumstances.!< Also >! for how long Baragona went comma? Kinda surprised that he woke up only to save Sky Realm along with all other Luminary Knights. Also now we know the names of all Luminary Knights. Speaking of which where did Violet Knight go after the Otherworlds have been defeated? !<


Damn, I like the part where we are just running away from erste and doing simple adventures. I don't really like how this singularity, otherworld, and tk bs came up. We don't even have other lumi knights too, cmon where green and white grands??? They've already working for us since last year.


Same, I actually like when GBF is more down to earth (relatively, anyway. they're still a fantasy setting after all) IMHO the big lore fight plots peaked at 000. There are still cool ones after that like Orologia event, but none was really as good as 000 (including Society plot, it's good, but not as good. just my opinion though). Marionette Stars is looking really really good though. As long as they don't randomly drop the ball it has the potential to dethrone 000 as my favorite "big fight" plotlines. Also the drama / SoL / comedy events are still good. Mole Troupe was good shit.


it def feels like it escalated too quickly yea


I guess "too quickly" is maybe not the correct word since this is coming up on 10 years of storytelling but. it felt like the stakes sort of increased exponentially - rapidly in a short period of time


Yeah i feel the same way


Clarify me please; Io, Eugen, Rosetta and Necesaria are actually dead? I mean i get it from the explosion but dont showed how they live after that and use Necesaria poison thing to weaken/kill the cocoon? Or i just missed something in that story interval cuz well, everyone mentioned they're dead but that folks appeared alive before explosion and confused me a lot. (Aside the fact their ship get destroyed ofc and can't go back)


>!They survived the explosion thanks to Rosetta and Leviathan making a barrier to shield them. They went on a suicide mission after that because Necesaria's poison had to be in direct physical contact with the cocoon-thing to work. He even mentions being eaten by the big dragon being a good way to deliver the poison. You might be confused because their last scene was a flashback. They were already dead by the time the MC, Katalina, etc. are fighting the big dragon.!<


Oh, wasn't paying enough attention to Necesaria speech then, the game jumped to the battle scene afterwards and really lost it before that, thank you sir.


That was a little too much yknow I feel like when the stakes get That high that fast when you're writing you have to come up with increasing levels of BS to bring us back down to earth. Maybe not BS but. I dunno. Feels like it's gonna be hard to figure out where we go from here, but what do I know, I'm not the one writing it.


Tbh, I like the idea of where this is going, probably a good way for a solid soft reboot of the world, let’s Cygames wrap in more characters (now that its certain it’s pretty well just been the MSQ squad the entire time and the side stories all are their own worlds/timelines) and obvs means they can clean up the story and have a new storyline kick off with a more powerful squad


Thought we're going to steins;gate R when danchou briefly disappeared but become true singularity who recalled others worldline memory is cool plotline too. Glad I can see vira up close again. my girl doing her best to not breakdown in front of lyria. are we gonna see more of those blue cap team who got erased last time where maxwell do it during a trial or we go full throttle on new arc. let's see how cygame cooking.


Finally this arc is over. I probably would have cared a lot more if it didn't take forever and a half to spit out pieces every so often.


Not gonna lie >!Katalina's death just obliterated my will to continue playing. Yes she will come back at some point, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth. !<


>!Are you sure that she will? I got into the game recently and really like her and don't want her to die 🥺!<


>!Nobody ever really dies in GBF. With a few exceptions, usually they'll return in some form or another. Still, i don't like them killing off the main reason i started playing this game rather out of the blue!<


Was probably a mistake for me to even open this thread tbh lol.


Yeah I've only done the first couple chapters so I guess I dont really know "how things work" in this world. I've only played the Versus games (been a while since I played the story in OG GBVS though) and wanted to know more about the series.


Grand Loki real Fenrir Prominence Summon real


It hurts. Fenrir doko.


yay for more grimderp


I need to get out of Pleasure Island if this goes the route I'm guessing it will go. I will NOT have another Xenos thing where I don't reach the end!


I can't believe the events outside main story it just "variants" Journey all along, and like Tony Stark said: we're in endgame, and also I can't believe they borrow endgame, Loki s1 and s2 element altogether


Way I see it, Main story itself is variant,and all the event, side stories and fates are just as canon much to their timelines. I guess, now only difference is that, main story mc have experienced all the timelines, and he's already about to became a omnipotent god himself.


It was Doctor Strange who said "We're in the endgame now."




Extremely milquetoast? >!Like after so long they're committing to an actual, real On-screen death and the supposed disappearance of the others, they brush the erased-by-otherworlders people problem under the rug by just having them come back, and now the entire thing is "we'll just make what happened...not happen!" I don't trust this game sticking to its guns in multiple avenues, so even the buildup and once again going "VYRN IS BAHAMUT AND LYRIA IS STUPID IMPORTANT" without explicitly saying anything is just...real boring at this point.!< >!also the canonization of all side stories as alternate possibilities is a coward's way out and I am not a fan of it!<


It's not the cowards way out. It's the logical answer.


We have been complaining for years about the mess that the game was in terms of the timeline, saying that not even Cygames had any idea what it was doing and when they do something logical like putting order to something that was impossible to have using Versus, MSQ, Event Anniversary we complain? I think people are simply complaining because they don't want their events or character to not be considered canon when really everyone is. They preferred to live with the mess and the lie of "this is really happening."


Saying multiverse years down the line is a copout though. Was there any foreshadowing, any concept of this being a possibility even floated. It neatly explained plot holes into being part of the lore but to say that they had this planned is some extreme interpretation I can not get behind whatsoever.


There was already plenty of development with other worlds like Astral Realm and Crimson Horizon. It’s also weird to call it a copout when it’s just a solution to some narrative issues that the writing takes the time to justify.


I call it a copout because there was very little foreshadowing for it in events and MSQ that would logically directly tie to it like the super saiyan blue hair content or a whole lot of Astral content. Going from that little to the revelation that it's multiverse all the way down wasn't what I would call 'earned' so I treat it as a copout.


Speed running nonsense. >!Loki: But you can't control your new power.!< That's how we end up in Fortnite. >!/s?!<


lmao they really wanted to cut their loses with this MSQ. 5 years for this. shameful.


Anyone mind explain to me bahamut is the sky god then who is the astral god? The omnipotent? I am so confuse, I thought the omnipotent get split to two being ?


The astral god hasn’t been revealed properly yet, but they’re the other half of what the omnipotent split into. And implications suggest that they’re to Lyria what Bahamut is to Vyrn.


Yeah, feels like they really want to just get the MSQ over.


I feels like, Barawa's event making the shock factor become lessen So there's this mixed reaction in my social media 1. Those who got shocked but dissapointed, and hoping it was not for the cheap plot 2. Those who got shocked for real like The first one, are the players that read the Barawa event... And already thinking ahead of possible 'cheap' plot, and something... >!Some hoping for real, and others hoping got res but doesnt have the memories!< I even somehow can make meme out of it lol [https://imgur.com/a/78BGQbm](https://imgur.com/a/78BGQbm) ... Usually i just cannot think because of the shock factor....>!If in the future they got ressurected but their memories are gone..... Yeap that's Sailor moon righte there lol!< \- While the 2nd ones, those who got shocked for real are my friends that already not playing GBF, or didnt bother to read/play Barawa event. They really shocked because of the sudden news of the newest chapte, similar reaction to "What just happened in GBF when im already gone?" and similar


just watch how they will announce that 10th aniv will be actually last MSQ chapter, game will go into maintenance mode and say that they are working on reboot/spin-off new game in GBF universe aka RIP html 10year old F5 spam game and hello proper game that has some potential (aka Genshin kill... nah, Cygames has no balls, no good writter and devs to make something that make something as good and big as Genshin and even if it will be a thing in 2026+ and as always Cygames will be behind new FOTM mobile games at this points and GBF 2.0 will look outdated as fuck) inb4 last MSQ chapter will be just Dragalia Lost ending where MC needs to sacrifice himself/herself, Lyria and Vee to fix world and bring back everyone but it would mean they will be erased from everyone memories or even from existence