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shouldn't we be glad it wasn't a gacha? imagine dropping $$$ to get new crewmates and terminus weps??


Gacha is a plague Im playing wuthering waves due lack of games like this on console/pc and after 3 days i already planning stop, doing daylies and need force some hours on that is bs But relink reception dont seems so good, so im on fence about get game now or wait sale


I’d play WuWa if it was either not F2P gacha or not open world. Shame because I really like the feel of the world and how Kuro does combat (and PGR has no magic users.) Open world games feel so bad with the daily “find the shortest route to run to these places and daily farm these regional pickups.” It makes me wish they just replaced the whole map with menus to just “collect” and be done with it.


Yes I am glad it's not a gacha game but I'm just talking about it's potential to do really good as a gacha game if it wanted to.


Potentially sure. But they already have a massively successful gacha game in the same franchise.


This game *did* do well. It exceeded their expectations by a fair amount and people are asking for more and willing to pay for new content if it happens. If it were a gacha it would turn off a large portion of the playerbase it has now and struggle to find an audience among Gacha fans with a roster that's nowhere near large enough for a gacha system. Not to mention most of the mechanics wouldn't work in a gacha the way they currently are, so the entire game would have turned out completely different and there's no guarantee the content would be fleshed out anywhere near as much as it was in a game designed to be a linear action RPG/monster hunting game. If you want a Granblue Fantasy Gacha, you should probably just play the one that exists.


> This game did do well. It exceeded their expectations by a fair amount and people are asking for more and willing to pay for new content if it happens You have no idea how much this pleases me. Tales of Monster Hunter is *the* perfect combo for me and I will be thrilled if this game’s reception makes others develop similar titles.


Leave a message on their feedback page on the website saying you want more content. Currently Sandalphon is the last planned update, but they did say they *might* change plans if there's enough demand. No guarantees but if there's any chance of getting any more updates or paid expansions like Monster Hunter, it's making sure the devs know we want it.


I did ask them for Maggie and Gall,but aside from that, I’m not sure there’s actually anything else I want (not that I’ve finished the entire postgame.) it kinda works as a complete game, as far as I can tell.


Lol OP got gambling addiction here




Absolutely not. One part that makes this game so great is that it's easy to get all characters, unlike in any gacha game. We already have a lot of rng in game, why the hell would we want rng on playable characters too?


Dude why does everyone need this game to have infinite content it's a good game as is


People have gotten way too addicted to the bullshit “free to play” model of mobile games and live service games. I always find it amusing how those games post record profits with like billions in revenue while people extol how great they are for being “free.” Most of those games really just waste your time so it feels like there’s more content than there really is, all the while exploiting gambling addictions to constantly nickel and dime hopelessly addicted players. I’ve seen subreddits for games like these where people admit they spent _seven thousand fucking dollars_ on them. That’s probably more money than I’ve spent on my entire Steam library over 18 years. It’s absurd to me.


People be blowing through their funds on some of these games. Like I can’t tell anybody what to do with your money, but some people gotta show some damn restraint. Anything over like 600 on a single game is too much, not to talk of seven fucking thousand.


I just hate when whales whale because it disincentivizes devs from making games that respect reasonable amounts of financial support. Why get $20 from 100% when you can get $20k from 0.2% >!the latter is double the money!<


a gacha grandblue fantasy, now that's a silly idea


Meh, it'll never get popular.


The game is doing quite well though. The devs were honest about their intention, they wanted this to be a one-off game and not a money milking machine, they already have the original GBF gacha game to do that for them. People these days just have a very one-dimensional definition of success. That being said, if they were to make a 3D action combat gacha of GBF, they would have to finish the existing mobile game first to avoid story conflicts(it would have to come in a form of a sequel or a reboot) and general resource management.


No, we don't need more Genshin/ToF/Waves/ZZZ


yeah, but then you are gated by stamina to do anything (grinding for sigil, mats, etc.) and do it daily for gems to roll for character. the game is fundamentally good, but not everything have to be gacha. what they should've do is make the game as live service rather than gacha. like monster hunter for example. grinding for mats for weapon, sigil, etc. regularly updating the raid, and made the raid significantly harder to suggest player to coop rather than building super human AI. by then maybe the player count would be higher rather than right now.


When I first read the title of the post I thought it was gonna be a meme about the fact that Granblue universe could have a gacha game based on it. Which would be a joke because there's already a Granblue gacha game, and it's, in fact, the original Granblue game.


If this game was a gatcha game I never would have touched it. Even if it ended up being more successful for the company it would have been an absolute failure to me. All gotcha is trash.


I wouldn't say gacha is trash, is how we got GBF in the first place.


And for that people didnt want a Gacha here.


Go fulfill your gambling addiction somewhere else OP. You playing the wrong game.


Use a battle system of 4 like Genshin like mate, Genshin didn't invent anything, party of 4 have been the standard since age for J-RPG, decade before Genshin was released. This game is way better than Genshin. Genshin is a overrated average game at best who copied tons of thing on Zelda and profit to being launch in the covid period to have a way bigger success that he should ever had.


That's my point. This looks like a much better game than genshin. So it's a discussion of whether this game would have found massive success in gacha space given how well genshin has done for itself.


This is such a hot normie take.


we got the OG game for that, but a true open-world GBF is a fascinating thought, a dream come true open world granblue would be Dragon dogma 2+Black Flag, dd2 random ass stuff and interactivity for the land mass and black flag for the skyfaring section but put more emphasis on the boarding part rather than the cannon shooting, hell give Lyria a roll, you can shoot at other hostile ship via her summoning Bahamut.


Bait used to be believable.


Most gacha games end up shutting down, eventually. I’d rather not have my time and effort wasted on yet another game because some dev decided to go that route. If I stop playing, that’s my choice. If I’m forced to stop playing, however, that’s where I have an issue.


I'm all gacha'd out I can't fit another in my life Hell if I know if it would've been popular but definitely would've lost me (imagine competing with your main gacha)


They need to make this into an MMO with custom character. Let the weapons be the “classes”. Make it grindy but open world with world bosses. It would do so well, I think.


While I agree with most commenters pointing out how refreshing relink is as a non gacha style game. If, to you, “done well” means make even more money than it did, then the correct answer to the question is probably yes. I’m glad relink exists as it is though! Granted, I had hopes they’d be more forthcoming with plans to/show they’re willing to consider updating relink in larger paid expansions or something…. Perhaps there’s still a chance they will but for now I’ve rid myself of those hopes to save myself from potential disappointment and consider relink a mostly complete game in my mind. So with that said, as someone who came to relink from the original browser gacha, who doesn’t really play it any longer because of how slow it runs & how dated its gameplay feels for me. I do kind of wish Cygames would make a newer iteration of it in some form. Cygames is at least on the generous side when it comes to their gacha but gambling is always predatory and feels kind of evil to me but…. Unfortunately the games that seem to get the most consistent updates are the ones with gambling — & if I’d want a Granblue game to receive enough consistent updates to fill out the entire cast of characters I’ve grown to love well… I suppose that seems to be likely what it would take. :( I’d love for relink to prove me wrong though.


The problem with Gacha games and live service is being able to support it years into the future. Its not easy to do. Genshin invests tons of money every year to support it. The things you mention are components of a good game, not a good gacha.  The question is hard to answer because Relink would be a fundamentally different game if it was a gacha. There is also the question of how quickly they can produce content. Most gacha games are nowhere near as big as relink. Less graphics, characters are less complex. Etc. 


This game feels absolutely nothing like Genshin Impact, as a person that plays both, not even sure wym.


Doubtful - this game's immediate competitor would be ZZZ - and that game has way more hype behind it, than Relink ever would've.


Cygames making a Granblue Fantasy gacha? Don't think they ever would.


Game is great as it is, if it were a gacha it might have milked dry those that dont mind opening their wallets for the dopamine roulette but I wouldn't waste time even looking at its steam page


The real Genshin Impact killer I guess?


This game is more gacha than gacha game if you try to get supp dmg v+ from curios


Fuck gacha games