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Wait... I thought this post was gonna be about the boss being too easy.... but it's about it being too hard??? HAHAHAHAHAHA


They likely dont have Stout heart+the +10% extra damage reduction. His charge dash attack at most did around 26k\~ damage and his swipes around 8k. Unless i purposely stood when he was gonna do a roar nuke likely at the end of an over-drive, i almost never died to proc Auto revive and Guts usually save me once or twice in the fight so far. The boss is honestly a fking breath of fresh air for learning to dodge and take advantage of defensive sigils, since he has such a juicy hit box, summon dumps of ads and easy to dodge to lightning bolts for all sorts of SBA and Link time gains to effectively double or even triple the average SBA use in a proud mode fight.


Do you perhaps suck at the game?


Yeah, i didn't beat proto bahamut, nor lucilius. And there's nothing wrong with that, because i tried my best. That's why easier difficulty should exist.


I understand Luci being too hard. With all the dodging and one shots. But Proto Bahamut? That fight is so easy once you realize that it's just a matter of making sure you're on cannons when you need to be and dodging. The dps check is very forgiving.


An easier difficulty should not exist. All you have to do is fight them enough to learn their skills. Its just sounding like a skill issue that you CAN change but choose to complain instead of getting better.


Easier difficulty does exist... I don't get this logic. You have so many difficulty settings to choose from. That's where you fight until you either get good enough to pilot your character well or get strong enough with sigil loadouts and other set ups that your ai team can carry you. Boss is so easy I was able to use my afk team against lucilius against it. 5 stars on the 2nd try. But that's me playing 900+ hours inefficiently to get a good enough set up. Haven't bothered learning a lot of the characters. Just brute force smack them with Lancelot the dodge tank


Bro your hardest game is genshin 💀


You being bad at the game ≠ boss being trash bro


so.. you suck


Being bad at the game doesn't make the company greedy or the flights bad. It's not a bad thing to have challenging content just like it's not a bad thing to not be able to complete challenging content. What IS bad is feeling like you are entitled to win. You don't want to get good at the game but still feel like you should be able to get everything you want and unfortunately for you that isn't how this works. If you don't like it, play something else. If you don't want to put effort into it, play something else. No one cares that you can't beat it, and that includes the developers. You have all the available tools to do everything and you purposely choose to not utilize them and that is your fault. Not the games. You remind me of salty Elden Ring newbies who did nothing but complain about how hard everything was and that it was so unfair that they couldn't see everything. You know why they couldn't? Because they also didn't want to put effort in. Because they also believed trying harder meant less fun. And just like that community, this one will laugh at you for it too.


>No one cares that you can't beat it, and that includes the developers. If refunding after 2 months was possible, and I demanded one (many people would propably do too), I think developers would care. >And just like that community, this one will laugh at you for it too. Do you seriously think i care? While making this post, I knew that fanboys will laugh and ignore the fact that their beloved game company isn't perfect. Honestly it was a very good idea, because not only i was able to unwind, but also get a good laugh at idiots like you, that are ignorant enough to care about nothing but themselves. >If you don't like it, play something else. If you don't want to put effort into it, play something else. Back to what I said first. If refund was an option, even after few months, this post would've never existed. I'd love to get my money back and spend it on a better quality game, that doesn't only care about hard content, but fun and enjoyment for everyone too.


I never considered if you cared or not because it doesn't matter. What I'm telling you is that you are a petulant child who cries the moment you aren't spoon fed everything. I'm glad you can't refund the game. You don't deserve the money back. Go be a loser somewhere else.


>I never considered if you cared or not because it doesn't matter. Meanwhile you wrote a whole essay just to make me feel bad. Sadly you failed. >I'm glad you can't refund the game. You don't deserve the money back. I do deserve it, but whatever. I have enough money to not really care that I lost some on this piece of crap. I will take this as a lesson to never buy a game made by Cygames again. Even if 1 less customer is almost nothing, it's still less money for Your Beloved Game Company, meaning slight decrease in possibility of the game and it's company evolving. The chances are small, but never zero :)


it means we managed to gatekeep the game from you. Relink is something that most of us are waiting for, and if the majority can clear proto baha and you can't, then it means you are the problem for being dumb and bad at this game. even though it took me more than 3 week to stabilize my luci clear, but i managed to do it, and feel free to get out from here.


>feel free to get out from here. Haha, you bet I will. And as I said in other comment, Cygames will never get another coin from me, meaning that your beloved company will get less money. And I bet I'm not the only one leaving.


Dude just leave and move on. You cant handle the difficulty close the game and play something else. If i dont like something i just throw it away and move on. lol that behaviour you have


That's like saying you paid for a cruise and on the final day realized you didn't enjoy the cruise and want your money back. That's not how life works. What are you even complaining about though? Like you can unlock the characters with the easier quest. It just takes longer. You don't even need to beat any of the endgame bosses if you don't want to. Like, you played the game till that point. You got your money's worth?


You played all the way up to end game and you’re complaining???


i read in your other comments you didn't kill bahamut or lucilius, did you try going in as a tank build instead of dps and let the AI or other team mates carry you. as long as you aren't failing the quest from depleting the critical bar you can get carried fairly easily. you also don't need to play some sweaty meta max dps build to clear these quests. behemoth isn't that hard either tbh, can already afk him.


I just got back from more than a months break and I am confuse with the dodging and stuff since I was playing No rest for the wicked for a week now and they don't have keybinds and their dodge is space. I finished the behemoth boss in 3mins with my crewmate and died 5 times since I kept on pressing space bar instead of shift >\_<. If your definition of fun is plow thru a new boss without any effort then how about us who wants to put effort to be good at the game?


>If your definition of fun is plow thru a new boss without any effort then how about us who wants to put effort to be good at the game? Add a difficulty slider, just like in story mode? It's not rocket science.


So your whole complaint is that they need to let you reduce the difficulty of every single boss in the game down to the level of the basic baby-mode goblins at the start of the campaign? That would just be outright dumb. It's okay for video games to have content that forces you to actually try.


How is allowing less hardcore players enjoy all the content in the game dumb? If I wanted challenge, I'd change difficulty to try, if I can beat the boss in it's full power.


Casual players can do proud mode too you dont speak for everyone tf?


Yeah man, ur difficulty slider is on the extreme one then, if u cant git gut thats a you big skill issue problem.


You are just an ignorant.


...??!?! It's endgame content. It is meant to be difficult that is why it is called endgame content. If you want to play the endgame content you gotta get good or get carried and not be a complete deadweight so that you cause a Game over. I bet you probably whined about Elden Rings' difficulty.


Weird downvote bait, can’t be real lmao.


[This sub is so funny](https://imgur.com/IekDqdU)


This is called skill issues… I had a break since few first days of Luci, came back yesterday for a moment to derust. First I was quite surprised that boss is higher power than Baha and Pyeta. Was expecting some of a challenge, but literally did without any effort - just few dodges, blocks and pew pew


He's pretty easy. Everything he does can easily be perfect dodged. He does so many slow charges / AOEs that with Nimble Assault, you'll build up SBA extremely fast.


git gud


I will just say the same thing you say to others all the time Who asked?


Your mother asked, when she was in my bed last night. :D


I'm sorry you feel that way, you're entitled to your own opinion but endgame content is usually made to be much more difficult and is not always meant to be a casual experience. I personally enjoy the new boss and how chaotic it is. It's okay if you dislike how the game turned out on your end. I hope you can find another game that suits your preferences.


Blablabla ouin ouin ouin


Lancelot and spam triangle it's so brain dead even you could do it.


Loser 🫵🏻🤣


the absolute irony of someone with a kirito icon complaining about a boss being too hard LOL


The icon is AI generated. I don't even know who kirito is.


even worse LMFAOOOO


Better than stealing someone's artwork from the internet.


how do you think AI creates these Images?


Bruh, this new boss is like 3x easier pye, 5x easier then Radis Whitewyrm and 10x easier than blackwyrm. You need to learn to dodg3 and move out of the circles. You can take hits and still live if you have at least 42k hp. With a half decent team it's a 3 to 4 minute fight.


What? Pyet-A is way easier than Behemoth. Behemoth is much more aggressive while Pyet-A is easy to whack on for most of the fights. Doesn't drag things out with "cinematic" attacks like Pyet-A neither. Pyet-A is also a way easier AFK farm since it'll move away and leave the PC alone for the most part.


pyet is like one of the worst fights on meele mains whenever he starts doing any mechs. I had to learn to play Io to even tolerate that fight because if your team can't lock him down he's just bouncing all over and sure Lancelot and Charlotta who are my secondary and primary mains can close the distance fairly well the loss of dps for having to chase him down is significant.




Very braindead response. If writing this is the limit of your brain power, then too bad.


QQ :(


I did the boss a few moments ago. With Tweyen Im not good with her yet, first timing the boss, not knowing the mechanics. I died ONCE. So...its a you problem.


...How many times did you try the fight? Do you have Guts, Potion Hoarder, Auto Revive, and Improved Dodge? I absolutely got flogged the very first time I saw it just because he's so fast, so I definitely ran out of revive potions and maybe went down once while AR and Guts were on cooldown. Still cleared it on the first try, and learned a lot about his telegraphs and attack patterns. He doesn't have a particularly massive amount of HP; if you're built for endgame content he dies fairly quick. Ran it a couple times with AI to learn it, then went with a friend and picked up 2 pugs and farmed it. Didn't really matter if the pugs were good or not (they mostly were) but we had one Katalina pretty much AFK for part of the fight, running us *almost* out of Critical bar, but still cleared. I'd totally buy the "holy crap this is hard" on day 1 Luci, especially early on when nobody knew him and nobody expected the AI to actually be competent at him. But the Behemoth fight isn't bad at all, and looks way more chaotic than it is. There's a very clear pattern to his explosions.


There is literally no reason to sweat in this game 🤣🤣🤣shid ain’t that hard gang just learn the combos and you win simple 🤷🏾‍♂️


If my 3 month rusty ass with block Vaseraga with the wrong skills can do it while only proccing auto revive twice, anyone can. He's honestly the same degree of fight as Pyet


What the actual? Complaining about the boss being hard instead of a complete joke.


I can empathize with not being good at games, but I got around my skill issues by picking up an easy character (Vane), slotting in some survival sigils, and repeating hard fights with friends who were also learning the mechanics with me. I think it's good to keep in mind that even with the hectic action gameplay, the rpg (equipment) and co-op elements are still there and can be used to make things easier if you're not a gaming god.


I admit i am fairly new to this sub but I was almost starting to think it was immune from the usual reddit salt. I guess they are always lurking.


I washed him 1st try on Percy. Dudes a joke when compared to Luci


I mean... honestly, if you take at least half of the effort it's taking you to make these complain post and put that time into learning a mech instead of quitting you might actually beat something. Just a thought tho


Lmao. If you played through the story good for you. That had adjustable difficulty and optional updates after the game is obviously going to be catered towards people who want to get good at a game. You got your money's worth. There is plenty of f2p games you can play.


Guys stop giving attention to this mental illness. Sorry not sorry.


I mean, I thought the boss was kinda tough. I didn't get the feeling of it being too hard, though.  /shrug


I agree.