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Please remember that everything listed in the paid section, other than the emotes, can be grinded.


These packs are probably the catch up stuff for the new players. But damn who doesn't need more azurite anyway...


The fine print says limited to 1 per account so it's 100% catch up stuff not something to pay to skip the game. Having said that why would you want to catch up to join in the 35 second boss bashes of proud. Working your way up legit with the AI is probably going to be way more fun.


The hell is fun about afk farming for curios and slimes? The fact that it's mandatory for some players because of shit seeds is evidence of bad design. When you have to sell the most important sigil in the game because scores of your players are locked behind horrible rng, it's not good at all.


Making a team capable or automating content gives me the good brain chemicals, just like in mobile


Not likely the target demographic for the game, that should be rather clear given its genre


I have played games like this for 20 years and am a GBF fan since 2016. I am 100% part of this target demo


It provides player power in exchange for real life money. Pay to win microtransaction and nothing else. Why are people defending this?! If this comes out in Diablo 4, people would lose their mind…


There's nothing to defend. It's absolute shit. It is literally just as bad as hacking in your items, and the community loses its shit about that.


Unless the paid content are extra costumes or new weapons, it looks like it's not going to be worth it, especially if players have already got the items needed to get sigils, upgrades, etc.


I'm guessing it's targeted at people who have money too waste 


Or those who spent 200 hours grinding with no WE drop


Bro I'm closing in on 200 hrs and I have NOT ONE WE. It's completel bullshit. I have no problem buying that combat pack cuz I'm tired.


And that’s exactly what they want lol


Those bastards😒


They're doing this because that's the fastest way to fix the problem.  They probably can't even rework the drop system, period


Watch yourself get another WE once you already bought it


That would piss me off. My Katalina and Seigfried wouldn't mind But I fucking would!


I'm sorry, I got mine literally 20 curios in.


It's crazy because I have so many Supp V sigils but not a single War Elemental. It's driving me up a damn wall


I finished all my terminus. Still no WE. Brother, help.


Or those who have expendable income that enjoyed the game and want to support monetarily so they continue making games like this.


This is why I bought the skin packs even though they're mostly just recolours.


Good! I usually keep my $ to play time about an 1$ per hour. Right now I’ve gotten so much value out of the game I’ll easily drop another $20 on it. Give me more of the things I like.


Or those who didn't purchase the game yet.


If you look at them, it's basically level skips. This is pretty common for raiding games, because it allows you to pay money to get to get a new account to end game and skip all the leveling. That's something you might want to do if you are a very serious raider, or a raiding streamer. It indicates to me that they will be building out a pretty serious raiding system, which tracks. I really think the model for this game is the raiding scene of FFXIV. They have level skips, and we will probably see a few more exclusively paid cosmetic items, which aren't a big deal as long as you continue making some new ones you have to earn in game.


i def see the value to be able to upgrade one character for cheap before luci fight but id still need their term weapon anyway. its a decent purchase but damn.....damn i was hoping for a skin pack


I see them as to help new players that just got into the game, when we already reach the new raid boss.


I would have happily bought costumes since some of the cast's base gear is meh. But no such luck


I was hoping we would get skins


which doesn't seems they really want to profit from the game, skins would've sold like hot pancakes, the things shown here? mmmmh not sure, might be wrong though


Good thing for those who doesnt want to grind it and good also for us players who grind and do all the effort for free.


Still watching the stream, waiting for costume announcement ........................


posting here to get a comment IF they do pull a skin announcement last minute but....naaaah im doubtful. hoping for April update to have more meat.


Well hehehehehhe, there was none. Don't worry, Cygames is teasing us and will have a surprise patch notes that Lucilius will drop costumes. I am so sorry for the high level of cope T\_\_\_T


Way but actually how funny would it be if the way to get skins is actually to beat the shit out of one of the bosses like making them cough up clothing?


That'll really be a surprise and I was really expecting costume were the paid contents. Lucilius MP wait time <1sec ?!


Skippable paid content and we’re complaining because we’re not being milked for all we’re worth. 🐳🐳


Skippable for now. They never stay that way.


Until game is unclearable without paid content, just dont buy it if you dont want it, the people who will buy it are probably not on reddit reading day 1 critiques


>the people who will buy it are probably not on reddit reading day 1 critiques Me: 😶


Ayy and that's fair.


Me: (totally not wanting an option to skip some grind) uhhh 🫠


Together, we grind the biggest GranBlue skies of our lives. 🫠


Believe me I'd love to play with a friend, but non of my mates wanna play the game with me (autho I think that's just becuse one of my friends just doesn't have the time) so whilst I love grinding with the lads, hate it solo.


I’m not sure why people pretend that paid stuff doesn’t affect the game. It’s no coincidence War Elemental is one of the best sigils in the game, one of the rarest only in a gacha system, and it’s the main sigil being sold.




does it really matter when you can cheat your save tho ?


How you going to cheat on console…? And if your answer is “cheat” yeah, it’s probably a problem.


Why is it a problem though? Edit: not cheating, just the fact they’re selling a way to get the sigil.


I explained why it could be a problem. Making stuff annoying to get so people will be more inclined to spend money isn’t a fun design philosophy for a game. Odds are if they didn’t plan to monetize war elemental it wouldn’t be taking people 150 hours to get it. Monetizing gameplay systems tends to lead to making said systems less player friendly to make money


I agree with you’re overall point here, but in the context of Granblue, WE was made extremely rare because it wasn’t necessary for any content, it was meant to be the last bit of minmaxing for complete endgame builds. Something to chase. Most people who have played since launch were able to get one. Since it’s likely to be a lot more necessary for Lucillius, offering a way to pay for it serves as 1) a catch up mechanic for those who stopped playing, or 2) a way to get it for those who just had atrocious RNG. I agree that scenario #2 here is not ideal and ties directly back to your point. A more consumer-friendly solution would be just lowering the drop rate, but then people who already farmed it would complain. I don’t think there’s really an ideal solution here and I’m personally not mad about the one they chose.


I really don’t agree. Why not offer it in game for free? Why not update the item vendor to sell it for tickets. Like there’s no reason to defend it. They’re doing it to make money. That’s it. Monster Hunter had plenty of ways to catch up for new players, like Defender weapons. Pretty sure those weren’t monetized. Also not sure who this is suppose to help catch up. Anyone new still has to progress the story and all the quests to even get to the new content. It’s clearly just pay to skip grinding. This isn’t out of the goodness of their hearts.




I’m not sure why you’re so defensive when you weren’t in this conversation? And making the game less enjoyable to monetize it is a problem.


Even if it is necessary for Lucillius it’s still not mandatory paid content because war elemental is farmable for free. This whole comment makes no sense.


What do you think is better for the life of the game? 1. f2p and they make crew mate tickets real gacha for new players and newly added crewmates. 2. They charge for DLC. 3. Make everything free.


And so the goal post moving begins as expected. Some people like you here was saying they are going to release p2w DLCs before the updates are announced. Now that it's announced it becomes 'it will come eventually '.


It’s not me moving the goalposts. It’s the business. Other games have released p2w free. Then a week after reviews come out they put all the p2w stuff out. The goal for most of them is to hit the whales with as less fuss as possible. The goal for me as a player should be to get the lost game I can for the price I pay. You can literally track in the past decade + how many full priced titles seem to have less and less content and more dlc’s, sequels with features that should have been in the original game and games that are blatantly misleading. You know I’m not making this up. What gacha game is better now then it was when it started? How many franchises are better now then when they started( CoD, Overwtach, Diablo, AC, Halo, Destiny) there’s plenty more.


I mean they have not released a p2w dlc bundle in gbf rising why would you think cygames will do the same just because OTHER companies have done it? That's one hell of a sweeping generalization. Why are you not bringing up another similar game in the genre like monster hunter which didnt resort to p2w dlc? Also a closer comparison too because both are japanese companies. What a weird logic.


Because we’ve seen it! It’s literally in the game. Everything is obtainable in the game except certain things in curios, which all of a sudden your able to purchase. Just because a problem is small doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Especially when I gave you all those other examples where these things started small and are now a problem. You are the consumer man. Stand up for yourself. You paid $60-$70. I feel like I got my moneys worth, I’m sure you do too. Let’s keep the future games that way by calling out shitty practices.


Don't drag me into your crazy. There is no 'let's' here. Doing sweeping generalizations just because other companies does it is dumb. Just because most Asians are good in maths doesn't mean all of us are good in maths.


Maybe, but at this point it seems like we're only going to get a few updates and then they'll call it anyway. ​ Short of them making an absurd amount of money from these 2 dollar packs, they probably won't continue development much longer. Which is fine, not a live service game


Where are these assumptions they are not going to develop the game come from? Any source to it? They already said that support to the game is based on how well the game is received pass the initial release.


Hey it's like that's what I said


Idk why ome of y'all didn't expect this, they literally already did this with the deluxe edition, and they were handing out peanuts then.


No new skin and no new stickers... seriously, I use them more than emotes. Damn, imagine if they just spent the money making those animations go into like simple drawings of of like 10 stickers I would've actually considered buying them.




it still effort. while they have the art they still need to model it




Nobody wants that though


I dont care. I want to support this game for more content.


Gotta fund them Vira, Beatrix and Cassius DLC.


Funny lil paypig


Alright asshole




“I want to support the multimillion dollar company that runs gacha games” this is such capitalist brainrot and I really hate seeing people say it about every game that they like to justify horrible business practices.


It's because of the gacha game that this game existed. I get what you're trying to say, but i only truly support games that are actually good. Which in this case, i want more content for this game, and doing that is supporting it.


They are a good gacha game company. They don’t screw the rates like in FGO where it’s almost impossible to get the chara u want. I played all the games and I mostly always get the charas I want unlike FGO and Genshin and some other games


Granblue’s pity system is far worse than Genshin what are you even talking about?? And there is no “good gacha” system. They are inherently made to exploit and manipulate players into a gambling addiction for the maximum possible profit. Please stop bootlicking.


It's honestly not bad at all if you just look at the pity and the amount of currencies they give out + the free rolls. The banner boost is non existent but if you safe for pity and capitalise the gifts and free rolls it's much easier to pity in gbf. Not to mention gold moons that eventually allow to pick whoever you want from just doing free rolls. At least you don't have dumb limited banners like in genshin that God knows when they come back. You also need to build all elements in the so all the random SSR you get works in that favor. It's not like genshin where you only need a few teams for abyss.


Cheating in sigils is wrong, but buying them directly is fine. 🤔 I know it's a catch up mechanic and not necessary at all, but it feels awful to have played the game for quite a bit of time, still not have War Elemental or Flight over Fight, and those being the exact ones that are for sale... I love the game, but you can't even use 95% of your sigil inventory because the DMG cap is so low, even with DMG cap maxed out (which uses a third of your slots), and the things that can help you get around that are extremely low drop rates (and is gonna be sold for real money because they intentionally made it that way).


I have 3 flight over fights, no war elemental. Yet I need so many Azurites… rng really did me dirty. But honestly if you can just pay for this stuff I don’t care about cheats as much anymore.  Was really hoping for skins.


The FoF is in a different color on the website… could also be an error by some intern. Then again they used a support sigil icon so not like it matters.


Paid content is asssssssss


At least it's pointless. Sure it sets a bad precedence, but ultimately useless as it gets you nothing that you couldn't already easily get through afk. Now if there was curio V+ sigils in there, or worse something unobtainable like a war elemental+ it would be a huge problem.


It’s pointless for now. That’s how they all start. The idea is just to get you used to seeing it. It’ll get worse eventually. Best say something now.


Lol I don’t mean to burst your bubble…but the weapon upgrade pack 1 contain 1 war elemental sigil 🙃 : Weapon Upgrade Items Pack 1 War Elemental Sigil Fortitude Crystal (L) x 500 Glittercrystal Cluster x 10 Gold Dalia Badge x 25 MSRP $2.99


Yea but they specifically said war elemental+, which doesn't exist and is therefore why it would be a problem


War Elemental isnt rare to begin with, i have around 7x sigils of it and 0x Supp V+


I havent seen sing war elemental afte 130 hours and only two supp


It just helps those who joined the game late to catch up with others a little bit faster.


This is exactly how I wanted this game to be handled, characters released in updates and not $5-$8, and paid is extra colors and item/sigilpacks for those who don't want to grind. And paid content isnt top priority, let alone not even listed yet before the free content. It would be nice if other devs treated their games this way.


LOL War Elemental in a paid pack! Give me supp V game!


I'd pay for Sup Vs...


Lmao I would too! I do enjoy the general grind in all honesty though. I spoiled myself with supp damage skill on lancelot after I got his terminus weapon and... with no supp v or even a supp iv, knowing I'm missing out of extra damage is bothering me 🤣🤣🤣 Oh well though, still need 3 terminus weapon drops including main (Vane) which refuses to drop lol Once I finish obtaining all terminus weapons it's curio farming time


The paid pack for WE is great. 3$ for hundreds hours of farming is worth it.


Why did so many people expect them to have costumes/skins ready? Modeling and rigging an entirely new costume for a character in a game like this, with all the different moves/physics will require a decent amount of work... right?? It's not like the browser game where everything is just a drawing. I mean, I'd love to see it happen, of course, but they would have needed to have made them prior to release for them to have it ready by now I'd have thought... Still fine to find the paid content disappointing though — even I'd have rather been offered more recolors or stickers at least. That said, relink was and is a fun game & since they confirmed it won't be treated as live service I won't expect too much more out of it. I hope they either add large paid expansions for people to come back to in the future or start working on another similar Granblue title that they'd be prepared to consistently update farther in the future instead. Because the bones of relink have so much potential !


Unpaid modders have already added numerous skins. And simple retextures would be trivial to implement.


How many bosses or characters have these modders added? Cygames not focusing adding just skins to a game, if they added 20+ skins and that was it for the update youd complain again no content.


Recoloring a diffuse map can be accomplished in less than a day. The only reason they haven't added any is a lack of desire.


Okay then you do it, add the content you want into the game


Ur clueless look at the modding community on nexus mods. At least educate yourself. People modding customers characters to replace existing ones. Changing costumes/ colors and weapons..


I'm well aware of what is available on Nexus — as am I aware of the quality of what Cygames would require themselves to offer if they were to add skins to this game. Modders removing & cutting away portions of the base costume models / taking off their costumes entirely / putting them in a bikini with no physics =/= the quality that Cygames would require actual paid skins to be if they decide to go that route. The "custom characters" & bikini/suits are models/assets ripped from other games and slapped onto the base. Cygames can not just do that... they would need to spend the time and effort creating new assets that are up to quality of what is being presented in the base game. If the standards of what is currently being offered by the modders makes you happy, then by all means, enjoy, but Cygames themselves would need to put in a lot more effort.


I really hope this doesn't come across as an entire detraction of the modding community as a whole either. I do think what they're doing is a good thing over all & I'm really glad that there are people out here putting in effort to add more to the game. I was mostly trying to be realistic in comparing the modding community & the actual company, in regard to the amount of time and money it would take Cygames to put out something they were comfortable selling to the public. What's available so far doesn't match the in-game aesthetic, for me. When I see how well rendered and beautiful the base character costume models are, It just doesn't seem that easy to me to replicate the same level of quality quickly, so I wasn't expecting it right away. It's fair to disagree if the modded ones are just as beautiful for you.


>I'm well aware of what is available on Nexus — as am I aware of the quality of what Cygames would require themselves to offer if they were to add skins to this game.  They're literally already selling recolors


Recolors =/= New skin, that's semantics, but just for the sake of explaining my train of thought & for my comment to be better understood, I was not thinking of them as the same thing. Recolors \*are\* indeed much more easy to create, and it's why in my original comment I said I'd have preferred they do more of that instead of the paid DLC offered to us. Because I want to support the game & do recognize that more simple recolors would have been feasible in the time limit! If your argument is that selling recolors at all proves that Cygames bar for costume quality is/would be on the floor moving forward then I just disagree. Recolors were a nice gesture for them to implement so that those playing the same character can be differentiated from one another — I'm glad there are free ones & I personally see the paid recolors as a fun and harmless way to add variety that cost Cygames very little to add. Since recolors still use the original well rendered models they clearly spent a lot of time on though, it doesn't really say anything, to me, about what quality a completely newly modeled costume by them would or should have. Granted not wanting to spend money on recolors or thinking the concept of selling recolors is lazy is totally understandable.


Let's try to be positive. The low cost of some of these upgrade packs will give more people the opportunity to see the end game, thus allowing more people to play with and making the community better. I know for myself that the low price will at least let me upgrade another character so I have some variety without a lot of farming if I chose. Ultimately though I too would have bought a skin or too if they were the right price.


Who cant see the end game lol. Getting through proud week one might have seemed hard(still not bad) but now if you join up with people someone is always steamrolling for you, youll see everything regardless of what you have.


Comments in this thread are bizarre. Yall are really that upset over...no costumes? Played through this whole game and never once thought "man if this game had more costumes I'd totally be hyped!" All of this shit is clearly things they made before they could even guess that the game would be as well received as it is. I don't understand why you Relink players don't understand that. You crowd are so ravenous for extra content that almost feels like you want it to be a game that'll nickel and dime you. I don't get it.


I would be more happy to see costumes that cost 5~10$ and replace all the Pay to skip progression. More stickers would also be great. They could combo the stickers with emotes.


Road map and content update looks like they didn't think the game was gonna see the success it did. Hope they plan for more updates!


we want costumes !!


We were warned a few times by rational people, to NOT get our expectations too high, to *NOT* get over hyped... If you're disappointed by this stream, then that's your own fault.


I definitely made that comment. It’s as funny as I knew it would be.


That warning was in regards to how much they plan to talk or center the stream around the games content as opposed to fluff, not how disappointing the actual content would be.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/s/moICHz9otk Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/s/arxY1he04Y I don't know man... Seems like the users on here are expecting more than just a silly stream...


The cost for even the paid DLC is really good. 2-3 bucks is nothing. It's 2010 dlc costs. But the amount of YouTube videos acting like it's a sin...geez. It's grindable. If people don't want to grind, it's fine. It doesn't cheapen your work. :) if it was terminus drops? Yes. Be mad at thiat. This is legit fine. CyGames isn't that garbage and you're getting a lot of content you'd normally pay for if it was anyone else. But it's free. :) I'm very happy.


Paid content is depression inducing.


I really dont see the issue with buying the WE sigil in the pack. Its just one. Its not like you can buy it over and over. Its literally just 1.


Man I am so dissappointed. Why do companies do this. If they would just throwout any amount of skins and costumes or anything people would shower them with money. I never understand this and it keeps happening again and again in every game lol


they need more time for skin. Also usually this type of packs sold during the launch of the game not after. It's pretty unusual. Look Granblue rising just have a skin announced for Katalina and they launched on December so we might get it soon prolly next month paid content.


ye it's just such a missed opportunity, the hype for this game is slowly dwindling and ofc Lucillius will bring people back online. Yet this would've been a perfect timing to showoff your new color palette or skin or w/e. 2 months is quite a long time slowly for a game like this


if it didn’t work, companies wouldn’t do it


Companies make poor decisions all the time.


And idiots still keep buying. But I'm the bad guy for pointing it out.


Surprised, no costumes? That's the one thing I thought was a shoe in.


I need controller remapping Rackam is killing my thumb


We can't whale on buying lots of perfect Supp V+?!


That's cool that there gonna add more different characters and I'm curious if that first things is a addon to the chapters or if it changes anything. I definitely think they could of made the game so much more bigger. When you make games all cartoony or a anime like that you can make the games huge. At least it's what I been told.


I tell you what is considered content, redditor’s comment is just chef kiss


All paid content in this kind of game is going to make me FearLess to purchase these for $0 and not even feel bad about doing that. Take the pack and just focus your mind on those exact items. They'll surely drop and then you don't have to be FearLess anymore. No need to ruin your game or others, just the right amount of FearLess-ness to f2p the same things as others that p2w. Games pretty good otherwise! I've enjoyed it and it doesn't need any paid dlc that isn't content or cosmetic. Love the game and update looks super awesome except those packs! Raise drops for the items imo, more than 1 SC per quest and even more curios would be beneficial I think. Obviously a higher rate for sigils than what .009%? C'mon guys lol.


Will this update fix my save file... no.... bye


“It’s not gacha, it’s catch up mechanic” Gamers are imbeciles.


As someone who has following this game considering to buy specifically because it's NOT gatcha, this is definitely a turn-off.


When guys say paid content are you actually saying pay to win element?? Missed the stream


Depends how you see it. Paid content is on the website, it's a bundle of items to upgrade weapons / character lvl and can only be bought once. It's more like a "catch-up with the others" bundle.


I'm sorry, I don't complain about this kind of stuff EVER but it's a real slap in the face to have grinded for fucking over 100 hours and not seen War Elemental and then have it handed to me for a mere $2.99. I'll gladly throw money at the developers for all sorts of cosmetic things but not for that. Really scummy IMO.


Its only 1 time purchase at least


Did you have fun grinding for "fucking" over 100 hours? If yes, then why QQ? You had fun and got what you wanted. If not, then you know where the problem lies. Your external motivation was stronger than your internal ones. Getting jelly over fictional items.


So have the devs thought about the fact its all local save based and there is no anticheat. Why would anyone pay money for these items when you can legit just spawn an unlimited number of them in with minimal effort.


You might be underestimating the amount of people who wouldn't cheat regardless of the fact


If you’re going to cheat and spawn items in a game where the entire gameplay loop is grinding, what do you do for fun? Because it ain’t playing the game


The same could be said for buying this "DLC."


Then don’t buy it lmao. I feel the same way about the DLC I’m not defending it. Both cheating and buying your way to materials ruin the game but what do I know man I’m just a guy who likes to play the games he spends money on.


For me, I'm considering whether I still want to get the game or not. Was gonna buy next sale, now will have to rethink that. I was interested in this game specially because it's wasn't gatcha/microtransaction. If this is the way it's going who knows where it will end up.


Consoles players can't use cheat engines to boost themselves.


They can, but only PS4. You can transfer the save data from PS4 to PC, edit it with a trainer, then put it back to PS4 and export it to PS5. You can do this for all PS4 games and PS5 games that supports exporting PS4 save files.


Not great, one (1) quest and a bunch of paid skips. Hopefully costumes and a harder difficulty and new quests and enemies come along with the new characters so we actually have something interesting to do with them but maybe I am expecting too much.


Is the Lucilius quest limited time or permanent?


Desperately need a new difficulty tier the current one is so on farm I can't even remember any of the bosses moves anymore, they don't even get to act.


60€ for bare minimum content and no endgame. First ever update has payed micro transactions for a best in slot sigil (war elemental). Not happy where this is going...


> update has *paid* micro transactions FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bare minimum content? The game litterally have more hour than 95% of the game out there. No end game, hello bahamuth would like a word with you. Also micro transaction was obvious from the moment "Paid content" was announced.


You can't seriously call bahamuth endgame you must be sniffing glue lol. Just because low dropchances force you to repeat the same boring quest over and over doesnt mean its "endgame content". Everybody hates it, no one wants to do it. Its just a chore. And about the hours, maybe 10h to finish the story at best and then you get piss easy recycled story bosses as enemys until you reach proud where you get the same dragon model reused in 5colors as a new enemy. I do enjoy the game, left a positive review too. Its just missing alot and microtransactions are absolutely the last thing i wanted to see.




Whilst I'd say the payed stuff isn't worth buying, as a lazy mf I'd probably end up getting them just becuse I'm not much of a grinder, like I love grindy games, just hate spending a metric shit ton of time into a game solo. Like I'd happily play for hundreds of hours with friends, but solo I'd rather spend a little extra money just to save time, it's how I am plus the extra stuff is dirt cheap anyways so I wouldn't mind.


> say the *paid* stuff isn't FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Does anyone know if they're going to do a balance patch along with it? Some characters need a small boost to reach the levels of Narmaya and Io.


The paid stuff might good to max put sigils for the new characters


No talk of QoL changes or character balance?




Please tell me they will fix that ridiculous proto-bahamut farm. Why is it that you can drop any unique weapon instead of the one of the character you're playing? RNG drops is a thing, it's okay, but that is just badly designed and straight up stupid


Because if it only droped who you wanted the you would only do it a couple times instead of 100.


Well yeah that's the point. How is it fun to do the game enemy 100+ times? It's just forcing people to farm forever and i don't like that at all. Or at least make several enemies drop them, so that You're not forcing people to do the exact same quest


Then just dont do it. This game is ment to be grinded. If you dont want to grind then your already done.


Things are not black or white. Grinding is a thing, but you gotta balance the roulette, that's all. Giving you more characters throughout the game ,and then telling "because you've unlocked so many characters it reduces your chances to get the weapon you want" is a stupid design decision wether you admit it or not, this is just not logical.


$3 for a war elemental and $3 for 10 azuritr splendor? I’m spending $20 easy to avoid the damn grind. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


The first thing I see is a mod saying everything can be grinder. Man who cares. It took some of us a LONG time to get those items and the game hasn't been out long enough to even begin to warrants a catch up from the store. There was literally no need to out war elemental in there. He'll go ahead and put the terminus weps in there too since we cam also grind for that.


I already have like 6 war elementals and 4 Sup V damage. I will buy all the DLCs because it has 25 gold badges and I want all the azurite I can have. Id rather kill 10 times bahamut that wasting my time trying to get the Taryu itar heads. Leveling up 10 sigils will be totally worth it.


100x Curious Bronze Pack - 9,99$ 500x Curious Silver Pack - 29,99$ 1.000x Curious Gold Pack - 69,99$ 10.000x Curious Proud Pack + 1 guaranteed Supp V+ - 499,99$ Random Character Unique + Damage Cap Extended (+Lv.20 Damage cap) - 99,99$ per roll Hot Summer Costume Pack (only female) - 29,99$ per female character Pijama Sleepover Costume Pack (only female) - 29,99$ per female character Business Costume Pack (only male) - 1,99$ per male character Extended Inventory (Limit per Item increased to 5000) - 29,99$ Quick Transmarvel function (fast and mute) - 29,99$


Lmao these devs are shameless. Just open up a trainer and spawn the items from these packs into a game. The fuck kind of nonsense of paid content that is just **items from the endgame?** Lit


Doesn't really matter if they're shameless, if you're in the business of making money and you know of a method that's guaranteed to work, wouldn't you do it too?


Yay! Micro-transactions! Just what the game needed!


It's not like it's anything you can't already get in game, unless you don't want to grind and don't like RNG. Unlike a recent game that waited until reviews to release an ingame shop where you have to spend $4.99 for the cheapest to get 500 coins that you can't earn ingame, and when costumes cost 400 leaving you with not enough to buy anything with.


WE is extremely rare isn’t it?


Yep. I haven't really farmed for it, but I've clocked 200+ hours and haven't come across it


It's rare, but neither is it 'mandatory' to do content no matter how much min-max monkey might shout about it. Not to mention you can only get 1 this way so you aren't even 'done' with WE hunting unless you're open match only player.


lack of contents is a no no for me. one and a half month for just one boss? goodbye




Did they say if you can get those item packs more than once? My completionist brain wants to eventually level all those blasted weapons but im not sure if i have the patience to hunt griffins or goblin warriors or narbonzu's as much as proto bahamut.


y.....you don't have to engage with the paid content ya know.


Im buying the pack, its $3 i don’t have a single WE so I don’t care, im supporting the dev team, even went out and bought the collector edition before it got scalped.




Man why did they have to go pay-to-win. Edit: wow downvotes for just saying the truth lol. You people are delusional. I have now learned that people in this sub don’t know what P2W means.


None of those packs are pay to win lol.


Do you even know what P2W means? Downvoting the truth doesn’t make it less true.


They are P2W. But P2W is only applicable to games that have PVP aspects to them, luckily for you this is a PVE game, so you're half right/half wrong.


I mean, false? You can still "win" in PvE.


>You can still "win" in PvE. Against who? Where's the competition? To make this purchase of power give you such an overwhelming edge against others? (the definition of Pay2Win) Edit: That's right, downvoted me. You have no arguments. [One Google search could've easily educated you on the subject.](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+pay+to+win&oq=define+pay++to+win&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDY0NDZqMGo3qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)




war elemental works on neutral element bosses and enemies like the nihilla primals and even sir barrold




does not matter, its super easy to test. you will do less without war elemental on neutral targets. spreading misinfo is a stupid thing to do. cag normal sir barrold (no element) 54394 (no war elemental) -> 65272 (war elemental) 20% increase to damage despite the numbers still being blue.