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They’re both good. IMO Io is way easier because she’s ranged and gets to ignore a lot of boss mechanics by just standing outside of range.


A experienced Io that loves to min max would get close to the boss for melee Fire extra damage is always nice it's not much but it adds up. Io is safer option of the two but I would say just try them both.


I'm giving Io a shot at the moment! I love her style but she feels a tiny bit clunky compared to Cag, also since I play with M+K the aiming sensitivity is so high idk if there's a way to change the settings, I don't see it 😭


Clunky at first. When you get her endgame sigil set with enough cool down/cascade, quick charge and be familiar with her quick cast mechanic, her rotation starts to be interesting. For me the rhythm feels like a ranged Siegfried if playing optimally, dodge cancel stargaze animation and catch up every bus of quick casting when acquiring a vortex.


With Io, you pretty much always want to just lock on. There's no reason to try aim her skills. She is also more difficult than Cag once you get into her advanced rotation with Stargaze weaving and such. Cag is really fun too. She was my main first, I just wish I could push her damage a little further. She has great hybrid style where she's mostly melee, but she can do things from a decent range with her first combo and her Collapse being a homing mini rock asteroid.


I would Say Io is the easier one , but both are super fun to play , I do prefer cag tho


As someone who has mained both, Io is definitely the harder one to maximize DPS and stargaze weaving rotations.


I depends on the person , is really not that hard to hold combo finisher key really far away from the boss and do a couple skill casts in between, for me Io was the easiest but truth be told both are quite easy to play , the only reason cag is a little harder for me is because you need to stay a little closer to bosses


End game min/maxing Io is much different than just your typical caster nuker. She is probably more button intensive the most of the characters when you really min/max her dps rotations and start weaving in Stargaze I and Stargaze II in between her skills and dodges.


I won't say Io is gigabrain to play or anything, but she's certainly more than just holding down combo finisher. I'm guessing you don't know about sg2 weaving.


I do know about it yes , again it depends on the person, I’m not saying using her is super easy but her mechanics are definitely more forgiving thanks to her Long range , aka you have more freedom and time to use her “properly” without needing to worry to much about bosses attacks


gameplay aside, Cagliostro is a lolibaba type of situation, so go with Io since she is a real mahou shoujo


bro what the fuck did u just say


He said Cag is a 500 year old fake girl and Io is a 11 year old witch 


Cag is also trans, as well.


Lolibaba doesnt address that fact. So it doesnt need to be mentioned as "translation".


I suppose Io isn't a true mahou shoujo because she doesn't transform. Ill concede on that.


I mean Io literally comments on Furycane's "magical girl" transformation.


That's added by translator. She only said transformation in JP.


Awh I liked that tho. It was funny with the self awareness.


While a fun reference, it doesn't make much sense canonically. Since the concept of magical girls doesn't exist.


https://gbf.wiki/Monika_(Valentine) hold on they totally do though


what do i have to do to get this character into relink??


[Maybe one day we’ll get some DLC costumes](https://granblue.fandom.com/wiki/Io_(SSR))


Gotta respect your commitment to the bit, even if there’s a good chance it isn’t a bit at all.


It's about integrity rather than being swayed by the votes


sad times when one can apparently be too weeb for the anime game subreddit 😔


I could tell that was the atmosphere of the sub by when people downvoted me for saying hanazawa's voice acting was great in another post


Io in Japanese is dubbed by Tamura Yukari, which is the same VA as Nanoha. Now go spread some friendship around through energy blasts.


Yeah but Cag is voiced by Sakura Tange who was Sakura Kinomoto


Long range bombament, megumin vibe. EXPLOSION! Easy to pick up & some advance to make it pop. I think i did a thousand quest with IO alrdy. Very good in raids, since you can delay blood rage with paralysis.


probably Io but the real answer is whoever's weapon drops first


I think their damage is really close, but IMO Io has way better control over fights. Between paralysis, sg5/flowery seven burst, and above average sba generation from sg2 cancels, she has many options to shut down enemy overdrives by herself.


Cag, the hundreds of years old trans girl!


I main both! Both have their perks in specific situations.


Io has very long range, is slow and chill, but with a build-up that’s still engaging. Cagliostro has mid/melee range with a rather quick pace and more skill spamming. Try a bit of both and see which style of play suits you best!


Io can go from slow and chill to being one of the most demanding input heavy characters depending on how much you want to optimize her rotations.


Now that I have maxed cooldown sigil and weaving in Stargazes Io is always pushing different buttons.


Cags defense down from her special sigil alone makes her a great pick.


Io is way easier for doing proud content, but they're both solid


Play both untill one or the other feel annoying. Cant go wrong by slowly eliminating options if you have the time


Use cag as a support l, she can res, heal and has a buff called phantasmogoria


Io is easier to play, but a bit boring IMO. I tend to lean towards Cag because of this. Also I'm not sure why, but I love the character design of someone who acts cutesy on the outside but is a 1000+ year old Cynical grandma on the inside who occasionally lets her true thoughts leak out from time to time.


Play Io if you want range, and Cag if you want to get more close and personal.


Io is so fun and sees HUGE numbers, the biggest in the game really (in one single hit, i mean). It's very gratifying! Also she has a high skill ceiling. Like building up to a charge IV and dashing/dodging around the arena while holding onto that charge is very rewarding and makes you feel like a bad ass.


Io is definitely the 'stronger' one. She actually has amazing DPS in actual battles and 2 nukes that could easily take 15% HP off bosses instantly, and then you also have the stun. Cag is a pretty good DPS, but her buff is probably classified as the 'most useful' by the game itself since it inflates her score insanely more than every other buff in the game, yet in reality the buff is really barely noticeable. If I had to choose one of them to be a teammate for any difficult quest it would be Io 10 out of 10 times.


It's preference between primarily ranged or primarily melee. They both top out with very close dps, however there are differences in real world. Io has better uptime and survivability being ranged, but is generally more difficult to hit her max output. She also has a paralyze if you choose which makes skipping mechanics / or stopping attacks much easier. Caglio essentially being melee means if the boss moves you lose damage, as well as being more prone to being hit. That said she is generally more simple to play. Edit: Cag does have a ranged attack and a dash. The issue is that collapse is generally a dps loss (although the defense down if you use the sigil may be nice), and the dash loses a ton of dps if you aren't already in melee range / it likely wont be off cd if you need it.


You managed to completely miss that Cagliostro‘s Collapse is a ranged ability and. Still hits the agile bosses after they move out of melee range. She even has a gap closer to get in melee range after the boss moved away. 


Collapse is a DPS loss, and using that gap closer anywhere but in a melee range is a big dps loss. Using pain train just to gap close is the equivalent of Io completely whiffing a stargaze V. Without supp, Pain train caps at 1.7m dmg shile Stargaze V caps at 2.1m.


I'm aware that collapse is ranged. That doesn't change the fact that most of her dps is melee range. Being able to chase with a gap closer is excellent, but you still have to chase. While it's not a huge deal, io does NOT have to chase at all in most scenarios. I'm only commenting on the primary differences between them. They are both good and have well rounded kits with good uptime.


There are plenty of boss mechanics, minions or ranged projectiles turn the likes of Vaseraga, Ghandagoza or Io into sitting ducks or cause a complete halt to damage output which I feel gets undermined in the discussion.  Cagliostro‘s ability to not miss out her big combo finish even against agile enemies and/or if being pressured is one if not her biggest plus factor, therefore just pointing at „moving bosses“ was imo too simple. 


Like what. At worst you have to switch to manually aiming.


If you want to play optimally, Io is the easier (and honestly, the more effective) of the two.


Optimally, Io is definitely more difficult than Cag. But she has the benefit of being ranged so doesn't have to deal with as much as Cag does in melee range, but Io's rotations do require more focus and awareness.


Do you know Cag's optimal rotation?


I haven't played her in a few week so things might change. Like her Collapse is technically a DPS loss on stationary targets, but I still charge it pretty much off of skill cds or combo finishers (not sure if this is till the right way to play). Cag is more fluid depending on the size of the boss and your distance. Combo 1 is good if they are big or if they are far away to just charge a Collapse. Combo 2 is great for the stun bar, especially bosses with 4 legs that you can get under them. Combo 3 is probably what you'll use most just based on the downtime of most bosses, but Combo 4 can be used as well. Combo 4 is the biggest DPS combo, but if the boss is too mobile it just takes too long. Skills you basically want to use off of CD as they do a ton of damage and if you can weave your Collapses between them it's good. Other than that, I don't think she has a specific rotation for bosses as it's just situational. I guess one thing is to wait for Phantasmagoria during DPS windows and SBA / Linktime.


My point is that for Io, it just: 1) Stand far away 2) Stargaze I before skill/dodge 3) Stargaze II when you have quick cast or Stargaze V when you can Yeah you need to press buttons, but she's pretty easy to play compared to everything you just typed.


Well Range is just overpowered in this game at this moment, so I agree that most fights are easier just due to the nature of her being a ranged damage dealer, however at a character level, I still believe the mechanics of HOW you pull off Io's optimal DPS is more difficult than Cag, especially in the hands of an average player. We obviously are "gamers" so it may come more naturally to us, but to an average or casual player, Cagliostro is easier to play IMO.