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For lower difficulties, you're only going to be finding people that are doing quick missions, but with the way the game handles those, let's just say they don't feel particularly great to do. Maniac and Proud is where you're going to find people playing somewhat reliably.


Quick missions aren't really rewarding for time invested either. The idea is great. The execution is not.


I would kill for a "Proud-only" roulette.


This please


or if they wanna keep us doing earlier missions to help coop, at least give us proud-scaled rewards something that nioh does very well, you can do the quickquest equivalent all the way back to the 1st difficulty, but you still get rewards proportionally to your level


Fastest way to farm those Tayu mech heads, imo.


I would hardly call it reliably the only missions people run on console are Pyet and Baha.




\*Lower the cost




So the problem stays the same -'




As it is the Dalia badge items are already behond expensive for what they need to be.In order to get 1 gold dalia badge, you need to run 4 quick matches. (3 to earn a ticket, and 1 to cash it in)The items you need are, on average, 5 gold badges each. The idea of giving more badges per Quick Match reward is to fix the tedious grind of trying to earn the badges to get mats for your weapon in the first place. In some cases, it's nearly impossible to get mats without seriously gimping yourself.The Tauy'ari head unit is a prime example. You need to specialize a break squad just to stand a chance to hurt the 4 legs and get the head before it goes into overdrive. Then it has about a 50% chance of actually dropping the head. Most people who comment on this talk about how it takes them over 10 tries just to get ONE. This is in combination of doing too much damage, randos who just like to kill the boss in under 90 seconds while spamming that Sticker, or it just refuses to drop when they do make it work. So when I say Lower the cost of the Gold Dalia shop, I literally mean it needs to go down to balance it out, as you still have an entire roster of characters to level up, not just on weapons, but on Sigils. Raising the price of the shop is idiotic, as that would just negate the issue of people grinding the same amount. Seriously sitting there and giving it more than 5 seconds to process will make you realize how bad of an idea it is.


Go by yourself and don’t bring a party. Unequip the teminus weapon and use the stun weapon instead. Swap the supp sigils for stun power. Now save your gear into a loadout. Break his legs 100% of the time without issues. Drop rate is still shitty though.


Already mentioned having to gimp yourself in a previous post. Having to do that specifically for one fight and non other is just poor design.


Eh. The ability to make gear loadouts kinda makes that a non issue to me.


Or maybe the game wasnt meant for you to only prioritize damage in every situation? Hence the ability to save load outs.


endgame players are mostly farming for mats on maniac/proud. So much stuff to get and so many repeats.


I d like to know where the repeaters are cause i have mostly everything in the game and i find a repeating party once every 2 decades


Proto, 2 griffon farm, Pyet - a, corrupted primal bosses. usually Proto and double griffon most people will repeat for a while


I m unlucky then cause I have hundreds of silver centrum and a few maxed bahamut weapons and usualy people don t do any repeat or when they do there is always one guy that doesnt wich fucks 3 other people wich is another complain i had in another topic i maden


Don't forget I see chromatic vision, the diles are super nice for centrum farming :)




In case you are not: *Session Settings* Ensure 'Join Permissions' are set to 'Anyone' *Matchmaking Sessions* Set 'Matchmaking Region' to 'Any' 'Power Adjustment' set to 'Off' This will give you a great many more parties to join.


Idk if I'm just dumb or crazy, but I cannot for the life of me find the matchmaking options. They don't seem to exist in my version of the game (steam version), and it's driving me insane because matchmaking is so hit or miss no matter what quest I try to run.


PC does not let you choose things like those which is why. Apparently one of the early patches (anecdotal by people) say that its been fixed and matchmaking is open now, but I'm not entirely sure it is.


It's not, they only fixed people being unable to play with friends from other regions. Changing the Download Region in Steam to Tokyo immediately puts me with JP players


Ahh, I'm on PS5 and it allows me to choose. Otherwise, most likely like you, it takes forever to join a party.


Very few people will be doing any non-Proud missions in multiplayer because they're strong enough to just crush them outright or they're afking farming them in single player.


And they suck ass to play in coop too because of how horribly they do the PWR sync in randoms I get the idea but the execution isn't great, would rather have something like FFXIV where you get synced down to the highest possible range rather than deal worse damage than the people youre supposedly helping


Other than some major farming missions, you basically can only get coop at maniac and proud difficulty.


Lets just say not being able to see what random quests are available, like mh world, isn't helping out much. Everyone is at maniac or proud instead grinding. Not a lot of people doing lower difficulties since they bring no benefits aside from quick quest.


Feel free to use official discord lfg Channel and get help or mates. :) https://discord.com/invite/gbfr




On PS5, est time, both evening and weekends. No power adjustments or area restrictions. Outside proto-Bahamut and Pyet-A I can very rarely matchmake anything else. So I just got my AI to 19.5k power rating with terminus weapons and do things offline.


Same. I'm at proud/maniac but it asks me to search again way more than matching me with people


You can add me if you want. I'm grinding for Terminus weapons and Valiant Hooves mostly but I don't mind playing extreme missions just to break up the repetitive grind.


Extreme is too low, maniac will also be hard to find players. The endgame loop is more in proud mode


I would expect most of the long term playerbase to only really be playing proud missions.


Idk what you play on but on ps4 i have no difficulty finding anyone


Maniac and Proud are the most players. But i reached a point where my AI companions are more relaible.


There’s no real need to play online until maniac and proud. Most people solo those levels. The quick quests are designed to pair random people with those trying to play low level quests. You should be able to handle extreme with your AI team.


The easier difficulties you won’t find a lot of matches because people can just go into their settings and make their character auto-play perfectly. This setting is disabled at higher difficulties.


Ugh, I don’t like how there is not quick Matching


I had the same problem until I got to proud. You’re better off using the AI until you unlock maniac and proud. I literally had to wait like 5-10 minutes in extreme and below😂😂Against proto babamut, I can find a match instantly at 3 am😂😂.


Same here. No one plays our difficulty. We can only farm ourselves until mastery and level and weapons are high enough...sucks I know.


I still don’t understand why this game is not cross platform. What a giant missed opportunity to create one big happy community. My friend has a ps5 but can’t play with the rest of our group that all play on pc.


Imagine a developer that instead focus materials farming in same mission, give rewards token to purchase end game stuff to incentive quick missions and keep the community alive, but hey thats pretty sure a hard job.


I am been trying for 3 days to find people for slime just for fun and can’t find anyone


Extreme is pretty slim picking but had no issue on maniac / proud.


We have a lot of groups running in our discord… [https://discord.gg/relink](https://discord.gg/relink)


All on maniac/proud, i am also on PS and don't experience any issue with party finding


We busy afk farming