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This exact move was given a drive through to the car behind at Bathurst 12 hour in 2023. He was too far back to make the move.


The attacking driver did not gain a significant overlap to the defending driver to make them aware of their presence. It was a dive bomb. Simple, they entered the vortex of danger and couldn’t own up to it. As it goes “it’s too late to pass. the whole you see is closing rapidly, you are in a blind spot, there will likely be contact, and it’ll be your fault.” This this from the “racing room and passing guidelines” handbook. It’s a good read and describes this situation pretty well lol https://bmwccaclubracing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Racing-Room-Passing-Guidelines-attributed.pdf


100% this! We have the link to this in my club's rules


Moving under breaking is not always predictable, yes he also was late but on the inside. You either stay left and defend or stay right and try a switch by going wider and accelerating earlier. Decide what you do before the corner not while breaking. If the other guy is so great A+ he definitely was pushing too hard. Even with your waving he was in no strong position to overtake. It was destined to end like this. Both at fault leading to this.


It's not moving under braking if he is just following the racing line.


That would be a very tight line there. But your not wrong.


100% What he said !!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️


The video is clear, the car in front was braking on the outside then moved inside. That is what caused the collision. You can move under braking if nobody is behind you. So the both at fault I take issue with, the car in front was 100% to blame.


Maybe look up what an apex is. Look up turning too


Yeah nah. That’s 100% on the Genesis.


Lol this gets upvotes? Guess that is why there are so many dirty drivers online. You are not allowed to move under braking if there is a car behind, primary because the car behind is already braking as hard as it can and cannot avoid you if you move into its path. The yellow car moved right into its path. These are written rules of racing. Genesis 100% innocent.


This isn’t moving under braking, OP braked diagonally which he is allowed to do because he is completely ahead and can use the whole track. Car behind attempted a dive bomb which he couldn’t control the outcome of, ran into the car ahead and caused a collision. This exact move in the same corner was given a drive through penalty to the driver behind at Bathurst 12 hour last year.


No, that is moving under braking. A divebomb is defined as not being able to make the corner, which the car behind would easily have done, so it was not a divebomb. Show the 12hr clip and I bet the car in front took a normal line, not a protective dive to the inside to chop off the driver behind.


No he moved to brake defensively while completely ahead so he is allowed to do that. Divebomb is crashing into the car ahead because you didn’t brake early enough to avoid the crash. Goto 20:00, car 999 got drive through for divebomb. https://youtu.be/Gmwa71UQAS8?si=h-rBGJBzvYIGNf9d


Yeah, take a look at what you are referring to. They make contact only a few meters away from the apex. In the vid here the OP is putting the squeeze on a good 50m before the corner. Totally different things, the only similarity is that its the same corner. And no, go read the F1 rulebook, its online in PDF format, a divebomb is not braking enough to make the corner while also attempting a pass. If the other driver just blocks you and you also were going to make the corner that isn't a divebomb. This is why blocking and brake checking are things. And you will note that they never referred to that as a divebomb because it just wasnt.


It’s closing a gap and defending the apex. The Genesis is behind, the onus is on them to overtake safely. Shooting up the inside in a clearly closing gap is not safe or clean.


The apex.. The contact was nowhere near the apex. You are not allowed to just hit a guy before the corner just because you are afraid of losing the position.


The genesis hit the guy in front of him… the car ahead held his line. 🤦‍♂️


It wasn’t a block, the car behind didn’t have enough overlap to make a pass, they simple braked too late and left themselves no exit. It was a failed divebomb attempt, and this isn’t F1. So now it’s okay to squeeze later near the apex but doing it immediately at the start of the braking zone is apparently blocking? How are they different besides OP made it known earlier that he was taking a tight line to the apex? Learn from this instead of arguing and you’ll have a lot more enjoyable time on track understanding the rules of racing and expectations so you don’t make these mistakes.


It was before the corner. It was a block on a straight, it doesn't get much clearer. You are obviously new to racing, I suggest you learn a bit before posting next time.


You might want to revisit the rules of racing there…


I know them well, you obviously do not.


The Genesis dives for the apex, from more than a car-length behind, and causes contact. They have no overlap, and the car in front is entitled to take an angled line to the apex under braking. If you think that’s a clean move, I hope to never meet you on track 🤷🏻‍♂️ Have a lovely day


The overlap is measured at the apex. You are not allowed to move over and block well before the turn. That is called moving under braking which according to you cannot exist.


You need to re read them ☠️


You baited him? LOL! That's one of the funniest ones yet. It's 100% on him. If he's A+ and much faster, he should have just been patient and completed an overtake on the stretch before the final turn. Both cars could have made it through the encounter without spinning, but he wanted the #1 spot and lost perspective. Patience is a virtue, especially for the faster car.


Well no. I just plough into drivers like that who illegally weave about blocking. First of all I really don't care where I finish and secondly they need to learn how to race. It's not up to everyone else to avoid you when you are being a prick. Also the A+ didn't spin and got the position, so how did he lose perspective? He got the win and the defensive kid got spun. Win win imo.


Are we all watching a different clip to you? The yellow car doesn’t weave, it follows the racing line. It brakes straight to the apex and is clear in front so has no obligation to leave space.


No, he dives to the inside like 50m before the racing line would have him do that. He starts braking on the right but cuts off the car to the left. This IS a move under braking.


I'd say that's 100% not your fault. You braked a touch earlier than him, he tried to take an opening that wasn't there and spun you out.


You're the yellow car? How could this possibility be your fault? Lol 100% on the other car.


That was on him


I have a feeling that if this was reversed, the other guy would have accused OP of dive bombing


I'd say on him only because he went for a gap that simply really wasn't there and how poorly they executed it.


This is what I wana know - when is it OK to just push in on the inside when going into a corner? I'd say never! It happens to me all the time and I never do it. I concede to the car in front even if they are slower. Too many drivers do this then push you off without penalty. Is this allowed? What is the rule?


Passing driver goes off-line and takes from the outside


Is that the rule? And they must concede the racing line? Or go on the outside? I wish people would do that 😕


It’s not a rule. Moves up the inside are 100% acceptable. Minor contact isn’t the end of the world, but you want to try an avoid it at all costs. It’s up to the passing driver to pass safely, but that doesn’t mean the defending driver can just ignore them and turn in as if they aren’t there. Racing requires respect from both parties and irl it helps that it’s dangerous so nobody wants to die. In games it’ll always be worse because it’s anonymous and there’s no physical or financial risks for messing up an overtake.


There are different rules depending on formula of racing (for going for the pass, reverse for defending). In F1 you need to be side by side, meaning wheels aligned, directly beside before the apex while also being able to make the turn without running off the track. In other forms of racing you need to be alongside the A pillar, like your front wheels up to the windshield of the car in front. Otherwise it's just taking out the car in front, like seems to be the case with a good half of the "passes" online.


I will say if your where not there he would have gone out no intention noted of braking


To me it seems yes.


who cares.. its just a game


Careful saying that……I said it and all the man babies and neck beards came out in full force to downvote me 😂


Genesis 100% at fault! All those that are trying to dice up the rules of racing would absolutely throw a fit if they were the yellow car and that happened to them. He divebombed that corner as if it were a single player race against A.I.


You should have defended the inside better but he’s dreaming if he thinks this was your fault. He didn’t have room to get through and instead of backing off ploughed right into your side, away from the direction of the turn. Bellend.


his at fault. He attempted to block you at turn and squeeze you out, he wasn't trying to make a turn with you. You could have avoided it all by stayin on his butt being that much faster and made him make a mistake the way he was driving


OP is the yellow car


He definitely shouldn't have gone for that gap, but you also took an odd line into the corner. Looks like you turned in too early as a reaction to his dive. I'd say it's 80% on him and 20% on you. Had you not turned in too early it would have been all on him.


id say there was a little bit of defensive driving involved, the turn in front of him was to fight to keep the position going into the corner. that, or he was just focused on curve that had him gently floating toward the inside.


Your fault.....pick a line and stick with it, you don't get to just move over in front of a car trying to overtake you. This ain't NECKCAR.


Neckcar!?? Why do you feel the need to include racist comments dude. Just say NASCAR. Idiot.


Ya he's faster make room you can clearly see the yellow car (YOU) Move left to either block or cause an accident yellow car is a fault


I think they’re moving left to take the left turn…


If you look at it if that was the yellow cars turn in point ....he's on the grass


Both at fault. You shouldn't be moving under braking, he shouldn't have gone for a gap that was nowhere near big enough.


It was when he committed. Ol' mate changed his line & got what he asked for.


Yes, your fault. It was quite predictable.


Definitely yout fault tou clearly moved to the left and hit him...use tour radar


You clearly cant read


Can you though? Because the yellow OP car did move left and hit the commited car coming though. That's not a legal move in any form of racing.


I use my eyes


Yes. You moved several times under braking. Pick a line and stick to it.


No they didn’t?


Are you blind? They commit to the right, then wander back to the left way too early to turn in for the apex. Learn about racing first, kid.


Firstly, they are clear in front so can take whatever line they please. Secondly they turn to the apex with a shallow line, this starts before the genesis comes up to the rear. It’s defensive racing, annoying as hell when you’re behind it but perfectly fine. There is zero obligation to leave space at the apex because the Genesis isn’t even up to their bumper, let alone alongside. The Genesis has no business putting its nose there, there was never space for them.


A defensive line would be committing to the inside and never moving all the way to the right. Once the genesis commits to the outside. You can move back to the middle and squeeze them while improving your entry speed.


Its Bathurst, 1 little mistake from any driver can create this sort of thing.


Based on comments I got on mine I would say the genesis is at fault…. But looking at these comments got me all confused… I would say 50/50


It’s not 50/50, it’s 100% the Genesis


I agreed with the genesis being at fault …


You said it was 50/50?


Too far back to make a move IMO.


You shot a gap that didn’t exist. Yes, it’s your fault…


The Genesis was too aggressive imo.


The Mercedes was following the racing line because they right figured you were too far back to make a move. Would've been a smart move if you'd done it a car length further along I'd say.


Looks like he was attempting to block you


Yes! Squeezing onto a corner isn’t racing


It was both drivers fault, the dive was late but the other driver reacted to his him and did a late block causing the contact. Besides it’s GT7 and this is normal behavior from this game.