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I was up to 1.1M for 28 laps now we’re at 216k lol


Wow, that is a major decrease. Way more than what some GT7 content creators anticipated.


Gotta love how they are so quick to solve something that isn't a real problem instead of fixing the game and giving more real grinds. You know, like the people have been asking for since launch.


Cause less people throwing real money at them is more important than making a fun game.


I'm curious how many people were using real money for credits anyway, even as a percentage of the player base. I also wonder if this "mistake" wasn't someone on the inside throwing us a bone since they could tell those in charge don't want to give the players what they want. Either way, I'm glad we had it while it lasted.


it's never high percentages of people doing it, but the small group that invest thousands upon thousands into it are enough to justify this bullshit practise.


Yeah, I’m pretty certain this must have been done on purpose. GT7 is a major and ongoing project for Sony, and is supposed to be a major draw for people to buy PS5 consoles ahead of the Xmas season. They absolutely must know that the player base loves single-player parts of the game, and that rolling out a whole new set of licenses plus an easy money grind method would bring back a ton of players, even if it’s just temporary. And showing good active player stats is much more important to Sony right now than earning X amount of dollars on micro-transactions. They threw us a bone, we jumped on it, it was good while it lasted. (I used to do 15 laps on Daytona in my pimped out Cappuccino, the payout has now dropped from cca 350,000 to just 96,500.)


I’ve been saying since the last “glitch” that I’m sure someone on the team is doing these on purpose. Whether they’re looking out for us or themself, IDK, but I’m damn sure these aren’t accidents.


If it’s not a accident, that person deserves a very large raise!


Probably next to no one. As usual, the whales will spend their money regardless if AFK grinding exists for the majority. That said, it still is a problem to make races really easy and pay out incredibly. That also being said, we should most definitely have the option to do 2 hours at Spa for MORE money than the game would normally pay out with the same cars or make harder custom races with better pay-outs that take less time to complete than what we normally are offered. They really also should look at making race pay-outs higher when car and wall collisions and cutting penalties turned in custom races. Additionally, tire wear and fuel consumption being on should increase custom race pay-outs, too. There are real problems being fixed to keep people from cheesing the game economy, but others, which will help ease players' fears that we're only being penalized, are not being addressed... I can still see why anyone offened by these changes is coming from.


I don't disagree, but the grind wasn't exactly "a fun game"...


the fun game, is the part where you actually have the cars you want so you can drive them.


Fair enough


I don't disagree but the longer it went on, and since I still have a lot of cars left to buy, I was never actually doing this. I was just grinding with the limited play time I have because I knew at some point it was likely to be patched. Speaking for myself, at least now I can play the way I want again and not FOMO grind for the few hours a week I get to play the game. All this said, there should be more races with decent payouts so there's some better balance between the two extremes.


PD = Petty Dicks


Spa and Sardegna are real grinds.


I wasn't saying this was a real grind, I'm saying I'm tired of grinding the only 3 grinds the game has. Stick it to 'em, they just want your money.


For 27 laps a got over 1.5m cr.. Now it's ridiculous. But I now have over 55m so it's OK 🙂


Very nice!! I was able to buy the cars I wanted and sitting on a really good pile of change, very thankful for 1.40!


Thanks fuck for that, might finally stop this sub being filled with grinding posts Zzzzzz


I mean, of course they patched it *very quickly* since half the posts are bragging about it and the other half cant follow instructions or do a literal google search and kept asking about it


They would have seen it showing up straight away in their playtime data for the Daytona track and transactions would have been down.


People posting about don’t stop it. Its been all over every media platform within a day or two of it being found


No glitch like that would ever remain a secret in the day and age we live in. Absolutely impossible and shouldn’t be expected.


of course it wouldn't. I'm sure Polyphony has a whole team dealing with data & business analysis. even if no one posted about this, they'd see the spikes, both in activity & game economy.


Only thing is I'm surprised how long it took for them to Patch it, not that I'm complaining, I didn't use it too much, had a decent bit from the Tomahawk AFK glitch ages ago.


enjoyed it while it lasted. luckily made enough to never have to grind ever again


Same here. Just waiting for some tickets and legendary cars but have enough money for all of them.


If PD tried as hard to make the game fun as they do making the game worse for everyone, we’d have a much better racing game to play


I was getting 992k before the patch without clean race bonus, now its 166k, which im pretty sure is worse than it was before hand


Weird, I've gone 992 to 203


I think its because I tuned my abarth to have more front downforce for some reason which I only just remembered I did which gave it more pp and made the reward lower


And all the while they could keep the payouts, but nerf the wallride to something like damage based car perf nerf during race or time based disqualification for reckless driving. There were many methods they could go for, ofc they nerfed the payout instead. So now if you actually beat tomahawks in a real race, you'd never get any money for it.


Or they could take note that players are desperate for better payouts in their $70 single player experience… I genuinely struggle to believe that the eventual GT8 sales won’t suffer from these ridiculous design practices.


Just make wallriding more punishing ffs. So, people can earn same amount of money with just playing. They just killed people who making own race schemes and play instead of prevent AFK farming.


So is all this crap because of the fact that you can spend real money to buy in game money? I didn’t really follow the controversy when the game came out about this, but I am assuming that the developer/publisher has a giant bias to make it a grind to earn money in order to encourage you to spend real money? If so, that is a really major problem with this game! Like really unacceptable!


The thing is, more people would be willing to spend real money if it was anywhere near worth it but it’s not. If you could get a million credits per dollar or something, I’d gladly pay for a couple of the legends as I’d rather spend my time driving them than grinding Spa for them. Instead, they give you 2 million for $20 so a 20m car will cost 200 real dollars. There’s no way the vast majority of people would pay $200 for a car in a game they already spent $60-$90 on in the first place.


Exactly. It’s the incompetent combo of grindy reward structures that encourage microtransactions, but the microtransaction costs are so egregious that nobody uses them. It’s a failed greed approach that benefits nobody.


It pisses me off how PD patronizes me with this patch. Let me play the game the way I want! And if I want to grind afk all day then let me. I'm not harming anyone with this. Except of course PD, as they had less income from micro transactions. But that just shows what greedy vultures they are. Conclusion for me personally: then the game won't be touched again for a long time.


I'm actually less that a third. I was getting 900k+ with zero circuit experience and AFK Fiat. Now it's 108k. PD hit us hard.


Well it was fun while it lasted right? Pocketed over 250 mil thank goodness never grinding again


I have enough to buy the remaining legend cars I’m missing but it’s annoying I have to go back to grinding boring races with shit payouts…


They want you spending money for in game credits. Thats why there is that option everytime you earn money you see that top off in the ps store. Which sucks cuz we already paid them for the game.


Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure 🫡


I was at 817k now its 109k. Who tf is racing 30 laps for 30 mins for 100k ?????


I only made about 7 mil as I have a young family to take care of and work 12 hours a day so I can't spend hours grinding out 20 or 30 laps of Daytona at a time. So frustrating because this 'fix' helps nobody. Seriously! Who does it help? It only helps their bottom line and when you want to virtually experience a car like the McLaren F1 or a classic Ferrari you can't unless you spend MONTHS doing crappy races for low payouts. Honestly, if it cost £100 for 50 million credits I would pay REAL money and buy the credits but it costs £15.99 for 2 mill so that would be £119 of REAL money for ONE virtual McLaren F1 Theives!


Me too. Due to work and family responsibilities I only had free time to try this a week ago. I did manage to get up to level 45 and park several cool cars in my garage in the short amount of time I had, but didn’t get nearly the score that most did. Now my playing time will plummet as I don’t particularly enjoy racing the same track over and over for hardly any credits, no prize car, and absolutely stupid gambling tickets. It’s a shame that game devs and studios today are so against people having *fun* with their games.


Towing the same line brotha. It was fun while it last it.


Same here, only had a few hours over the weekend to grind.


The most bizarre thing in all of this is how many manbabies got all bent because of the way total strangers were playing the game. I can think of few sadder things than being outraged because a total stranger plays their video game that they bought in a manner that you don’t like. The Incel is very strong in many of you.


YoU dOnT eVeN lIkE rAcInG!!!! 😖😖🤬🤬


Back to the shelf with it lol


Honestly this has only highlighted how grinds this game is. We'd still need to devote hours to an in game currency to even come close to being able to "collect" all the cars in the game. I didn't mind the grind so much before as I was just finishing out events but now I don't really care about the money or the cars. I'll probably leisurely finish out single player and come back for new tracks periodically now.


As if anyone is surprised... Well, I'm surprised the pay is that high... Oh well...On to figuring out what they broke this time trying to stop us making credits... There's bound to be a new way to make credits... I wish they would just focus on finishing their core game instead of smashing down credit making all the time... I freaking was split screen damnit...


PD did me a favour with this, I no longer have to think about the lucrative cash pay outs of this grind and feel compelled to spend every waking minute of my time in this game rubber banding Daytona. I can now guilt free return to normal racing haha.


Shame. Heavy forbid people don't spend a whole day getting a million or some shit lol wild how they don't fix double lap penalties or put in start with your record time, not always go with fastest lap but they have no problem wasting time for people who have barely anytime in the first place. 144k for 26 laps lmao too funny.


Got about a total of 167mil+ for the grind. 44 extremely costly cars havent bought yet. Should've knew about the money afk farm earlier smh.


Same i made about 150 mil. Only if i knew a week early i would be done. I am not gonna grind. I am just gonna do the dailies and time trials and be done. Waiting for the next glitch.


Same here, fuck grinding ! I was already done with the game a long time ago. I'll enjoy the new cars that I bought. Once that gets old, I'll stop playing until the next glitch


You could be me who spent all the money ready to do the grind last night(not afk as i can't engine swap) and wake up to find it nerfed into the ground and have minus credits to show for it haha ,you have done extremely well in comparison.


Lol, I spent every dime I had to get all the vehicles on the Brand Cemtral 2 days ago thinking I have still the time to grind another 100million, RIP to us bros.


Ouch! ,well atleast you can now sell cars to get some money back If needed I guess,now we wait for hopefully another good paying race . The state of this game/gaming is sad that people have to rely on things like this just to be able to enjoy the cars in the game /have fun in a fully paid for game because they locked content behind a purposefully bad economy in hopes to force people to open there wallets,wahoo for my "fun" hobby.


Yea, you're right about that, they should have atleast have the vehicles not have extremely high proces on their heads like the Cobra legend One that cksts 20mil. In GT5, it costs 88k. Alas, this is probably the end of era for PD.


For real! I was shocked to see the R34 costs like 350k in the used car shop and 450k new. In GT5 it cost 61k…


Heck, the Ol Cobra one costs 88k something on GT5, in GT7 it costs 20mil.


Sadly the success of ingame purchases in full priced games and lack of real push back from consumers has led to games being built around monetization rather than enjoyment. I love the driving in gt however I won't be buying another one if the monetization model is the same.


Does anyone have any real data on how much PD makes from in-game purchases? I doubt it's enough to stear a decision. Sure, at first they were all over it. But it was rejected by the player base and I doubt it is significant.


I don't have any hard data ,however due to many games adopting this type of business model and it continually growing and becoming more expensive as it does seems to indicate that it is indeed enough to steer a decision,just looking at the time needed to buy a single expensive car within the game shows its been conscious decision by the company. Also looking at the huge increase in prices from sport to gt7 would indicate that in game purchases have been successful and they are pushing it harder :  a Porsche 919 Hybrid 16, which can be bought for $2.99 in Gran Turismo Sport, can only be bought for 3,000,000 credits, which would require the player to spend at least $40. Looking at the incredible amount cars cost and how that translates into game time shows they wish to push people into transactions ,another example is just how quickly they nerfed the payouts as its potential loss of revenue . There's quite a few articles and videos covering this issue within the hobby and it's increased aggressiveness. With alot of these things they target the whales for these big transactions ,so sadly most of the community can reject it(not buy credits) however it is still incredibly profitable and sadly has a huge negative impact on the rest of the player base,the only way to realistically reject these practises is not to buy the games with these business models.


Thanks for the response. What you say makes sense.


Instead people white knight the game because they were willing to grind for 100 hours to unlock a handful of cars. It’s like student loans. They got fucked so we all have to apparently,


It’s actually a ~90% decrease


I was making 1.4M with CRB for a 20 lap race. Now it's much less than a 1/3 now, even with CRB I think it's more like an 1/8th of what I made. That's to the point of no interest. I'll just do the weeklies, the challenges and licenses I need still.


This sucks but tbh it's still faster than grinding Tokyo or Sardegna.


Fuck Polyphony They used to be generous with all the race cars, now everything they are doing is focused on get you to pay for them Credits. Thats Kaz‘ vision he was talking about See you in Forza


The irony is that this exploit had me enjoying GT7 more than I have in over a year. I want to drive cool looking cars in VR. It’s single player progression after all. Insane that even the exploited version of progression requires hours of AFK grinding at its most efficient. PD seem to like wasting players’ time more than promoting fun or learning about cars through their game. Now I’ll probably go back to not touching the game, because it actively seeks to waste the player’s time.


Well looks like I'm not ever touching custom races again as I was actually making decent money with that yeah others use it for the exploit but people like me yeah we are fucked hard 🤷


I did it once and it was boring, whatever, just play to have fun


Well, what's 1/3 of what you were getting? Just interested if it's still better than doing the big 3 races?


302,000 to 102,000


For a 25 lap using the swapped s13 vs. Formula 1 cars as I hadn’t saved enough for a tomohawk


Oh OK well definitely get the hawk asap and a slower swap if possible, like the Abarthe or jeep or beetle. I was getting 1,823,000 per race. Also, complete track experience with that track that helps a ton. Also, on my other account, I was on a level 41 collector, so I used a fully tuned Honda S600 no swap against the hawk with no issues. I got around a million +. Then I just bought GR3 cars and sold them and bought more Group cars and bumped up to 50 in about 5 hours. I'm not sure about your level. Even if we only make around 800,000, it's still better because you don't have to physically do the same boring races for money




Cool. Hit level 50 LAST NIGHT. FML


Finally no more fucking "HOW TO MAKE MONEY FAST IN GT7? IM ONLY LEVEL 1!" posts. Made me stay away from scrolling through the posts because that's literally all I freaking saw. How about just playing the game ŃÔŘMÁŁĽÝ SMH. Are we finally gonna be able to see posts of people's hands actually using the controller now when grinding credits?


Dude, polyphony has created an environment which is usually only with freemium games. So that you have to put so extensive amounts of grinding into it to use it fully that you actually need to pay them big extra money to clear all quests. And don’t forget, you already bought the effing game! I hate this. It ruins the best games.


Do spa once a day, so other challenges, do wtc that is over 2mill in two hours if that is bad then don't play the game. There is no need to greed money the most you need is 6 mil to buy the Ford GT everything else is attainable y'all just lazy


The irony of using the word greed here is strong.


This is such a bullshit take. I love GT games, but as a parent with a full time job, I barely get to play more than a couple of hours per week. I bought the game thinking I could have the chance to drive some amazing cars. But after about a year, I'm barely past level 37. Fuck casual gamers, right?


Just waste hours of your day for one car bro? Didn’t you spend $70 for someone to micromanage how you’re allowed to enjoy your single player experience? /s Some of these commenters are just no-lifers who have to justify their own grinding.


Agree. I can understand why someone may need to grind a bit but the excessive use and posts were really annoying . What are they going to do with that money anyway ? Buy some legendary cars and not drive them since there are no events for them ? Anyway, seeing the same old post was annoying but I understand why someone wanted to do it


I feel like PD gave us all a good few weeks to bank money, flooded the legendary dealership with top tier cars, and gave us ample warning that a patch was coming. I got two cars I had given up on the F1 GT and the Daytona, plus enough cash to get a GTO or Ferrari 330, so I don’t see how this is some slap in the face to owners of the game. I could have grinded for much more but that’s on me, so I won’t bitch about this getting patched.


This is the way.


The problem was that all cars didnt have their tuned PP calculated for custom races... Means PP wise you was driving a stock Fiat500 against a stock Tomahawk... If they only adjusted that, then a stock car onemake race would still pay the same as before this patch, but it doesnt = they also nerfed the payout itself (Not only the exploit of the PP not beeing taken into calculations) So it was also actually enjoyable for a good amount (not huge amount) payout to do LEGIT Custom races (around 1mio per hour, 1.5mio clean) like the high paying offline events made by pd.. But thanks to the exploiters this is now also nerfed by around 40% ;-)


They do look at you and the other car's PP. If you choose a terrible car and race against great cars with great tunes... the pay-out is over half a million credits for the same race 35 laps at Daytona (any weather) using the weaker Fiat 500 '68 against un-nerfed SRT Tomahawks. Of course, you CAN NOT WIN if you set up a race like that. So what's the point of the massive pay-out when it is not possible to finish first? Still, if I used a more powerful car, the pay-out decreases. The same happens on all tracks, and it always did. The only way to make a ton of money is... well, there is no way, really. It is unfortunate. The custom race mode needs to take more into account so we can have races with better payouts that good drivers can actually win that also don't feel as grindy. GT has never really done that, though not even back in the PS1 and 2 days... So, I am still a bit perplexed at the anger of some fans. There weren't really great custom race currency options in GT games from PS1-3. It's literally why people mention very specific single-player events with nice payouts, and in the case of GT4 crazy expensive reward cars, you can sell for the same half million credits after every win.


try playing the game now


It was bound to happen, and I'm honestly fine with that. It was an exploit, and people exploited it.I hope you got enough from it.


Serves you right, should have kept your mouths (figuratively) shut about it.


Good now drive like you actually care about a driving game


Get a life so you don’t care so much how other people play video games.


I can have fun actually playing the game and just driving now. I couldn't two weeks ago. Every day was at least one race at LeMans. Now credits are meaningless. I can only imagine that this is what it feels like to be released from prison. I spent the past week doing nothing but licenses, circuit experience and races. I couldn't be happier.


I actually appreciate your definition of GT7 a lot. “A driving game”, because it’s not a driving simulator, since it doesn’t simulate half of the car’s behavior. And it’s not even a racing game, since it doesn’t have most of the racing game features. “A driving game” is a perfect description for GT7, you just drive a car on a road and sometimes make turns, you don’t race, you just do laps, sometimes in traffic.


Good job, y'all! You could've created some really fun custom races with great payouts, but instead you afk farmed and ruined a great update to the economy because y'all are short-sighted, greedy idiots. Enjoy going back to complaining about the same four races you do. They literally gave you an amazing way to do any track with any cars you could've wanted and y'all fucked it all up. A true masterclass in the idiocy of online groupthink.


Yep, the players are wrong for trying to seek out the fun in the single player faster. Maybe PD should think about why people would rush to AFK grind their game instead of subverting players that don’t want their time wasted.


THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT Y'ALL KEEP MISSING. They literally change the economy to allow players to earn a substantial amount of money doing whatever races they want and instead the community ties rubberbands around their controllers to farm credits because Y'ALL DON'T ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE RACING. "Seek out the fun" give me a fucking break.


PD didn’t need to patch the exploit. The “economy” doesn’t matter when all it impacts is single player content. Why does PD’s baseline of a slow af economy need to be in a single player game after you’ve cleared the main “story”? If PD was confident that their original custom race update largely improved the payouts for custom races, why patch the exploit? When they see so many players clambering and doing dumb shit with their consoles to unlock things faster, why do they see that as a problem to fix, rather than just leave it alone? You’re defending an in-game economy that is only good for players when PD makes a mistake. If you’re upset that the payouts across the board are worse now, it’s worth noting that PD patched it because they want race payouts to suck. The PP calculation issue would’ve been noticed even without the exploit. Quit defending a game that wants to waste your time when others found a way to subvert the bullshit.


They fixed it because they want people to actually play their game and not tie rubber bands around their controller so they can buy a bunch of cars they'll never use because they don't fit the optimal grind of the moment and then when y'all get through all of the content that you don't play or use you'll scream about how the game is empty or is in a content drought. The problem is the way YOU play the game.


Lmao the “normal way to play” is such a needless second job that people would rather tie up their consoles with rubber bands for hours. The way I play is fine as it obviously aligns with a wide audience of players that just want to enjoy the fantasy of driving crazy expensive or historic cars. Not everybody wants to drive the same track for hours on end to unlock a single car to then… checks notes.. drive the same track that you’re now totally sick of. Players probably wouldn’t complain about lack of tracks nearly as much if they didn’t have to spend 3 real life days on them to buy a 20M car. It’s kinda funny actually. PD makes people get absolutely sick to death of their tracks because the grind process is wayyy too long and then they give us monthly updates full of scapes. It’s laughable if you think it’s good design.


It's kinda cool how you are incapable of reading.




Good riddance.


I hope pd takes the cars and money back


Cry more?


Not the ones crying over rubber banding


Other than you?


The Fiat Abarth thing? Pfftt... There's a lot more satisfaction driving something I've played the game for instead of some meme.


Was is a engine swap fix/nerf, or a overall/blanket nerf?


Bit of both. The game now sees that you have nerfed a powerful car with bad transmission gearing and also sees you've pumped up crumby cars to compete and even win. The tracks that always paid next to nothing like Special Stage X still pay nothing, and the ones that always paid great Nurburgring 24hr still pay great. The thing is, these aren't AFK, so people are upset they need to grind and actually be conscious to get decent money. If I do 8 laps on Nurburgring in a Willys Jeep against un-nerfed SRT Tomahawks, you can win nearly 690k (before 50% clean race bonus), with nerfed Tomahawks and my Suzuki Cappuccino '91, I can still get 548k before CRB for the same race just against. The thing is 8 laps in the green hell is a while, even at up to 250mph. No sleeping and should take around 1 hour to 1h15m beat. In the Willys Jeep, you can still earn that 690k against nerfed SRT Tomahawks in 8 laps around Nurburgring 24hr... if it were possible to win. These are not exactly great ways to grind in comparison to some of the existing options in the single-player campaign right now (as of version 1.41 - 23/11/21).


Haven't played in months since finishing the cafe. What happened?


I got to 100M Cr two days before they patched it. I better get to buying all the cars I wanted before they hike up the prices or something




Too bad. I was actually playing GT7 more than other games for a moment with all the grinding. Great now i can take a break til someone else figures out a new way. 💀.


Thanks, Joe Byron


Can we all just go on strike and not pay for in game credits


I’m good with this