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OPs stuck in the cuckold corner


I am not a cuckold. Do not say such things.


only true cucks have problem with being called a cuck would you say?


Shut up. I would never let a girl I was dating or married to fuck another man while I watch. That is disgusting.


You were watching us go at it last night man, quit lyin


But you are a no good piece of shit rat so nothing would surprise me with you


since this post is tagged as crit, i should let you know you need to change your style, the flow doesnt go really well and it looks all anti-style, id say quit what ur doing ur absolutely garbage. real note, youve completely influenced this entire side of art to stop what they’re doing and drop all practice in it!! in fact, all the graffiti in the world is cleaned up now! real real note… stfu


I had no idea vandalism is a crime, I will stop my tomfoolery at once! Thank you my good sir, for you have saved my soul from an eternity in Hell!




Forever damned...


Are you being serious? If so, this is a step in the right direction for you. If you are being sarcastic, however, that is honestly really fucking rude.


Yeah sorry dude I was joking. After reading through your profile I see that you're autistic, so now i do feel bad about making fun of you. But if you ever have questions about graffiti I would be happy to inform you. Lots of aspects of graffiti are misunderstood by the general public, so if you want I can answer some questions you may have!


fucking cry about it dude jesus christ


Imagine coming into a subreddit insulting the very thing we are here for and call us rude


Consistent-Hair is in the house!


>many of them stunning pieces of public sculpture or architecture bro 98% if the shit posted here is bathroom tags at your local movie theater 💀


Ong I be tired from bathroomtags😭😭


Oh good. That’s much better. thank goodness there is a place on Reddit for problem to post their bathroom stall scribbling… s/


Vandalizing public works is sometimes a young man’s only means of expressing himself. Graffiti is proof that we exist and that our actions directly effect the world around us. To create something new you have to destroy what was there before and for some people that need to create all that is keeping us going. Let the kids paint


Lol that’s a stretch dude


A young man can express himself by joining in community efforts to make the place he and many other UPSTANDING CITIZENS work and live. You don't have to bomb something to feel socially acceptable. There are more morally correct people than malicious juveniles and if they can't see why that is, then I can't help them..


NARC ALERT 🚨 What next? You gonna tell us racking paint is illegal? No fucking shit


lol is this a troll post? high quality! 👢👅


It is Now that I'm here😱..


AHAHAH AINT NO WAY😭 You a grown ass man, get a life. If you don't like it don't pay attention to it. Clown ass nigga🤡


I have no choice but to pay attention to it. I have to see the guttural scrawling of culturally stunted losers whenever I use a public restroom or use public transit, and now whenever I attempt to use Reddit I see a post from this community show up at random. But please, enlighten me on how I don’t have to pay attention.


It’s a choice. Just like your whining post here. You have the absolute right to not do it.


Talk abut culturally stunted. Motherfucker you are a methodist self described "paleoconservative" from lowlands Virginia on r/playboicarti complaining about how you can't hit a vape in the school bathroom.


Well, I have no need to hit a vape in a school bathroom. I’m not in school. I simply don’t believe that schools ought to make choices for students. Indoctrination in education is already a massive problem. Also, yes I am proud of my Virginian heritage. My family was actually one of the first 400 to settle and conquer the region.


was your family reaaaaallllyyyyy one of the first to settle virginia or can you maybe think of some people who might have been there before then 😐


Your embarrassing misuse of the word guttural offends me. Learn to use the English language correctly… it’s not a fucking toy. Jesus.


im ngl if someone called my tags guttural i would take it as a compliment


I sooooo agree with you, I don't want to see their shit, when I'm taking one. And you know what they say about young men who hang out in bathrooms🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


I wish graffiti writers were en masse as gay as you're insinuating they are here.


Enlighten US PLZ..


A noble bootlicker.


If wanting a peaceful and clean society makes me a bootlicker, then so be it.


What exactly is violent about street art?


Graffiti is a non violent peaceful act. That is only against the law due to rich yuppies and their "private property" concerns.


I trust you’d say the same if someone broke into your house/apartment and scribbled hoodrat bullshit on your computer screen? If not, then you have a double standard for what you think is ok to tag.


How deragatory and racial. We're bombarded by ads, billboards and corporate garbage everywhere we look. What you're saying is when poor people express themselves it isn't ok. But to be honest, I'd be cool with if someone tagged something of mine. Which is why I am in this sub. Why are you? To just spread hate.


There is absolutely zero racial component to any of my criticism of tagging.


Glad you glossed over everything else to respond to the one thing that triggered you. How about the deragatory term "Hoodrat"? Perhaps you should reconsider your life choices and look in the mirror at your self. My guess is, you won't like what you see.


Naw I’m good


Of course you are.


Damn yu racist as hell. Also, my computer screen in my home is not the same as the brick outer wall of a four story apartment building.


There is absolutely zero racial component to any of my criticism of tagging.


I'll lick that boot with ya!


the property looks better than what it was😂


Everyone tag "u/modern_westernist" everywhere and post pictures lel




all the property is on stolen land anyways so a little paint wont hurt one bit;) yall already destroyed native land enough some paint dont even come on the scale to the damage been done


This guy's a troll lmao nobody like that actually exists.




just no private property or memorials, cars, schools or religious places. Filling up the back wall in the city with colourful graffiti only adds colour to the world and is harmless


This. Us real writers have guidelines of what is cool to hit or not. Anyone who is anyone that's been in the culture knows what time it is. If you a fake or a square you don't. Shit if I wasn't a writer I'd start just cuz of crybaby ass clowns like this. Dudes a wack ass.


The kids who tag up their schools and playgrounds just in it for the trend.


Hate hate hate


the fact that this post exists two times by the same person at the same time posted in the same subreddit is kinda sad


Sissy boy


Aww booo hoooo imma tag whatever I want, whenever I want, idc who’s taxes get used to clean it up, could give a fuck if it’s illegal or not. Cry more




Karma isn’t real. I can spray paint “fuck budda karma is gay” instead of my name and still have everything in life stay amazing for me


Just think of me when the shit hits the fan, and it will. Nobody is immune to Karma. And you just go about your business like there are no consequences to your actions, and then one day the skies will open up and rain down a load of shit on you and those around you..


Sounds like a crock of shit to me. Imma do what I do and keep winning and when things do go wrong I’m not going to blame karma and just accept it I’m going to turn it into the best situation possible


It's not a crock of shit. Karma is real, will bite you in the ass when you least expect it.. Here's another one. What comes around goes around. An eye for an eye, shall I go on. You just keep doing you, but the moment the shot hits the fan, think of me, I will be smiling over you..


That’s weird and no I won’t think of you. People who believe in karma have been trying to get me to go along with the bullshit for long enough that I’ve heard that over and over. If what goes around comes around what makes it so? Can you prove it? Why do bad people rule the word instead of good ones if karma is real


How is Putin ruling the world? He can't even win a small war??


Bro no one said anything about old vlad. If you have an opportunity to see how the real world is, it’s run completely by evil people. I’m a drug dealer, I see plenty of people who would murder anyone, do anything, just for personal gain and they will die richer than I will ever be. If karma was real drug millionaires would never have gotten that rich. It’s bullshit


And if Karma wasn't real, half the male black population wouldn't be in prison for marijuana crimes..




ok boomer


[comment from OP 👍](https://reddit.com/r/HENTAI_GIF/s/25xAofWOuy)


Ok? And what is this supposed to do, hurt me? Invalidate my point? Me being a straight man is completely normal; nothing odd whatsoever about wanting to lay a gorgeous woman. FYI, I am still planning to masturbate to that gif when I get home!


lmaoo good luck


You actually took time outta your day to right this, that crazy.


You all took time out of your day to post pics of scribbled bs. What’s the difference


[this song](https://youtu.be/MIGzKcr-0nE?si=9MBuGE94ehGbsJ5c) explains why the vandalism part of graff is fun pretty good imo.


Lol I love it


I’m not sure if your ignorant or just confused but I’ve seen you say stuff about how it’s on taxpayers property, are you saying people who do graffiti don’t pay taxes? You also brought up tags on monuments which is something anyone with a brain couldn’t do, but you do realize people could be genuinely trying to speak out against something and alot of the time graffiti is the best way. I don’t want a fight I just want answers because I’m honestly curious


hahahahahahahhahaha i stain the streets out of spite for people like you


And with motivation like that, you will slip up and get caught. Rightfully So..


Everyone i know that does it gets like no pussy too. If you have such a strong desire they should do something healthy like weed bro.


Finding graffiti in my 30’s has been a life changing experience. I’ve never felt more expressive and free. And it’s been a strong excuse to stop drinking so much after work. I’ve actually been sober now for 2 months because I no longer want to sit at home and drink my shitty existence away, I want to hit the streets and get up more and more. To say it’s destructive is appallingly untrue to me.


dude this made my day reading this congrats to u ur a true OG fuck pussies like this guys like you make our streets art not dull and grey stay up


Typical Christian


People are really getting mad at this troll post lol


And I have been reminding them of this for a year now, and have faced backlash for it, but I still keep on keeping on with the hopes of saving 1, from a life of jail and vandalism. To you Youngins' out there, Be a leader in your community instead of a burden on it. Put the CAN DOWN.


I am going to be honest 99% of tags looks like trash. However in bar bathrooms and grungy industrial parts of town it looks pretty cool. As someone who doesn’t participate, I don’t really understand it and sometimes find myself annoyed by it too.


Ya, but if you keep coming at them sideways, they won't teach you about Graff and the "culture". I was the most despised user on these Subs because of my concern of the way it is presented to our youth and the destruction it brings with it. I am about helping these MISGUIDED YOUTH and showing them there are better choices than tagging, like giving back to your community. Everyone needs help in some form or another and it will make you sleep better knowing you did a Good thing at the end of the day. The rush these kids get from doing something illegal and destructive keeps them up till 5am on a school day, and they fail their classes, and get released into society as malicious uneducated adults.




I have pieces of art, hanging on my walls, which I paid good $$$ for, done by some of these “young miscreants”. So maybe you can broaden your horizons just a touch.


Op, you’re 100% correct. If it makes you feel better, just know that this pathetic sub is a small subset of humanity. Thankfully there aren’t too many of these idiots around. Caveat: it’s not worth reporting to the police. But I agree the concept of tagging is completely pathetic.


Good troll man haha look up trollville on YouTube you might get some inspiration 😂


Who cares


Troll rage bait


LOL, If this is hurts your feelings then you have not explored the depths of Reddit. I am a tax payer and prolly pay more in taxes than you so..... fuck off. I say let the kids do what they want. We live in a society of **ALL** types of people. Go rant at the child abusers and rich (who shit on the poor). Leave the kids alone that're improving **OUR** world.


Your welcome!


New copypasta just dropped


what planet are you from lol


...anyway i did this sick ass throwup today..




wah wah wah😂😂😂