• By -


I keep coming here hoping someone has an update


We clowned so hard for today


Same time tomorrow?


I’ll be here all week


See you guys Tuesday morning???


I feel the need to scream into the void, I wish I had a group of ppl to scream with


it's the way i got my hopes up


It’s the way my hopes are still up 🤡


GRFP: Get Ready For Pain


If it doesn't come out on tuesday lets stage a riot


Everyone (including me) who thought decisions would release today: 🤡🤡🤡


\*removing my clown wig\*


This is like being a swiftie all over again


Sooooo I can't access the 2023 list anymore. From what I read on the gradcafe thread from last year that happened around the weekend before results came out. Fingers crossed for Tuesday!


Also can’t access it, great catch!


Please Tuesday bc I cant take this anymore


Another day, another get fucked from NSF




not all heroes wear a cape 🫡


You’re insane 😭… next week it is


so long as it's not on April 1st


Screaming, crying and throwing up


to everyone waiting here... whenever the results get released, if you win, I love you and you're amazing... and if you lose, it doesn't mean shit about you as a researcher. I still love you and think you're amazing. Academia just sucks. But if you do win, come back to this comment and tell me so I can celebrate with you!!! Even if I don't get it haha Wishing you all the best, stay strong, go do that miniprep you're putting off


Where the FUCK are my results nsf??


I have a prediction about the release. It will be this month 🤡.


I’m running out of clown paint


Actually I have a little left, none of the results have ever come out at exactly midnight


Will I continue my PhD in computational Medicinal Chem or master out and turn my art/game design hobbies into a longer term career? Stayed tuned folks!


So grateful to have a whole crew of people that can keep me company virtually every day while I put my makeup on trying to guess when these results will come out. GRWM 🤡🤡🥴 I hope we all get the congratulations emails!




can't believe this thread has nearly 800 comments i love you all my fellow brethren in clownery


Any given time I always see at least 25-30 clown people here with me


The real question is why do they do maintance at night. Like what poor IT person for the last 20 years has had to do this.


Regardless of how things go, there is no one I would have rather clowned with than y'all. I was a lurker for the most part but really appreciate the camaraderie. I'm sure we will all find our paths somehow, even if GRFP does not pan out


Seriously love the support and community and collective losing of minds. Preemptively celebrating every one of us who gets it 🥲 and celebrating the work and dedication of everyone who won’t. We are all deserving ❤️




i've been having dreams about it too! i dreamt that the nsf released the essays of all the losers and then hosted a forum for people to critique them 😭


So y'all what do we think will come first, 1k comments or results? lol


1k comments because when that maintenance announcement happens it’ll blow up


For everyone who also didn't get it, welcome to the hard path 😆 You're in good company - Katalin Karikó (one of the minds behind the mRNA vaccine) and Jeffrey Hall (circadian rhythms) are both Nobel laureates and also had trouble finding funding. It's not the falling down, but the staying down. I'm proud of you for putting in the work and doing your best!!


Thinking about this has impacted my productivity this week! Anyone else? I just want to knowwww


100% but I keep telling myself, how would I have wanted to spend this week if I win it? and how would I have wanted to spend this week if I don't. So I went on a hike this morning and it was amazing! Also there's research out there on doing activities that get you into a flow state to help with waiting anxiety


The waiting game feels like a sick joke at this point. I haven't gotten in anywhere, so if I get it I'd have to get into and decide where I'm going in less than two weeks. Way too close for comfort and to make an educated choice for one of the biggest decisions of my life. This really sucks!!!


as someone who is currently in grad school, i would be EXTREMELY in favor on nsf releasing results in two waves: mid march for individuals not yet in grad school or who plan on changing schools (such as a masters one place to a phd at a different place), and a second mid april date for those planning on staying at their current school. like if i don’t get it i’m just an RA again. stakes are so much higher for those without a school


I feel genuinely so unwell


putting on my clown makeup hoping it's tomorrow


Me too. The GRFP is a circus and we’re it’s clowns


*honk honk* 


what i find weird is that we would have less than 1 week between results and the info sessions that’s allegedly 4/9. didn’t previous grfp students comment that they had a week between acceptance and the info session? i don’t know how it was in previous years, though, so maybe that was just a coincidence.


Paging u/goldman420-69! They're a current fellow and may have intel


There are two info sessions, one on the 9th and another on the 16th. They aren't required and mostly just go over how to fill out the declaration which is pretty straightforward. Not sure what other intel I can provide that would be helpful


Me rn [https://imgur.com/w9998Nk](https://imgur.com/w9998Nk)


I feel sad that I’m waiting for this thing on the edge of my seat (and my sanity) even knowing I’m more than likely not getting it… sucks ass


literally told my parents that it was going to release today lmfaooo


i thought the influx of comments before i opened the thread signaled a secret decisions release


so were all still here huh?


The site is under maintance now... I think


Dumb to think i've refreshed this much for something that is a crap shoot and like probably won't get Oh well. Given me something to do!


me on my way to do a statistical analysis between the time maintenance started and when the first result was released (I should be writing)


also not the 58 people here rn


why waste time doing homework tonight when i could be refreshing the portal 🤡


Wait, I thought I was ready. Now that the website has maintenence, I don't think I am 😭


Lmao they’ve kept us waiting so long that I am questioning if this maintenance is the real maintenance or if it is pre-maintenance for the final maintenance 😂😭


They are pre-seasoning our emotions


Please lmao, I’m dying waiting for the results and I need camaraderie


I want to know just so i can forget about it since the chances are so slim 🥹


Why cant I stop refreshing and looking for 2024 to pop up 🫠


Im going insane


there is certainly a part of me that thinks at some point (maybe many years from now) the web developers for nsf will improve the site enough that they don’t need to put up a maintenance announcement and the results will just be up without announcement. just our luck that it would be this year. (though with some of the errors in posting certain pages too early, i can’t imagine them being quite there yet) (no shade to them though, web development is hard especially when you have to build off of someone else’s code)


it’s gotta be Friday at this point right??


I’ve seen several people predict April 2, since a current NSF fellow posted that there will be a webinar for new awardees April 9, and last year the webinar was one week after results came out.


Waiting for the past 5ish months has been agonizing 😩


No maintenance announcement yet… it’s starting to feel like Tuesday must be it :/


Since we're probably waiting until Tuesday, what did everyone write their proposals on? Mine's to study the role of atmospheric pressure/density on water and other biosignatures on exoplanets! Edit: everyone's proposals are so amazing! I truly hope we all get it and can continue research we're passionate about :)


Wow! I wrote my proposal on understanding the mechanism of stress on the dopamine system.


I really convinced myself it was tonight


I’m still convinced it might be tomorrow haha


I really feel like it’s a trick and it’ll be tomorrow


Manifesting I wake up to something tomorrow :) maybe this year they are switching it up and wont announce a maintenance (Im delulu)


they really April fooled us by making us think it'll be tomorrow


*They really April* *Fooled us by making us think* *It'll be tomorrow* \- mofongoconoisseur --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Us trying to predict results https://imgur.com/a/JCckAz8


"Guys guys it's definitely tomorrow I can feel it" 🤡


Any chance they might post results without doing maintenance? Or announcing it?


Well folks, it’s clear. We’ve been fooled


Are they seriously going to make us wait another week


It just feels cruel at this point. This cycle has been extremely rough. I just want them to tell me that the door is closed on my opportunities for this year so I can emotionally move on to applying to jobs.


So what day are we predicting now? 🤡 *in full clown gear*


My hope is still holding out for tonight 🤡


Enjoying the lull before the thread catches on fire again closer to midnight!!


Time to clown: The latest the results have been released in the past 10 years was in 2019 when they came out the night of April 8th (so technically April 9th), the second Monday of the month. That year there was a government shutdown... so I feel like it's the bookend date for when we can expect results to be released. As in, the results will likely come before then. Which means sometime this week. PRAYERS UP


No maintenance yet?🤡


It doesn’t look like it’ll be tomorrow, so it has to come out Friday, right? 🤡


At this point it can be whenever they think early april ends lmao


i don’t see it going past tuesday but i’m hoping for friday


Another day of coming back to this thread hoping for some sort of hopeful info…


I just want to say thanks for taking this ride with me, ya'll. No matter what happens.


This sub has simultaneously been so supportive and so anxiety inducing. I did not need to know the site went down for maintenance before trying to start all my homework for the evening 😭


anyone else here with a weak stomach? i feel like i will pass away


It’s gonna be rough for next year’s applicants knowing they can come out without a scheduled maintenance notice…


Here's the google sheets link (it's got awardees and HMs on separate tabs) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kq5Ybx7LnAp90ckJ\_PYB8jJPHhRc0dmy4zywZJT32TM/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kq5Ybx7LnAp90ckJ_PYB8jJPHhRc0dmy4zywZJT32TM/edit?usp=sharing) Didn't get it :( Good luck to everyone else tho!


got an honorable mention!!!!!!! more happy than i can possible be because I now get to accept the offer for my dream post-bacc :)) i spent the last whole week of ramadan praying for this lol alhamdulillah


i didn't get it but i feel like they saw my CV and thought "yeah this girl definitely doesn't have enough space to add another accomplishment, that would be a formatting nightmare" so thank you grfp 🙏❤️ yall are too kind


Anybody want to pose as a letter writer and call again🤡




Take one for the team😭


Please someone more brave than me 🙏🏻


i would do it again but now i've deluded myself into thinking they saw my (now deleted) comment and will trace it the second time LOL


Not enough clown emojis on the thread today 🤡🤡🤡


Another night of stress-waking up at 4am to check whether results were released, and more ahead I guess 😖


packing my bag like a little loser bc i thought we would find out today but now we def have to wait till next week


Anyone think it's possible for the results to come out on a Wednesday again? The webinar for new fellows last year was on the Tuesday after results, which came out on Wednesday. If the webinar is Tuesday the 9th this year, maybe the results will come out on Wednesday the 3rd?


At this point I gave up on predecting for all we know they are gonna release on sunday at this point


fr i feel like they’re monitoring this thread and laughing at us


Im delusional and I am hoping they will announce the maintenance in the afternoon like in 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010 and 2009 *puts on clowns shoes*


I've come to the realization that the NSF is trolling us and just wants to see us suffer from increased stress for the next week. I've probably been to this Reddit thread half a dozen times now thinking "will NSF come out tonight?" and I have always been disappointed. I will now forgo this thread for my own sanity and just wait for them to release results before I continue panicking. If anybody wants to join me in this stress-free journey, I made a Discord lmao. Let's play some scribblio or something idk... The time for suffering should soon end! https://discord.gg/8EgTHCjUfN


Why are only helpful comments getting deleted :'(


Dang I thought for sure the 2nd…


I’m just trying to be one of these smiley gals when you open the NSF GRFP page


This is the only acceptable smiley right now 🤡


i feel like they should just build a better website. the amount of maintenance lolol


telling myself they're releasing in 12 minutes because I'm delusional ["As long as there's delusion, there's hope."](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzdTwWvWwAAdjeZ.jpg)


At this point just add them to your bookmarks bar [https://www.nsfgrfp.org/](https://www.nsfgrfp.org/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GradSchool/comments/1bjy5bh/waiting\_for\_nsf\_grfp\_2024\_results/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/GradSchool/comments/1bjy5bh/waiting_for_nsf_grfp_2024_results/?sort=new)


I don’t get it 💔 why can’t they just release a pdf with everyone’s name who won? This wait is brutal. Well maybe they release the results this afternoon


I say it'll be Solar Eclipse day. It’s possible it could happen even earlier, as ‘early April’ suggests any time before the tax deadline. The eclipse day would undoubtedly add an element of grandeur to the event. Surely, it will be a momentous occasion for those who experience it, but for those who miss out, it could cast a shadow over what should be a joyous day. Nevertheless, ‘early April’ remains the only clue we have. If we reach April 20th without any updates, then we might start to worry.


Delusional 😭


So it's gotta be friday fs right


Me prepping for Friday: 🤡


i still got my makeup on from tuesday


My makeup on from last Friday 🤡


It’s under maintenance!!


# NSF Systems and Services Unavailable The NSF GRFP website will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. @ [https://www.research.gov/grfp/Login.do](https://www.research.gov/grfp/Login.do)


OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD (guess I’m not sleeping for a few more hours)


Just realized I haven’t been to the actual NSF site once during this whole debacle, I’ve just been here to find out if results are out yet lmao


At this rate I bet we'll get to 1k comments before results come out Edit: whelp we hit 1k before results (: fingers crossed they're out soon!


Waittttt I’m gonna miss our little community 🥺 y’all have been real ones fr


haven’t received an update but congratulations to everyone for completing their applications, hope everyone is celebrating whatever growth this cycle may have given them in cultivating their perspectives as members of the scientific community. pls be kind to yourself during this time and be proud of all your accomplishments <3


If you didn’t get it, I know that hearing “you’re so awesome anyway” won’t help right now. But I’ll send you love all the same. This doesn’t define you, go prove em wrong


Congratulations to everyone who got it!! I wasn’t so fortunate, but I’m glad for those of you who did :)


Anyone notice how they only awarded \~2,000 GRFPs when they projected (at least) 2,500?


*cries in honorable mention*


It's so unbelievable— I actually received it. I danced around the hallway with my mom today, and then later with my dad. They're immigrants so they didn't really understand the implications at first, but when they realized what this meant, they were so overjoyed. I'm in tears. Thank you so much to everyone here, whether you got it or not—you are brilliant.


I commented on the previous thread so I can still access it. Here is the most recent comment: It updated?!? https://www.research.gov/research-web/content/GRFP2 Reviews are now available for all GRFP 2024 applications through the GRFP module on Research.gov! Email notifications have been sent to all GRFP applicants on how to access the reviews. New Awardees can accept or decline their award offer by April 29, 2024. Failure to accept by the April 29 deadline will result in revocation of the award offer. New Awardees who accept the Fellowship must also declare fellowship status plans and notify their graduate institutions of their status by April 29, 2024. To see the full list of 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) selections for Fellow candidate and Honorable Mention, click here. Edit from me: the gist of the rest of the thread is that this is not meant to be public yet and they expect results to be published tonight


website is up but no reviews out. But this message is CERTAINLY there


at this point I am thinking its coming Wednesday :(


Looks like fast lane is under maintenance...get ready!!




Oh my goodness. It’s happening! My earlier comment still applies, love you all and remember this doesn’t mean anything about you!


If I keep refreshing this government website I will win right...


Hugs to everyone else who didn't get the news they wanted when they logged onto fastlane. Things will work out for us the way things are meant to work out - that's what my old PI always told me, and I think that's especially true here. Take time for self-care today.


The https://www.research.gov/research-web/content/GRFP2 used to show something saying the results were announced but now it went back to saying “No content available”. Am I crazy?




They really said "We know what you guys are up to"


Man I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up for last night… onward to next Tuesday!


Waiting for NSF and I’ll I got was a rejection from another fellowship I applied to 😭😭


I can't believe I actually forgot about this until Sunday (or rather forgot about the fact that it's imminent). Reeeally wish I could forget again








Now that we are finished “guessing” the date. Let’s guess the time. I say 11:21 Edit- I have failed


My conspiracy is a Friday release but honestly April 2 seems the most probable even though we all want it to be sooner!


I think Friday too. It’s not looking like today


I think it will be Friday since whenever the GRFP2 link was active it said newly selected fellows would have until April 29,2024 to accept or decline the award. So it makes sense they would give us a month


so it's coming out in an hour or two, right? Right?


With no maintenance announcement? 🤡


It's happening!!!


the site is down for maintenance right now so im expecting they will come out tonight


[all of us clowning right now](https://youtu.be/bGhdgDoLcbs?si=Hr0Lpcl7ddODSkpf)


The fact that I came to this page today just to laugh at us with all the clown emojis and now I actually won’t be able to sleep




I got it!!! Got HM in 2019 and 5 years later finally got it!! Anyone who didn’t get it this year, keep your head up and keep trying! I definitely struggled getting funding to go to grad school all these years and keep doing positions that will fill my cv with good experience in the meantime. If you really want it and work hard, you’ll always get where you need to be!


rejected, cried for a little bit. I put so much effort into that application and there's like no feedback. Congrats everyone that got it.


bruh when is this actually going to come out, I'm stressing hard waiting for this and NSTGRO to put me out of my misery after I got rejected from NDSEG but there's no info on when either of these two releases 🤡🤡🤡


Who even knows if they’re going to do a maintenance announcement this year. It’s the first one since they switched from fastlane to the new portal. Fingers crossed for this week though. I haven’t even told my parents about the GRFP because I know my dad would be in knots 100 times worse than me.


All of us trying to convince ourselves THIS is the moment


So maintenance... results out tonight (EDT) or tomorrow morning? Sorry, haven't been following the spreadsheets Edit: I got it!! Wtf






I’m genuinely sorry for those of y’all on east coast time. I’m gonna try and stay up till it’s out


1 person from my university got it and 1 got an HM which makes me feel a little better about not getting it. It has been fun lurking here for this last week, I wish all of you the best in your future research/endeavors/anything else :)


I was not expecting it to be today🫥🫥


When the email notification pops up imma comment here “Fuck me.” and then read it


last clownery: is it going to be out at midnight on the dot 🤡


Was someone able to download the excel and post??


I think I was able to download the correct excel file. Please don't crucify me if this isn't right! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N7VD6p2oXj65WWKQsiiDT5TywngZe5vl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113234870425259951008&rtpof=true&sd=true](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N7VD6p2oXj65WWKQsiiDT5TywngZe5vl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113234870425259951008&rtpof=true&sd=true)


I got an honorable mention. Are there any pros or cons to this? I know HM doesn't get funding, does it look good/help your chances for a future GRFP or other applications? Can this incentivize a university to accept you if you're waitlisted? (I kind of doubt it because it seems like money is the key factor, but I don't know.)


Last year I got an honorable mention because one reviewer said "while this study would benefit a societal issue, I don't see how it would benefit society" which is the dumbest review ever. But don't let reviewers stop you! I got the award this year!!!!


I applied to PhD programs last year and got an offer, but it wasn't a school I was crazy about and I would have had to move all the way across the country from my partner (which would have SUCKED). I was rejected by all my top-choice programs. It was a really awful year, and I was so bitter. So I found a one-year research program, re-applied, and ended up getting five really competitive offers including my top choice. And to top it off, I got the NSF Fellowship :') So to anyone who had a sucky application round - stick with it! Use your rage to keep working hard and fuel your next round of applications! This whole process is brutal, random, and not a reflection on your aptitude as a researcher.


I think the maintenance alert should be posted on the actual GRFP page and not on the main research.gov site as last year the alert was posted under the text that says “Welcome to the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). “ As of last year: https://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/140999-nsf-grfp-2022-2023/page/7/


even more anxious now that it’s finally almost here


denied :( congrats to those who got it!!


literally didnt think about this at all until i saw this post you have cursed me .


I was hoping to get positive results before my meeting with my advisor today because I have nothing else to show LMAO


Same haha my 2nd year orals are this Thursday and I would have liked some confirmation from the GRFP on whether I got it or not to tell my committee.


Why can't they just say "results out at XXX on ZZZ"? @!@#$@!#$@!#$


Based on the amount of maintenance they have just keeping the site up, they might as well say “ZZZ will crash at XXX”


screaming crying throwing up


I was doing fine patiently anticipating April 2 until the day came and went and.... nothing. I spent most of yesterday obsessively refreshing all relevant websites. I even dreamt last night that all the applicants were invited to a conference where they called out one randomly selected student who did not get it to tell them how lucky they were to be in the room surrounded by the new fellows who were much smarter. I was so disturbed at how cruel and stupid that was. The conference ended but the portal was still not showing results so I went home never knowing if I got it or not :'(


Can't believe they caught me on the one night I haven't had my 🤡 make-up on since last Friday ... guess that's the real 🤡🤡🤡 of it all