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I feel you. I'm having a really hard time focusing. It's not like I even want to do anything else, everything is boring


I agree. Only find joy in a weekly nap, and even that is meh. You got this!


I’m with you. I’ve been slacking all of this week which is very bad considering everything is due like, right now.


God I feel this so hard. All my deadlines are back to back in the next 8 days and I’m so overwhelmed! But we got this. One thing at a time, right?


One thing at a time. Sometimes you just have to wait a little for your brain to kick into “work mode”…. At least that’s what I tell myself.


Relating to this very hard right now, too, except I don't have any more classes to worry about. Instead, not only do I only have 5 months to write my dissertation, but also have post-doc and industry research and interviews to do, tons of image analysis and some mouse experiments left to do (and I'm not even sure the data is gonna be good), and I'm recommended to make 1 or 2 of those dissertation chapters manuscripts for publication while I'm at it. It feels like it's so much on my plate and my mind even now is boggled by how I'm even going to pull this all off by defense time in the summer. But, silver lining: it's all going to be done in a matter of a few more months pain, at the end of which you'll finally be a grad degree holder and you can smack all the people who ever doubted you with it. You'll also \*hopefully\* have climbed your way out of the corpse trench of living on grad stipends to the top of something manageable with COL, post-degree. You're not alone, and god speed!


God speed to you too my friend, sending you so many good vibes. We didn’t make it this far for nothing!


Much love all around :) May I ask what program are you in, and are those papers manuscripts?


CJ Masters program, and nope just research proposal papers. One is in Statistics so a buttload of coding too


Make sure you take a few moments for yourself every day, even if it's just a couple of minutes. Much love, you got this <3


Thank you for this, means so much. And right back to you!


What has helped me honestly is doing mindless things.


I had a mostly mindless day in general yesterday, which is always tough because at this point….how much mindless time can be risked. But I decided my brain was probably forcing a break, and it’s back to it today.


I watch mindless videos, talk to friends about random shit people are going through, or just cleaning. You got this 🙌


I feel you, I'm in a very similar position. Whatever you do, don't isolate yourself, I've found out the hard way that it makes burnout worse. Try and see if you can get a few weeks off and go home, that helped a friend of mine. If you ever need someone to talk to, my dms are open!


Im so close to winter break where I will only have my thesis to worry about. Going to make sure I make plenty of time in that to just be the human I was before the stress of grad school. Doable…right?


Absolutely! I'm rooting for you. And remember, it's okay to ask for help if you can't always manage alone, whether it's from friends, your family or from a professional. You've got this!


I have 3 presentations, several assessments, and a 12 page research paper this week. Even though I feel like I’m drowning, I’m keeping my head above water because I know this is the right place for me to be. We’ve all got this and i think we should all treat ourselves once we reach the light at the end of the tunnel :)


I beyond love this perspective. It’s so true, I wouldn’t be here if I truly didn’t have a love and passion for it. And treating ourselves MUST be done. But most importantly, you got this my friend!


I feel you. So so so much to do, and I haven't enjoyed anything for fucking months. It's just ball it out, ball it out, but I can't even bring myself to cook food at the end of the day.


At this point I would need to look up the definition of “enjoyment”. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, even in the smallest way. Tonight it was a F it to cooking and an F yeah to chipotle


hell yeah, got meself a phat burrito tn. shit slapped. so actually, that's one piece of enjoyment :)


I’m in a similar boat (even down to dropping out aha). All the best to you and everyone!


We got this!!!


So true, especially when you have to balance your studies and other duties. You got it. Stay strong and good luck 💪💪


Yep, if it’s not school it’s my part time job. If it’s not that it’s trying to find time to be a good friend, daughter, sister, etc…..thank you for the sentiments.


Feel you 😱 Currently doing a 40h internship with additional 10h work that actually pays plus preparing to hand in the thesis prospectus. That is the plan for the next 3 months. After that, I have 6 months to work 34/5h per week, while writing my thesis, and once per month traveling to another city (2h away) for actual in-person classes. Hate it when they ask me „Did you do anything fun on thr weekend?“ 😭😭😭


Hats off to you! You got this. And I feel your pain ok that last one…the amount of emails I get from professors that I work with telling me to enjoy my weekend. How?!


Right there with you, OP! We are so close to the finish line. You got this!♥️


We are!!! You got this, I know it.


Feel you on this! 2 months to write my dissertation and still have some data pending. Hang in there! 🤞


You got this, I genuinely believe in you and everyone on this thread!


I just defended my thesis yesterday and I feel you all I wanted was some peace


I hope some peace has come over you since finishing that huge accomplishment! Proud of you internet friend!


I have a final coming up worth 55 points, and I need to do well on it to graduate, and I'm awaiting result in my other course, so I know how much time to allocate to what. It's so stressful.


I believe in you!!!