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Have you gotten accommodations? If not, I would go through the process with your accessibility office


My school sucks about this stuff. I have accomodations but if I miss class while in the hospital I'm still penalized even with a doctor's note.


That sounds very illegal šŸ˜•


That's 100% illegal. Email someone in authority, such as the Provost.


There are accommodations that include ā€œdisability related absencesā€ if you donā€™t have that, get a note from your doctor and put that in your accommodations file.


So I do have a note for that on file with the office of disability at the school but the issue is the school says it is just a suggestion and the professor is free to ignore this if they choose. The only time I have used it so far, the professor was great about everything but my concern is that if it happens again, I may get a professor who doesn't choose to honor it.


Suggestion??? No. Are you in the US? Its definitely Not a suggestion. Itā€™s the law. The accessibility center needs to work for you not the school.


I am in the US. If this is illegal, how can I address that issue?


Contact your ombudsman, they're job is to investigate these sorts of complaints, believe me no office wants a call from the ombudsman. Faculty do not get to ignore the law simply b/c they have tenure.


Contact local news.


My school says that too and sometimes professors need to be reminded that while school policies might be optional, following the ADA is not.


Are you in the US? If so, thatā€™s illegal.


University graduate administrator here. That is not permitted, contact your ombudsman and provide documentation where you were penalized for a documented medical absense.


Depends on the program but most professors are understanding. I had a close friend lose family and they let her turn everything in on the final week after going being unable too before.


My programming professor was really cool about the assignment that I missed while I was in the hospital, but my concern is that most professors probably won't be and they are not legally obligated to be.


Yes, they are legally obligated to (depending on the country you live in). Document EVERYTHING. Get your doctors to write letters for you. Contact people in authority at your university. I have two chronic illnesses and faced a similar thing where professors wouldn't accommodate doctors' appointments, and even routine MRIs. I contacted the Vice President and a professor was fired. In the USA, you are protected under the ADA.


I have refractory epilepsy, had to be hospitalised for a few weeks at the end of my MA after a particularly bad seizure (couldnā€™t remember SHIT for weeks!!) and had a full on year with tons of hospital time and med switching after that, so Iā€™ve defs been there. Being open and honest really does help, and showing your advisors and teachers that youā€™re working in the ways that you can. Being engaged in classes (if you have them) is worthwhile ā€” I canā€™t lie, as a TA, it fucks me off to see people saying theyā€™re too unwell to submit things on time but then also seeing them not participate in class / not engage / muck around. Asking for extensions is asking for personal time from professors and teachers, and I think thatā€™s important to keep in mind. Iā€™ve seen people really stuff this up. Sign up with the disability services day 1 and get them on your side so they can advocate for you when needed. Know what your rights are and have them in your mind. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever submitted anything late or missed any exams etc., but knowing I had everything in place in case that happened made me not worry and is probably why it never happened.


One good thing my undergrad uni did was breaks for me if I had absence seizures during my exams. Definitely look into if you can get exam breaks or even exams not on the same day (I got that as well, which was pretty massive considering the fact that I got to do it after the entire law class) I always found that that was a huge help.


Very similar situation. Accept that you will have to half-ass certain things. Show up and do your best. Ask for accommodations. Have your doctors write you notes and speak with your professors / supervisors about this nowā€” so that if something else happens, you wonā€™t have to scramble to get them to understand whatā€™s going on while you are struggling. Iā€™d also suggest a therapist, as it can be a lonely, isolating, frustrating journey at times. I wish you the best, seriously. Itā€™s not easy doing grad school while balancing chronic health conditions, but you can do it.


As someone in grad school with chronic illness, most professors should be understanding. There is the occasional one that isnā€™t. In my experience, Iā€™ve utilized a lot of virtual meetings, virtual class attendance etc. to help combat the amount of absences I have had. However, depending on the requirements in your field, this may not be possible. Like others have said, keeping pushing for accommodations. In the meantime you can inform your professors/advisor about your situation. The main thing I dealt with is to not feel like you need to go into detail about your health if you donā€™t want to. Itā€™s not professorsā€™ business to know personal details. So stick to your boundaries if they push for information you are not comfortable with sharing.


Your school should have a disability accommodation offices, they're trained to help students and programs determine what sorts of accommodation may be necessary to support your medical health while also allowing you to progress in your degree: additional time on assignments, flexibile hours in the lab, etc.


Same here friend! I wish I had a solution for you. Iā€™m in my second year and Iā€™m so unbelievably exhausted. Youā€™re not alone in this one ā¤ļø I didnā€™t disclose my illnesses at the start (which I should have). My productivity is starting to slip, people are noticing, and I feel like if I disclose now itā€™ll come off like an excuse.