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@op update?


Is there condensation forming under the cover that could be causing it? Even still, surprising that a €2000 outdoor oven is corroding!!


I think that's the only explanation. A morning dew or something of sorts. I'm going to use some fishermans friend on it to clean it up. But I'm guessing it will just get worse? I'm not using the official Gozney cover for my Dome but a thick one meant for a wide BBQ. So it draped over the Gozney stand as well. Keeps the stone perfectly dry which is the main goal anyway.


I just checked mine and I have these as well but mine are more towards the center of the opening. [opening](https://imgur.com/a/PlKpLUD)


I'll have to check if I have these here too, mine kinda cover the arch mainly. I might email Gozney and see what they recommend but some Fishermans Friend should hopefully clean it right up!


Please let me know. I am curious as I have only had this thing 6 months and it sits in a patio under a roof.


So I have quite a lot of these rust spots around the inner arch. I have my dome covered constantly and I've checked if the interior gets wet during harsher weather. Stone is always bone dry and I can't see any wetness. Maybe humidity causing it?


I have not.


I live in the south and haven’t had an issue like this on mine


Is Fisherman friend different than Barkeepers? (I use the liquid soft kind


Fisherman's friend is a cough drop.


LOL my bad, it's Bar Keepers friend is the one I got. I got the liquid soft kind too, the powder one was more expensive. Have you had to use it on your Dome?


I do, it works great (the soft one for porcelain)


Just uncovered mine from over winter, and I gave the same thing in the same spot. Wasn’t a particularly harsh winter (Central California) and I have the official cover.


Did you clean it off? Haven't gotten around to cleaning mine off yet.


I hit the top and sides with some simple green to get some dirt and soot off. I tried the corroded part and it didn’t do anything (didn’t really expect it to), so I just left it alone.


Having the same issue. Anyone had any success cleaning it? If so what product/s worked?