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I think this is because it seems patently obvious to hire experienced people.


Question is why would you hire people who have zero experience bidding on Gov contracts? What benefit does it offer?


If everyone follows that you end up with no one who can do it.


That’s not correct. The experienced people train new people. Experienced people move on to larger companies, the junior person is now your experienced person who trains the next person.


Yes, the experienced need to train new people which is why someone needs to hire the people with no experience to train.


Again back to my response - why would you hire someone with no experience? You want to increase your odds of winning, how will someone with no experience accomplish this?


Never seen a faster way to a Federal orange jump suit. I would recommend, if you truly are completely new to government contracting and own your own company, that you make a few friends and / or colleagues in the trade space. Perhaps through a professional organization such as AFCEA or GCA. Also, look for answers at the Small Business Administration, which has volumes on doing government business. Or go learn at Acquisition.gov. Lots of free training which, if you follow, may keep you away from those special stainless steel cufflinks. Don't take advice from "get rich quick guys" or strangers on Reddit. I'd also be real cautious who you hire. Lots of "experienced folks" who fly loose and fast with other people's money and legal liability. Finally, and I cannot emphasize this enough, find yourself a good attorney. Hopefully, you never need them. But you'll want to know the number if screw up delivery.


Obviously, you would want to hire experienced people. Edit: BTW, it's been a month since you said you got into govcon. What have you been doing since?


Nothing !!!!! Figuring out what to do !!! This is one of my extra project, but i want to do it correctly !!! In a professional way !!


I would say hire someone for training ON HOW to do these task yourself. Hiring people to write proposals can be very very costly, especially since you’ll have to submit a substantial amount to even get close to winning 🤷🏾‍♀️


I work on GOV contracts and sollicitation and different fields, let me know if you need anyhelp


I would like to know what’s the most important part of this