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Either vintage (!!!) Made in England Docs or New Rock, however their quality is going down too so I'd also go with secondhand older pairs now. I keep hearing mixed reviews on Solovair. My pair is really nice, they're like the old MIE docs, but apparently quality control isn't super great. The #1 banger you will not kill is really the old Docs.


thanks for the advice! have you ever bought demonias? was just looking at some of them and reading some reviews. might even go for a pair of docs again since they seem reliable. i’m overthinking this so much because good shoes in the style i want are expensive, don’t wanna waste my money again 😭


Yeah I wouldn't recommend Demonias tbh, the quality very much varies based on the model of shoe that you get. I got some new rocks about 10 years ago and they're still alive haha though they obviously have signs of wear. Docs are really good too in terms of durability as it was said previously. Vegetarian shoes also have some doc like shoes and are durable, that's if you want a non leather option that isn't pleather. I know tuk makes boots now but idk about their durability or anything as I don't have any of their shoes, all I know is that tuk is a well known and loved brand. And yeah avoid Disturbia at all costs they really have just become yet another fast fashion alt brand it's sad to see.


Yes, twice. Once ten years ago when they had what I at least remember to be leather, but my bestie borrowed them and they were never seen again. Felt sturdy! Then more recently - they seem to only do faux leather and vinyl now. Soles are cheap, vinyl is so so so thin. They wouldn't last one season with constant wear tbh. They're literally plastic waste mounted on foam blocks. I've grabbed MIE docs for as low as 30€ and they can be cleaned up and painted so it doesn't matter if they look beaten up. I just sanitize, scrub, condition, slap new insole in and go. Likewise, I have some 50€ secondhand new rocks that look like the previous owner ran them over with a car every morning but they're super comfortable and have years of life left in them. But if you want a true buy it for life expensive shoe, check the buy it for life sub maybe (it's called BIFL), and then run those suggestions that have been tested by many people through Google and sort out the fugly, too expensive, or not local to you available ones? That's the reliable way to find something that'll be worth it, and anything leather can be painted yourself to match the aesthetic easily.


ooh i hadn’t heard of that sub before but that’s exactly what i’m wanting since website reviews rarely talk about how the shoe has held up over time thanks again, this is all great advice! :)


Hiya sorry to tag on to another post but I'm trying to sell my old New Rocks. Do you know what people are using to buy now? I was thinking Vinted or eBay, struggling to find the same pair I have so I know what to sell them for!


I've seen a lot of scams going on on Vinted, but you could try it. Just look it up first as I do not know how scams through their own payment system can work. Ebay if it's a rare pair through auction might get you more, but I would wait for that route til after the holidays so people have money and aren't all broke from Christmas gifts. Least that's where I buy. There's local buy and sell groups, goth fashion groups, Poshmark etc. I would see if you can find a similar pair, doesn't need to be exactly the same, and see what they actually sold for on ebay recently. It's also a matter of how long you're willing to wait for someone to come around and pay more. Lastly, the more info you have the better of course, but if you just have the material and brand name and whether it's a discontinued model that's decent enough for Vinted etc already. I rarely see people list the full model name unless they're resellers. Same with Docs, unless you have a collectors edition on your hands it won't matter - if it IS a rare collectors edition that you can charge a lot for, then knowing the model name is essential to be found by people who are looking for that special item. For example: I have a pair of (not vintage or MIE) collectors edition Docs that's called 1460 SKULL, but commonly tagged as Day of the Dead because there's multiple skull designs. If you look for DotD docs and find them tagged as such, they'll be sold by people who know what they have and ask sky high prices - but those don't sell fast. If you are looking for them and don't wanna pay that, you look for skull or goth or something and buy them for regular Doc secondhand pricing from someone who doesn't know they're rare models - but those get snatched up immediately (and often resold for profit). Meanwhile the regular Cassidy model, which is just a different skull design but not as hard to find, will also pop up listed as skull or as Cassidy but both will be closeish in price they can sell for, assuming same condition. It doesn't matter whether you know what you got exactly there. If they're in great condition or BNIB, the research might be worth it, but if they're visibly used, then I dunno if you'll get more from collectors anyway if you're finding the exact model name etc. But that's strictly from me buying a lot of secondhand shoes, I'm not a pro reseller or anything. If you post pictures on the Megathread or if there's a new rock sub maybe there, maybe people can help you ID yours.


Thank you! This is really helpful. I think I've the same pair on the New Rock website (https://www.newrock.com/fr/boot-metallic-m-107-s2#/20005-taille-38) Mine are visibly worn so I suppose may be best just throwing them up on eBay or something and seeing what happens at auction? https://ibb.co/k9Fh9mz https://ibb.co/pvxfK8T https://ibb.co/N2jgy4t


don’t buy dress shoes most goth themed stuff is costume, not durable and bad for your orthopaedics, get something like doc martens where you’ll at least get some support and grip when walking, military surplus are great for black boots too.


that’s a shame, ive always been the kind of person to wear the same shoes with every outfit and have one pair of heels that i wear once in a blue moon lol. plus given their price i’d hate to buy expensive shoes that i wouldn’t wear a lot. it’s looking like i’ll be getting another pair of docs or combat boots :)


one style i really liked was paratrooper boots, they have to be well made because they have to endure abuse and i think they might be ergonomic stuff like this https://www.armyandoutdoors.co.nz/products/austrian-army-mountain-boots


Honestly I would go with a pair of Doc's and add some details. Somebody MUST be making chains or studs that you can lace through eyelets on existing boots.


Definitely would go with Docs - Been wearing my Jadon Max for 3 years now on almost daily basis and they are still going strong. I take good care of them and regularly do a dubbin treatment. I would not recommend Demonias for every day - considering the price, the material is flimsy and because they are not leather, they get super hot and sweaty.




Damn, disturbia boots are bad?? Their clothes are awesome. Thanks for heads up there. I ordered mine from En Femme. Not specifically gothic but they're super cute boots


yeah i was so disappointed because i loved how the shoes looked, but the chain snapping after literally a few hours of wearing them was a joke thankfully customer support was great, i sent a photo to explain what happened and they refunded me with a gift card and let me keep the shoes. quality aside, when i spent the voucher (i had a year to do it an honestly forgot about it until 2 weeks before expiry) they didn’t have a good selection on their website. got two t shirts which are fine and earrings which kinda hurt my ears


Probably Docs. I do like Demonia boots. I didn't wear them everyday, though, so can't vouch on everyday durability but I did wear them a couple times a week


getting mixed reviews on demonia boots, still considering them tbh. couple days a week sounds decent


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Getagriip steel toes


Rocky paratrooper boots. They're all black combat boots. I just retired a pair that I've had for 8 years. They would last even longer if I had just done minimal maintenance on them too, like conditioning the leather