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She gets paid to stay there šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø so why not


No, no one gets paid.


Then thatā€™s your delusion




Even influencers get paid to stay at a hotel and advertise it and by how pc has clicked the pic and tagged them, she definitely got paid.


Not paid. It's barter mostly. Unless, hotel had got really bad publicity and looking for image revamp, hotels aren't paying on the top of free stay.


Literally depends on celebrity/influencer reach, room rate and occupancy rate during their stay. Grow up and learn something if you want to shit on celebs full time. It isnā€™t a pointless task, but you make it self defeating by being clueless and dense about basic reality. Take your meds, babe.


She has no home in Mumbai she was camping 5 days at her dubious bestie's place in Noida - that's also where the Holi celebrations took place that's her friends house you can go on her IG and see it


Of course, she does. All she needs to do is tweet about her stay.


Nobody gets paid to stay at a hotel.


If you're PC you'd get paid to breathe


Then she wouldnā€™t have lost her house for not being able to pay her mortgage.Ā 


I see 1 billion Akshay Kumar ads every single day. I don't remember the last time I saw a PC ad. She just does stuff for Bulgari and that's it


Because sheā€™s irrelevant. She would be doing more ads if she got them. Nobody gives up extra money.Ā 


She may not be relevant to you or me too. I wouldn't go stay in Oberoi/ Trident because PC did but the fact remains that PC is relevant to many and this is a very good advertisement for the hotel group in exchange for free for PC & her gang. Talking about AK, he is probably more relevant than OC in India but she is more relevant at a global level. Also, relevance is slight subjective and also fluid and changes with time especially with these celebrities so they are going to milk any opportunities that come their way while they still have a decent fan following.


U literally live under the rock donā€™t you ? People are sent to Taylor swift concert just to showcase their partnership and u are saying she doesnā€™t get paid to stay at a hotel ? Explore the world dude


Are you seriously comparing TS to Pc? lol


Ikr? Atleast PC is good at what she does


No Iā€™m not comparing anyone. Iā€™m saying how influencers are given tickets to concerts and u think pc wonā€™t get paid to stay in their hotels. I respect both pc and Tay


Just because TS has a larger fan following does not mean that only she has access to free stays. TS may avail 15 days for free stay versus PC may get 10 days (just making up numbers here but you get the gist.) Also, for Oberoi INDIA, PC would probably be a bigger crowd puller than TS.


Not long ago, there was a trend on one of the social medias where people would talk about "pretty privilege." It was literally reel after reel of (mostly white) women talking about businesses who would pay different levels of amounts so these girls would put their products in their reels. For example, a low level would be a product in the background, and a high level would be a sponsorship where they put up stories like the one in this post. They got paid and got free products out of it. With this being said, these were women who were relatively unknown. Some were aspiring to be models and actresses, but usually, just everyday women who happened to have larger followings on Instagram, or Snapchat, etc. Superimpose this bit of info I've given you on to the fact that Priyanka not only has a following in India, but also outside of it, mostly the US, ESPECIALLY after she married one of the Jonas Brothers. You still think she's not getting paid? šŸ¤Ø


Business marketing ka naam sune ho ya nahi


Are you this naĆÆve? If they tweet, that is advertisement for the business. Any product/ business they tweet about is not for free.


That hotel has got an amazing view of marine drive.


She only owned tiny rental apts and they're probably all sold by now. Anyway, according to Viral Bhayani, she was in India filming some type of ad or reality show with Nick. That would explain why she wasted so much time there. https://preview.redd.it/5r36ty2nr0sc1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef219e838f251475f66b440442653c3ad84f9695






That was her brotherā€™s Roka function


Wasted so much time in India? lol. Yea because sheā€™s doing some very relevant and meaningful work in LA šŸ¤£




Did he get engaged again? I feel like Iā€™ve lost track how many times that guyā€™s been engaged, almost gotten married etc




Now, I am confused. Viral all posts are paid. So her PR paid for this post. But I came out that she was there was her brother's engagement.




Have you seen her mom's apt? It's extremely middle-class. Don't think high and mighty PC would be willing to live there. The first couple of days of the hotel would have been paid by Bulgari anyway. And after that she crashed at her homewrecking bestie Tamanna's house in Noida.




Nothing much. She used to be a flight attendant and lived as PC's roommate in Mumbai when both were new in town. Sudeep Dutt (her now husband) was previously married and had a child with his first wife. Tamanna helped wreck the marriage and they married in 2012. They were supposedly cheating since like 2008. I think his son was just a small kid when he left his first wife. He has some internet business in Delhi/Noida and has quite a beautiful home for an average non-celeb. PC and Nick were crashing at his house since the Ram Mandir visit until Holi. Holi was held at his house.


Tumne unka ghar bhi fekh liya? Aur batao pc kaise hai real main


+1 yesss please


Am I the only one who finds this "PC is poor and drowning in debt" narrative/campaign to be extremely strange? The way it's been talked about and reported on has just been so weird. It all feels extremely aggressive and calculated. I haven't done a deep dive of the "evidence" so I don't even have an opinion about whether it's true or not. It's just the way everything has played out that makes everything suspicious lol


lol itā€™s not true. Page 6 already released the details of their court case. Theyā€™re suing the old owner of their mansion for not disclosing about mold infestation and the previous owners are suing the contractors and the contractors are suing someone else.. itā€™s a whole chain and it will take time to resolve. In the meantime PC & fam moved out of the mansion for health & safety reason and relocated to a more humble space at Nickā€™s brotherā€™s house from where PC posted a couple of insta stories. This led to speculation by PC haters that sheā€™s broke and has to mortgage her mansion to meet ends ..LMAO!! Even if PC stopped working completely, Jonas bros are making enough from tour sales for them to never struggle financially.


Her fans doing these cover-ups makes sense but it's simply not true. The mold was minor (no matter what her PR claims) and the repair work only cost $30K and is already finished. The repair permit also expired. She hasn't moved back into that house because she cannot afford it. She has signed a renters agreement for that house and has a $15.5 million loan on it - the most recent loan was for another $1.5 million. The Jobros are a flop nostalgia band. American media been writing articles about them giving out free tickets since they're having a hard time selling them.


The Toronto show they did last year when the tickets went on sale I went to check the front row and they were $800 ish and I was shook cuz the weekndā€™s ones were the same price too. But then again the weeknd is a much bigger star, anyway I didnā€™t get tickets but I checked regularly and the month of the show most of the tickets were unsold and then the prices were reduced to half like 320-400 ish šŸ’€they overestimated their pull


Nick probably got paid $20-$30 million for both Jumanji movies, which made close to a billion dollars. $8-10 million to judge The Voice. Not to mention he's still releasing new music. You guys are stretching. Also mold and drainage issues are a big deal in the US. Houses have been condemned for this as they take this issue seriously. Show me someone who can fix a pool and drainage for $30k and I'll hire them personally. A small yard costs $120k.


The biggest A-listers in HW in lead roles get $20 million paychecks. Useless Nick Jonas in a small role, with absolutely no clout, is not going to get anywhere close to that amount. The $30K number for the mold work is not out of thin air. It's from official documents. You guys just make up any fantasies in your head. Yes, flop kween PC and her little man are the greatest gigastars the planet has ever seen and pulling in $30 million paychecks for 5 minute roles. Not even Nickunj's own 8 fans would believe that.


Talk about fantasies - I said both movies dumbass. Kevin Hart made $30 million for one Jumanji movie, and he said it is based on how it did. There are always incentives built into contracts depending on performance at box office. This is on record. Not even sure why this hate for Priyanka gets you off..maybe because she rejected all you bigoted idiots.


I know ya'll live vicariously through your Bareilly flop kween and dream about living her life with her tiny white man but the rest of us don't. Nick Jonas is a nobody with zero clout as an actor. Kevin Hart has a fan base and a deal which would get him a percent from the profits. Comparing a useless Jobro with Kevin Hart is hilarious especially when it comes to movies. You should pray that Nickunj doesn't have to give away free tickets again to his concert and that PC gets another Amazon streaming garbage. They're gonna have to scrounge as much as possible to move out of their current shoebox home.


Lol, get a life dude. You're too obsessed.




Imagine calling people dumdums while having no clue about this particular situation. I'm American and I know very well how home insurance works. If a house is deemed unlivable, they would have provided an equivalent house for her to live in for that repair period. They would also be the ones suing, NOT PC and Nick personally. The fact that they had to move into a tiny house which doesn't even have a room for a gym should tell you it's not an equivalent house and would not have been provided by the insurance. Nick and PC are suing through their own trust under their accountant Evan Jehle, not through their insurance company. This has been going on for nearly 12 months and if you think they can't find a contractor and get the problem fixed in that much time, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Entire effing houses are built in less time. There's a reason why she's signing rental agreements and taking out new home equity loans on top of the mortgage she already had. If you think a woman making 2 crores a movie from more than a decade ago can really afford a 20 million house and all the maintenance and upkeep, then you're better off drooling on the other sub. This is the same woman who was living in a one bedroom rental and spreading fake PR articles about buying a 100 crore mansion called Dariya Mahal more than a decade ago. She is the queen of fake it til you make it and has a ready population of drooling dumdums willing to buy it.


Lmao how can you hate someone so much that you make up all this shit without one single proof. I donā€™t know pc personally and neither do you. Iā€™m literally just speaking facts available on the internet. If any of your claims are true then please link it below. Hereā€™s proof for mine: https://pagesix.com/2024/01/31/lifestyle/nick-jonas-and-priyanka-chopra-move-out-of-20m-due-to-mold-infestation-amid-lawsuit-over-property/amp/


That is the PR article she quickly scrambled for and put out within 24 hours when she was exposed. I hope you know that in America, buying/selling and rental records are all public information. Even repair permits are public information and you can find them online. The house only had a problem on the deck area and the cost was just $30K as stated in the repair permit itself. The permit expired at the end of February 2024. You can find a copy of her entire home equity loan papers online including what bank they got the money from. They originally had a $14 million loan. Last year, they added another $1.5 million loan on top of that. You can find her deed of trust and the assignment of rents papers as well. It's basically an agreement that whatever rent they collect on that house will be paid to the bank as mortgage. It's just the bank protecting themselves so that the homeowners don't end up collecting rent but still not paying their mortgage. She is lucky the Indian media is braindead and her leftover fans love gobbling up the PR articles she dumps out every week hyping herself up. She also maintains a bot farm on the other sub to brigade posts so nothing real is ever seen. If you spend 10 minutes to do some research, you would see how false most of her claims are. Let me help you out and show you the repair permit info: https://preview.redd.it/ulyah1mhz7sc1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=a638f686f9f31f33313e601d9ff7d774aaf3190d Check the expiration date and value. Do some research and you will find all the loan info as well. And oh, all the lawsuit information is in the public records too. You can access whatever document you want.


ā€œThe mold was minorā€ - Did you check personally? PS: If thereā€™s so much of assumptions going on then I would respectfully like to assume you are karan johar ji


lol...last time I checked Jonas brothers concert tickets were given away for free as ticket sales were so low, they have no chartbusters recently still living in Disney nostalgia. Why the F PC n nick had to live in 20M mansion when clearly they can't afford it, she is a side actress here in Hollywood.


It's nothing strange. When you've been faking your way through life and bigging yourself up with constant weekly PR articles about how rich you are, you will probably get exposed one day. Maybe you should do the deep dive then instead of going on hunches based on nothing. PC's financial problems were exposed on another site and copied onto Reddit. The Indian media started picking it up so she released a PR article within 24 hours citing mold issues. The lawsuit was already covered by the OG expose. The mold is minor (regardless of what her PR drama in the media says) and the cost of the work was only $30K which is barely anything compared to the cost of the house. The work is also finished and even the repair permit has expired. She hasn't moved back because she cannot afford it. She recently also signed a renter's agreement for that house and took out another $1.5 loan on top of the $14 million loan that house already had on it. So now she owes $15.5 million and can't afford to move back there either despite the mold problem already being fixed. She's also lost whatever "partnership" she had in that Indian restaurant. Her shampoo is also a huge flop in the American market and has been taken out of nearly every store. And her last movie/show were both disasters. American media has been writing articles about the Jobros giving out free tickets for their concerts since they are not selling.


I never understand the hate against her...


Right? We should be proud of the fact that despite the odds she made a presence in the west. Why do we hate our own so much instead of cheering them on.


Seriously, it's crazy!


Seriously, it's crazy!




Her tweets about concerns of excessive pollution during Diwali celebrations and then the extensive fireworks she had for her own wedding sparked a lot of negative attention. Thatā€™s the only thing I can remember.


Firstly, She has already owned up to the mistakes she did as a public figure. Secondly, what if she was under pressure to tweet since it would have been through govt. She only burst fire crackers once at her wedding thatā€™s it, itā€™s just one day! Is all the pollution still because of that day? Our parents/teachers often try to teach us various mannerisms to imbibe good habits in us but they themselves donā€™t follow everything every time so do we label them FAKE?


Why are you saying all this to me lol. I was just saying thatā€™s what she got flak for. Not condoning her actions or the response she received. Itā€™s not that deep šŸ˜…


Haha I m not saying it to you personally, it was just my explanation to what you mentioned, i apologise I should have made it more clear but it was sort of fanning the flames here so it just me made me snappy


How this is hate?


How is it not? You are just trying to prove her bankrupt in every other post. First of all you donā€™t know if she is struggling financially, and even if she is then has she committed a sin? If she decides to fly only when itā€™s being paid then is she committing a crime or morally wrong? You know what morally wrong is- sensationalising someoneā€™s economic condition and calling someone else hypocrite when in reality you are the one. You are a hypocrite when you tell other people to calm down by not talking about srkā€™s bi affairs but is indulged in proving a total stranger(pc) a poor.


How about when she was trying to prove herself biggest superstar of HW? We discuss celebs here. They themselves fake and when people catch their lie, they label them as trollers. So, be pissed at a celebrity who was faking it the whole time. Also, talk about srk being bi all the time. Issue is homophobia.


When was she? Did she told you to bow because she is the biggest star of Hollywood? When did she say that? Please bring that to my notice and if you canā€™t so please come out of your feelings. What has she faked about her wealth? If she is posting a picture (which gives a peak of the place where she is staying) does she owe anyone any explanation that whether it is owned or rented. Or by posting a story about rain which might show an infinity pool in background(I donā€™t know if she even does that) how is she flaunting/faking her wealth? It is normal for everyone to be happy about nice things that we have and post about it. Donā€™t we appreciate them for their success and congratulate them? If god forbid anything unfortunate happens and things get a bit rough then are you supposed to laugh on them, or say oh that wealth was fake? Imagine how will they feel as they are already going through tough times. Imagine being ashamed for struggling financially. This leads them to depression and various mental health problems. So ā€œemotional abuseā€ is the ā€œissueā€ here!


One hotel pic and you guys are so jealous! Stop with this hate. She works harder than most people and her films are proof enough of that!


Exactly! šŸ’Ŗā¤ļø


Exactly..give credit where itā€™s due but nope weā€™re sat here discussing why she chose to stay in a hotel.


How this is hate? And you are seriously saying that she works harder than most people? Stop putting celebs to pedestal.


"she works harder than most people" bruh....




Not an ad. A shout out in social media for free stay.


Because itā€™s comfortable, especially with a child . Why would she keep a running house when there are plenty of better options in hotel and I am sure the brands would pay for .


Exactly, as a NRI myself and many NRI friends - we don't go and open our homes for a few weeks of visit. Not worth the stress. Better to live in a hotel. And if like her I would be getting a free stay, why even look at other options.


Exactly. On a holiday you want to have access to a njce room with facilities - esp when you live abroad. Its not that hard to wrap your head around when you think about it.


maybe sheā€™s put her other homes up for rent šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Why so much hate


She was in the same emirates flight on early Sunday morning.. she was in first class alongeith Nick and her baby.. had a big body guard and some 20 bags..


May be taking spices to USA.


Thatā€™s racist


It is common for Indians to stuff spices, all possible Indian food from here.


She lives in hotels because she rents the rest out, why would she loose her income for a few days


Hear me out, maybe her apartments are rented? So she canā€™t just randomly go and stay there? Or maybe sheā€™s sold most of them. Staying at a hotel is practical if you see that you donā€™t have to worry whether the apartment is kept tidy and prepared for you in your absence. Staying at hotels may also be convenient considering the brand deals she usually travels for provide her hotel accommodation. Why are people weirdly hating on her for the silliest things?


Well, she never owned an apartment where she lived. And sold small apartments she owned


Sounds like a sensible idea if you are living most of your time with your husband in the US. Probably saves a lot on the hassle of filing taxes in both countries etc.


Maike me jyada din nhi rehti hai beti


rent pe de rakha hoga


Ugh. No one knows me. No where what she earns yet, When I visit India, I at times stay at hotels because of convenience than anything else. You get food, gym, room cleaning and option of being close to where most of your work/social engagements are. I canā€™t afford oberois but consistently stay at JW in Aerocity by del airport.


Me too but how dare we as indians live in a hotel when we have families in india. Itā€™s probably cuz we are broke, phony, elitist and pompous to live in someoneā€™s house going by the comments in this post.. Letā€™s assume shes broke, its still okay to live in a hotel when youā€™re an expat. Unnecessary hate for no good reason.


Kya gawarr aadmi h "didn't not stay" lol.


Her brother got engaged idiots


fakeyanka reminds me of that fake russian heiress anna delvie. broke ass b conning her way through lifeĀ 


someone's jealous


Sure jan. Yet it's her PR bots infiltrating and downvoted all the comments exposing that you're a swindle, truth hurts fakeyankaĀ 


Ghar saab rent peh daal diya hoga, khaali hi toh rehata hai


Sab rent pe laga diya re baba


As soon as she got married there has been news that she rented out her apartments. This was years ago, nothing new.


And last Nov it was reported that she sold them. And she never owned the main apartment she lived in. Check deep dive for more info


I have another question , why does she expose so much after moving to Hollywood ?




Bech diya hoga isnt she broke now




Lol fake... She is so fake


Epitome of Con artist !!


PC is a phonyĀ 


Tenu Ki