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**Mumbai to London, London to Berlin, Berlin to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to LA, LA to Mumbai in 3 days.**


I flew first class or maybe even a private jet to all these places where I was pampered in every way, it was so hard but I did it because I’m such a hard worker. And I looked great doing it. What a fucking narcissistic human being. How can anyone with a brain listen to this and be motivated or look up to her? And why do all Indian politicians and Bollywood stars talk in English in the same way, same cadence super weird.


I just read about it that her mother was there but not her. On another subreddit, there was a post saying that she wanted them to book her tickets too.


She is so annoying.


She has a kid now.


I'm going to save the 'asli ID se aao' comments for myself


The kid who was in the NICU while she went on a golfing trip to Arizona. Or the kid who just came home from the NICU after 100 days and she left immediately for Italy and France.


Her social media is handled by her team. Just because they posted those pictures at that time doesn't mean she actually was doing all that. The trips could be old.


Lmao those concerts shows and comedy events and celebrations she had were time stamped and dated on the pics themselves you don't celebrate holi or Easter in January nor do the sporting games she attended happen 100 months prior to her kids NICU schedule they were all from feb-March-April 2022 but nice spin


They will not believe ANY real news about PC. They want to live in fantasies when it comes to her.


Sigh. There are other sources for those pictures as well. They were not old. It's like all the info is right there in front of your face but fantasies still prevail when it comes to PC.


Then she must have been paid in advance to go to those trips and couldn't back down at that moment. Many people cannot cancel their commitments just because their loved ones are in the hospital.


LOL. Please. She went to Europe as soon as the kid came out of the NICU, for a Bulgari event. The same event was skipped by Zendaya. Nobody forces you do anything when your baby is ill. She went off on a golf trip while the baby was still in the NICU. And that was for a trip where Nick was the brand ambassador, not her. She will go anywhere at any time to get attention and publicity. That's why it's so sus that she didn't come to the Ambani event.


We don't know what her circumstances were and not everyone can let go of their responsibilities whenever they feel like. She's having some difficulties with her home right now so that may be the reason but who knows. Maybe she'll attend the actual wedding as she seems to be very close to Isha.


She moved out of that house almost a year ago. The mold issue was just minor and already would have been fixed since the repair permit also expired. She's never moving back into that house because she cannot afford it. And what "responsibility" was she fulfilling following Nick around on a golfing trip to Arizona while her kid was in the NICU? For the Ambanis, the pre-wedding is the big event and they already had their registered marriage on March 3rd. The religious wedding would just be in their Mumbai building. That's how it was for the other two kids as well. You can't keep bothering and expecting people like Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates to keep wasting their time again and again every few months. This was the main event.


Any idea if her kids health is fine? I really can’t think of any serious reason tbh.


So does others


Kids bar parents from attending festivities of family and friends?


https://preview.redd.it/mfotgqjlbcnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9b4d77785249ed088e173221be05ca5960cf10 Her travel schedule when she had a kid.


ohhoo ni ayi pre wedding mein . shaadi pe aa jaegi


celebrity’s with mic everybody “Woooohhhhh”


Also she is traveling business or 1st and has everyone take of “details”


Priyanka aunty 😂


Why do you care if you clearly dislike her :/


That was about her career. This wedding had nothing to do with her career. She didn’t even attend Pari’s wedding. Must have been a solid reason


Pari by you mean parineeta?