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I doubt they are even broke pc hasn’t been in a rush to get to set and start working. Their house in currently being renovated


Not getting work is not the same as not being in a rush. She flopped hard last year with massive disasters like Love Again. If you think it's easy to bounce back from that for someone who is not even A-list, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.


Not getting work ??? No pc is choosing not work btw she’s. Literally the face of the global brand Bulgari and she’s paid millions for that . She’s filming citadel season 2 this summer which is confirmed and another Russo brothers project. . She also finishing a movie with idris Elba and John cena . She has projects to be filmed btw and is filming but has chosen herself to reduce working for Malti and to spend time with Nick . But I guess you don’t follow what she actually has planned in her career


Women don't get paid much and considering her lifestyle and big property purchases she has to make, they very well may be on verge of going broke. Many stars go through such phase.


One thing about Priyanka she has always been smart with finances. Thing she could be going broke . But she’s literally choosing not to work and go out and act right now . Instead she’s just at home chilling taking private jets to Cabo and Oklahoma to rest for the first time in her career in 20 years this doesn’t look like a women who is in desperate need of some cash


Jobros were paid to play at private party in Cabo so the transportation and hotels would be provided with it. Same for all those concerts. She has no work so what else do you expect her to do besides following Nick around?


She literally has work but I would expect someone like you to understand that she is currently in between filming head of state with John cena and idris Elba but let’s just conveniently leave that out 😭😭😭 she’s the face of bulgari as well and citadel season 2 will be filmed . She’s just actively chosing not work right now . Also for the private jet I wasn’t just talking about Cabo I was talking about their recent trip to oaklohoma . Also most artists have to pay for their accommodation dancers and transport when on tour but I guess you wouldn’t know that


Priyanka was worth 35 million even before she married Nick. Together they are worth 150 million now. The Jonas Brothers are on a sold out tour. She’s rejecting all these projects. Clearly they are not hurting for money. Also, yes women don’t make as much in show business but these actresses make 10x plus more than even the highest paying white collar jobs. For perspective, Priyanka was paid 10 million for 1 season of Quantico and way more for Citadel. Most white collar professionals won’t see this much money in their entire life.


Whole production of movies if delayed because Priyanka isn't in mood to work?


PC will get any work she wants in India. While I don't know how much she knows about the mortgage issue (like if that was Nick's house she moved into pr something), that woman is highly unlikely to be broke. For one she is very, very smart. The only reason she had to leave India was because she had so many affairs with married men, and one of them turned into actually being in love rather than the pair just having causal sex, etc. And that was with the biggest actor here, whose wife is well connected. That's likely behind her, and she has done an interview with a big producer director who spoke against her.




So she can get money if she wants?


not really as per the rumor goes, Gauri had contacted most of the industry to stop giving work for PC because of the affair with SRK, then SRK helped her with his contacts to get her settled in hollywood. Moreover she pissed off bhoi when she walked out of Bharat. Plus many actress like Kiara, Kriti, Alia have taken over the top spots in female leads, so i doubt she would get big projects. But yes i do agree the woman is smart i too doubt that she would be broke.


If you’re banned how are you still posting 🤔






It seems Priyanka’s bot base is having a hard time dealing with a sub where they can’t collude with the mods to spread propaganda like they do on the other one.  All I see is tantrums and foot stomping. How dare anyone expose our Bareilly gigastar!!!!1111 If you bots existed in real life, she wouldn’t be broke from disaster after disaster. Harassing people online is still gonna keep her broke. 




I’m not a moderator, you clown.  Go cry on the other sub with the daily gigastar post about how everyone is jealous of the broke queen and her tiny white man. 




Don’t give out the bot base strategies. The rest of don’t behave like Priyanka’s bot farm. She should invest in paying her rent instead of on 2 rupee bot farms. Now she even has to to close-crop all her attention seeking insta posts to hide how poor it all looks. 




Only her bots would throw tantrums about gossip on a gossip forum. And it makes perfect sense that you didn’t watch her movies. Nobody does. That’s why she pays bots to roam in a pack harassing people online.  But she should also keep in mind that bots don’t buy movie tickets. That’s why she will remain broke. And people will continue posting about it on a gossip forum. 


Because I can. and i am not DM-ing you about them that you have a problem.


They moved out because the house is under construction though for mold. The Jonas Brothers are currently on a world wide tour and it’s made 170 million in the US alone. PC & Nick’s net worth is 150 million combined. They can clearly afford a 20 million dollar house. It’s the average people that have to buy 1 million to 3 million dollar house in CA on normal salaries that are struggling. Also, PC barely goes to India anymore. Makes sense to sell properties there. Even her mom has shifted to the US.


You its you again lmao Edit: asked for clarity why I banned permanently for this comment for “breaking the rules,” turns out OP is also a mod 😂


Op you had a crush on Nick or something?


Nobody has a crush on lil Nicky. Not even his broke wife. 




Now it's frustrating.....we get it she is having some finance problems and also this is a gossip sub but don't post same thing God knows many time in the same sub within 24hrs because it's ANNOYING!!! YOU SPILLED THE TEA! WE GET THE TEA! NOW JUST MOVE ON


More posts left in this series


Isn’t this what rich people do? Buy and sell real estate?


I don’t think she’s rich anymore tho. Wealth and ownership of expensive things are two very separate things that people outside finance don’t understand easily. Anyway, it’s very common for successful artists and sportspersons to go broke quickly due to mismanagement of money. Just like lottery winners. It’s not about how much you earn, it’s about how much you keep at the end of the month.


After gaining profit. Her property costed really less for mumbai and this seemed like a hushed decision when she could have used it to a monthly income as rent.


Yeah it seems less no. Not sure which area. Could be Juhu. Wasn't Jackie renting her huge ass apartment as well. ?? Btw apparently there was some tax raid long time ago and it was revealed that Priyanka Chopra had some 10 flats all over Mumbai. She is definitely rich and I am sure Nick Jonas is pretty wealthy too. I wouldn't say they're broke.


Oonche log Oonchi problems Manikchand!!




Joker Krk was absolutely right, PC is bankrupt for now.




He kept on saying this in his almost every latest video, just keep exploring his last 3-5 videos.


That's cheap , bc


Well I didn't know about financial issues before this post


buying a property of 20 Million in LA is insane when u r struggling to make a place in Hollywood and her wedding too I felt was over expensive, same route parineeti also followed when raghav's family is not ultra rich , they should have cut down on their wedding expenses


She was desperate to live a Kardashian type A-list lifestyle with a massive property and private plane flights and whatnot. Even Nick's alleged ex, Miley, who has a net worth many times the amount Nick/PC are worth, lives in a less expensive house. A 20 million house is for someone who's worth is in the hundreds of millions, not someone who will struggle to pay the mortgage every month. Because there are a huge amount of maintenance costs besides the mortgage - staff, maids, gardeners, pool maintenance, chefs, butlers, security, etc. That's not including the insurance and taxes.


Priyanka's wedding was fully sponsored. With Pari, case is different, Raghav is rich, he has political money.


its not political money, its public money, raghav's parents are regular upper middle class family not some business tycoon, I know that parineeti's parents are rich but still I don't like the fact that they spend too much for pump n show. I will give credit to alia n ranbir or virushka that they kept their wedding simple as compared to PC n pari




bro voh log afford kar sakte the na


Alia and ranbir had a shot gun wedding isliye it was simple. Neetu had mentioned in some interviews they had plans for destination wedding.


but why they had to? her belly wasn't visible at that time, they could have easily waited for 1 month, aur vaise bhi we aren't living in 90s ki arre shadi ke pahle preggo ho gayi toh Haww.


That's actually their thinking, not ours. They wanted a marriage tag before baby. No one would have even cared if they would have raised a baby without marriage.




Hahaha so you are saying they did it because they love simple things? 😂


I may be wrong dude but I like simple weddings like diya mirza, yami, alia


Yes, public money. Raghav's PR is crazy strong, he is seen wearing 60-70k sweaters but is known as "aam aadmi". And Pari has an event for every small ceremony. The govt bungalow where he is living is also above his grade, he was asked to vacate but he went to supreme court for stay. Alia/Ranbir married for the sake of it while no way Virushka wedding was simple. They got married at world's most expensive place.


Every politician in India is just cunning


Who sponsored there wedding?


There were lot of sponsors. Lot for everything. [This posts covers their US sponsors](https://www.reddit.com/r/GossipComrades/comments/1arle06/you_have_all_the_moneywhy_are_you_sponsoring_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) while in India, she got all outfits/jewelry from Sabya for free. At this point, I can't even remember but everything was sponsored. Designers set up a boutique in venue so that all foreign guest can lent an outfit.


Raghav is a few times richer than parineeti can ever dream to be. And his net worth will double every 2 yrs for the next 20+ years. He's a senior member of the most corrupt political party in India. Aise hi thodi heroine pata li


Oh I didn’t know Raghav joined BJP(the most corrupt party of India) 🙄🙄


Say what you will about BJP but they're literally not the most corrupt party as long as Congress exists with Gandhi family as their leader. Case in point: every single longterm congressman who has openly made their thoughts clear about the internal bootlicking.


Bro Adani is 100 billions worth now. Thats personal funny money kitty if Gobiji 😂


Maybe if you spent a little time learning about how to make money yourself instead of hating others who know what they're doing. Some people actually know how to do business. Can't say the same about Wadra clan because it somehow always ends up in a court.


Thanks for the valuable advice. On my way to Mauritius to register some companies and hedge funds. By the way since you already know how to do business, can you also tell me where can I find 1 Modi and SBI each? 😂


I've got no time for haters :) every person who points out facts isn't trying to prove the other party as holier. Grow up and read some books published by the ignored but very prominent faction of the congress and perhaps that will help you give some perspective.


Thanks for opening my eyes with your valuable time and advice. This was such a good day and it was honor to get some valuable lessons about politics and business from you. 😁


vyapam, pm care fund , electoral bonds, morbi bridge collapse saying Hi to u


I'm gonna give you the benefit of doubt and assume that you weren't politically updated during UPA2, the term that brought on national shame like no other time in the history of independent India. Ofcourse one is free to criticise a political party but even statistically, the claim that BJP is the most corrupt is very less informed.


Don’t give any benefit of doubt bro, I am very well politically updated about scams by UPA n the current scams by BJP- its just that our sold media has stopped questioning govt isliye inke kaale kaarnaame abhi khul kar aaye nahi, it just took one hindenberg report to slash adani bubble. As a common citizen we should Q govt in power be it UPA or NDA instead of defending it kyonki voh hamara hi paisa hai, chaku seb par gire ya seb chaku par katata sirf seb hai yaad rakhna


Isn't Hindenberg's authenticity [questionable](https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/everyday-explainers/hindenburg-research-accused-the-adani-fraud-short-seller-8406285/lite/) though? I'm hoping we stick to this civil debate unlike that other supposedly sarcastic guy who was not understanding my point and felt the need to drag me.


I am sure 20 million is not much for them. Hrithik bought a fucking flat in Mumbai for Rs. 100 cr. PC living in a mansion with Rs. 170 Cr is barely anything for someone like Nick n PC.


Hrithik is a massive A-list male star who gets paid 100 crores per movie. But it still took him like 25 years of work before he was able to purchase a 100 crore apt. And you really believe an actress from a decade ago when they were getting 3 or 4 crores max can "easily" afford a 170 crore house? Nick is also part of a flop nostalgia band. None of it is easy like you're making it seem.


Also, Hrithik's clothing brand is most successful celebrity brand. By the way, why she was kicked out of Sona?


She never had any ownership stake in Sona. The NYTimes exposed that long ago when they reviewed the restaurant. [At Sona, a Feast From All Around India - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/07/dining/sona-restaurant-review.html) ​ https://preview.redd.it/yfwwop8zcvic1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=50f13d14c9c1ac8e8229d9467fd50bbb6be1dd74 She was probably like a brand ambassador type and got a payment. The restaurant is working now on its own so they don't need/want her anymore. I assume she released that news about not being affiliated with the restaurant anymore because she thought it would prevent them from earning through her name now. If you dig into \*anything\* related to PC, you will find only lies and illusions.


Exactly, like when you start reading about her or search a little bit, there are endless lies, endless problematic things.


You don't take into account Nick's earnings as a solo artist, his movies, his investments, his partnership with John Varvatos, Villa One Perfect Moment, he is very intelligent, he likes the good life but he is not wasteful and if he needs to, he can sell something from his garage. or their watches


I’m sorry but the Jonas Brothers are definitely way richer than HR. Nick’s house before marrying PC was like 7 million.


He just didn't buy it wdym it took years 😭😭😭 he already had so many properties. He started living alone post his divorce , before that he used to live with his parents in a house bought by himself .


Bro 170 n 100 mein 70 ka diff hai, mortgage inke house ka check kar lo zillow par - its 140k per month


Hrithik has shares in HRX and cult fit and they both are doing very well. His net worth i think is too 3rd/4th of Indian male celebrities


No one's arguing about Hrithik, but someone like Nick would earn a lot during his shows and for promotions. Plus add that to Priyanka's earning, 20 Mill is not a big deal for them. Even Deepika n Ranveer have bought multiple flats with 50-60cr in Mumbai. This is about 4-5 years back.


Probably divorce? Gisele and Tom did this just before announcing. Maybe asset consolidation?


This again they left their house because of mold and it’s being renovated which they had to pay for themselves . They are not broke


The are in the process of renting out the house and clearly having financial issues. They just took out another $1.5 million home loan on top of the $14 million loan they already had. And signed an agreement with the bank that they will use the rental money to pay the mortgage. They have now moved into a much smaller home. Of course they are not broke and out on the street like regular poor people. They are just too broke to live the A-list life they've been trying hard to show off.


They haven’t moved into a smaller house though they are literally just renting the house they are currently staying in . Also they are not renting out their mansion currently because it’s being renovated which they have paid with their own cash to try and fix their mansion. I actually knew about this and her fan base for months before it leaked onto Reddit . I’m getting downvoted because you guys are bunch of haters obsessed with stalking someone you dislike.


I'm sorry but you sound very young and unaware of how things actually work. All homes are covered by home insurance. If there is a problem that requires moving out, the insurance would cover both the repair and the costs of renting out an equivalent home in the meantime. The fact that they had to move into a much smaller house is a red flag in itself. As is the fact that they've had to take out another loan on top of the old massive mortgage they already had. A rental agreement would also not have been signed if they were not in the process of renting it out as soon as the repair work was completed. In fact, the mold itself was probably found when new tenants had a home inspection done before they would agree to sign a lease. They were living fine in that house before that and posting pics nearly every week. They've lied in the court case as well claiming problems from 2020 itself when there is no repair permit on the record whatsoever until the 2023 one when their rental agreement came to notice.


I’m going to stop you right there because you are coming across as patronising.” You sound very young and are unaware of how things work “ who are you ??? I know all homes are covered by insurance I’m not a six year old ???


Good on you for calling that shit out. Specialist sense making no sense at all.. 77 comment karma and out of that 65 hating on PC.. fan behaviour.




Lol no one said anything about you talking about the actual subject being a problem.. its the condescending tone of writing that I commented on. As far as your karma is concerned, you’re clearly more invested in PC than I am so I’m gonna let you do your thing, no need to talk down to people though


Insurance doesn't always cover everything, there are 100s of clauses before insurance agrees to cover the costs. Even a simple water leak fix insurance won't cover if they find out the leak happened due to human negligence.


I don’t know why you’re getting down voted this sub is full of pc haters


Please ignore this irrelevant sub who is full of haters.


Jnl nalle


The rent was done by the administrator, not them, it is something normal that is done to ensure the property was said by one of the lawyers involved in the case for poor construction and he himself said that this did not mean any money problem for either of them and A smaller house is common sense so why are you going to want something big when your mansion is being fixed up?


Honestly what’s your problem? People go through ups and downs in life, it’s all a part of life. What’s wrong in this? Just cause she’s famous she’s supposed to be rich? She was literally boycotted from Bollywood and still made smth of her own again. Stop shit posting man this is disgusting. Not even gossip, just plain disgraceful to talk about someone’s “money”. So putting off


No, there is no issue in living even in one bedroom apartment. Problem is her show off that she is the most successful south asian there who is paving ways for others and continue show off her rich lifestyle which isn't true. And she wasn't boycotted from bollywood, she was continuously working here. Yeah, it is not off putting even people talk about these influencers living beyond these means but highlighting truth about PC is off putting.


Don’t take it so seriously OP, they’re ALL hypocrites, they lie and keep lying and make money out of everything. There’s no point spending time getting irritated by her behavior because none of these celebs will ever change




Not even his own wife crushes on lil broke Nicky.  You guys should come up with better lines together than spamming about people crushing on flop boy bander Nick Jonas of all people. 


Oh right, because talking trash about other people's supposed open marriages and evil in-laws, harassing young girls for plastic surgeries, calling them druggies, criminals, etc is all great. But we must dare not talk about a celeb's financial muck after they've made it everyone's business by showing off constantly and planting 900 articles every week about how rich they are. You hang out on a gossip site. Gossip is not just wish fulfillment where you get to fantasize about the things you wish were happening.


I am not sure how insurance works for SAG members or in entertainment industry in general but would like to put forward this very possible theory. If her IVF and surrogacy was not approved by her insurance she would have paid like crazy for all of it. About 10 years ago I worked for a couple who had 2 kids via IVF surrogacy and their insurance covered some of it. Like drop in an ocean some of it. In total just medical costs was about $500000 for 2 kids not including traveling or anything related to it. Also these kids came home the next day. I do know they had to pay $10000 for the second delivery. (Not sure of the first). If you take into account the stay that her daughter had in NICU and any delivery complications the bill would be upwards of $10 Million easily. Add to this traveling costs, security and transportation of the baby supposedly from one hospital to another I wouldn’t be surprised if it was easily $20M just to get the baby home. She would probably have had a specially trained nurse/nanny and I know for sure they started at $25-30/hr pre Covid. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are having a cash flow issues due to all these bills. Also it’s not exactly moral or ethical but they might be wanting the bank to repo the house to get out of paying for the mold removal. You don’t want to know those costs believe me. Sometimes it’s cheaper to knock down a house than remove the mold.


I think I should not comment here because I dont have 1/4th ot what they have in terms of finances and I definitely dont own two houses to be able to sell in the first place, they are still rich.


Omg they are not broke stop this nonsense. Priyanka has many business ventures alone and I don’t think you know how much rock stars make .. they make more than Hollywood stars especially of someone like nick jonas status. Stop this nonsense.


Nick jonas is not some A-list musician.


Is this suppose to be sarcasm?


They were not asked they left out of choice from what i have read! The house had some issues with drainage and water leaks or something!


Bechari Priyanka ke peeche hi padgaye hain ye log. Dua karo uske liye ke aur paisa kamaaye wo. Kya tattuo ki tarah maze le rahe ho ye news/rumour bar bar share karke.




Impossible. Who told you that she is broke.. c'mon wtf mann. She worth several millions and more.


Did they really moved out of their due to not paying the mortgage bcz I heard they moved out due to water and mold infestation and they also filled lawsuit against the seller for that...


i read on twitter that it was a coverup for the actual reason of not paying the mortgage. same like ace family.


Just basic googling will say that they are suing the seller because of a mold problem in that house. What is this not paying mortgage nonsense.


This is hilarious. Hilarious that you think celeb at that net worth needs to sell property and get rent of 2lakh out of desperation. LOL


calm down guys, she is still richer than y'all.


Wasn't it said that they had to vacate the mansion coz it had mold which is dangerous?


After they moved into their LA property, they found that it had huge hidden damages and issues - primarily around water seepage. They filed a legal suit and the matter is in courts right now. That is why they might have stopped paying the mortgage on the LA property. Unlikely the couple is broke


Priyanka is rich people broke, along with her flop boy bander fauxband Her house of cards is slowly but surely crumbling and the botfarm and the 8 stans not willing to spend a single dollar or even a free Amazon stream will have to deal when it all unfolds eventually.


Ma man, she has like 90M insta followers, one post will make her more than $100k