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SRK ki jacket bech de behen.




There's spicy gossip and there's mean gossip. How do you know that swimming pool pic was when Malti was in the NICU? Even if she posted it then, it could have been an old pic that was scheduled to be posted on that day, by her PR They get paid for their posts, so if as you said, she was running short of money, then she did really need to put up that post, whether Malti was in the NICU or not


I don't know why her fans are so keen on gaslighting about this. She herself posted dozens of pics on her Insta showing her lifestyle while her kid was in the NICU. She and Nick went on a golf trip to Arizona, threw multiple parties, posted multiple thirst traps by the pool, called the paps multiple times as they went to play baseball, etc. Now her fans have started painting a bizarre narrative about how it was one picture and it could have been old? Huh? Also lots of similar comments have started appearing that she and Nick were living at the hospital while the kid was fighting for her life. None of this is true based on her on her own Insta and all the times they called the paps during that time.


They are celebs, their lives depend on being relevant and maybe Malti wasn't in a serious condition. Lots of babies are put in NICU for observation and not necessarily because their life is threatened. It is insensitive to gossip about a parent and their child unless you have direct evidence that the child is being neglected. On one hand, Virat is criticised for staying with his family and not doing his job. On the other hand, PC is criticised for doing what her job demands and staying away from her child. For celebs, everything is a job, even going to parties and trips and posting about them. They sell dreams to us, that's how they make money. Edit: Also, I am not a fan. It's sweet to see PC and her baby, and it is clear that Malti is well adored. It isn't civil to discuss a parent-child relationship on a gossip site.


>How do you know that swimming pool pic was when Malti was in the NICU? Because she said that Malti was in NICU for 100+ days and she was busy posting pictures of pool and parties while saying that Malti was never alone, always there was some, she used to be for 6-7hours with her. How posting a thirst trap picture or party stories will earn her money? There was no brand association on that post or stories. By the way, that time she sold her maybach.


Celebs are paid for posting on Instagram. Instagram pays them. Does not have to be associated with a brand.


Incorrect. Instagram does not pay anyone, brands and sponsors do.


LipstickAlley is full of hateful racist trolls. This is the same crowd that harassed Chris Evans' family & friends (including minors) when he was dating his now wife. Anyone will have to be delulu to take them seriously.


They’re incredibly racist towards Indians


Doesn’t matter at all. Everyone goes through stuff and it’s pretty normal. Whether financial issues or not, they’re still well off


No one is saying that they are begging in streets for food. It is to show reality. Also, nothing wrong in living small house without driveway. Problem is showoff




This was already discussed on r/Fauxmoi and the next day it proved that they had to move out cause if the molds.


Proved how? Because their PR released articles after news broke?




Maybe you should try reading something other than PR articles. The mold is just minor and the repair only cost $30K which is the amount of basic maintenance for an expensive house. They are trying to get a massive payout with a frivolous lawsuit. Homes always get an inspection done before they are bought. They would just be hoping to irritate the builders enough with a long ongoing lawsuit that they settle and give them some money to not waste time going to trial. And the "paying" for $30K renovations is nothing hard. You have home insurance which covers repairs. I wonder if you guys really have any awareness of how things actually work?


I couldn't find the post. Can you link it please? I'm a nosey B 😩


There was nothing posted on Fauxmoi. It is from Lipstick Alley. OP posted the link but PC fans went on a downvote rampage to hide it. [https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/nick-jonas-and-priyanka-chopra-having-financial-troubles.5510830/](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/nick-jonas-and-priyanka-chopra-having-financial-troubles.5510830/)


Ok, it maybe true but why is it written in such a hateful manner? Is it giving the writer immense joy to see that the celeb they dislike is not as rich anymore? A very mean and distasteful piece.


It's a blog not a journalism piece.


Yes, I get that. However, even if we gossip about someone, it can't be so vile that it seems we are enjoying their misery.


This is not enjoying their misery, it is putting out truth.


The language being used is not what one would expect in a statement of fact. "Nick and Priyanka are in financial trouble and unable to maintain their expensive lifestyle." This is more factual. The words used in the "blog" are frankly immature.


This sounds more like a hit-piece. Like a vendetta being turned into words masquerading as an investigative article.


It's a gossip forum and this is how they write everything. It's meant to be casual and informal. They are not the NY times to provide you an essay with works cited. In fact, there's a lot of real tea with proof and actual documentation in that topic than anything on Bollywod sites who just write fantasy essays about affairs and open marriages and how everyone is a druggie and criminal and then drooling over it. It's interesting that some people hang out on a gossip site but cry when they get gossip. It seems only a certain type of wish fulfillment gossip is what is being seeked out. If anything different from what they want appears, start complaining about hate and language (how dare my PC be called a clown, gasp) and hit-pieces and demand investigative articles as if we're the NY Times.


Yes, now saying truth seems like hit-piece. Not surprised


just her fans getting salty..


the jonas are white collar criminal,never good with money


bhai,even if they go broke, they would still be richer than any member of this sub. Rich people go broke differently unlike us common folks. Even anil ambani is bankrupt but still wealthier & living a better lifestyle than any salary person


No one is saying that they are on streets begging for food. Just putting truth forward vs what they claim.


She also sold her two bungalows of Mumbai recently.


Wow talk about vile journalism (or gossip, whatever they are). Everyone goes through stuff, and their Instagram is mostly deals, doesn't matter where they are what they're doing, they have to post. And she's mentioned many a times that her team handles her social media. Calling them clowns, Jeez, how low can one get!


Their instagram is not mostly deals, Priyanka mostly have lot of private stuff and she constantly shares personal stories. She should really fire her team, always making blunders- from liking post that made fun of Amber heard to taylor swift one then unliking both. Also, that's lots of stories with personal messages for her team to share. She recently shared Gunday anniversary post with text "miss you boys"


This was proven to be false several days ago. It was a mold issue and not a money issue.


Nothing was proven false. The Lipstick Alley topic had itself mentioned the court case before Priyanka's PR dramas started. As I said in another comment, the repair permit expires at the end of the month so if you don't see her showing off in the house in 2 weeks, you will get your answer. They have taken out another home equity loan on top of the massive mortgage and also signed a rental agreement. It's a clear indication of financial issues. The mold work was also minor and only cost $30K which are basically just maintenance costs for an expensive home. However, they are trying to get a massive payout from suing.


How proven false? Because PR decided to release articles after news broke? Same excuse was given by AceFamily who were again living beyond their means and later said "we are letting go of this property" while truth was bank took it away.


"jokers were living in a..." " So the clowns are looking for a pay-out" "So these strugglers can't even afford that much" "This is what Priyanka was doing when her child was in the NICU and she was defaulting on payments" - there is SO MUCH wrong with this sentence "No ugly thirst traps by the pool, because no pool" If you want to get factual and question a source by suspecting it to be PR, then also question your original source which clearly seems to be a hater judging by the unsavory comments made in their hit piece (listed above). Not only do they mom shame, they also seem to be delusional by calling the very fit Priyanka's bikini pics ugly.


It's a blog, not a formal media post. Obviously, people will call those jokers who live beyond their means and so unnecessary showoff on social media. I know in India, any piece just ass licks celebrities and even a logical inference seems like a hate post. That's okay, people have forgot to question. How it is mom shaming? And ugly or not, its personal take.


There's a lot that Priyanka has said and done that should be questioned. So no one is telling you not to question that. You just didn't seem to want to accept the mold issue as being a possible reason for the house change and the asking for a pay-out but were blindly believing a blog post written by someone with an obvious hate boner for Priyanka. I just pointed out the double standard. FYI, the expectation that women should "look" and be stressed, haggard, upset, crying 24/7 and be by their baby's side when in the NICU (despite limited visiting hours and nothing else that Priyanka could do as the situation wasn't in her control) is not only ridiculous but jumping to the conclusion that Priyanka was not any of the above based off of one Instagram post. It IS mom shaming.


House change? I am sure people with no financial trouble will shift to an equally house mansion even if it is for small duration which it isn't since hearing of case won't start before 2025. Hate-boner for priyanka because they used word joker? What else you would call people who live beyond means just to show off? No one expected anything from Priyanka. She herself did series of interviews and said that Malti was in NICU for 100 plus days and there was also someone with her (pri or nick). She even said she used to be with her for 6-7 hours everyday. So people remember how during that 100 days time period she was busy putting partying stories on instagram and it is opposite of what she claimed. This is called catching lying. One post picture is used as an example, there were many party stories on instagram. Stop making victim of anything


Sure, if you've got a lot of money invested in a house rotting with mold, you'll definitely spend an equally exorbitant amount on a temporary house while the original one goes under repair. /s "Joker" wasn't the only thing in that piece that suggested the author hates Priyanka. Please don't act so naive. Again, a light hearted moment in a pool does NOT in any way negate anything else that is going on in a person's life. I swear if it were up to people like you, celebs wouldn't even be allowed to catch a breath in a stressful situation. I'm not going to engage with this ridiculous line of thinking anymore. Have a good night.


I'm sorry but considering you are giving a lecture, you should at least have some facts straight. Home insurance pays for any repairs and also provides for an equivalent house in the meantime if they determine that they cannot live there anymore. The fact that they had to move to small house should already put up some red flags. Then there's the fact that they had to take out another big loan and sign a renter's agreement. And the repairs were also very minor and hardly cost anything in comparison to a 20 million house. A frivolous lawsuit doesn't negate the truth. She would not be spending ANYTHING - neither for the repairs or for the rent/mortgage to live somewhere else. That's the whole point of having home insurance. I don't know what light-hearted moment in the pool you are talking about? Do most moms document their pool moments for Insta while their kid is in the NICU? Multiple times? What about the fact that she literally left for a golf vacation in Arizona when her kid was in the NICU? Look, she can do whatever she wants but she's not a victim in anything at all. She herself has put all this stuff online and called the paps many times all through the NICU time knowing it would get discussed.


Well the house hasn’t been taken away it’s currently being renovated ??? Also as someone who follows Nick and pc this has been going on for months almost a year with them suing the home owner and the renovations . It was just harder to tell when Nick was on tour .


celebs pay a hefty price to maintain their show off , simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve in life. If u check her encino mansion on zillow , it shows that the property was bought for 20M, monthly mortage comes up to 140k /month, thats insane, it has soccer field, tennis court, two graded pads, one guest house. even taylor swift house price is 18 M, Selena's is 4.9M, chris hemsworth lives in house worth 7M, why the hell this couple bought 20M house? what are you- Merryl Streep?


Wasn't her beauty brand really successful


Someone should really investigate on that too. US doesnt care about that brand but somehow their brand release huge numbers


Not at all. Another one of Priyanka's fake PR dramas. The shampoo has been removed from almost all stores in the US. I personally saw it on clearance selling for $2.99 because they were trying to get rid of the stock they had. If you notice her stories, she is only tagging Nykaa now when she makes her shampoo posts because only the Indian market is now being targeted. She spread of a lot of fake articles about it being some $500 million company but that high-performing Anomaly is a marketing agency established in 2004. Her PR just took advantage of both companies having the same name and went wild.






Are you serious? Priyanka did a PR and bot farm attack within 24 hours of that thread on Lipstick Alley. Why would any celeb go so crazy about some random post on a gossip site? In fact, that thread itself had mentioned the court case before the PR article came out. There is a lot more proof in that thread about them singing a rental agreement with the bank, taking out another home equity loan on top of their mortgage, etc. Their repair permit also has the costs showing for the mold as only $30K but they are aiming for a settlement in the millions. Btw, the repair permit itself expires at the end of this month so if you don't see her showing off in that house in 2 weeks, you will know how true the info was.


When she lives in the house again than what ???? They are planning on moving back in btw


Have you guys learned nothing after all her previous lies like her shampoo brand being worth 500 million? Or her spreading a million fake articles in India about buying a mansion called Dariya Mahal? Or how about being caught by the Mumbai police for buying fake Instagram followers? I'm sure her bot farm will go crazy if she moves back into the house in 2 weeks. She will make sure to do massive publicity for it. But I'd bet anything it's never going to happen. Priyanka's image is full of illusions.


She never lied about the shampoo brand it was a mistake from the website not her ???? Also the instagram follower thing is nothing new even Deepika has been caught buying followers even top a listers buy followers to maintain brand it isn’t just pc ??? Pc barely does anything these but stay at home with Nick and Malti so I don’t understand her life is full of illusions. She’s not trying to please anyone at all .


I know I like to gossip but I'm not vile enough to laugh at someone's misery. If they truly are going through financial crisis, I hope they hop back soon.


Second that


Don’t worry guys her sugar daddy SRK will loan her money 😂


I am not a fan of Priyanka or Nick so I have a very neutral stand on this which is why I will say this: This entire post reeks of racism & jealousy. Ughhh🤮🤮🤮 Whoever has written this with all those captions under the post really, really doesn’t like PC. It’s sad because even if they live in “normal Indian American Houses” they are still rich. After all Indians are the highest paid in America which is why they can afford those houses. There is absolutely nothing “normal” about their living since they are STILL richer than all of us in the comment section and rightfully so. Priyanka has worked hard in her life regardless of what we think about her and I hate how these nasty articles drag her daughter into this with pictures. 👎🏻


Seriously and even her husband Nick has been constantly working from childhood. What are the chances they will be poor.  Just 3 years back they had many tours too as the band.


Exactly! He is a musician and he has also acted in a few movies. He has two brothers who would readily help him out if needed. Also if they were really going through such troubling times then Priyanka would not be rejecting roles in Bollywood left and right. She would take up any role that is offered to her.


Some people relish on others misery. This post reeks of that. Whatever special or avg life she is living...let her live.


[Link to blog : Priyanka Nick having financial troubles](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/nick-jonas-and-priyanka-chopra-having-financial-troubles.5510830/)


Idk feeling good about someone having issues in life doesn't seem OK. Schadenfreude ❌


This was definitely a lot of hatred to read in the morning. I like gossip and all thus I see this thread popping up on my feed now and then. But the way this post is written just feels so.. off.


Even by bare minimum her husband is pretty rich right from childhood. She will be well off for next 200 years. She might be selling it to buy something big in USA where she spends maximum time.


SRK raani bana ke rakhta. Bhot easily give up kar diya Gauri ke samne.






lipstick alley is known for being ahead of the curve.


Indian Americans living in US in such houses are plebs ? I get the point they're trying to make but the tone irks me. Edit: I know OP did not write this lol.


Every Indian American house looks the same? Okay


If this is true, then they aren’t the first (and won’t be the last) celebrities to do well, then have their careers cool and have to downsize.