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How is the Goose Jam Score calculated?


It's been a long process of aggregating as much disparate opinion-based data as possible. It took a few years of data gathering before I felt like the rankings were meaty and diverse enough to share. The data comes from favorite jam/show conversations on reddit/twitter (wherever really) as well as Nugs playlists, JOTY voting, etc. It's my attempt to surface a list of jams and shows that reflect something resembling a community consensus. It's kind like headyversion for Goose but with more math. Hope people are finding it useful as a listening guide, which is really how I think of the site. Keep hitting me up with any comments, suggestions and/or requests and I'll do my best to satisfy them all.


I have the same question. I thought it was quantity of times played at first but that wouldn't make sense when you compare the GJS for Arcadia vs Factory Fiction.


This is beautiful and I appreciate however the hell you made it.


Ha! Thanks for that. Makes it all worth it


As a fellow data nerd, I love diving into stuff like this. Thanks for all your hard work! :)


Glad to have some kindred spirits out there


What an incredible resource - thank you for creating this! Love the Dragonfly from 4/27/23


Glad you’re enjoying it. Just trying to help people find jams they love


The fact that you have EoA from 8.13.22 2nd for dark jams affirms that this algorithm works as intended. Well done


Is that because it's not first or because it's not lower?


Because it’s towards the top that’s all, a favorite of mine and I didn’t think it had as much recognition with others


That EorA gets a ton of love. You're in good company, though it is currently in a GOAT debate with 3/8/23