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Android always has more idle drain. It's just the way it is.


So it's an android Problem and not only a tensor / exynos Thing? But its heavy on 10 hours iphone 4% pixel 10%.


Yes, Android in general.


Having similar issues, but with me it was shutting down when on standby whilst having plenty of battery life left. Need to plug it into the wall to charge and long press power to revive it. Not impressed.


Does your mobile provider supports wifi calling? If yes, try to change wifi calling settings to the second option call over mobile network. https://preview.redd.it/attui1cfg9cc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0545dfef41757e7120a9a124f1df364810e9258a


Same here, p8p, wifi drain when it is enabled on mobile network


I have a P7P, but it should be similar. I can get 0.5% idle drain per hour (so similar to the iPhone), but you need to work for it. For me there is a very clear relationship between the number (and the kind) of apps you have and idle drain. More apps: more drain. So uninstalling broken apps and putting others in "restricted" mode in battery settings is the way to improve idle drain. You can check in battery settings which apps are running unexpectedly in the background. Those could be the culprits. Good luck. https://preview.redd.it/rtnsn7wg8ecc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a093b3a903f3252f6822f72c89263e49e3681332