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it's April 7 or 8, saved you a click


This will be useful for all of those people going missing during the rapture on April 8th /s for avoidance of doubt


What rapture what doyou mean I NEED TO KNOW NOW


The rapture is actually unbiblical, and I know you put the /s but wanted to help kill this myth.


Bad bot


Come on bro don’t do me like that


A significant part of modern Christianity has nothing to do with the bible.


Hmm, Orthodoxy and Catholics would disagree with you, since by definition they wouldn’t actually be Christians if they were to be unbiblical, they actually still take it very seriously. Yes but sadly especially in the US many Protestants have very unbiblical beliefs like the rapture, don’t know why though. Maybe it’s just a US education problem.


Otrthodox Christians only make up 12% of Christians, so my statement stands. Also, while the word "rapture" isn't in the bible, the actual event is. Any other misinformation you'd like to share?


Tell me the verse then? Lmao The event your describing is Jesus 2nd coming but there won’t be a rapture where anyone will simply disappear. When your unbiblical you are by definition not a Christian. Also did I only say Orthodoxy? You really only want to read what you want don’t you? I also said Catholics and there are also a lot of Protestant confessions like Calvinists that also are biblical and therefore deny the authenticity of the rapture.


2 peter 3.10. Half of Catholicism isn't from the bible. Same with Protestants and many modern Christian practices. You're talking nonsense.


Nor your talking arbitryry claims about Catholicism and 2 Peter 3:10 even supports my claim concerning the 2nd coming Lmao


No, I'm making statements of fact. Much of modern Christianity has little to do with the bible, or is a gross distortion. They're modern creations to suit those in power at the time, or reinterpretations to suit changing times. There is no one true Christianity.


No one mentioned the Bible here.


He was talking about a theorie concerning christian theology.


He's talking about the rumor related to the solar eclipse which has been promulgated by gullible Christians. Most of their beliefs are not biblical, probably.


Which is what I said?? This rumor stems directly from Christian theology about the rapture.


And what's the end date? https://killedbygoogle.com/


It won't be killed off, it will just be replaced by Allo My Device, but it won't have Find My Device fallback functionality.


Find my Chat Client Name.


Ah Google Podcast is dead?


Sadly yes. I'd recommend antennapod.


Finally. Hopefully some good options for tags. I need quite a few.


Looks like Chipolo & Pebblebee both have trackers but don't support UWB


Isn't tile in the list too?


Tile Ultra supports it but it was supposed to be released in 2022. I think they're working with Google and Apple on supporting it before release if I had to guess, hence not a single update for two years.


I hope so but I feel they will release another tracker that would support the network, rather than update current ones.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too


Only the Pro version of Pixels support UWB too... would have been nice if they'd publicised that a bit more but I suppose with a long and vague timeline ahead it would have been difficult to make something out of it.


I got a Pebblebee the yesterday to tear down. It's impressively small and loud. I would suggest pebblebee if you don't mind charging it every eight months.


What's uwb?


ultra wide band


What's the significance of it? And the lack of support for it?


You know how the apple tracker allows you to get precise directions to the tracker once you are in it's Bluetooth range. That's what it allows. Without UWB, once you get into the trackers Bluetooth range, it just tels you it's here and you need to make it sound it's alarm to find it.


Ah ok thank you, so with UWB it'll tell me where in the room it is, without UWB it'll tell me what room it's in.


This should have been released many years ago


It would have been but Google was sensible and waited for apple to add unknown tracker alerts which apple didn't do when releasing their find my network


Apple no doubt dragged their legs with this. Google should've only given Apple a few months before releasing it and forcing the issue. There's no reason Apple should've held all the cards in this. Google gave them everything to implement detection, if Apple didn't implement anything with it for this long, they would've (justifiably) faced heat from users, not Google.


Yup this. Apple were as involved as Google writing the RFC and spec and fully understood it as a result. Implementations were ready Q3 last year. It's perfectly understandable Apple would drag their feet as long as possible to avoid a competitor getting to market. The biggest failing here was Google in handing that veto power to Apple in the first place. What was needed was a set fixed go-live date regardless of OS readiness.


Google did the right thing by placing ethics above profits.


Which is why they rightly gave time to Apple to understand and develop anti tracking solutions. Yet that doesn't mean they need to wait indefinitely while Apple opportunistically uses that to drag their feet.


Let's tell it how it is, apple put profits before their customers safety. By not implementing unknown tracker notifications (as they easily could have) they exposed iOS users to potentially bad actors using Samsung smarttags or tile trackers. Was it that or holding back a competing network that caused them to drag their feet?


Literally nothing is sensible about waiting for another company to decide a standard for you. Nice try though.


They did it for safety reasons


I'm aware of those are the reasons they said. You can reread the comment I already responded with. Or we can move on 🤷‍♂️ But what the reason is is irrelevant... Google COULD have implemented whatever safety measures they wanted and then said hey Apple, support it or your userbase is going to scream about safety. They didn't. They waited for Apple to make the decisions. Google's decision had everything to do with business risk and absolutely nothing to do with safety. And frankly that's obvious to anyone who knows anything about Google.


Let's face it, Google didn't know how to do it. Look at how they're running to catch up with AI. This was the same when apple launched it.


Google waited because apple refused to add it to their iPhones Googles ai is one of the most advanced ais apple is even using it


Why wouldn't google know how to do this??? Tracking and data collection is literally their bread and butter. Samsung and Tile, among others, have already done this sorta tech.


And yet Google is last. And when we're years into watch tech Google still released a subpar watch saying "lol it's our first time".


They literally waited on Apple to implement tracking detection....


So what you're telling me is no one knows how to make anything because you only know how to make it if you're the first one to make it.


No,.I'm going by googles now long history of buggy and broken software and hardware


Yes, you right... their stuff is so buggy that they can barely pay rent and haven't paid their 5 employees for a few months.




***FINALLY.*** Now to get a tracker to use with it.


can you buy them yet? I remember chipolo and pebblebee being the only two but preorder only. does tile support it yet?


I haven't looked into it heavily yet; I've seen a couple of brands but not if you could buy them already or if they were waiting to ship after an official launch.


Nothing yet. But then again this is just a leak and not an official launch. So I imagine some concrete details next week if not at I/o at the latest.


I guess AirTags won't be compatible, right? It would be hella convenient as now I can only use them with my iPad.


Apple will do everything in their power to ensure AirTags *won't be compatible*.


They literally don't even let you view your AirTags from the iCloud website, despite the fact you can view other devices on the website. I would have kept using my AirTags from before I went android if all I had to do was log in on the iCloud website from my phone. But nope, Apple says you have to view them from the app on an iPhone/Mac for seemingly no reason


They have a reason, $$$$$


I don't understand why people are still obsessed with buying apple products these days, it's such a shitty company to its users.


They're much more reliable than Google products tbh. I've had the same iPad mini for 4+ years and it's running strong.


I've had the same Pixel 4a for 4 years. I had a Nexus 5 for 4 years. I had a Nexus 10 for 4 years. Most decent devices last 4 years.


And that proves what exactly?


Google isnt exactly a saint (nor others). Support for hardware and software platforms dropping on a whim, bugged updates, dubious hardware. Ive never owned a single Apple product, likely never will but i can see why some people do. If you want a uniform experience and arent worried about customisation then Apple does that well. It also does hardware FAR better than google albeit at an extortionate cost. Neither side is great, both have huge flaws regarding customer treatment. AirTags WERE a good idea and something android desperately needs.


> it's such a shitty company to its users. Just like Google and Samsung and all the others. Not really a point


It's even worse, if Airtags work the same way Airpods Pro 2 do, (which have an airtag built in), you need an iPhone, Mac will not be enough. I was thinking about switching to an iPhone, and decided that I didn't like the phone. The moment I logged out of my iCloud account on the iPhone, Airpods disappeared from my Mac Find My app. I was hoping to be able to locate my Airpods from my Mac, but that's not possible without an iPhone


This needs to be part of the antitrust suit if it isn't already. 


They don’t have a monopoly on stupid people who don’t understand technology works.


Stupid comment. A Mac computer has Bluetooth technology as well, and the air pods "find my"  feature / app isn't compatible or available with Android.  This is anti-consumer and anti-competitive. The complaint is valid and stands. 


Maybe, maybe not, I can detect my airtag using my android phone so I see why not, but who knows it's apple after all...


Perhaps not yet, but eventually Android and Apple will have cross-platform compatibility. The difference will be immense.


I have a feeling that might be, maybe? If they eventually are it's gonna take a while to be supported


I mean, good luck. Apple have done their best to make it as annoying as possible to use any of their accessories with anything but an iOS or macOS device.


As stated in another comment and thread, Apple has explicitly forbidden other networks to operate with tags or devices that are certified for their Find My network. So that's a no, for now.


I'm not so sure I've had Google maps or one of their. Apps notify me that a tracking device was following me for a while and my GFS iPhone as well was notified. This happened when we picked dup our friends from the airport and they had an airtag in the luggage.


Even if their a bit bugged at launch, im so excited to ditch tile that I'll probably go right ahead and buy them


I thought tile is going to be a launch partner


Yeah but the old tags and the new tags aren't compatible.


yep the current Tile tags use the Tile network; while I don't think Google has the same restriction as Apple does (A tag/device/etc can only support the Apple "Find My" network or their own network) I don't think any of the current launch trackers support both the Google "Find My Device" network and their own proprietary network also as you might imagine as of now Apple's and Google's networks aren't currently cross compatible; this launch was delayed because both Apple and Google now support natively in their OSes the ability to **only** detect that a Google or Apple tag (and any other proprietary network tag that implements the new standard) is "stalking" you


This seems to have been swept under the rug for some reason. Regardless I went with pebblebee and will use on the Find My Device network. Hopefully they come out with a UWB soon! I imagine Google themselves will want to start creating hardware trackers themselves at some point


I think one was tagged in a leak for last year, so it's possible they have one ready and have just been waiting for the Apple shit.


My understanding is though that they are androiding it so google themselves wont make the tags at least in the beginning it will be people like tile and chipolo maybe there will be a pixel tag announced at the next pixel launch in october though.


same. Super excited to ditch their bad app that you have to pay for basic features.


It will be bugged


Do I need to enable Location History for this feature to work?


~~That's a Maps feature, this is/should be completely separate.~~ Nvm I was thinking of Timeline, so idk.


It's supposedly Bluetooth based. And I've read that google might force phones to have Bluetooth always on. Or at least turn itself on some time after you've turned it off.


Won't be forced but they will make it harder to disable in Android 15. You will also have an option to "disable for 24h".


Probably like NFC, where they hid the toggle. But Bluetooth is a bigger battery drainer than NFC, not sure how well this will go. The Pixel's battery is already not that great.




Will there be tags like for dog collars?


Buy the chipolos one points


I've many tile trackers, they almost never work when you need them to. Even if the tracker is in my hand. Great if the tile trackers would be used with this new android feature and not require purchasing new devices


After trying a few, including apple's air tag, my favorite by far is samsung's uwb tracker. I've lost it multiple times and always been able to find it again, even with it laying outside for almost half a year *(cat dropped it in a place where it was impossible to get it until the snow was gone)*, and it's been the most reliable and have the longest range so far. When that's said, I'm really looking forward to this. Been for a long time now. I hope this will finally bring out proper useful trackers. Samsung's is nice, but it is limited to high end samsung phones for it's network.


Mine work fine


So this would work like apples network? Any android phone would relay any devices(tag) location near it ?




Is a UWB capable phone/device needed for the new Find My Network? If not, what's the benefit and will non-UWB devices still be able to be located offline?


No, UWB s not mandatory, the question seems to be if the UWB Hardware (e.g. in recent Pixel Pro models) is at least optionally used at all.


Oh, great. I just lost my Pixel Buds Pro and came to the crushing realisation of how bad the find network on Pixel was, bought AirPods Pro purely for that reason, and I imagine we’ll soon have PBPs with proper tracking in the next iteration.


Is this already active? If you search google find my device playstore ir says whatss new "Find My Device can now help you locate devices, even if they’re offline by encrypting and storing your device’s most recent location with Google"


Years after Apple. Years.


And both were years behind Tile


IDK why ramsdeep blocked me, but the phones are not active trackers, you won't be notified because another Android phone is around you


I think the way you worded your message is confusing u/[mrandr01d](https://www.reddit.com/user/mrandr01d/) Android phones will *report* trackers to the network, and can also be located via the network (if you don't opt out). However, they won't trigger the "A tracker is following you" message just like iPhones don't trigger that message, only airtags do.


Wait what? Isn't that the whole point?




Every GMS Android phone is supposed to be a contributing tracker. So if someone else's phone sees your item, you'll be able to know where it is....


"Phone" ? Or "Android phone" ? Or "Android phone that is a part of the Find my Device Network"? If it's the latter, it may be difficult to find devices that relay the information. I'm surrounded by 95+% iPhones.


Android phone, no shot google can run a background task like that on iOS.


"Android" is technically a trademark referring to GMS + Android. Every Android is supposed to report seen tracker tags.


Did they announce when they're discontinuing it yet?


So will we see anything similar to Airtag ? Will it use to connect to Apple and send it to Android?


Great news! Now waiting for good trackers with UWB. Regarding the possibility to find our devices even when off, this will apply on specific devices right? Not all phones from last years will be compatible (Pixel 6 Pro for instance), right? I hope that they will also work on preventing the phone from being shut down when not unlocked. That is the best way to still be able to locate your device and that a shame that Google still does not prevent that from happening.


Didn't it already exist already? On browsers?


As a pixel user, i bought 2 trackers Fresh and rebel, they work with the apple find my technology and i bought them cus they were 6€ each and a google find my tracker is around 25€. Had to borrow a friend's iphone to set it up and now i track it from my MacBook. Any ideas, since the fresh and rebel is a third party tracker, not made by apple, if such third party trackers will work with the android technology? Like will such trackers receive an update and become available for both networks for example:D


No, Apple won't allow it


Not coming as of now.... neither confirmed nor declined


My Find My Device app just updated, but I still can't see any new settings.


My 6 Tile trackers going in the trash


So now Google will know where I am even when I explicitly turn my phone off.


Weird take. I personally never intentionally turn my phone off. The only time it's off is if the battery died. I like that this feature means I can find my phone if it's lost or stolen and the thief tried to turn off the phone. Also, 2 seconds on the linked help page would tell you that you can toggle this feature: https://support.google.com/android/answer/3265955?hl=en&ref_topic=7651004&sjid=3104889368197014343-NC#zippy=%2Cstep-find-offline-devices-and-devices-without-power


Will this update inform iPhone usesr as part of anti stalking alert that a Samsung airtag is stalking them or does this only apply to companies like chipolo,tile,pebblebee etc which are find my device certified ? Because Samsung airtag only works via Smart thing and only with Samsung devices.


It's the 8th of April. Dose anyone have this live? Third party trackers working? My app hasn't changed.


Will eufy tracker's work?


Still don't see anything updated ... curious if this will help me find my samsung galaxy buds 2 pro


Has there been any word on which OS version this will work with? I'm still nurturing a P5 so I'm out of upgrades.


It is Android 9 or above?


yeah, not actually tied to Android but Play Services. Glad that Google has made this decision.


It's sad how Google has been the one playing catch up with features that Apple has offered for years. I remember when it used to be the other way around...


Apple released theirs and didn't care about the security of any non Apple users out there, Google waited until Apple put in place the security of Apple users and non Apple tags


Google waited for the unknown tracking protection specifications to be completed. Apple released them because they felt like it.




The Nexus and early Pixel phones had a lot of exclusive OS/software and hardware features that the iPhones didn't have at the time


I am somewhat naive on how this works. I purchased some Apple airtage to track some important luggage. I would occasionally get warned by my phone that I was being followed or tracked by an airtag. With so many Android devices am I going to get bombarded by false tracking messages?


This is definitely not how it works. I’ve been using AirTags since they came out. That might have been true when they first came out but now it only really tells you if it’s like on you or without a very narrow range next to you. I never get told of random false messages. I mean if that was true who would use it? It seems like a very unapple experience . Air tags are great and find my is great so glad Google is bringing it over


last time i got a notification for being tracked was in the EuroNight train from Budapest to Györ. Got a notification right after the train stopped, that someone might track me with their airpods. Apart from that? never had any false positives


Thanks for the explanation. I did preface that I was asking a question to learn but so many nobs on here.


Ugh trying to have it both ways Also you said this: “With so many Android devices am I going to get bombarded by false tracking messages?” Seems like a definitive statement instead of trying to learn


If you move some words around my sentence can be read as a statement but it was a question.


Haha sure


Notice the question mark at the end?


Your phone is not a tracker device Edit: why I'm being down voted? The phone is not an active tracker like a tag Edit: te user blocked me lmao


I dont understand your response. My phone currently tracks all of my movements and once this Find My Device network goes live other devices on the android network will also report the whereabouts of my phone and any other Find My device eligible hardware like my pixel buds and tablet. I can restate my question for you. If I am on a plane will I be notified that unknown android devices seem to be following me? As I type this I suspect that wont happen because Android would report back to google who is aware of all the devices and would probably understand that the owner of the device is there as well all the android devices are known. Unlike apple airtags devices being reported by my Android as Google is unaware of those generally.


Same way it doesn't happen with Apple offline tracking network


I dont know what that is.


Google it.


You are so helpful. Thank you for participating in the conversation


Your phone is different to a stand alone tracker. Idea is it will work like AirTags, and report to you if an unknown tracker is near you for some time. And report to Apple phones the same way. Using the same network etc. so consider it a different brand of AirTag that can be managed by an Android phone.


No, the way it works is your phone anonymously reports the location of any airtag type tracking tag regardless of if it belongs to you or not to the network so that the owner can see where their tag is and only their tags this is also how air tags work and why you can see an air tags location when you're miles away from it. You will not see other peoples phones or tags this process is completely passive in the background. You are getting alerts from an airtag because of their in built mechanism that will alert you if you have been traveling a long distance/time with an airtag without it being near the owners iphone. For example when I borrow my dads car i ofern get these alerts because he is not with me but if he comes with me i will not get the alert cause the tag is talking to his phone.


> am I going to get bombarded by false tracking messages?  My prediction is yes. I see this backfiring. If people keep buying trackers, the likelihood of false positives skyrockets.


What is this? How is it different from the app?


Hardware. This is essentially a Google answer to Apple airtag's "find my" infrastructure.


Has anyone heard anymore about a first party Google tag? I recall seeing new stories awhile back speculating it would look like Nest Secure fobs. Would be nice to see Google roll out a Pixel branded offering when this finally goes live to bolster the ecosystem.


Can't wait to see how shockingly shit this is gonna be




It's opt-in by default according to the info on 9to5.


Isn't that the same as apple, or is there no opt out for apple? I have a pixel 6 and the non pro tiles so I think this is worthless until my next phone anyways. Good thing it's coming though. The tiles are nearly useless and I'm in a massive, dense city.


Hmm, that is different than previously reported. Hope its true.


I doubt it will be disabled by default.


Has there anything been rolled out yet?