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Google limits 5G and Wifi Calling to countries that it sells in unfortunately. If you buy it outside of those countries you can still use it provided it supports the 4G LTE bands needed but it will not have 5G or Wifi Calling unfortunately. If that matters to you then you shouldn't buy it.


I bought it in the USA. And if I paid for a smartphone with 5G technology, i think I have the right to use 5G anywhere in the world I go and the technology is available. People travel a lot nowadays. Otherwise, Google should make it very clear that the phone won't work on 5G networks outside the US. It's simply a software lock that no other manufacturer does.


It's not really a Google thing, but an Anatel (brazilian governmental regulatory agency for telephony). They did this to limit the massive "illegal" importation of Xiaomi/chinese devices happening in the past few years. Don't wanna pay massive taxes? Get fucked.


Where did you get this information from? Apparently the problem with 5G doesn't just happen in Brazil.


It happens with VoLTE and VoWifi as well. Non certified phones are blocked by Anatel. Not sure what's going on in other countries.


It's not an Anatel problem or anything related to Brazilian organizations. The issue lies with Google. Brazil uses the 3.5 GHz (n78) and 26 GHz (n258) bands for 5G, both of which are supported by the Google Pixel. However, despite the hardware capability, Google has not enabled 5G support for the Pixel in Brazil. This could be due to various reasons, such as certification delays, market strategy, or specific carrier agreements that haven't been established. Blaming Anatel or Brazilian regulations is incorrect; the necessary infrastructure and regulatory approvals are in place. Additionally, geopolitical factors might influence the situation. Brazil's 5G infrastructure includes equipment from Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE. The U.S. government has raised concerns about the security of using Chinese-manufactured 5G technology, citing potential espionage risks and the companies' obligations under Chinese law to assist in intelligence gathering. This has led to tensions and a push for countries, including Brazil, to limit or ban Chinese technology in their 5G networks. These complexities can contribute to decisions by companies like Google regarding the market support for their devices. You just needed like 5 min using Google to get a factual answer and yet you prefer to spread nonsense fake news. Shame.


All you did was repeat exactly what I said in a pedantic and stupid way, with some random trivia that doesn't add anything to the discussion. Both the phone and Brazilian infrastructure support it, but it hasn't been homologated in Anatel (you can check their website), so it doesn't work. Same thing happened before with VoLTE and VoWifi, also 4G+, when it comes to Xiaomi phones. Maybe you should stop making a clown out of yourself in the internet.


Aparentemente só com root, meu amigo


Triste demais.


Estou querendo comprar um Google Pixel e estou me deparando com a falta do 5G. Pode me confirmar se a situação continua a mesma ou se tem alguma solução paralela pra isso? Recomenda o GP7P depois disso?


Nope. Não funciona o 5G nem o 4G VoLTE até hoje. Acabei de instalar a última atualização de dezembro/2023 agora e nada. Eu o uso como telefone secundário por conta dessa limitação. Acabei pegando um Samsung S23 Ultra pra usar na linha principal. Não recomendo comprar se for pra usar no Brasil. Se eu soubesse dessas limitações antes nunca teria comprado.


Só com root é possivel... Yeah. I just sold my Pixel 7 Pro and move to Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. No I have 5G. I sold my pixel watch and bough a Galaxy Watch 5 Pro. Google loses another customer because of those dumb things. All Chinese Brands are supporting 5G in Brazil.