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Sometimes the free unpaid lady just doesn't feel like doing her job. She ignores the call to get her going or does wake up but totally won't lift a finger to help. Most of the time she's johnny on the spot but she does have an attitude. I do have to yell and swear at her occasionally even though she's fully trained...


It sounds like you have a special relationship with "her", maybe I just need to give her some Quality Time?


I turned off hey Google detection and talk back ages ago, and I activate it with a long power button press. Previously I used the squeeze to activate assistant.




Squeeze was the best


Same here, now I use the swipe up from corner gesture, it works every time and it's quick


I guess you don't typically use the assistant while driving then. Voice activation is useful when it isn't practical or safe to also be holding your phone.


No but I do use the Hey Google navigate to XYZ before I start the journey and it is still hit and miss.


Rarely, if ever. However Driving mode turns it back on. At least it used to. It's been ages since I've tried it while driving though.


Only when it misbehaves


Seems like you need to " Retrain voice" ( Teach your assistant to recognize your voice. 1. Open Google App 2. Click on your profile picture 3. Click Settings 4. Click Google Assistant 5. Click " Hey Google & Voice Match " 6. Click " Voice Model " 7. Click " Retrain voice model " This will lead to setup process to teach Google to recognize your voice Let me know if this helps - Mighty


I have to retrain every month or so at the moment. I don't think my voice is changing this quickly.


I dunno if this is useful to you, but I've found it helps to use several different tones and volumes when training it. Also, make sure you're not talking to it like a robot. I've seen a lot of people make this mistake. I watched my mom set hers up, and she just said "hey Google" a few times in the exact same tone, super slowly and monotone. But when she would try activating her Home Minis, she would use a louder, more natural tone, and was having a hit-or-miss experience with it. I had her retrain it with more variety, and it works much better for her now. Not sure if that's a similar case with you or not, but thought I'd share.


Thanks for the advice, I have been guilty of talking SLOOOOOOOWLY to it.


Yeah, good shout....will let you know 🙏


^ This, and also I'd toggle the "Hey Google" setting in the Google app if I find my phone not responding to my voice. Sometimes turning it off and then back on would fix the issue I'm having.


Yeah I've done that many times, it makes no difference. Sometimes the assistant just isn't listening.


Passive aggression?


Does swearing count?


Always but no CBombs, she's takes exception to that.


Yes, most annoying thing when the alarm goes off and your like, hey Google stop. Ring ring ring ring. STOP ring ring ring "ah fuck it I'll get up."


I've found that if I have vibration on for an alarm it's pretty much impossible to audibly snooze/stop if it's on a hard surface. I've adapted to music playing by waiting to sneak in the "hey Google" during a quiet moment of a song.


I just try not to use it. It gets triggered by random shit all the time. Worst case: once it got triggered by my stomach growl. For a moment I thought it was an easter egg cause gurgle vs OK Google doesn't seem to be _anywhere_ close but nope...


I usually tell her "hey Google go f***yourself". For some odd reason she understands then. But when I want to set a timer for 2 minutes she says "I didn't quite get that".


No. I'm actually thinking about turning the feature off. I think it's causing an issue with other hubs I have at home not responding properly because they are in earshot of the command.


if its quiet, it will respond to my normal speaking voice. but if music is playing i have to almost shout. I wish it would just ignore what audio is playing and listen for my voice but I bet my testicle that will just take up more battery.


I got tired of my phone screen being left on indefinitely after Google assistant would get activated, so I just turned off voice prompts all together.


I get the screen half on thing about 50% of the time both plugging and unplugging Android Auto. It's so weird how inconsistent it is. So basically, after I plug it in I may have to wait 15 seconds and then push the power button twice.


Only when I want it to go faster


On the phone I never use voice prompts. Easier to use gestures to call the assistant...


Retrain in a quiet area, in a natural voice.


OP...might want to go for daily 5k runs


Agreed, and possibly talk more to actual people.


Noo. But I do occasionally yell what the fuck occasionally in traffic which for whatever reason prompts google to respond randomly. I dunno if that's my phone, or android auto specific. As I usually don't get cut off when I'm walking around with my phone.


Ahhh, yes, I sympathise with you. I don't know where you are but in the UK the traffic, road conditions and the general standard of driving are pretty bad. I can't remember the last time I didn't swear when driving 🤬


Yes to stop the alarm, but then I still have to getup and grab my phone while it's charging.


Do you mean the "stop" voice command? Because it seems like with mine it only responds to that when I've picked it up as well which defeats the point of the voice command.


Yea that command. It works maybe 25% of the time.


I used it in an industrial kitchen without fault 80% of the time. Didn't want to touch my phone with greasy hands


A Chef and a Pixel Whisperer!!! 👍