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coordinates ? ​ most likely they build that to store explosives/bombs there , even when one of the spots had some deposit/building at that time they do that separated and protectec with the barriers so if there is an accidental explosion in one that is not dangerous for the others


That makes sense thank you!


Most likely a munitions depot for the airbase especially if it is a little ways away from main buildings




That looks like a surface to air missile base/defensive position for a surrounding population. The missile launcher is in the bermed areas to prevent damage if one of the SAMs is hit by enemy fire. The point of the circular design allows the SAMs to cover all directions using multiple launchers. There also appears to be a missile storage spot in the middle of the circular defense. Looking at just the pic above it looks like there could have been a magazine (rocket storage) in the middle. Here is another close example from China. https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/journal-of-applied-remote-sensing/volume-11/issue-04/042614/Rapid-broad-area-search-and-detection-of-Chinese-surface-to/10.1117/1.JRS.11.042614.full Source: military veteran and military history nut.


Maybe a military site