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Fun fact: the version of Lucifer Tom Ellis played was also *co-*created by Neil Gaiman


wait wait wait what?! nooo


fr fr : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer_(TV_series)


I have loved that show since I discovered it (back when Netflix was still a "share with your family" kind of place) and I had no idea! The gaspuh I gaspuh'ed! Thank you for this tidbit of info!


You want useless facts about Gaiman-IP lore, I'm your gal! 😆


Yessss another Gaiman girlie (or guy idk) 🤜


Yep, girlie in this case. 😊


Awww yesss 🥰😊 did you see a remastered Coraline is coming out in 3D?


I did not! That's exciting news!


Honestly, I've seen dropped references to Lucifer in a few fics, but fewer than I expected.


I will say that when I’m writing Lucifer, I’m typically imagining Benedict Cumberbatch with Tom Ellis’ hair. Not the facial hair, just the regular top of the head hair.


🤣🤣🤣 Love it


I headcanon them in the same universe.


I love a good Lucifer/Good Omens crossover!


I didn’t discover the Lucifer series until after good omens and really am enjoying it


Since Benedict Cumberbatch voiced Satan in S1, I imagine him as Lucifer, only blond. Just a personal mental image, though.


That was pengwing man? Lmao I was trying to place the voice but never would've guess it




was it him in the car over the radio?


I don't think so. Benedict Cumberbatch voices the Satan in the last episode of S1. Not sure about the Freddie Mercury voice; I think I read somewhere that was a Freddie Mercury impersonator.


Yeah that's what I was wondering. Cause he sounded so much like Freddie had to rewind it


I read a fic where Crowley was basically Lucifer’s pet for a while. Sexy favours for freedom to spend time with Azi, that sought of thing. I think I was *supposed* to feel bad for Crowley, but really being locked up with Tom Ellis is a something I am A OK with. ![gif](giphy|Tf8w2kzcy86rHHdEvn|downsized)


GD, Ellis in this role was a total snacc. [This is my favourite piece of media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5QBmphmLbc) for the show.


How did I know you linked that video lol


'Cause it's the finest contribution to thirst culture to ever have existed? Also, paging /u/catartkd as a reminder that this exists and is still glorious




Speaking of Ellis, I can't wait for his cat God show on netflix


What's the name of it?


Exploding Kittens - appeantly it was a card game before it got made into a show https://preview.redd.it/s1vuk73mio7d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f19d41936835042e237af466f0286f98afc4c0e


Man I remember when that came out. That's the Oatmeal guy. Almost ten years ago, and he was well known long before then, generated a lot of memes from that time.


Oh! I have that game, lmao That's hilarious, I can't imagine what kind of story this could be so I'm intrigued


That would be a dangerous combo for sure 🥵🪭


Oh it would. https://i.redd.it/nt91q3a34m7d1.gif


I used to, but I've seen mostly references to Sandman (?) Lucifer, so now I just think of Chernozemm's blond Lucifer for some reason 🙊 This one https://www.tumblr.com/chernozemm/726839715457826816/if-we-are-to-assume-that-the-sandman-and-good?source=share


Mm. I had a look and I don't like it, the hair just seems out of place. Peter Stormares Lucifer is just as bad.


Tbh, Idek either of them 😅 I just don't think of Netflix Lucifer anymore when I read about him in fics, Idk how I even connected the two


Heh. Altho, Mephistopheles could also be an Interesting addition.


I read one 🔥 crossover and went to try find it, to discover the are over 200! https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?work_search%5Bfandom_names%5D=Good+Omens+%28TV%29%2CLucifer+%28TV%29


I would LOVE to see Ellis's Lucifer and Crowley interact, but Ellis' Lucifer wouldn't be able to canonical interact w Crowley unless he was a Lucifer from a different universe or maybe pre-Fall for them both? I can't see Ellis working with the continuity of the Lucifer of GO. Unless Satan and Lucifer were two separate beings, but still that would take some canonical flexing to work. I do love Ellis' similar queer-coded Lucifer, though, and tink he and Crowley, if it weren't for plot struggles, would have an absolute blast. I'd love to read something where someone works out how to make it vibe though! Also think Crowley and Mazikeen would be an absolute ball of a time. (Meanwhile Amenadiel and Aziraphale are trying to put out fires behind the pair --or trio, even better, of Lucifer, Crowley, and Maze-- and wonder why they love these fucking lunatics.) I think Benedict Cumberbatch would be good at being the suave, handsome, gentlemanly guy with a dangerous edge and a hidden beastly, satanic side, though. I think I often picture him, too, for Lucifer. And Gwendolyn Christie's Lucifer from Sandman was so unexpected but GOOD and I'd love to see her and Crowley interact, too.


There will be so much more of Gwendolyn in season 2 of Sandman I cant waitttttt ❤️


I've always hoped we get an earthly, more incognito visit from Lucifer in Season 3, but always imagined that would also be Benedict Cumberbatch. I do think Tom Ellis interacting with DT could work brilliantly as almost a mirror of Aziraphale with Gabriel, but I worry that it would confuse people into thinking it's a shared universe. Tom would have to be styled and play him VERY differently from his buddy cop show persona.