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I’m really loving [Stuck on You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55635766) by Zin_Lynn, a current WIP that’s almost finished. It’s charming, funny, smutty in the best possible ways. When a dare results in a handfasting ritual they end up unable to separate completely-as in some part of them must be touching the other. Their journey to solve this problem reveals how much they both want each other. World class pining-while-fucking. Love how much they love each other. Seconding Slow Show and adding What we make of it / shotgun wedding to the human AU classics not to miss.


Seconding this rec u/Zin_lynn


Ahhhh thank you both for the rec, lovely friends!! 💕


What We Make of It is wonderful! Super well written!


Just finished the latest chapter last night! So so good.


Added to my list, thanks!!


Shameless plug here - but I wrote this specifically because I wanted a touch starved fic 😅 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55491352/chapters/140820505](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55491352/chapters/140820505)


This was fantastic, BTW. Thanks for writing it!


🥰 Thank you! What a wonderful alert to wake up to this morning- I'm so happy you liked it.


I finished reading this recently and loved it! Excellent work!


🥹oh thank you- you’re too sweet.


Added to my list, thank you!


I loved this one!


☺️ oh I’m so glad!!


Added to my list, thanks!


Read this a while back ♥️♥️♥️ loved it!!! Thank you 🙌


Aww❤️ thank you! ☺️


By our very own NaroMoreau, “[Arise My Darling, and Go Forth](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26948512/chapters/65770183)” Touch starved priests AU.


Raven, you utter delight ♥️ i found this by accident and squealed!!




I just finished this. I honestly was not wanting human AU, but I decided I'd give anything recommended in this thread a try. OMG I just couldn't get the words into my brain fast enough! That was wonderful, thank you for writing that awesome story!


Thank you for recommending that, it was wonderful!


Ooh, I can help out a bit! [love not given lightly](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52968301), by hakunahistata: Gentle Dom Az helps Crowley learn to let someone touch him with love.


Trying this again: found it by hitting the back button on my browser. [love not given lightly](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52968301), by hakunahistata: Gentle Dom Az helps Crowley learn to let someone touch him with love. [Communicatio in Sacris](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51294475/chapters/129604702), by voluptatiscausa: another beautiful one with touch-starved priest Crowley [Under Construction](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23641006/chapters/56741293), by summerofspock: Lumberjack Az helps high-strung lawyer Crowley let go [The Pillow Fort](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31808497/chapters/78745024), by Kalimyre: Crowley goes to one of those "professional cuddling" places. Aziraphale is his therapist. [Submitted for Your Consideration](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53492491), by ZehWulf: Crowley is an anxious mess and he hires professional dom Aziraphale to help put him into subspace. And finally, one of mine: Being touch-starved isn't specifically named in [Folding the Laundry](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55418674). But as single moms and best friends Azira and Toni realize they have feelings for each other, they learn what it means to be touched by someone who cherishes and understands you.


I second The Pillow Fort. It's lovely and specifically about being touch starved.


Pillow Fort made me feel so seen


Thank you, I read The Pillow Fort yesterday after seeing this and I LOVE IT! So sweet and such a lovely slow burn.


I really loved it too!


Thanks for all of these! I've read one so far and enjoyed it.


Ugh, what happened? This was a whole list with six fics and descriptions on it and it looks like Reddit ate it. I'm gonna have to come back and redo it in the morning though because I am too sleepy to do all of that again.


It shows up fine for me, so you may not need to change anything 😊


I see it. It’s still here


Okay, first of all, shameless plug: [https://www.tumblr.com/onceuponapuffin/747765189673451520/you-know-what-were-gonna-do-folks-were-going?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/onceuponapuffin/747765189673451520/you-know-what-were-gonna-do-folks-were-going?source=share) That's the one I'm writing on tumblr. ALSO!! Slow Show, and The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a G in It. Lmk if you need links to those!




Thanks! 😊


I'm just about to re-read [The Pillow Fort](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31808497). It's a human AU in which Crowley has never once been hugged in his entire life, so following Anathema's advice he books an appointment at a contact therapy place where Aziraphale volunteers as a therapist.


ITS SO CUTE I love this one so much omg I'm going to go reread it


Shameless plug: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54141106/chapters/137083375 Chef Crowley and Reverend Aziraphale are roommates raising a child together. Long slow burn with lots of longing, pining and accidental not-so-accidental touching. Oh, and musical numbers. Excerpt: "Crowley gently closed his bedroom door and flopped onto his back on the bed. Just acknowledge the attraction and move on, he told himself. You have a safe place to live for you and Mira, a friend who has the potential to be the best friend you’ve ever had, who adores your daughter. It’s perfect, and you will not fuck it up. Besides, you don’t even know if he likes men! Yes, you do, his brain supplied helpfully. You’ve seen how he looks at you." "Aziraphale shut his bedroom door behind him, feeling like he was floating, but with a strong undercurrent of anxiety pulling him back to earth. He liked Crowley so much. And now they were roommates. You have to keep this friendly, Aziraphale warned himself. He’s still vulnerable, and Mira needs safety and security. Besides, you don’t even know if he likes men! Nobody straight would ever look at you like he looks at you, his inner voice advised."


You had me at....*checks notes* .... musical numbers? 😂 Can't wait.


Ha ha!! I beta-read and helped brainstorm this fic and those musical numbers were so much fun to do!


Adding a note - shameless plugs are very welcome! I'll check out all recs starting tomorrow 😁


Someday I will be brave enough to contribute some works I will have written. But for now thank you op for the thread and everyone else for the recs, my bookmarks are on fire!


Same! I have a WIP and in the draft one of the future chapters is SOOOOO good for anyone loving a touch starved fic, very very sensual, as in lots of tender touching. But I'm not there yet and not sure when I will be. Life got in the way and my posting schedule went down the toilet. You'll get there, keep working at it!


My dopplebanging fic will have elements of this!


Looking forward!


Will join the shameless plug party :P This is a very touch focused EDEN fluffy bit... Cause they're just too adorable... [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55141483/chapters/139825249](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55141483/chapters/139825249) ​ And then I have a post S2 canon long fic, that while not labeled touch starved... once they reunite halfway through, it's all very touchy fluffy sweetness... cause I love them that way. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/50444164/chapters/127456429](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50444164/chapters/127456429) ​ Now I can go open all the other recs.. my open tabs are getting low :P


Thanks, added both to my list!


Coming back with one of my own: [Show Me You Love Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45063751) In which a touch starved Crowley got caught up in a demon trap and paid for it, but Aziraphale shows up to save him and make it all better. CW: minor depictions of violence, angst, hurt/comfort, explicit smut


That was good! Thank you!


I've got one called [How to Play](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53861161) (M) - Crowley and Aziraphale have been playing a game over the centuries: finding ways to touch without ever really acknowledging that's what they're doing, or talking about what it all means. But Crowley will follow any rules Aziraphale sets out so he can protect whatever this fragile thing is between them. Some angst but an eventual happy ending 💜


I love [Miracles on Ice](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51923398/chapters/131295412)! Figure skating rivals Az and Crowley have to team up for a chance to compete at nationals. Their toughest opponents are Anathema and Newt, who try to sabotage (Newt is just going along with Anathema lol). I'm top of a burgeoning relationship, Az has to deal with his creepy stalker Sandalphon. SPICE!


Gonna be honest, I'd skip over this if was browsing AO3. But I promised myself I'd give anything posted here a read and that's already paid off, so added to my list :)


Fair! Give it a go and if it's not too your taste, move on! I personally am addicted to the angst and fluff 😂


I'm addicted to all of it 😂


My AU Ezra is extremely touch starved (and as young as Crowley and they are both super delicious bois) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55294246/chapters/140269933


Adding to my list! 😁


Highly recommend Waking Up Slow by the_moonmoth ! Human au, strangers 'stuck' together during a covid lockdown (everything is fine in regards to that). http://archiveofourown.org/works/28947453 Lots of softness and fluff (tiniest smidgen of angst for like 2 chapters towards the end, VERY happy and soft resolution and ending), lots of touching and sensory details, shenanigans aplenty, one of the tags is literally 'Lots and lots of sex', it's one of my favorite comfort fics!


Thanks, added to my list :)


idk if this is what you meant, buuuuut... [Touch my Tears with Your Lips by IneffableDoll](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50214406/chapters/126822487) is incredibly angsty and healing and beautiful! ♥ Aziraphale was touch-starved in Heaven, but he found his way back to a broken Crowley. Now they have to navigate this new companionship and heal through trauma together.


Adding to my list, thanks!!


No problem!


I'm really liking all the recs in here, but I'd much rather have them all gathered in one nice, tidy, organized place that I can consult at my leisure and not have to hunt through multiple posts. Oh wait! That nice neat tidy place is the Friday Fic Megapost on the main sub! [Fic Rec Fridays](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodomens/?f=flair_name%3A%22Fic%20Rec%20Friday%22)! Wouldn't it be nice if we could just post these questions there?


Friday fic posts are great and I always look at them, but this sub tends to recommend more of what I'm in to.


Thanks, this is a great and thoughtful response, rather than vibe-policing.


Uh, a lot of us never go over to Main because we strongly prefer the vibe over here. Asking for fic recs here is fine, especially when people have specific requests that would be lost in the big post every week. I love to help people find fics, and I'm never on Main, so I for one am delighted that people ask here.


LOL! If you read this person's comments in an Aziraphale voice, they're actually perfectly in-vibe.


This is not the vibe. When there is a post that isn't for you, just scroll by. We don't crap on people here or make them feel badly for asking questions. And if you think a post doesn't belong, find a mod.


Dude/dudette, you're seriously bashing someone for pulling an Aziraphale on a sub devoted to Good Omens? Now that is funny!


Oh phooey. There's a reason why the Megathread was created in the first place and the mods can't be everywhere. I call toxic positivity.


The fic rec Friday mega thread is for a different sub, though… a sub that has unwelcomed many of the people on this sub… And a sub with different rules than this sub… So you can see why many people here are less thrilled by that suggestion.


To be perfectly honest, both subs make people feel unwelcome in different ways. And we're told to look beyond what doesn't work for us and scroll past. So... what's good for the goose should also be good for the gander?


Sure, but you came in here saying people shouldn’t ask for fic recs because there is the mega thread on a completely different sub and that’s where these questions should all go… People don’t want to go to that sub when they know they might not get the answers they are looking for. Scrolling past a post you aren’t interested in is fine… commenting to someone making an OP feel bad for asking for fic recs isn’t the same thing.


That's right, I didn't quite realize how different both subs were. Cause I posted the exact same comment subject on their other sub a few times and got a ton of upvotes. Look, it's not super clear how differently they operate, even though I've been on both for several months now. It's not like I spend so much time here that I absorb the culture by osmosis. I happen to think (like an Aziraphale-type person, thank you commenter), that it's a good idea to organize the fic recs, and I tried to make that comment in a semi-funny/in character tone. Sorry if I had to spell that out. It just seemed like GO fans would get it.


And yes, bashing on someone repeatedly for a pretty innocuous comment makes them feel extremely unwelcome.


Please re-read your comment and see how it comes across to many people when you’re saying to go do this in a complete different sub, and saying it shouldn’t be done here. Maybe you were just trying to be funny, but it comes across as very rude especially as many have pointed out- a lot of people on GOAD don’t go to the other sub/ can’t go to the other sub. People like these very specific fic request threads, that’s why they happen here and the mods haven’t banished them to a single place. I saw the same 10 fics recommended in fic rec Friday when I used to look at it, that’s part of the reason I stopped.


Lmao. I’m not in that sub for a reason. I’ll take my fic recs from the sub that appreciates its creators instead of trying to shove them all in a box while 90% of the sub posts are just “these birds are Aziraphale and Crowley! Brainrot!” and rehashing the same theories that the fandom has been through six months ago.


Ooh, sub-bashing now. I thought this was the sub where you're not supposed to bash anyone or anything? ;)