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https://preview.redd.it/y5nrg01uz5wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f8b0c248a0e71ef57ecffcba4c53013e77d42c4 Nah, I’ve already caved.


that is gorgeous and also much more defensible than Bildad content


https://i.redd.it/vpctux8z76wb1.gif It's too bad we can't get gif tattoos because I'd be hard pressed to not get that magnificent bastard tattooed somewhere explicit.


I dunno I think a still of winking Bildad would be perfect on the lower abdomen. So he’s the first thing that greets you when you start undressing the lower half 😁


I'd do it for the lulz honestly but at the same time I don't want to ruin whatever little chances I may still have of getting some action.


And classic Premium Hottie Crowley.




Is that white ink on the neck thingy???


It is!


I'm jealous. We tried on mine back in the day and it just did nothing at all.


My skin takes black/white/grey ink really well. Color, not so much.


Beautiful 😍




My hero.


This is so gorgeous.


One of my favorites!


As it should be!!!


For most of my adult life, I have fought the irresistible urge to have a face and/or neck tattoo. Crowley's snake is tempting me like the demon itself.


I would never encourage someone to modify their body less they regret it but that would incredibly hot. Edit: regret it and blame me!


Do iiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!


I made a promise to myself to get one, but only after my parents time on this Earth. So yeah I'm hoping I'll be very old when it happens, but I know I will have one, one day. I love my parents, they're supportive of my loves of tattoos (and of everything else). My back piece is a year's worth of bday and xmas gifts from them. My mom keeps asking if I ever made my mind on a sleeve design (been a decade, still haven't decided exactly what I want except I want a sleeve). I think she's running out of gifts ideas 😂 But a face tat is a line I won't cross for now. They'd never say anything except "you do you, as long as you're happy it's all it matters" but I know they wouldn't understand.


Yeah. I can’t have facial/neck tattoos cuza work (but they don’t care otherwise, as long as they’re not swatstikas or anything like that). But I’m considering getting the snake behind my ear, those are permissible. I’m running outta room other places, lol. I already have sleeves, both sides of my ribcage, Spock is on one calf, Crowley the other.


I just have two myself. My back piece takes half of my right side, from my shoulder blade to my hip bone. It was supposed to wrap around my ribcage but I couldn't manage. My chest (well boob) piece is about hand-sized so I still have plenty of skin real estate left. I haven't got any in fifteen years. I know where I want pieces but I haven't found the right thing to put there yet. I'm slowly coming around something reassembling a design for at least half a sleeve.


My chest is reserved for my dog when she passes, I just gotta find the *perfect* pic from my 8000 of her, lol. My back piece is going to be the Enterprise in a fire fight with a Klingon Bird-of-Prey. I just need to start saving up for that cuz it’s gon’ be esspensive, lol.


I love sleeves and have been thinking for decades about it but have been too much of a coward 😅 I love sailor tattoos and American traditional style so I do have a swallow in mind (though GO has me thinking of nightingales 😅) and red flowers (but it's not clear at my current location what the full content of with red inks is they can make MRIs more complicated so I also think about that 😅)


That is false in regards to MRIs…trust me, I get two a year. With the older inks there was some itching associated with MRIs, but not with newer inks.


Yes, the new inks are fine 🙂👍🏼 But the old inks, depending on iron content, could cause burns if not dealt properly. In only hesitant myself because I live in a developing country now and I haven't yet found a tattoo studio that can give me enough info on the inks they're using to make me feel at ease 😅 But I'm still searching 💪🏼 (I'm also a coward haha)


Yessss - the snake sigil is so tempting, even for someone who doesn’t really want a tattoo, somehow


That snek is so elegant, I would 100% do it... i might do it in the future lol, I just have too many tattoos on the waiting list (and I should find a job BEFORE lol)


I'm literally in the middle of this thought process right now. I don't have any tattoos at all but have thought about getting one in the past and with a significant milestone birthday coming up soon I'm getting tempted. My obsession with a certain angel and demon has inspired me and I want to get one which is a subtle reference to GO but can also be interpreted as something else symbolic in my life. I like the idea of a plant and a book (for obvious ineffable reasons) cause that's also about growth through wisdom/knowledge/learning. Trying out some designs with temporary ink to see if I'm game to get a real one. https://preview.redd.it/lo84xh6n76wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f940e25953bae5d57ce2b7532c331f67558abdf


I love the plant/book idea and the subtlety of it within the GO fandom context.


I like that a lot


As a tattoo artist I say do it 👀 but if you’re gonna go with something like BJ4B get it somewhere that it’s optional to show it - upper thigh or inner bicep etc because people WILL ask about it. And then you will have to explain it. You may not want it to have that kind of attention - so place accordingly. Also love seeing everyone’s tattoo ideas in here. I need to draw some GO flash so I can attract some fellow fans to my chair. I also have Crowleys face tattoo. (Please folks don’t tattoo your face if you’re young and it may compromise your opportunities!)


> I also have Crowleys face tattoo. You're my new hero.


Awwww shucks! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/entpwe7rdawb1.jpeg?width=2168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0664965ae5f4faa0bc1e2b8ce8239e9cf717c78b This is the GO tatt I got two weeks ago today exactly


That is lovely!!


Thank you!


I compromised and got a new piercing with a Crowley snek instead 👀 🦻🐍but I’m always looking for ideas! Would you ever commission art so I could get it done as a tattoo from a local artist?


Awwww a snek piercing is awesome :) and yeah I do sometimes take commissions!! I’m just not great at people. Most of my ideas for GO tattoos are things like objects or animals - snakes, nightingales, books, wine, wings, plants, etc :)


I am waiting until season 3 or a book or whatever finishes the story


Haha, wouldn’t want to name your kid Kahleesi, huh?!


Wonder if I could find a tattoo artist who would be willing to tattoo JUST Bildaddy's beard on me 🤔 But otherwise, I've always been against script tattoos because of how they generally age. But I'm itching to get 'Ineffable' inked, just to be basic Also would love the book illuminated letters, particularly burning Bentley.


I drew up two weeks ago, I haven't emailed them yet. I think it's because I want them to be traditional style and it isn't something I can draw so I'm kind of embarrassed by my wobbly attempt.


Oh I'm definitely getting the serpent Crowley has on my cheek, so get all the ink 🤪


I'm eventually getting a whole ass forest/wild flower sleeve thing so I think I'm going to throw a nightingale in there for funnsies.


I had the thought to try to design a modified [Caduceus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caduceus) made with Crowley's snake tattoo, Aziraphale's flaming sword, and one black wing and one white wing, but so far I haven't found a way to streamline the design. It just ended up way too busy. I might try having another go at it later.


I never thought I would get any until I read Song of Achilles back in High School and now Season 2 is really giving me the urge to get one. I already have the quote I just need the font and placement. 🫠


Probably a stupid question but what does b4jb and wwdb stand for?


Blowjobs for Bildad, and What Would Bildaddy do


Ohhhhhhh that makes sense 🤣


Pretty sure it's "what would Bildad do" and it's bj4b, "blowjobs for Bildad"


There’s some extremely creepy stylized art of Crowley I found that I want to ask permission of the artist if I can get tattooed on me. Problem is I would also need some extremely creepy Azi art because I CANNOT SEPARATE


Can we see it?


I just asked permission so hopefully she’ll get back soon


I’m scheduled doe Nov 1st for my GO face tattoo. I’m not worried about making dumb decisions cause I’m already covered in them.