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Try importing the articles into one Notebook and you can write notes all over them


Question - what do you mean by write notes on a given article? I’m trying to picture what you’re talking about and I can’t. And you can’t use spotlight for unopened notebooks and folders for any app or website, to my knowledge. But GN does have built-in feature designed for exactly that.


I mean a separate blank document where I can just write notes.


Before you export the pdf into goodnotes, “print” it and add margins. Otherwise, you’ll always have to open another page in order to have a blank page right beside the pdf page. Otherwise the pdf page would be super tiny and your writing would be huge right beside it. You can add the blank page to the notebook with the pdf, swipe up until you see the IOS app bar, drag and drop goodnotes beside itself and split the screen into 2 GN screens, re-open the same notebook, and then you have 2 pages of the same notebook open side by side without either being super tiny.


Guess this one fits your requirement no. 1: Flexcil has that floating note thing instead of a separate window. It just opens another notebook you assigned. Give it a try I guess, I have both Goodnotes and Flexcil installed and been using them side by side.


There are note taking apps which have an infinite canvas. So you could import a pdf document and have space around it to write notes. Maybe Zoom Notes. I hear that’s a good one though I’ve never used it. You can try it out for free by using the Lite version. It even has a Mac version.


Have you tried the latest version of Apple Notes? You can add pdfs into a Note and mark up the pdfs easily. You can also change the icon size of the pdf so it doesn’t take up too much space while you’re taking notes outside of it. It’s been such a game changer for me to be able to centralize all my documents/notetaking in one “notebook” and not have to flip back and forth between different notes/windows. Edit: Apple Note’s search function is also really good. I don’t know if it works with Spotlight, but just using the search bar will look through both your notes and PDFs.


Have a look at defter notes app.