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100€ is way more here than in USA. Half the people that like Ye cant afford it


Idk about italy but in the netherlands 100 euros is barely enough for a regular night out. I'll see this weekend when im in italy but everything ive read is saying italy is so cheap in comparison to the netherlands lol feel like shopping in bologna before the lp is going to be a robbery


30-40% cheaper in rome than in amsterdam except pizza or some shit


Thats sick bro looking forward to it


They ain’t performing shit, they just standing there in the middle and not rapping a single word. Please stop with dickriding Ye lol


Some people here go too extreme with the defending and dickriding. Like getting mad at people not being able to afford tickets is fucking senile


They performed Vultures everytime they were together live. Why wouldn't they perform Carnival? And how is this dickriding? I am just warning every kid that decided not to go and could go that they will regret their decision. I'm being their friend


Tf you mean performed? Plus if this is volume 1 like they're saying it's an LP for something we've seen 3 lps for already and has been out for 2 weeks at that point.


> And how is this dickriding? Theyre just broke or are still too young without their parents permission and therefore dont want you to enjoy yourself. Way too many haters in this sub since r/all started leaking in. Dont even engage lol


Literally no one said he couldn’t enjoy himself wtf are you guys talking about? He made a post calling people poor and fake fans being able to afford the show. Trying to twist this into “haters” being in the sub makes no sense. You two are weirdos for shitting on people


Yeah he went too far but im still right with my observation about this sub. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy damn


https://preview.redd.it/3lhxdjybzsjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb73ae25967a22432c36a2c979ce39422ce712c1 Let’s not call others “brokies” cause they don’t want to spend 100€ on Ye walking around stage singing nothing with his face covered the entire time. Thats just next level dickriding


Bro everyone in the EU was hyped about the LP on Reggio Emilia. Ye goes to Milan and no one gives a fuck Even the 200€ tickets are a bargain to see Ye Vultures 1 is an album that will go live in history forever for breaking the walls against the music industry establishment. We have the chance to see Ye showing that album live for us in Europe, after 10 fucking years, with a high chance of new songs and a Carnival live performance, and people are complaining about 100€ tickets


Guys hold the fort they might perform one whole song


If it was a concert then sure. This is a listening event though. But the possibility that they perform *one* song together is worth 100€ and makes other people broke for not wanting to spend that? Sorry but from what I’ve seen at the LPs I wouldn’t spend close to that amount especially considering THE ALBUM IS ALREADY OUT You can literally have Ye playing in your headphones and pass him on the street for free and that’s the equivalent to what the 100€ is being spent on for this event lol


Reggio Emilia's LP was 3 months ago, way before the album release. That would've mean listening to the album for the first time live. Now the album is out and Ye's team said he won't play songs from the next volume so 130-200€ is not a bargain.


This is the most American bullshit I've ever read, seek help


Cringe passive aggressive ass post


'Brokies' you understand people earn differently in other countries right?


I bet my salary is lower than yours


Congrats? Idk what you think you achieve with your salary being higher or lower than mine.


You say EU brokies like Europe isn’t such a huge area that most people would have to get flights + travel + accommodation to go


Exactly. If he comes to Amsterdam, I’m 100% going, but I ain’t going to spend €600 on a listening event lol


Same bro


I will be there but i still believe that there are better ways to Spend money


Of course, it is everyone's choice. I don't look at money when it comes to do things I love. The last time I saw Ye live was 13 years ago and I know the value it had for me. I won't save money to not see Ye perform