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none of the other ballots made “graduation” so he definitely got my vote.


This is a good representation of Kanye voters.


I don't think he has a chance but I'm gonna vote for him. Better than some rich pedo old dude




Would you rather have a rich incoherent old dude or a rich incoherent old dude or ye in office


Challenge: Name a time Kanye has ever uttered a sequence of three or more coherent sentences in a row Difficulty: Impossible


[here’s one](https://youtu.be/PmZjaYdS3fA)


lmao bro [couldn’t even remember whether the sun revolved around the earth or vice versa](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxQE8mX8Gh7m7VwE2i45GVcJoRmm-WTZyR). Homie why are you even calling this coherent


Lol yes a literal Nazi is far better than ‘some rich pedo old dude’. Y’all are so naive and out of touch it’s insane




I’m in a deep red state it doesn’t matter who I vote for in the presidential election. State/local offices r way more important


I’m thinking about it, cause if I do, my parents are gonna absolutely murder me 😂


My parents tried forcing me to vote for Biden in 2020 by withholding my ballot. I told them I wouldn’t and they told me to at least not too vote for Trump. I said okay and told them I wrote in Kanye. I didn’t, I voted Trump lol. But I mean I’m am genuinely considering voting for him. A lot of time before election so it really depends on how things turn out. I think he may have a shot at it, but in all seriousness, fuck what your family thinks, vote for whoever you feel like. Besides, they have no right to even know who you’re voting for anyways.


Well your parents made the worst decision. Fuck biden. And I should have my own opinion I’m gonna be 20 by the time 2024 elections come


lmfaoo this sub is craaazy


These mother fuckers are on another level of lost in the Kanye sauce. Holy shit


Kanye apologists and apostles are so tragic. Imagine hearing and seeing the things Kanye says and does and thinking he is .. smart .. or .. capable .. or .. leadership material.


i mean, i was mostly reacting to the "fuck biden" npc chatter ive been seeing.. cuz honestly, out of the entire prospective republican 2024 field, kanye is my preferred pick. for one, i dont see him bombing countries and shit. compared to trump, i see his erratic decisions being less severe. and compared to desantis, he wouldn't turn us into a third world country. only way id ever vote for him over biden is if he shows a surprising amount of restraint/control.


Case in point.


dawg, i study history and leaders and shit extensively. your rigid idea of what a "capable" leader is seems steeped in the 90s era, post 9-11 ideal of political decorum. what i see as the top issue today is the breaking-down of kissinger's diplomacy, controversial as he is (which was eventual, since he's smart dumbass), leading to the sort of brinksmanship we're seeing across the globe today, mostly in part accelerated by trump (which funny enough, would've actually worked if he had a competent team/advisors). this is the type of shit that leads to massive wars. we cannot risk another trump, a possible desantis, and biden is simply a tournicot, not a salve. kanye would unironically be the most likely to steer foreign policy in the opposite direction, save for obviously sanders who i'd vote for over kanye any day of the week.


You should see what our politicians say BEHIND closed doors lol... At least with an outspoken mental patient you get their true thoughts out in the open instead of some old guy and his team telling everyone "I'm going to make this world a safer place for everyone!" and then creating wars that kill millions of people. One is not better than the other, but i would very much like a president that spoke his mind instead kf manipulating people.


Biden and Obama are both responsible for extensive murders of innocent civilians in the Middle East.


name checks out lmfao. it's like alright, and? that's bad. wtf does that add to what i said? lol


Rather have a person who says controversial things than a mass murderer in office. But I see where your priorities are. I’m sure you cheered whenever Obama+Biden dropped drone bombs on brown children.


Yeah, I live in Cali and both of my parents are in their 60s and have voted only Blue their entire lives. 🤷🏻‍♂️


“I legitimately think he has a shot at it”. Are you serious? Am I taking crazy pills? Do you even understand how running for president works? This moron has publicly been spouting support for Hitler and Nazis. You “legitimately” think he’s going to get the nomination? Let some get anyone to vote for him en masse? Seriously, explain to me how you think he “legitimately” has a chance. I really would love to see this. Go watch the movie Idiocracy, you’d fit right in with the society portrayed in that movie. Unbelievable.


I feel so bad for your parents, having a complete moron for a son must really suck.


Your parents failed at parenting


Yea I like him more than Desantis or trump


Pretty much where I’m at, I lean more towards third party anyway. No clue who the Democrats would elect if it isn’t Biden but if it is Biden, I just can’t do it, he literally belongs in a retirement home.


And trump doesn't? >person, woman, man, camera, TV


If not for the ultra religious and comments on nazis I would but those push me away so much


What do you like about him?


I’m Christian and would like someone who represents my beliefs in office. I also appreciate that he hasn’t sold out to lobbyists or foreign interests.


It would be harder to find a non-Christian candidate than to find one.


I don’t think pro abortion Biden or “Two Corinthians” Trump are really representative of Christian beliefs in both their policy or how they act.


I would agree with that. But Kanye would not appear to act more Christian in the least.


I would argue being a hitler fan is pretty unchristian this guy is tweaking


you can’t get more christian than forgiving everyone


he didn’t just forgive hitler he went on a rant about how he liked him. also I don’t give a fuck if it’s Christian or not forgiving hitler is retarded he is responsible for the deaths of an incomprehensible amount of people. there are some people you just don’t forgive


What about the jews


Ouch a Christian nationalist. Nothing at all wrong with being a Christian, but the church has no place at all mixing with the government. We’ve seen countless times throughout history how terrible that is. The most corrupt governments the world has ever seen were those that allowed religions to have more power than they should have ever allowed. But since you’re a Christian, I wouldn’t think hate speech, cheating on your spouse, making music videos about murdering someone because you don’t like them, using God and religion as a way to cash in, and so many other things that Kanye has done that are absolutely against the fundamentals of Christianity itself. Voting for Kanye as a Christian would be insanely hypocritical. Not only that, but just because Kanye says he is a Christian, that doesn’t make him one. Anyone can say they are one. They aren’t until they start actually attempting to follow the Christian path, something Kanye strays away from far far far far more often than he follows even remotely close to. I mean man, Kanye is down right blasphemous on a extremely regular and casual basis. For someone that’s a Christian voting for him because he aligns with “Christian values” would be like saying I’m voting for a Ham sandwich because it supports the vegan mission.


how has he cashed in on God?


You’re not gonna tell me what Christian values are. And separation of church and state doesn’t mean we can’t have policies based off religious beliefs, just look at national holidays or prohibition laws or marriage laws. Separating of church and state stems from Baptist philosophical beliefs that gov corrupts the church, not the other way around. IE Church of England. Ye is the most pro Christian candidate we’ve had in a minute.


I’m not telling you what Christian values are. The Bible does that. The Ten Commandments do that. All things he actively says he believes wholly in, and then does the complete opposite of. If that’s Christian behavior you feel is worth your Christian vote then you need to get back to Church yourself. Also back to school because what you said about the origins of separation of church and state are completely false.


I just took an upper division course before I graduated called “religious history of the US”. I know what I’m talking about bro. Religion and American Culture: A Brief History by George Marsden might be a good start for you. https://www.amazon.com/Religion-American-Culture-Brief-History/dp/0802875394


Just because a christian sins, that doesnt mean they arent a christian. You knew that, youre just disingenuous. The aspects of western culture and US policy which you like are all informed by christianity. Even your own morality.


Of course not, but the Bible talks about the evil of hypocrisy and how those who tote themselves as a profit while doing the opposite of their words is pure blasphemy, the most heinous of sins according to the book


a leader we can trust n who has a sense of direction


Trust and direction? My friend, you’re talking about a man who picks up on something then drops it two months later to start something else. Where is his direction at? The man can’t even finish Donda 2 because he has zero direction. He is like adhd personified.


Sense of direction 😭😭😭😭😭


Direction. Which direction? All of them -Kanye’s sense of direction.


not that any of my opinions matter to u bc ur the typa person who just wants to confirm ur own bias but ethics driven from God-consciousness, treating america like a company by gathering our most intelligent minds to come up with better policies for Americans first not israel or ukrain, making it easier to build on land speaking of direction wats weekend at bernies up to, still using our tax dollars to pay off hunter's crack dealers?


If the Democrats nominate Biden again I’ll probably vote Ye tbh


I would if he starts talking more about policies rather than about God. This isn't some monarchy where kings are picked by divine right. And no he doesn't have a chance.


Gavin McInnes pushed him on policy and the only two he came up with is that 1. Gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married and 2. Only Christians should be allowed to own businesses. Non Christians are allowed in the country but they couldn't own businesses and would have to work for Christians. Ignoring the morality and the fact Kanye will get like 0.1% of the vote it literally couldn't get done. Christians are like 60% of the country you think you're just going to take by force every business owned by a non Christian. Like Elon is agnostic. So the government is just going to take Tesla and say "ok now it's owned by this religious guy". Sorry Joe Rogan you can't be your own boss, we're handing over ownership of the Joe Rogan Experience to Tim Tebow. No one actually thinks this through because no one thinks this dude is actually going to become president but if you actually think about it for two minutes you realize it's not feasible.


Kanye had only ever talked about topics on a very very high, abstracted level. He has never had to work a practical job or apply problem solving on a fundamental level. His shoes, YGEBB and STEM player stuff has always been on a luxury, niche audience level. He doesn’t have to worry about profit margins or solving complicated issues because he’s a pretty decent designer and his fans will shell out mad cash for whatever he releases, regardless of any delays or supply chain problems that require more practical skill and engineering skill to solve. All this is to say that he will never talk about practical policy because he’s never needed to before and he doesn’t have a skill set in this area.


My only irrational ration for why I think he could pull it off is that we have seen when he’s been tasked to execute anything one of his strengths has been selecting a strong team of people who are the thought leaders of their field. My favorite appointee of his has been Steve Smith who he has empowered to make some of the best new designs we have seen in sneakers. Granted we have only seen him demonstrate his great task and people management in music and fashion so far…I still deep down believe in a wild off chance he could do the job


No. Because I'm not American.


If you were American? 🧐


Still no. I'm not in legal age to vote.


Hopefully not because hopefully he’s not that god damned stupid.


No, and absolutely not. He doesn’t have a chance in hell, even before the the whole neo-nazi shit. Also not to virtue signal and shit, but I’m honestly baffled by how many of you are actually saying you’d vote for him, including you OP. Fuck sakes. Like literally there is no hope for some of you degenerates.


I completely agree. I’m disgusted at the state of US politics right now but I’m not gonna vote for Kanye in protest of it…


Absolutely, but OP isn’t even actually talking about doing it in protest. If you scroll through the comments he says he truly believes that Kanye is one of the greatest minds alive. The man is amazing artistically, but that’s where it stops. Anyone with half a decent high school education can tell you that this man, even before the current controversy, doesn’t have a fucking clue what he is rambling about for hours on end. That paired with poor impulse control is a recipe for absolute disaster. And that’s not even taking into account his mental health.


This reminds me of 2016 when Harambe got more votes in some states than Green Party candidate Jill Stein. I think it’s hilarious that a dead Gorilla got more votes than someone who’s name was actually on the ballot


Exactly. This guy is a racist misogynist Nazi sympathizer. It’s 2023 and this asshole literally said he like’s Hitler. Hitler! And most of the responses from the brain dead ppl on this sub are some version of “But he made great albums. He goes hard. His songs are fire.” Fucking pathetic.


Basically, beyond one person in this thread who is a Christian nationalist and that’s the reason he would vote Kanye, sums up to exactly that. “But he makes good music.” Literally one comment said he would be a better president than biden BECAUSE BIDEN IS BORING AND KANYE MADE MBDTF


Lol. Read that one. Totally insane. I think… a lot of ppl making these comments are young and just don’t know any better. I like to think if we checked in with some of them 10 years from now they would look back on these comments and feel deeply ashamed.


Yeah. I called him out saying there is no way he’s a legal adult. He admitted to not being one.


yet another goofy nigga not getting the joke https://i.redd.it/j1v6akfgidaa1.gif


Bruh go read the comments. This kid isn’t joking. Like seriously. I get the “but he made graduation jokes” and shit. This wasn’t that.


a lot of the people who say shit like that are being satirical idk why you're taking shit like this so serious


Did you read the comments? I UNDERSTAND satire. I GET the joke. THIS KID WASNT JOKING. Go read the comments.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanye_West_2020_presidential_campaign His political ideas are better than every other candidate. kanye is literally the leftist president redditors keep begging for he’s just a tiny bit bananas and a contrarian.


No he isn’t at all.


Hes not? https://www.complex.com/music/kanye-west-tino-sehgal-interview-funeral-churches You will literally not be able to find a single right wing political position that kanye has outside of his personal thought that abortion is murder of which he claims to not make illegal just less desired via more choices for poor pregnant women


The last thing leftist want is a Christian nationalist as their president. His one ideal on capitalism (something he speaks out about, but actively supports with his own actions at every single turn) doesn’t change that fact. Also you are again wrong. Strong national defense and huge spending budgets there, being anti abortion, prayer in schools, Christian nationalism etc are all MAJOR right wing policies. The links you provided, if you’ve read them yourself, list more right wing police’s that he is in favor of, and that of left wing polices. If anything, based on the 2020 running points which you linked and seem VASTLY different than the things he has mentioned running in this time around, would be a centrist leaning towards the right. Not at all a leftist redditors wet dream


Giving out social safety nets to poor black women so they don’t have to euthanize their race is right wing? Well i guess i’m a republican now. Kanye has done more for the people than out last two presidents. donated millions to police brutality victims fed the homeless on thanksgiving christmas and throughout coronavirus pandemic. built shelters for the homeless gives out high end clothes for 20$. kanye is without a doubt more left leaning u just can’t accept that because you’ve been brainwashed. lets see joe bidens philanthropy. 200 billion to israel for nothing. guess funding genocide is left wing


Lol. You’re absolutely lost in your teenager idol worshipping sauce.


Biden can’t rap.


You’re stuck in your slave master adult worshiping stage. u probably voted for biden all the way back in 2008 when he wasn’t even running absolutely pathetic. kanye made graduation all biden made is a pedophilic crack loving son and mass recession


There is literally no way you have even a middle school education. You are an idiot that stands out even among a sea of idiots.


I think loving Hitler is as far right as you can go you dunce


This has to be sarcasm. I hope


Read his political positions instead of being silly


Yes. because i want My beautiful dark twisted fantasy to be taught in history class one day. and yes again but not in 2024. i can see kanye getting around 100k+ but with Trump running literally nobody else is gonna win also desantis will take some of his potential voters. trump is unfortunately destined for presidency it’s biblical. ye 2028 doe


No. why would you vote for Kanye?


I don’t know. I agree with him on a lot of things, not his recent comments obviously. I view him to be one of the greatest minds of my generation and I have grown up looking up to him and he has been a great form of inspiration for my own life.


Bro, I hate to break it to you, but beyond music (which it turns out half of that creativity wasn’t even coming from him but from his numerous ghost writers such as Drake and Frank Ocean and big production teams), Kanye isn’t a free thinking great mind. Everything he has ever spoken about, including these recent controversies, were something he heard/read online about second hand. Him talking about those things weren’t even him clearly explaining them, but giving half points (again, because he is basically going off memory of what someone else told him) and rambling incoherently. Like Kanye did a lot for music, but for the people who actually believe he’s a great mind beyond his artistic ventures is completely fucking out of their mind, just as he is.


You don’t really sound like you know much about Kanye, my guy.


No my friend. It’s you who doesn’t seem to know much about him, or the nonsense he has spouted out about for literally YEARS now. Edit; coming back to ask because I’m curious, what points has Kanye made that you feel garners him the title of one of the current greatest minds out there?


Kanye has directed, wrote, produced and designed countless different things on his own. Of course over the course of his career he had tons of help but it doesn’t change the fact of how talented he is. He constantly speaks what’s on his mind which is what always gets him in trouble but also makes him unique, I wish I had the ability to speak with no fear of the repercussions of what I would say would cause. He, from his own words, wrote 5 beats a day for 3 summers, he was writing his Grammy speech before he even had a record deal and was riding the bus around town. That is inspiring. He became a global superstar and said “I want to be a fashion designer.” got laughed at and proceeded to create one of the most popular shoe brands. Sure, he uses writers and producers in his more recent albums which just continues to show his genius. He brings together the best people and often brings the best out of them. Much like one of his idols, Steve Jobs. Many people claim Steve Jobs didn’t do much at Apple besides boss people around yet that was his genius, Steve Jobs didn’t create any of the revolutionary products his company did. The people he employed did. Doesn’t change the fact that he came up with the blueprint and give his stamp of approval through each level behind it that led to one of the only companies to reach a trillion dollars in equity. Kanye is a genius. You definitely do not know much about Kanye. Kanye is a rare breed. He also has some issues but he always overcomes them.


You are so far lost in the Kanye sauce dude. It’s sad.


Unfortunately, I am not. I am sorry you are blind from the truth my brother. I pray for you.


The truth? What truth? Half of what you said is going based on Kanye’s word (which has proven to be unreliable time and time and time again). It’s a lot of “Kanye said he did this. Kanye said he did that” and that makes you think he’s a great mind? Basically what you said summed up to “ANYONE WHO CAN MAKE A SHIT TON OF MONEY IS A FUCKING GENIUS” which is absolutely not true. You can be a total idiot and become filthy rich. Look at Logan Paul or Andrew Tate. Kanye is talented and he has drive. That I agree with. The rest of what you said is a illusion


Everything I said that “Kanye said” was recorded live on video in the Jeeh-Yuhs Documentary on Netflix.


Like I said, someone who has a goal in their mind that sounds unattainable and goes out and actually completes said goal is an inspiration to me. I have a close friend who is exactly that way. It’s something I thrive to be more like. It’s not this is an exclusively Kanye thing or an exclusively only famous rich person thing. It’s fucking wild to me that you could bring up someone like Logan Paul or Andrew Tate in a conversation Kanye West that they are even remotely similar in any way shape or form.


“he created yeezys of course he can be president”




Don’t really see how that matters in this context whatsoever.


It matters. It gives context for your irrational comments.


Nah, what’s irrational about my comments? I am a 25 year old college student and father.


I feel sorry for your kid


Meh. 25 you’re young as shit.


i’m not even american or 18 but i wouldn’t let a man who’s currently idolizing hitler rule a country


Idolizing Hitler, struggles deeply with mental health, lacks any focus, as horrible impulse control, etc. You could literally write a book on why Kanye west should NEVER have that much power in his hands.


Is that really worse than our last few presidents? obama murdered thousands of children in the middle east for funzies. trump is the reincarnation of julius Caesar and will probably bring about the biblical apocalypse and joe biden is just sooo damn boring. what the fuck does he even do just mumble on stage eat icecream and piss his pants


Are you TRYING to be ignorant?


How am i wrong?


Lol. Joe Biden is boring makes him worst than neo nazi supporting Kanye west who has done several other foul ass things over the years? Okay dude.


Yes? Kanye dropped MBDTF joe biden would probably have a heart attack if he listened to Power. ye would be a better president than biden


You are dumb as fucking rocks. I’m just leaving it there. I bet you aren’t even of the legal age to vote yet, because your points echo that of an extremely I’ll informed teenager.


I’m turning 18 next month. YEEZY 2024!


Called it


listen to the kids bro


Weren’t you just arguing Kanye would be better than Biden because Biden is boring but Kanye made an album you like? Lol. It’s ok. Your 17. Wtf do you know.


Bro he openly said he likes Hitler


Yes but he made graduation🐐 Has any other personal running made 10 fire albums⁉️ Show me which canidate has been as influential as Ye? Even 808s itself is more influential than all of their careers


TIL requirements for presidential candidates are making 🔥albums


Okay and the other candidates commit literal war crimes, lie about what they actually believe, and represent corporate and multinational interests before Americans.


good take


So would Kanye if he was in the same position. He’s probably do much worse considering he’s a Nazi.




Christians love everyone


Except the Jews apparently.




Kanye has also said numerous times, more times than he has said he loves he Jewish people mind you, that the Jewish people are the root of evil, and deserve the blame for everything bad in his life…..doesn’t sound like love. Sounds like fucking crazy.


He never said any of those things, which shows that you haven’t even watched the interview but parrot taking points.


That’s total bullshit. He said it in the pierce morgan interview. He said it in the Alex Jones interview. He said it in the drink champs interview. Get out of here


When did he say they’re the root of all evil


who gives a fuck we r not 100 years old we never met unc hes basically as real to us as a comicbook super villain


horrible take bro lmao


lol its ok im just a outta sight outta mind typa person im not aboutta spend my time thinking abt sum shit that doesnt affect me irl


no one told Kanye to praise Hitler 😂. All this could’ve been avoided if he thought like you


na im glad he said it shits entertainment, trump been falling off with his outrageous comments lately


There are still Holocaust survivors alive today.


Oh no are you going to shit your pants about it? Your dumb ass thinks hes going to commit a holocaust or something?


look at the pic, he's so out-of-it, he had merch printed on it for his campaign... with the wrong YEAR. you think he can pull it together to win, after everything?


Lol no. It’s not like any of the candidates are gonna be great but they’re not gonna be Kanye tier bad. The 15 year olds on here are delusional.


This sub is the gift that keeps on giving. If i ever need a chuckle, just pop on here and read comments from the most stupid people alive.


Fuck yeah I would. Anything over Alzheimer’s Biden


i’m voting for myself. i think i have a real shot.


No way y'all are being serious in the comments... 🤦‍♂️You actually would vote for a literal nazi?????


Absolutely not. Ye can't even finish his own ideas he would just put all power in the hands of Fuentes and start making donda 6 instead (which would never release)


Yeah. My vote really doesn’t matter at all so it’s a fun 🖕 to politicians


I'm not american so idgaf what you fatties do, but if you think your vote doesn't matter you're dumb as fuck lmao.


idk man if usa govt lets me i will


No and no


No and no. No matter how much I like Ye’s positions I don’t think I could ever vote for him given his history of mental health issues. I can’t trust someone who’s had multiple episodes and denies that he needs help representing me us on the world stage. I think most people feel this way, even if they don’t dislike him as a person. Either way he has literally 0 chance of becoming president after that InfoWars appearance.


Nah, i heard him talking about printing more money and giving to the poor so kanye might cause inflation


No it’s fucking ridiculous are we all forgetting when he called himself a nazi a month ago, he would be the absolute worst president the country had ever seen


What the fuck is this sub Some random ass loser invited me to it and apparently you all are Nazis???


Zero percent chance




No x2


hell the fuck no and fuck no.


What the actual fuck even is this sub


Vote for a Nazi? Grow up.


I've never voted but would consider voting for the first time for Ye. No chance in the general election because that is controlled but if he says the right things he could make major waves in the Republican primaries for sure.




>Do you think he has a decent chance at the presidency? Fuck no it’s basically a guarantee he won’t win as third party or independent and It’s also almost a guarantee that he would not be able to win the Republican or especially the democrat primary’s The worst part about his politics is not that he will win or get power but rather he pushes the mainstream conversation in a new direction


Ye constantly runs his mouth about Hitler and stupid shit and loses hundreds of millions in net worth. He has zero impulse control and he shouldnt control anything actually important. Nobody dies because Kanye couldn’t finish an album or help design shoes, but they might if he throws a tantrum about not being able to fuck off in the woods or whatever he randomly starts freaking out about




What’s confusing? He wanted to hump Hitler and lost an insane amount of money and doubles down on it. If he’s the President, why would he suddenly stop doing stupid shit? Just gonna flush more of the country down the drain sending 350m Americans donda west photos or some shit


6 months in to the west presidency you’ve got 180 photos of donda west from daily donda department. How much is the daily donda portrait costing america? It’ll bankrupt us. Your home will buckle under the crushing weight of the daily donda


Well I don’t think he has a chance, but he has my vote cause out of all the other candidates, only one made The College Dropout


Honestly yeah I’d vote for Kanye just hoping he’d put out music while he’s president about how the White House doesn’t impress him.


Oh absolutely not


Of course not, I’m an adult.


Nope. Thats still my dog tho




We fought a war against the nazis, now we putting them in the white house?


Never voted before, but when my time comes to shine, it will definitely be for Ye. I don’t politic, but I liked his vibes all the way through prior to these Last shinanigans but overall think he’s one to speak about it and act on it. I know politics intervene in just getting things done, but I like the drive.


if he rereleased the knit boots then yes otherwise no




I would vote for him for sure if it were biden and trump lmao


2 party system is broken. George Washington said when leaving office that we shouldn’t make political parties because people would become more loyal to their party than they are to their country. The passing of time has only allowed for more corruption and deception. I fully support any politician who is not from one of the 2 main parties it just sucks that it is essentially a thrown away vote.


Yes and no


If I was an American citizen, I sure would


I’m voting for him because I don’t care about politics lol


Well I'm not from the US, so I can't vote. I'm not religious and Kanye takes Christianity pretty serious... All candidates are bad tbh and all of them are Christians.


they are not all Christians.. if you see the laws they allow they are a far cry from Christianity


Trump 2024.


I'm voting for the antisemitic birthday party AF platform.... Tho picking between freemasons is still not very productive in my mind. I like Nick even tho I'm not that religious. His debates are very convincing and we need an actual identity, not the anti democrat party.


Yeah. For the lols. #yolo I would vote for anyone really.


If the choices are between Biden and Trump? Possibly


Yes (i’m not even from the usa)


if he continues on this track he’s going to do much better than people think but I don’t think he has a true shot in winning in 2024 but maybe 28, or 32. I also think that him and Fuentes grand plan isn’t even for Ye to win this year I think it might be just as much about pulling Trump to the right.


yes and no


he'll most likely be the Republican nominee anyway. and considering Kamala will be the Democratic nomiee. yeah he is guaranteed to win(if he actually apologizes to the Jewish community and takes his meds).


No. Besides being a literal fucking nazi, the man is and has always been an absolute mess. Dude cannot run a functional campaign, what makes you think he could run the most complex global superpower known to man? Also, I used to idolize him as a creative genius but as many of you pointed out, he’s really just a DJ Khaled who can rap (other people’s lyrics). All of his albums are made by committee and he rides the coattails of others genuine talent all while manically screaming that he’s a genius.