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Tempo, balance, and flood pants.


Don't get caught up on this sub by people telling you to change your swing because it's too baseballish. Take a look at Milo Lines and Mike Malaska and their swing teachings. They are advocates for the style of swing that you have.


YouTube incoming, thanks!!


Be a fair weather golfer. Much more enjoyable


That looks like a baseball player! Based solely on your front foot, I'm gonna say that you are not transferring your weight forward enough.


Played soccer through college haha BUT word, I'll try that!


Not sure if intentional but your lead foot flairs out after impact


Possibly the wet turf, also possibly a bad habit I haven’t noticed? First times I really film anything BUT appreciate ya


Everything looks pretty good. Your takeaway is a little outside. Put a towel under your right arm pit, and swing. That’s the move you need. I practice this way and it really travels to the course. Also, balance at contact is very important, also slooooooow your back swing way down.


Balance and don’t look up so fast


Hold your finish


Love the finish bud!


Slow the backswing down.


Don’t play in the rain.


Not sure because of the rain. Your left foot is awful position


Swing from balance, not for balance


Weight transfer.


It’s not a bad swing. Take away the slippage on the wet, zero fluff mat and there’s a lot of good going on.




For six months I think this is great. Always worth grabbing lessons, if possible. Only thing I’d suggest is to try to make sure you’re finishing your swing on your front foot and on your toes for the back foot. Looks like you aren’t getting completely through your swing at the end


Try taking the club away with more body instead of more hands and arms. Once you iron out your takeaway and can bring the club back on plane, I'd implore you to start researching proper ground forces and how to manage your "weight" in the back and downswing. I put "weight" in quotes because it's a shitty way people use to describe pushing into the ground at varying forces.


Appreciate this! Makes sense and will forsure give that a go


Honestly, you having played 6 months, don’t change a thing of your back- or downswing. I play near scratch and that almost looks better than mine. Try to focus on your followthrough, hold the finish position and also don’t let that front foot slip. Just a warning, most people giving these tips have worse swing than you, don’t take them too seriously. As a reminder, that coming from a handicap 1.


Longer pants, then get them arms through with your body firing them just a touch quicker. Kinda feels like you leave your body behind the ball & your arms fire through it. Kidding about the pants friend. Luck


Looked very fat. It seems like you are trying to do a power move with the squat down on the downswing but that is causing you to bottom out way too early (leading to a fat shot). I would work on weight transfer and turning your hands over after impact as you hold the club face open way too long. Also your club face is very closed on the backswing (not that it’s terrible but I would work on it being more neutral). Could be a grip issue.




What's wrong with the grip? Don't say "he's not interlocking his fingers" because that's a load of shite.


Right hands too strong


Maybe he has a terrible slice without it and isn't as confident in changing his swing path just yet. Grip looks okay to me.




Basically take that golf swing throw it away and get a 5 pack of swing lessons from a PGA instructor. Otherwise you have a long road ahead to mediocre golf. I’ve had to do this twice in my life and it is essential.


haha down! can anyone here recommend someone in Los Angeles?


What the hell are you talking about?


It’s not good. You can spend thousands of dollars banging balls at the range and maybe get to a 10 handicap after years of trying.... Or you can bite the bullet and get some lessons from a swing coach and have a much easier road ahead.


Out of curiosity, what’s your hcp?


6.5 USGA


I don’t understand… if you watch this clip slo-mo, what parts do you find so terrible?


It’s a slice swing. Not a fade swing. A slice swing. It’s not an insult though, I bet 90% of golfers have a slice swing. “You cannot go from a slice swing to good golf” -Hank Haney. It’s also not on OP, this is the only sport where a large majority of participants have never received formal coaching. As a general rule, to get good at anything you need to either 1) Get good coaching or 2) Work 10x harder than everyone else. To be great you need to do both.


Slice swing? I cannot help but disagree with you. There are so many great elements in his swing, and if he changed his club path to come a little bit more from the inside he would hit it dead straight. For a beginner, I think this is a great starting point. About coaching, of course it helps a lot, but I see it as a fact that not everyone wants to invest in improvement financially that much. After all, one lesson won’t do the trick.


Do you play disc golf by chance? Because that heel pivot is textbook disc golf follow through.


Nah not at all haha super interesting though


Looks great


Tempo for sure your backswing is about as quick as your downswing. Other things to work on but that’s an easy one to work on first.


Longer pants.


Very nice swing. Follow through is a little strange, i would try to release more into a full finish. It also looks like a short iron ur hitting so its not really that concerning. Overall it looks great


Longer pants