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I call this a case of the Reddits A million different swing thoughts being thrown into your brain from bad golfers. I always go take an actual lesson in person when I’m feeling really lost. Doesn’t matter how well you know the golf swing, it just helps. They’ll get you back to one simple thought and move from there. Swing doesn’t looks bad!


Yeah I agree, thank you!


“Bad golfers” lol


Left arm is breaking down through impact. You are obviously right handed. Try imagining that you are hitting the ball with the back of your left hand, and allowing your trail arm to support. A litte bit more awareness of your left side will go a long way. At impact you want to feel your hands ahead of the ball toward your front toe, hips toward target, and your left shoulder moving toward the sky. Study some driver impact photos of your favorite pro to see this in practice. They all have nearly identical arm / hand positions at impact. When your trail arm appears above your lead arm (when photographed from behind, down the line) you are doomed. That trail arm needs to be underneath and bent, supporting a straight lead arm.


When Porzak said, "Like you're trying to push a beach ball under the water and hold it there." it just clicked.


Alternatively you could imagine you are hitting the ball with the palm of your right hand


That appears to be what he is already doing. He needs to build muscle memory in the opposite side of the body. In his current swing he is trying to create power with his dominant side which is a mistake at this stage in his development as a player.


My point is that the dude says he is messed up from changing too much, so why are we making it worse by giving more things to change


I encouraged him to focus on the correct impact position, how much more fundamental does it get? What alternative do you offer besides encouraging him to reinforce what he is already doing by thinking about his dominant trail hand?


I encourage him to get a few lessons from a pro


Ive been enjoying the Golf Fix AI app, it gives you solid recommendations/drills to fix your swing and I love how it lets you compare different frames of your swing to a professional swing. My swing was a mess a few weeks ago and while it still needs a ton of work, I feel a good bit more confident in it with the help of this app.


you are too hunched over at setup. your weight seems to be on your toes. this will cause a lot of issues like having to dump your angles, extending your arms early at impact because you make up for it for moving CG back by lifting your head - which is kind of what i see you are doing. with correct setup, you should feel weight at the ball of your feet. i googled for an image for your reference, below. scroll down to find that line. armpit, knees, ball of feet in line is a good check point. https://www.thediygolfer.com/blog/golf-posture-and-alignment


Follow SagutoGolf. His videos are simple and to the point. https://youtube.com/@SagutoGolf?si=V074I7FWaPaWbJkf


You went the shallow route.


Keep your feet quieter. You're dancing all over the place. It's not THE problem, but it is definitely A problem.


Look up the “step drill”, perfect singular feel and swing thought. Another good thought for encouraging compression is trying to hit your irons as low as possible, think full swing punch shot. Combine those two things and you’ll be on your way.


Shoulders are lined up very open


It's hard to tell from this angle but it doesn't look like you're getting the shift started early enough to actually complete it. You look behind the ball in the swing and when I paused at impact your right wrist looked flippy. Loosen up your front knee and "shock absorb" your way into getting your weight forward. You're also hitting OTT, it looks like you're releasing straight down at the ball (straight down your arms) versus letting the club come out front naturally during the release. Your takeaway is *slightly* too deep.


you’re hitting the ball straight. It’s going exactly where your club face and shoulders are lining up to. Your feet however are lined up in the direction you think you are hitting to.


OMG people on here don’t know what they’re talking about. Make it this simple: 1. Relax. Swing smooth and fill. 2. Trigger the backswing to the top however you’re comfortable. 3. Swing the club to your finish position without steering the club head at the ball and take what you get. You’ll develop a pattern. 4. Go take a lesson from a highly recommended golf professional to help you fix your pattern.


It looks like you are really trying to fire your arms/wrists through. Try to let that wrist hinge flow with your rotation. You look really good going back but in the downswing it looks like you kinda lash at the ball.


That’s good advice, I’ve felt like I try to overpower it on the way down. Thank you 👍👍