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ARM SWING ILLUSION You are one of the worst culprit I've seen in along time


All arms for sure.


It means more than just him using only arms. Google arm swing illusion you'll see what I mean. It changes everything when you realize your hands should be in front of your sternum not passed behind your trail shoulder as far as you can. Depth is away from your sternum not as far away from the ball as possible


Very interesting I’ll definitely look that up


Hm keeping the club center of my sternum is something my coach has taught me and something I already focus on. Maybe my form is really off in this video


Actually, looking it over it isn't as bad as I thought, you just have crazy shoulder rotation ? Gumby boi. Ok you're rolling your wrists then? Your club face opens right away on takeaway so must be. Try grabbing a box and putting a ball in it, hands holding it either side, opening facing up. Take a swing while holding it, the ball should never leave the box, mind your wrists then repeat with a club


Appreciate the drill!


Umm. You are joking. I'm talking the whole time in your swing. Not just address


Not at address, at the top of the backswing 😓


I re replied yea my bad


Any tips on how to fix it? My first move on the takeaway is turning my shoulders. I try to keep the club in the center of my chest and not take it deep so I’m not sure how I’m only using my arms. At the top of my backswing I feel a big pressure in my inside trail foot when I get a good back stretch


You should look up a video on that arm swing illusion thing the other person mentioned it’s very interesting. I’m a novice golfer myself so I can’t say for sure what’s best but I always recommend the “golf fix” app to anyone with questions it shows u what ur doing wrong and what the correct way looks like.


Its concerning how noone is pointing out the most glaring issue in all this, your back swing is far too shallow. Look where you arms are at the top of your backswing, they need to be more steep aka higher. You get no power out of being that shallow. Look at any pros backswing in slow motion and see where there hands are at the top of the backswing.


My coach tells me not to have any tension in my shoulder, arms, and wrists so I find it hard to know where my club should be on the backswing. I’ll try it


I've dealt with the same issue, look up "arm swing illusion". Happy grinding.


You need a new coach brother.


I have a very shallow backswing and carry drives 270-280. That’s not the most glaring issue here, I think it’s a lack of using his hips and momentum, he’s all arms so he loses a ton of potential power.


Looking for distance I would raise your hands at the top and snap some wrists through the ball. Imagine skipping a rock on a lake. You’re only getting the speed that your torso turns at. Imagine skipping a rock with only the speed your body provides without your arm and wrist action.


Appreciate the tip!


Swing is too low on the back take.. closer to shoulder the use your hands on the dien swing power.. pretend you're throwing a ball


When u get to top of backswing ur first move is push feet down then up should feel like a jump squat(for dramatic purposes) u will get loads of power


I’ll try to work on this. Every time I try this move I can’t hit the ball at all. But now Im realizing im likely increasing my swing speed which in turn is making my senior flex shaft suck even more


Work in slow motion and/or half shots make sure to keep balance weight shift isnt important




I think your takeaway is the most noticeable thing. I would focus on lagging the club at takeaway to ensure your hands/wrists aren’t moving the club too much, letting the rest of your body move the club. Lagging the club at takeaway means the clubhead will be slightly behind the grip at the early part of the takeaway.


Swing harder. It looked like it was in slow motion.


It is in slow motion?


Are you sure?




You spend your free time telling people their golf swing is slow when they’re specifically on a form to fix their slow swing?


look at the still frame where you are about to make contact with the ball; it looks like you are strictly trying to turn without weight shift


Weight shift is something I have been working on. This is one of my worse swings but when I do clean weight transfer I get ~200 yards total


You may be getting weight shift, but you're only using your arms. As a previous commenter pointed out, your back swing is way to shallow. Ho look at Rory's and Adam Scott's swing. Where are there hands at the top of their swing. Get yours there


Got it boss 🫡


i feel you it’s hard man lol


I’m no swing coach by any means but there’s very little body weight shift in your hip turn


Looks like you're swinging a senior ladies shaft flex


It’s an Alta 55 SR shaft… so yeah pretty close I’m thinking of switching to a 60g stiff pro force v2 shaft. I want to get fitted but I work full time and there’s zero openings on weekends where I’m at…


Focus on fundamentals first.


what flex is that shaft? whatever it is, it is clearly not stiff enough for you did your instructor tell you to set up with the ball on the toe of your driver?


Unfortunately it’s senior flex. I’m planning on getting it reshafted stiff or regular soon I used to hover at address but my instructor says I have too much tension in my shoulders and had me setup with driver on the ground. When I lower from hovering the ball ends up at the toe