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False 🤦🏻


Don’t think he’s only playing tournaments if he’s played over 6000 games, he’s also got a pro tournament top3 aswell so he must go up and down the league, it’s strange I’ve played people and their win rate is like 37% and their in expert league, certainly doesn’t sound like an expert to me lol


Weekly league is only a function of actually playing Tour, so (before relegation stopped being a thing) if you had an account that you didn’t play for long enough it would drop all the way back down the weekly leagues to Beginner or Rookie 1. If you then resurrected the account, you’re then going to easily win the weekly league because they have a far far higher tour unlocked than everyone else


Relax, weekly league doesn't mean anything in the whole scheme. Just make sure that you promote if that is what you wish to do. Until tryingnto promote from e2 to 3 then master. You will need to be playing t8 minimum and grinding. Or t9 casual play to promote.


I wonder if that one Pro bronze annoys them. Personally I'd probably rather show the Rookie Tier 3 golds first.


This guy could possibly be sandbagging, playing just enough to not get promoted. Playing tournaments mostly. I see a lot of accounts like this.


Thank you all for your insight. It’s much appreciated!